Chapter 168
Ye Fan united with the Nanling barbarians to destroy the barbaric royal family that was eating inside and outside. This is undoubtedly the most popular topic in Beidou today, and there is no one.

But the good times didn't last long. After the Wang family was destroyed, the Valley of the Gods, who had a good relationship with the Wang family, blatantly stood up and spread the word, asking Ye Fan and the barbarians to go to their clan's land to kneel and confess their crimes.

And Ye Fan is not easy to get along with.He openly stood up and challenged the Valley of the Gods, saying that a great emperor of the human race had returned and would liquidate the Valley of the Gods.

As soon as Ye Fan said this.Many people were stunned.Because Ye Fan is currently a rare monk who has traveled outside the territory, many people think that he may have seen the so-called emperor outside the territory.

But Xu Yu did know about Ye Fan's crape myrtle trip.Although he didn't see the living emperor, he did see the divine mansion of the Sun Sacred Emperor.

But now the Great Emperor in his mouth is nothing more than something created out of nothing.

He wants to establish a phenomenon for the human race that the emperor is still alive in the human race, but anyone with a slightly normal mind knows that it is impossible for the emperor to exist in this world.

After talking about it for several months, the Valley of the Gods still didn't calm down, and there was the second generation of the emperor who was instigated by the side.

The Valley of the Gods wants to prove the strength of the ancient tribe more and more, so it prepares to send troops to destroy the Nanling barbarians.

Little did they know, they themselves were also regarded as pawns by the major royal families, including the emperor himself, who was also calculated by the great sage behind him.

The reason for all this is that some ancient saints who broke the seal wanted to restore their glory in the ancient times urgently.

However, he has been suppressed by the extreme forces of the human race for a long time, and dare not be too presumptuous.So I can only instigate some of the small races below to test the depth of the human race.

Just when the Valley of the Gods was preparing to send troops to Nanling.

"Dang!" A bell rang.

Zishan, the bells are long and long, affecting the ages, piercing the void, reverberating from the past to the present, and resounding all over the earth.

As soon as the bell sounded, the world was overwhelmed. I don't know how many people were petrified, and I don't know how many powerful cultivators were trembling. The entire Northern Territory

There was no sound for a moment, only the bell roared.

It is like a ray of divine light from the beginning, piercing through the vast land, making all living beings tremble, and coercing the nine heavens and ten earths.

After many years of silence, the bell without beginning rang again, as if it was about to collapse the heavens of all ages, but all monks trembled from their souls.

At this moment, I don't know how many people knelt down and worshiped in the direction of Zishan, with sincere respect.

Many human monks had tears in their eyes, kowtowed devoutly, and they were trembling all over in reverence as if they were gods.

"Darkness and turmoil are coming, and the clock without beginning will determine the universe"

Many people murmured almost superstitiously, and kept worshiping in the direction of Zishan, all kneeling on the ground, unwilling to get up.

The most glorious period of the human race was the era when the last great human emperor of the ancient world was born without beginning. He suppressed the whole world, swept the outside world, shocked the eternal stars, and flourished to the extreme.

What turmoil in the restricted area, what supreme existence, what immortal creatures dare to appear, all of them will be suppressed and killed without any suspense.

His appearance pushed the brilliance of the human race to an extreme, and for nine days and ten places, everyone was awed.

But it also seems that because of this, the luck of the human race has been exhausted. It has passed away since no beginning, and since then it has declined. It is difficult for the emperor to appear again.

In the past 10,000+ years, the human race has gone from bad to worse. In the current world, even saints are almost invisible, and it can no longer be compared with that period.


The long bell continued to ring, resounding through the sky and the earth, and hearing the bell wave again, all the monks of the mortal race were excited.

Is the Great Emperor Wushi still alive?This is the first thought of many human monks.

The reappearance of the Great Emperor Wushi, who suppressed and suppressed the ancient races, just thinking about it makes people's blood surge, and people can't help but feel the urge to scream.

The human race was ebullient, but the primordial myriad races were silent. On this day, everyone was terrified. Many sleeping ancestor kings were awakened and remained silent.

The emperor of the human race is the same as the emperor of the ancient times, invincible in the sky and on the earth, no one is not afraid when the bell rings from beginning to end, and everyone is panicked.

The ancient emperor mountain is the pure land in the hearts of all peoples in the ancient times, and it is a place of pilgrimage, because the god in their hearts is immortal and the emperor enters there.However, in the later generations, it was occupied by the Great Emperor Wushi, making every ancient creature angry and fearful. It takes a lot of courage to dare to do this
"It's been 10,000+ years, is he still alive?" the ancient ancestor king said to himself.

The bells are ringing continuously, making their faces change again and again. This is a very bad omen. Isn't the ancient emperor dead?

The most worried person was the Valley of the Gods. It was like a heavy blow, and it was like a slap in the face, firmly slapped on their faces.

Not long ago, they were domineering, looking down at the world, saying that unless the ancient emperor was resurrected, they would crush the barbarians in Nanling and kill the Ye family, but just after they finished speaking, the bell rang.

Is it a coincidence or is it a warning that everyone in the Valley of the Gods froze up and the bell was ringing at this juncture, which made them feel extremely scary.

This is how to go out, all the warships that took off landed, and a few bell waves stopped their conquest.

The people in the Valley of the Gods were ashamed, and this time they mobilized the crowd, but they were anticlimactic. They all felt that their face was shameless, but they didn't dare to act rashly.

Everything has to wait, if it is true that there is a human emperor in the ancient emperor mountain, let alone them, even if the various clans join forces, there will be no hope.

Incomparable deterrent power This is the Great Emperor Wushi, even though he has disappeared for many years, the sound of his bell immediately silences the world and everyone is quiet.

No one dared to resist the immemorial tribes who were about to be born, all of them were obedient, dormant in the lair of the Northern Territory, and no one dared to take any further actions.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for a definite result.

During this period of time, all the major holy places have been watching the confrontation between Ye Fan and the Valley of the Gods, but there are also many holy places that have united.

The most obvious thing is that the old man Zixu, who has been with the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion all the year round, also often leaves the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion to meet some people.

Originally, Xu Yu thought that he was going to meet the God King in white, but it turned out that it was the connection with several other holy places.

Because the old man Zixu came from the turbulent and desolate ancient times, they naturally knew how powerful and terrifying the ancient clan was.

At the same time, they are also very aware of the intrigue among the forces of the human race, and those forces with extreme emperor soldiers have a terrifyingly deep background.

If there is no real emperor born.There is no one who can do nothing to win those desolate ancient families with extreme emperor soldiers.

Especially in the Holy Land of Zifu, there was once a generation of outstanding successor Zimuyu who was broken by Emperor Hengyu when he was young, and he couldn't make any progress in his lifelong cultivation.

What's more, at this time, he exposed his background to those ancient families.It is also a very unwise thing.After all, everyone is not from a family in the barren country.The background is profound.

As far as the Holy Land of Zifu is concerned.Its greatest background is the old man Zixu and another saint who is still asleep.

If an accident happened to the old man Zixu or another sage, then the huge holy land of Zifu would be disintegrated in one day.

So Xu Yu knew it very well.In today's Beidou, the power of the human race is stronger than all the ancient races combined.

Not to mention other things, if we only compare the number of ground soldiers, the human race has a huge advantage.The extreme emperor soldiers on the surface of the human race include four emperor soldiers from the four immortal dynasties of Zhongzhou.

There are also Donghuang's Eternal Universe Furnace, the Void Mirror, the West Emperor Tower, and the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Jar. There are a total of eight extreme emperor weapons.

In Beidou, there are only a few royal families that have ancient imperial soldiers.Blood Phoenix Mountain, Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, Shencan Ridge, Qilin Cave, Immortal Iron Rod, Golden Mace and other six extreme emperor soldiers. Even the emperor who is known as the son of god does not have his father's ancient emperor soldiers .

Therefore, Beidou's human race is the strongest, whether it is the number of soldiers from the poles to the ground, or the cultivation of the top monks of the human race.They can absolutely crush the Taikoo Clan.

But the human race does not know that it has such a powerful strength, because the human race is more professional than its own people.


The beginningless bell rang again, and this time the ringing continued continuously, shocking the whole world.

One day, two days and ten days, more than ten days passed, the bell continued to ring, the five domains shook, and the human race boiled.

This is the reputation without beginning. No matter how many years have passed, when the bell rings, it is still shocking and everyone is nervous.

This time the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clans were really scared. Who could make the bell ring continuously for more than ten days?

The Valley of the Gods was completely suppressed this time, and his eager mind suddenly became cold, like cold water splashing on his head, he did not dare to act rashly, and lay dormant quietly.


Two months have passed, and the bell of Infinity is still ringing, making the entire Northern Territory peaceful. No ancient creature dared to stand up, and they were all silenced.

This is a huge wave, and now many people believe that the Great Emperor Wushi has manifested, otherwise how could there be such a long bell wave.


The last bell rang, Zishan slowly returned to Qingning, and Zhong Bo disappeared on this day.

At this time, the whole world was suppressed, and no one was not afraid. The ancient peoples no longer dared to act rashly, and all of them were afraid.

In the past three months, I don't know how many human monks kowtowed to Zishan, almost like a pilgrimage, kowtowing step by step.

But the ancient ten thousand races were silent like cicadas, hiding in their lairs, not daring to step out.

The bell rang continuously for three months without beginning, the world was overwhelmed, and all living beings were trembling, but they didn't know that a bigger storm was coming.

The beginningless bell rang for three consecutive months, all the tribes in the Northern Territory were silent, and even the powerful ancestor king of the ancient times was in a state of panic. This is the power of the great emperor of the human race.As soon as the bell rings, it will shake the world. In the nine heavens and ten places, all living beings

Spirits, all of them are intimidated by the Valley of the Gods, the Nest of Ten Thousand Dragons, the Ridge of Silkworms, and the Blood Phoenix.

The mountains and mountains were all suppressed, and many immortal royal families were worried. If the ancient emperor came out, who would be able to resist? I want to find out the situation through them.

However, all the royal family were disappointed. No one knew the situation of Zishan, and they couldn't find out why.

In the past three months, the human race was the most excited. From the tears in the eyes at the beginning to the blood spurting at the end, they all hoped to reproduce the former glory of the human race.

Many monks of the human race rushed to the northern region from all directions, and approached Zishan step by step, worshiping with a pilgrimage heart.

"Why is it like this, who can stop the years, who can live through the ages, the immortal emperor has disappeared, what is the reason for the beginninglessness of the human race?"

In the Valley of the Gods, a terrifying king roared in a low voice, shaking the entire Valley of the Gods, shaking down a piece of the sky.

"This is a conspiracy. I don't believe that a human emperor can survive. No one can live for such a long time." The terrifying whisper of the ancestor king made everyone in the Valley of Gods terrified, and everyone who needed more people was trembling.

"Lord Patriarch, why don't we create some people without revealing their identities, go to kill Huifang, destroy some great religions of the human race, and test it out like this," an ancient creature suggested.

The patriarch looked like thousands of years, his eyes seemed to have the power of reincarnation, and the person who spoke flew out on the spot, almost turning into a pile of mud.

At this juncture, no one dares to act rashly even if they have doubts. If they are not afraid of [-], they are just in case. If the human emperor is really resurrected, he is looking for his own death.

Not only the Valley of the Gods, but also other races are like this. Although they are afraid, they are still doubtful. When they are not immortal, they will have their lifespan at the end of their lives. Even the ancient emperors will not live for 10,000+ years.

"Why, why can the emperor of the human race survive forever, no matter how strong he is, he can't live for so long!"

After calming down completely, all the Taikoo ministries had doubts, but no one dared to jump out, and no one wanted to be the first bird. In case of being hit, it would be a sudden death
'When the manpower is exhausted, it is impossible to activate the bell without beginning for three months, and the emperor manifests himself, how to do all this, what is going on here?' There are also ancient kings who are afraid, not knowing that the bell without beginning can ring by itself.

In the next half month, the Northern Territory was silent, but in the dark, there were ups and downs and undercurrents of communication among various ethnic groups.

Coupled with the human monks who went to Zishan for pilgrimage, the situation in the northern region was complicated and shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

"It is impossible for Wushi to still be in this world, he has been dead for thousands of years." Finally, a person was the first to stand up and explain his own force field with a clear point of view.

The emperor's son stepped forward, and he said it in the Shencheng of the Northern Territory, not privately, and sent an obvious signal to the ancient people.

Suddenly, the Northern Territory, which had been quiet for many days, was suddenly stirred up, and the atmosphere suddenly became more tense.

Among the Taikoo tribe, he is the most qualified to say this sentence, not only because he is the heir of the Immortal Emperor, but also because he came from the ancient emperor mountain.

In these days, he has entered and exited the major royal families and clearly explained his views. He has been sitting for many years without beginning, so there is no need to be afraid.

All of a sudden, the waves were raging, and it seemed that the peaceful northern region was about to usher in another storm.

In this world, if there is anyone who hates Wushi the most, then it must be the emperor's son. The ancient emperor mountain belonged to his father, but in the end it was occupied by Wushi.

It was disrespectful, a humiliation to his father.In many ancient tribes, doves occupy the magpie's nest, this is a flattery without beginning, blasphemy, it is a fact, it is a great crime.

"Wushi is dead. If we talk about gods, there is only my father." The emperor firmly believed and insisted on this.

He pointed out that no beginning is nothing, how many years have passed since he died, if anyone can become a fairy, his father is the only one who is immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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