Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 169 Destruction of the Valley of the Gods

Chapter 169 Destruction of the Valley of the Gods
The emperor's status is respected, and he has a very special position in the hearts of all races. Even many ancient ancestors pay respect to him, nothing else, just because he has the blood of the immortal emperor flowing in his body.

He stood up like this, and his remarks caused a big turmoil. Many people in the ancient clan echoed and expressed their deep approval, and many people were waiting for Zishan to see if there was any movement.

"It's ridiculous. It's just an ancient emperor who has been dead for many years. It's nothing more than being deified. Even his heirs pretend to be the sons of gods. The Emperor Wushi flattened your father's grave. If you hold a grudge, just say it, why do you need to be so violent?" Dirty water, it's nothing more than bringing the ancient royal family to be buried with him. With the status of Emperor Wu Shi, how could he care about an ant like you, but it's hard to say about the major royal families.

"At this moment, someone from the human race stood up and said this.

Many people were astonished, and even the ancient races were paying attention. Some people saw with their own eyes that the person who said this was covered in gold and blood, flooding the whole world.

"Human Holy Physique, I'll kill you!" The emperor's voice was displayed against this delicate background, showing no fear, not afraid of the might of the emperor of the human race.

"Prince of Heaven, you egg, I cut you out from Yaochi back then, but didn't want to repay you. Come on, I'll kill you white-eyed wolf." The human saint responded strongly, but his words were a bit sloppy.

The Northern Territory is no longer peaceful, what is the identity of the emperor, what is the physique of the human saint, this is equivalent to a confrontation and dialogue between the future seeds of the races.

"Yuan Gu, you watermelon, get out too, this time I'll kill you as well."

Before the people woke up from the surprise, the Human Race Eucharist called out again, calling another heir of the ancient emperor to fight by name.

There was an uproar in the Northern Territory, the human race was surprised, and the ancient race was shocked and angry.The Human Saint Physique is really daring, it's enough to challenge the son of an ancient emperor, and it's a bit too much to point at two.

"I will chop you up with my own hands." Yuan Gu stood up and responded coldly and mercilessly.

"You watermelon, and that egg, quickly roll over to me, and stew you together!" The human holy body screamed.

However, what makes people's jaws drop is that the three people who are bound to meet on the road of future proof always miss it for some reason.

The Emperor of Heaven was culled from Shencheng to Kaiyuan City, the human saint was killed from Kaiyuan City to Shencheng, Yuan Gu was killed from Tianmo Mountain to Shencheng, and the human saint was killed from Shencheng to Tianmo Mountain.

"Yuan Gu, you watermelon, the emperor, what are you running like an egg, don't run away when Ben kicks you and crushes you to death."

The emperor was indifferent and unmoved, Yuan Gu was cold, his eyes became colder, they all stopped in their respective areas, waiting quietly for the other party to kill.Valley of the Gods, you bunch of hammers, do you really think you are the emperor of Dagu, and you still want to order the world to let the Nanling barbarians come to worship? Your heads hit the wall and your ass is still hitting your ass."

Everyone was in a daze, and no one thought that the Human Saint Physique would be so arrogant, leaving the two sons of the ancient emperor alone, and provoking the Valley of the Gods.

In the southern region, Li Tian, ​​Li Heishui, Ji Ziyue, etc. were all taken aback, feeling a little weird, which didn't seem like Ye Fan's behavior style.

Shenlinggu was furious and wished to kill Ye Fan immediately. He sent a large number of masters that day, but found nothing.

"You gang of hammers in the Valley of the Gods, you even said to ask me to kneel outside the valley and beg to die. I beg you, Zitian, to be the first one to kill me. Next, I will trample the other one to death when your younger ones come out. In the future, all your valleys will be destroyed."

It's so fucking arrogant, this is what all the ancient tribes want to scold, it's just a human race, dare to curse like this in the Northern Territory.

Many monks of the human race are also a little dumbfounded, the holy body is so violent that it is a mess. "Step on whoever you meet.

"That watermelon, and those eggs, I've been waiting for you for a long time, why haven't you come here?" After cursing the Valley of the Gods, the Eucharist began to yell at the two ancient emperor's sons again.

The subordinates of the Emperor of Heaven, followers of Yuan Gu, their noses were crooked, and they really wanted to yell at you, you were the one who had to wait for the decisive battle on the spot, why did it change again, but the Emperor of Heaven held his breath very heavily,

After picking up the Valley of the Gods, Yuan Gu's own eyes were also extremely cold, without any emotional fluctuations.

"Go and kill the barbarians in Nanling, let the blood flow into rivers and the bones into mountains, when the time comes, the human saint will come to fight for their lives."

The emperor's words were simple, but full of murderous intent. After arriving at the Valley of the Gods, he only made such a suggestion.

His status was too prominent, as a descendant of a god, he was treated as a guest of honor by the ancestors, and he was very polite.

"This is not very good. The clock without beginning has been ringing for three months. Who dares to act rashly now? If the emperor of the human race is really resurrected, it will be a catastrophe." An ancestor king of the Valley of the Gods frowned, his huge body like a mountain. As towering as it is, oppressed people will stop breathing.There are dozens of pairs of huge wings on his back, the more he wants to retain some racial characteristics.

"However, you exterminated the Nanling barbarians and snatched from me the Mother Qi Cauldron of all things in the holy body of the human race. I will lend you the first volume of the Emperor's Ancient Sutra to read it." The Emperor said indifferently.

"What, the first volume of the ancient scriptures of the gods?" An ancestor king of the gods valley stood up in shock at that time. His huge body like a mountain was extremely intimidating. Dozens of pairs of wings spread out behind him, covering the sky all at once. The bright moon in the sky rushed into the sky with monstrous magic clouds.

The Immortal Emperor, the only god in the hearts of all ancient peoples, the Emperor's Sutra left by him is called the Ancient Gods' Sutra, and every ancient tribe would not want to read it.It is the Supreme Immortal Sutra that needs them to worship. It is said that as long as you read the first volume, you will get a glimpse of the mystery of life and death, which can be proved by the ancient way of becoming a god.

It is worth the risk to be able to read an ancient book of gods and spirits, because he believes from the bottom of his heart that the emperor of the human race cannot live to the present world, and no one can have such a long life. This is a fatal doubt.

"Okay, those savages should disappear, wash Nanling with blood, give the people a head-on blow, and let them wake up from the phantasy species." The vicissitudes and power of the eternal cycle.

"Okay, the first volume of the Emperor's Ancient Sutra, I'll wait for you to get it."

"Son of God, don't worry, I will definitely send the head of the Human Eucharist along with his cauldron to wash Nanling with blood, but I need time."

The emperor's son left, but the patriarch still stood there, with a demonic aura, like an immortal and towering magic mountain.

"Lord Zu, it's not windy to make a move at this time"

"Hmph, didn't I say it takes time,
Wait for me now until the Zishan news is confirmed.But now it’s time to try, mobilize warships.”

The Northern Territory was terrified, because some well-informed people learned that the Valley of the Gods was about to go to war again, and the warships were ready to go on an expedition at any time.

Xu Yu, who was in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, knew it.Between Ye Fan and the Valley of the Gods.Now it has evolved from an open mouth cannon to a substantial bloody struggle.

If nothing else.Ye Fan and Zhang Lin, the fifth-generation source of heavenly master, will bring out a group of tribes of the undead emperor from Zishan to destroy the Valley of the Gods.

On the face of it.The battle between Ye Fan and the Valley of the Gods is a struggle between the human race and the ancient race.

But the reality is.Don't let the emperor, the supreme god who has survived through the ages.An extension of the grievances and grievances with Emperor Wushi who is the peak at the end of the immortal road.

From Xu Yu's point of view, the Emperor of Heaven is just a flower in a greenhouse, and he can't become a great weapon at all. As far as his heart is concerned, Emperor Lu will never have his share.

His big idea is that I didn't prove the way, you have to wait for me, and you can't surpass me. In the original book, he was very dissatisfied with the white-clothed god king whose cultivation level far surpassed him. Not as good.

Resolutely, a few days later, the Holy Land of Zifu received the news that the Valley of the Gods had been destroyed.

"How is this possible?" At first, the people in the Holy Land of Zifu didn't believe it at all.

Where is the Valley of the Gods? It is a large royal family among the ancient clans. Although it is not like the Blood Phoenix Mountain, Shencan Ridge, and Huolin Cave, there are ancient emperors, but it is also extremely terrifying, and it is a glorious clan.

"It was really destroyed, not only the Valley of God was burning, but even that area was collapsing, and all the mountains fell down."

Someone swore to the sky, saying that they had witnessed all this with their own eyes, which caused a huge disturbance.

The news was confirmed soon, and it is unknown how many monks rushed to the Valley of the Gods to observe it in person.

There were human races among them, and there were many ancient races with different shapes and appearances. All the creatures were shocked. Everything here was too terrifying, and no one survived.

"The Valley of the Gods has been eradicated, and it's a one-time genocide!"

This is a piece of news like thunder, the ears of people are buzzing, and the soul is shaking, causing chaos in the Northern Territory.

It was too shocking, everything was so unbelievable, an ancient royal family was wiped out, it became history overnight, and disappeared forever.

"Great Emperor, the human race still has the Great Emperor who is still alive, and it was the decree from no beginning to destroy the Valley of the Gods!"

As soon as this news came out, it was even more shocking than the erasure of the Valley of the Gods. Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded, almost petrified.

"Zhang Lin, under the seat of no beginning, will follow the emperor's decree to suppress and kill the Valley of the Gods!"

This divine sound, after being blessed by the Yuantian Divine Formation, became louder and louder, and eventually it was louder than the sky thunder, rumbled, and collapsed thousands of mountains.

This is a voice comparable to the emperor's scolding. Everyone who hears it trembles in their souls, wanting to worship, and will never be able to kneel forever.

In the end, the mountains and ravines collapsed, and the incomparably miraculous Yuantian Forbidden Formation disappeared without a trace, erasing all traces of it.

People scrambled to pass on the chanting, which made many ancient tribes hairy and made the whole northern region boil.

Wushi has passed away, but this name is like the divine pattern of the Emperor of Heaven, which is indelible forever and imprinted in everyone's heart.

"Zhang Lin suppressed the Northern Territory and killed the Valley of the Gods!"

"Peerless demeanor, the people under the seat of Emperor Wushi are indeed extraordinary and holy, it is unimaginable that they have killed a large ancient royal family!"

The entire Northern Territory was full of hustle and bustle, and all ethnic groups were talking about it, like boiling water, and it was difficult to be quiet anymore.

The mountains collapsed, the ravines crumbled, and the ancient formation of Yuantian disappeared without a trace. Many monks and countless strong men all rushed into the Valley of the Gods, looking for treasures.

In the past, no one dared to set foot on this place, but at this time, many creatures are scrambling to be the first, all excited together in fear, throbbing in the boiling, many human monks, a large number of ancient strongmen, opened one after another in the sunken leylines. Burnt Stone Temple, search the ruins.

Someone really found a lot of treasures, found some rare treasures, and dozens of great treasures were opened in succession.

On this day, the Northern Territory was in turmoil, and the hearts of all the tribes in the ancient times were trembling.

The Valley of the Gods was looted in less than a day, and many people felt a little distressed, because the real place of the gods had been burnt down.

It wasn't until the ancestor king arrived that the mountain range became quiet all of a sudden, and all the monks retreated tremblingly.

Such a big event has shocked the Northern Territory and shocked the whole world. It is impossible for the awakened ancestor king not to pay attention.

In fact, there was an inexplicable fear in their hearts. No one knew better than them how terrifying the three ancient kings in the Valley of the Gods were, but they were obliterated like this.

They had to come and investigate for themselves, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Is the human race really alive without beginning? His disciples can kill the Valley of the Gods. This Zhang Lin must be the great sage who penetrates heaven and earth!"

On this day, many ancient kings gathered in the ruins, and all of them felt chills down their backs, inexplicable rashes, and icy cold all over their bodies.

In this battle, only one woman from the Valley of the Gods went out, she was not killed, and the rest were all wiped out.The survivor's name is Zitianfeng, the elder sister of Zitiandu.

"Ah..." The Emperor roared, his face livid, and he smashed a teacup to pieces.Many ancient peoples know that he once lobbied the gods
Gu, let them send troops to Nanling to wash the barbarians with blood, but now this happened.

"How could Wushi still be alive?!" He gritted his teeth. This time the Valley of the Gods was destroyed, which dealt a huge blow to his prestige.As a child of God, he is shrouded in an incomparable halo, but he can't stand being so extravagant.

The Northern Territory was in chaos, and the unfathomable Valley of the Gods was obliterated and removed from all races, which overturned people's thinking and exceeded everyone's expectations.

As a great royal family in ancient times, they have survived thousands of catastrophes and survived since ancient times, and they have always stood firm. What kind of opponents have they never met?
The ancient years were so cruel, there were many ancient clans, and they experienced bloody battles, and the wars between races often lasted thousands of years.

They are the quintessence of them, otherwise how could they be passed down, the more they fought, the more brave they became, they were named the royal family, they are used to seeing big scenes, and they have encountered endless enemies.

After breaking through from the great calamity of the ancient times, I thought that I could rule the world, and slowly cultivated for thousands of years. I never thought that I would be destroyed when I was born.

Moreover, it was done by the human race they despise. You must know that in the ancient times, this race was not favored. There were several times of genocide, and it was hard to get to today.

Just woke up from a deep sleep, thinking that it was their glorious era, but such an ending made many ancient people gasp and feel chills in their hearts.

The undercurrent is raging, and the entire northern region is not peaceful. Only the human race is excited and their blood is boiling. The people under the seat of Emperor Wushi took action and touched everyone's hearts.

The impact of this battle is too great, all the ancient races are scared, such a powerful Valley of the Gods has been wiped out, who else is not afraid?

(End of this chapter)

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