Chapter 167 Ye Fan Returns
Since Xu Yu crossed the catastrophe, he seldom travels, and most of the time he spends most of his time under the Bodhi tree in the holy land of Zifu to comprehend his own Tao and Dharma.

In addition, because he was going through the tribulation in the starry sky, other than the high-level officials of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, no one else knew that he had already cut the Dao.

After slaying the Dao, Xu Yu wanted to leave the Big Dipper and embark on the Starry Sky Trial Road, but there were still people and things he cared about in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, so he did not leave for a long time, but quietly cultivated in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion.

Melting hundreds of scriptures into one body and creating one's own scriptures is the path that every enlightened person must take.

In this way, Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the Bodhi tree every day, creating his own scriptures, and sat for seven years.

During these seven years, the situation in Beidou further deteriorated, and the revival of the Primordial Ten Thousand Races caused conflicts with the great religions of the Human Race's major holy places, and even caused bloodshed.

Of course, having the power of the extreme emperor soldiers is very confident, because they have the backhand left by the ancient emperor, and they have no fear of the Taikoo tribe at all, and the Taikoo tribe is also captured by the power of the extreme emperor soldiers, and they are not as powerful as those ancient warriors. The aristocratic family is deadlocked, but friction will break out from time to time.

And when facing the Zifu Holy Land, Daoyi Holy Land and other forces that have never had a great emperor, the tails of those Taikoo tribes are also raised in the sky, extremely strong and domineering.

Therefore, on the land of the Eastern Wasteland, the Zifu Holy Land and the Daoyi Holy Land directly formed a large-scale bloody conflict with those ancient tribes.

The Holy Land of the Purple Mansion has to face the clamor of some ancient royal families every day, which is very annoying, because these royal families are only a saint in their ancestors in ancient times.

Even now, some of their remaining ancient ancestors are not as high as old Zixu.

The main purpose of their coming to the Holy Land of Zifu several times is to want territory and resources.

Of course, if it is one-on-one, the Purple Mansion Holy Land is not afraid of a small royal family at all, but those Taikoo clans don't talk about martial arts and have no lower limit. It is often a group of Taikoo kings who come to block the gate.

Under such an operation, several holy places in the Eastern Wilderness Central Territory, Zifu Holy Land, Daoyi Holy Land, Huanggufengjia, Dayan Holy Land, Wanchu Holy Land and many other holy places directly sent a ruthless attack, and jointly harassed those who came to harass them. The Taikoo Clan in Central Territory was expelled.

Unwilling to admit defeat, the Taikoo tribe wanted to find those forces that possessed the ancient imperial soldiers and dispatched the extreme emperor soldiers to regain their position, but they were suppressed by the Yaochi Holy Land, and finally died without a problem.


Suddenly, thunder exploded in the holy land of Zifu, which surprised too many people. It turned out that it was Zixia who was crossing the catastrophe.

After several years of deep cultivation, Zixia has now made up for her shortcomings, her soul is as one, her soul is firm, and even her body has been polished, and she can crack the king's weapon with her bare hands.

Today, she finally ushered in the catastrophe of the last small step of her Sendai Second Heaven.

He saw a sea of ​​thunder gathered above the sky, filled with colorful thunders of different thicknesses, but Xu Yu's experience in crossing the catastrophe told him that this catastrophe was very unusual.

Sure enough, as Zixia began to cross the catastrophe, Lei Hai, who was originally manic, calmed down, full of weirdness.

I can see that the sea of ​​thunder is constantly evolving, there are mountains and rivers, grass and trees, all living beings, all kinds of people in the world of mortals, and even the ancient heavenly buildings that appeared when Xu Yu crossed the catastrophe in the past can be vaguely seen.

Mountains, rivers, vegetation, and all living beings, everything is the evolution of Tao, or it can be said that these are the appearance of Tao.

As an innate Taoist, Zifu is naturally close to the Dao, in harmony with the heavens and the earth, and can sway the power of the Dao, but that is just an application of the Dao. People with advanced Taoism can do this even if they are not innate. step.

For example, Li Ruoyu in the Taixuan School in the original book, although his talent for cultivation is not good, he has been consistent for hundreds of years, with a firm heart, and he has also comprehended his own natural way from the world, which really surprised many people. .

On the other hand, looking back at Zixia in the original book, one will find that her innate Taoist fetus is so mediocre, she has no dazzling achievements at all, and even the innate Taoist fetus she is proud of is not as good as an ordinary divine body.

It can only be said that Zixia in the original book, his innate Taoist body, which can stand side by side with the ancient holy body, has not been discovered by her to the correct mystery, and she has lost the prestige of the innate Taoist body in vain.

But now with Xu Yu's intervention, under the instigation of his butterfly, Zixia's original destiny has also changed.

Not only did she obtain the "Xihuangjing" suitable for her practice since she was a child, but she also obtained other secret art treasures through Xu Yu, which made up for her physical shortcomings.

The current her, in terms of strength, can definitely compete with those emperors and sons, and may even surpass them.

While Xu Yu was still thinking wildly, the mountains, rivers, plants and trees evolved from the catastrophe turned into a Taoist map and wrapped Zixia in it.

I saw that Zixia continued to shatter one piece after another of the Dao rules in the endless catastrophe, and the flowers, plants and trees that evolved from the thunder catastrophe all turned into strands of Dao marks and penetrated into her body.

After a while, Zixia walked out of the mountains, rivers and vegetation that evolved from the catastrophe, and went straight to the buildings in the sea of ​​thunder.

However, this journey was not destined to be so peaceful. On her way forward, young emperors who were branded by the world appeared one after another.

Even though it was just a brand, their battle power was at its peak when they were young. Even Zixia had a hard time defeating the ninth figure. At this time, her body was shaking when she walked.

But in the end she survived the catastrophe.

Now she is only one step away from cutting the way. If she can understand her own way, she can even cut the way immediately, but this is impossible, even if Xu Yu, who has the perspective of God, is cutting the way, It is also necessary to sort out what one wants to cut before performing the cut.

The sun rises and sets, and the grass withers and sprouts again. In the cycle of these natural laws, two years have passed.

In the past two years, the younger generation of the Purple Mansion Holy Land has grown up differently, which is also because the revived Primordial Clan are doing all kinds of evil.

Although it has not yet risen to the level of a life-and-death battle between races, in order to compete for territory, there has been constant friction between the holy places of the ancient clan and the human race.

Although the number of saints of the Taikoo clan is relatively large, that is only on the surface. Among the holy lands of the human race, which family does not have one or two saints as the background.

It's just that the holy lands are used to intrigue, and they don't know how to hug each other to keep warm, so the holy lands paid a heavy price for this.

The reason why the Zifu Holy Land and the Dao First-class Holy Land are now linked together is also because the ancient Chen family in the Eastern Wilderness was exterminated by the Taikoo Clan.

The ancient Chen family is a hermit family in the eastern wasteland. There have been several saints in the family, and their background is not weaker than that of the Zifu Holy Land. Escaped a catastrophe in Qishi Mansion.

During the friction with the Taikoo Clan, Xu Yu also made a move, secretly attacking and killing some masters of the Dao Slashing Realm, to support war with war.

In this way, Xu Yu went through several catastrophes one after another, and now he has become the peerless king on the fifth small step of Xiansan Zhan Dao. With the addition of Jiezi Mi and God Forbidden, the semi-holy is not his opponent.

Now Xu Yu's practice is no longer like the way of ascetic monks before, but more about feeling the way of heaven and earth.

Time flies, 14 years have passed since Ye Fan left Beidou, according to the original records, he should be back.


Until this day, on the Purple Sacred Peak where Xu Yu was sitting cross-legged, a disciple suddenly broke in and broke the tranquility.

"Holy Son, the royal family of Beiyuan has been wiped out, all at once..."

I saw the visitor speak out the news that the Beiyuan royal family was destroyed in a breathless voice.

"No, the Wang Family and the Taikoo Clan have a good relationship, what kind of forces will take action to destroy this clan, could it be those extreme forces?"

Zhou Feng, who sat cross-legged on the Purple Sacred Peak with Xu Yu, made a judgment.

Today, the disciples who went to the Heavenly God Realm with Xu Yu in the past to participate in the experience have grown up now, and even the worst Zhou Feng is now a celestial being.

Now because of the fact that the Bodhi God tree has taken root on the Zisheng Peak, they are also willing to come here to communicate with Xu Yu.

What's more, there is also a spiritual Bodhi tree here, staying by his side is equivalent to sitting cross-legged under the tea tree of Enlightenment all the time to practice.

Not to mention them, when the Bodhi Sacred Tree was brought back to the Holy Land of the Prefect, even the Lord of the Purple Mansion wanted to live with the Bodhi Sacred Tree, but was finally rejected by the Bodhi Sacred Tree.

After all, the Bodhi Tree is now a semi-holy powerhouse, and no matter what, it has its own temper.

Staying with a group of young people, staying with a group of bad old men, a normal person will make the right choice, not to mention the Bodhi tree known as the tree of wisdom.

Coupled with the fact that Bodhi Tree and Xu Yu knew each other before, these young people are all arrogance, not the gray-haired old men in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion.

But there is one thing to say.Under the blessing of a complete set of imperial scriptures provided by Xu Yi, the cultivation of the Bodhi Sacred Tree has become slower and slower over the years.

The main reason is that he did not choose to change form like other monsters, but chose to keep his own tree body.

The more important reason is that he is not the real Bodhi Tree of the Undead God, but a branch cut from the Bodhi Undead Tree. After a long time in the world of gods and gods, he accidentally glows with wisdom, so he needs to make up for it. Insufficient in my own origin, so I didn't choose to change form.

"Since the Wang family embraced the thigh of the ancient royal family's God Valley, it can be said that they are arrogant and domineering. I feel sorry for Wang Teng's generation."

"However, I really can't think of it. How dare you annihilate the Wang family in such a grandiose way? Are you not afraid of causing conflicts between the human race and the ancient race? Even the extreme forces, under the current situation of Beidou, are also It is impossible to destroy a desolate ancient family so forcefully, unless they are all born!"

Hearing Zhou Feng's words.Zi Qingyu stood up and retorted.

"It's Saint Ye Fan... He's back. It's said that he came back with two people from outside the territory. Just after he came back, he met people from the Wang family who killed the Nanling barbarians and were hunting down his former friends."

"Then, together with the barbarians, they conquered the royal family!"

I saw that the person who came was still panting heavily, speaking intermittently.

"It's him. I didn't expect him to dare to come back to Beidou. Thinking back on that day, he was also in Beidou and he was almost the enemy of the world."

Hearing that it was Ye Fan's return, some people in the Holy Land of Purple Mansion sighed with regret.

"It just so happens that I still have a grievance to settle with him in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion."

Liu Qing, who was on the other side, said that he was talking about the fact that Mu Ming, the candidate for the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, was killed by Ye Fan.

Although Mu Ming and the others are envious of Ye Fan's Wanmu Origin Qi Cauldron, in the world of cultivation, the law of the jungle is all about predation.

Recalling that when Ye Fan first started to practice, he had a treasure in his body.It is no different from a child walking on the street with his own gold treasure.

Plus he was alone again.My wife, even Xu Yi, once had some crooked thoughts.If he hadn't considered that he had a sister who was like a fairy in the world of mortals and was sleeping in a remote and forbidden place, he would have done it long ago.

But then again.This kind of grievance.Generally difficult to resolve.My flower is like the school district who is now the prefect's holy son, and wants to resolve the grievances and resentments between Zhifu Shengdi and Ye Fan.

But the people inside the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion would not agree, especially Mu Ming's family members would not agree.

Therefore, Xu Yu didn't want to worry about what would happen between the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion and Ye Fan. In his opinion, everything should go with the flow. As long as he is strong enough, no matter if there is any confrontation or the unfavorable situation of the Holy Land of the Buddha, it will be fine. It can be changed with great strength.

What's more, he has successfully cut the Tao now.He was no longer interested in trivial matters in the world of mortals, and now Xu Yu only thought about perfecting his scriptures.

"However, tell me, what level of Ye Fan's cultivation has reached now? Can he actually destroy the Huangu Royal Family?"

When Liu Qing was talking nonsense.Zi Qingyu's voice was like a basin of cold water poured down, waking him up.

Yeah, I was only thinking about hatred just now.But he didn't recall how Ye Fan destroyed the Huanggu royal family by virtue of something.

It is not impossible to have a barbarian army, but in that case, the casualties of the Nanling barbarians must be relatively large, but it seems that this is not the case according to the voice of the disciples.

"Ye Fan's current cultivation level is unfathomable. It is said that he once suppressed the Patriarch of the Wang family alone, and he was able to suppress the Patriarch of the Wang family who is a holy master. His cultivation is absolutely comparable to the peerless Holy Master."

At the moment when Zi Qingyu and the others were still thinking hard.I saw the disciples reporting Ye Fan's achievements that night, which made them deeply realize that Ye Fan is no longer a little monk who is hunted around by the holy places, but has transformed himself into a supreme holy master figure .

Even among the younger generation of Zifu Holy Land, only Xu Yu and Zixia could hold him down.

As for the other disciples of the Zifu, there are still some students who are short of birth. Even Zi Qingyu, the biological daughter of the Holy Master of the Zifu, has not reached such a level.

(End of this chapter)

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