Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 173: Ten Thousand Races Festival (2)

Chapter 173 The Great Gathering of Ten Thousand Races ([-])

In the next few days, the principals of the major ancient tribes and the lords of the holy lands of the human race have been repeatedly arguing and discussing the territory and resources that the ancient tribes should occupy in the central heavenly palace of the Yaochi Holy Land.

"The land occupied by the human race is too vast, but a weak race has ruled the entire land. It is time to return this land to us."

In the main hall, there were all kinds of voices, quarrels continued, and even many big clans began to divide the territory, and they wanted to divide the regions equally.

The leader of the human race was also arguing, but apparently he was not taken seriously by those powerful races, and was almost ignored.

"In the ancient times, the human race only lived in a corner, and self-protection was a problem. It was food in the mouths of many powerful races!" A certain royal family was very powerful, and they had nothing to fear when they said such excessive words in public.

"That's right. Back then, when all races stood side by side and kings vie for supremacy, the human race would sometimes seek shelter and attachment from a powerful race, but it was just an insignificant small race."

"Today is not too ancient, and now it is the world of the human race!" Xu Yu walked in, followed by the Lord of Zifu, Zixia and others
"Hmph, it's really not too ancient, but now that all our races are awake, everything can't be the same as in the past!" An old ancient creature sneered coldly.

It is said that it is a grand gathering of all races, and they are going to sit down and talk, but the powerful races don't pay attention to the human race at all, and look down from above.

At the far end of the world, among the majestic black mountains, there was an unusual aura today.

In the middle of the Eastern Wasteland, the holy cliff near the northern region was stained black and red by the blood of the Dacheng Holy Body, and now his body is still in the huge coffin on the top of the mountain.

At this time, a golden ancient scroll sealed on the holy cliff shone brilliantly, rattled, and unexpectedly came loose.

This is a bright long scroll, cast like gold, which was refined by the former Emperor Wu Shi, who has sealed this cliff for more than 10,000 years.

At this moment, it trembled violently, made a rattling sound, and was about to fly into the sky, and the whole black mountain trembled because of it.

In the end, the blazing light soared into the sky, and it finally fell off. It was so sacred and vast that people couldn't look at it directly, and they had to worship it.

In Yaochi, the various clans kept arguing and discussing how to divide the territory, but they didn't pay attention to the human race at all. They had a high posture, as if they were looking down on the vassal clan.

The emperor stood up and said with a sneer: "It is said that the emperor of the human race is not dead, but Wushi sat down and killed the gods in Zhang Linzhen. I think there is fraud in this, and it is not credible at all!"

It is undoubtedly amazing for him to say such words on such an occasion, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone, and everyone looked over.

"I just want to say that no matter how powerful an emperor is, it is impossible for him to live for 10,000+ years, unless he has become a fairy!"

The Emperor of Heaven was very heroic, his appearance was almost perfect, nine divine rings appeared behind him, he was like a god, his eyes were extremely deep, he looked down upon all the heroes in the hall, and continued to speak.

"Who of your human race can prove whether there are immortals in this world?"

"The imprint left by my father allows me to gain insight into some secrets. I have slept in the ancient emperor mountain for endless years, and I can tell you clearly that the beginningless time has long since passed away, and it happened 8 years ago!
"Although I was ignorant at the time and my intelligence was not fully opened, I knew exactly what happened. He died on the Taoist platform, and the aura was earth-shattering, crushing the heavens of all ages. It was definitely a great emperor turning into ashes!"

When the emperor's words came out, many people were shocked, and there was no sound in the hall, and everyone was stunned.

"Human race, you are afraid in your hearts, and you use deceitful techniques to destroy my great royal family in ancient times. It is too wishful thinking to suppress all tribes with this!" The emperor sneered again and again, and said: "Because, I know that Wushi died !"

The monks of all races felt cold in their hearts, and then many people shouted.

"It's nonsense, you were not born back then, what could you sense?"

"Your father's tomb was occupied by Emperor Wushi, and you hold a grudge and slander his supreme name."

"How could Emperor Wushi die? He sent people to kill the Valley of the Gods!"


But all the ancient races became active, and many people were very excited and asked loudly.

"Your Highness, is this true?"

"Did Wu Shi really become ashes 8 years ago?"

There was a sudden chaos in the magnificent ancient palace, and many ancient creatures had violent emotional fluctuations.

The emperor nodded seriously, and said: "That's right, everything I said is true, because I was too close to that Taoist platform back then, and felt all this personally!"

As soon as these words came out, Yao Chi was completely in chaos, and many ancient people couldn't help laughing.

The human race is gloomy and extremely worried.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside Yaochi, and then quickly spread in, obviously something big happened.

"Beginless... Great Emperor Wushi... is still alive!"

An ancient being was terrified, entered the hall panting heavily, and uttered such a news that was like a thunderbolt.

"What happened?" Even the royal family like Xuehuang Mountain and Huolin Cave couldn't be detached. It was the first time they changed their colors and asked in person.

"The outside world is in chaos, and the Great Emperor Wushi has been resurrected! The list of gods he refined has crossed the land of the Northern Territory, and the golden light shines on the world!
An ancient scroll traversed the Northern Territory, illuminating the earth, and the light was psychic, as if it illuminated the past, the present, and the future!

It seems to be made of gold, the whole body is bright and dazzling.

The eternal holy light turned into a beam, came from the central region, traversed the vast northern land, and the speed exceeded people's imagination, and the brilliance was thousands of miles in a flash, piercing the world.

This is a kind of miracle, it traverses the three thousand worlds, even pierces the nine heavens, exudes immortal divinity, lives forever with the heaven and earth, and competes with the sun and the moon for glory.

"This is the breath of the ancient emperor!" On the land of the Northern Territory, I don't know how many creatures were panicked, and they couldn't help kneeling down.

"A shocking miracle, this is the manifestation of the gods!" Many people were trembling, bleeding from their knees, unable to kneel for a long time, with terrified expressions.

The immortal divine light runs through the Northern Territory, and every trajectory is like a moat, splitting the sky, and it is extremely brilliant, as if it has been going up and down for 8 years.

The list of gods, branded with the imprint of Emperor Wushi, seemed to have turned into a big golden hand, sweeping across the sky like this, startling the entire northern region.

"This is terrible. Is there really a great emperor alive in the human race?" In an ancient lair, a group of ancient creatures looked up at the sky with panicked expressions.

"The speed is too fast, it is an incomparable divine power, has it returned to the age of prehistoric mythology?" There is also a group of powerful beings in another ancient tribe.

This golden list of gods has tens of thousands of lights, covering the nine layers of sky, and the trajectory is extremely amazing. The auspiciousness that hangs down from the sky seems to be reversing time and returning to the ancient times.

The list of gods, it is like a flying fairy light, illuminating every inch of land in the Northern Territory one after another, like someone becoming a flying fairy, it is extremely amazing.

Forbidden places such as Shencan Ridge and Primordial Lake were illuminated, and whether there was a god might come down, shaking these big clans that have been out of the ancient emperor.


Hunting the ancient scrolls, crossing the Huolin Cave, staying for a short time, and the overwhelming chaotic atmosphere under the mighty, made this ancient royal family terrified, and the thirteen ancient caves burst out with majestic light.

"What is this, is it really a human emperor manifesting?"

When the golden ancient scroll was far away, Huolin Cave, the ancient royal family, looked solemn, and they all looked at the sky.

"Wushi wanted to refine the list of immortals and seal the immortals, but there are no immortals in the world, but there are ancient creatures that seem to be gods, so he changed his name to the list of gods, it is that fairy."

"It rushed into the top of my Huolin Cave. Is this a warning? This... he is really alive, which makes people feel uneasy!"

Not long after, the Conferred God List entered the Blood Phoenix Mountain, and likewise, thousands of avenues of light fell down, flooding the mountains and ravines, causing the royal family below to tremble.

"Don't resurrect the ancient imperial soldiers, don't act rashly!" An old ancestor king stared at the sky and ordered in a deep voice.

The list of gods went away, and it didn't stay for too long, it disappeared into the vast sky.

On this day, the most powerful group of ancient royal families all over the Northern Territory were terrified and unable to rest in peace. A golden ancient scroll traversed the sky and manifested above their tribe.

On the vast land, I don't know how many monks of the human race are worshiping, unable to kneel down, but all the tribes of the ancient tribe are panicked, and their hearts are full of fear.

In the fairyland, in the grand hall, when people learned everything about the outside world, they all petrified, and soon there was an uproar again.

The emperor seemed to have been punched, and the Nine Dao Divine Rings on the back of his head almost collapsed. This was really a resounding slap in the face, which made him dazed.

Emperor Wushi is resurrected?
"Impossible!" He didn't believe it. Back then, he did have an induction, and he noticed the change on the Dao platform. Someone was becoming an eternity, so why did it reappear in the world?

8 years ago, he was still in the egg, but he also had a sense of it, that kind of breath was earth-shattering, not far away, how could there be a mistake.

In the magnificent hall, everyone was discussing that this time the momentum of the human race was soaring, and all races were relatively bitter. If there is really a great emperor who is still alive, it is useless for all their races to join forces.

"Unless you go to the ancient mine to pray, but that place is different from the ancient times, and no one can enter it anymore. There have been great changes that are unknown, do they still belong to all ethnic groups?"

The various ethnic groups are noisy, all of them are arguing and discussing, such a major event has happened, and it has a huge impact on everything before it.

At this time, if anyone is said to be the most frustrated and tragic, it is undoubtedly the emperor. He clenches his fists so hard that his knuckles are almost broken.

Not long ago, he went to the Valley of the Gods to lobby, saying that Wu Shi died young and could not appear in this world. As a result, within a few days, Zhang Lin was born out of nowhere. .

Now, he said in front of the world that the Great Emperor Wushi had long since turned into ashes, and as a result, the Conferred God List immediately flew out to suppress the Northern Territory.

This is really a slap in the face, and it's crackling and ringing continuously, how can he feel so embarrassed?His lungs were about to explode.

The emperor has never felt so depressed like today, wishing he could cry up to the sky, these are really two tragedies.

Undoubtedly, this was a huge blow to his prestige, even if his father was a god, the Immortal Emperor, he couldn't stand such extravagance.

Moreover, not long ago he was crushed by a monkey, so comparing the before and after, it was obvious that the Holy Prince had won, which made him feel depressed.

"Haha..." In the distance, Duan De was very unkind, just staring at the emperor and laughing out of fear.

"This emperor is actually quite sharp. He hits the key point every time. If it wasn't for his bloodline that amazes the world, and if it wasn't for the timely appearance of the Conferred God List, he would really poke a huge hole in him." Xu Yu from a distance also sighed.

The few people around nodded, and even the Lord of the Zifu and the others had to admit that they could only blame the emperor for being too unlucky, and the two words were extremely lethal.

No one knows better than Ye Fan and Duan De that Emperor Wu Shi is definitely not in this world anymore, and they have seen traces of his emergence.

It's just why the list of gods fell off by itself, and entered the northern region as quickly as lightning, deterring all the ancient clans, it's hard to explain for a while.

You know, every step of the holy cliff is frightening, one step at a time, and there is a killing array set up by Emperor Wushi himself. As for trying to uncover the list of gods, it is even more difficult. It is a fairy made by the ancient emperor.


"Would the Taoist who was suppressed in the holy cliff get out of trouble?" Ye Fan trembled in his heart, and then shook his head. It shouldn't be him, otherwise he wouldn't help the human race to deter the North Territory.

Dacheng's holy body blood stained the stone cliff. After 10,000+ years, there are still many stone pits that have become blood puddles, which have not dried up and are terrifying and boundless.

That was a key step for Ye Fan to deter. When it was a last resort in his plan, sooner or later someone would go to reveal the list, and use the emperor's soldiers to destroy the last ray of soul of the Taoist, but he didn't expect the list to come out on its own. flew out.

On this day, all the tribes in the Northern Territory were silent, and they were really frightened. The list of gods was coming, piercing the sky of the Northern Territory, and surging out of the coercion of the ancient emperor. Who would not be afraid?
"There must be fraud in this!" The emperor gritted his teeth and whispered to himself.

But who would listen to him at this time, there was only one Yuan Gu by his side who advanced and retreated with him, and everyone else went to discuss countermeasures.

On the land of the Northern Territory, all the monks of the mortal race were elated and excited. There is no more exciting news than this.

In the eyes of all the ancient races, the human race is the meat of the chopping block, a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, but a god lion has been resurrected among them. This is a big change against the sky.

In Yaochi, the human race was confident enough to face the ten thousand races, Xu Yu and the others also let out a sigh of relief, walked out of the ancient palace, and strolled by the Ming Lake in Xiushan.

When they saw many acquaintances, they all nodded their heads in greeting. Now even the holy masters are very afraid when they see Xu Yu, and dare not trust him.

"Isn't that the Holy Son of Light?" Li Heishui said.

I haven't seen him for many years. The son of Yaoguang has a return to the original taste. Instead of the brilliant holy light of the past, there is only a sense of reality, like an ordinary person with flesh and blood, blending into the nature of the world.

There were not too many words, the two sides just nodded across a small lake, passed by, and went their separate ways.

"This guy is not simple." Duan De said.

Needless to say, everyone present knows that Yaoguang's body is extraordinary. So far, no one has tested how strong he is. The main reason is that he is very low-key and has never heard of a world-shattering battle.

As the date of the Ten Thousand Clans Festival approached, finally the ancient ancestor king appeared, the Yao Chi shook, the divine bell rang, and everyone went out to greet him.

Many people speculated that if it hadn't been for the appearance of the list of gods, there would probably not have been ancient saint-level ancestor kings present, because the human race really didn't have a town resident, so it was difficult to alarm them.

"Where is the holy prince, do you really think that you can blaspheme the gods with the backing of the Dou Conquer Buddha? If you dare to humiliate the immortal emperor, you must die to apologize!"

No one thought that the first batch of ancestor kings who arrived would directly ask the teacher to kill the monkey, which was extremely powerful.

This is a very beautiful woman, with blood-white skin, flamboyant, graceful body, peerless elegance, but extremely terrifying.

After entering Yaochi, she went straight to find Ye Fan
Yu Houzi sneered and said, "I don't care if you are a human holy body or a holy prince of the fighting lineage. If you dare to humiliate the emperor, you will have to pay the price in blood."

"Where do you think this is, what's so great about the ancestor king, he can still be suppressed and killed!" Ye Fan's sacred shell stepped forward, blocking the way.

Not far away, the emperor sneered and stood with some ancient creatures without saying a word.The monkey was very straightforward, holding a big black iron rod and said: "When I reach the realm of saints, I will kill you all!"

 After thinking about it, let's send it out
(End of this chapter)

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