Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 174: Ten Thousand Races Festival (3)

Chapter 174 The Great Gathering of Ten Thousand Races ([-])

Hearing what the monkey said, the Emperor and those who stood behind him and supported him felt dizzy.

After all, the Holy Prince, like the Heavenly Prince, is the heir of the ancient prince. Regardless of how powerful the Heavenly Prince is now, there are even saints who stand up for him.

But the monkey is the descendant of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan after all.Behind him, there are also many ancient clans supporting him, not to mention that there is still a fighting Buddha in the Western Desert who still exists in the world.

More importantly.Douzhan Shenghuang's line and Shencanling's line, the two royal families have been friends since ancient times, and it is a natural alliance.

Even among all the ancient royal families, it is very rare for two major royal families to be united through marriage.

So even if the Holy Prince said that he wanted to kill him in front of the Queen Mother, the other ancient tribes, although they felt overwhelmed, still needed to keep the Holy Prince.

In fact, the female ancestor king standing behind the emperor has a very strong killing intent now. If it was not for the reason of status and the support of other ancient clans, the female ancestor king would have shot at the monkey long ago, but It's not just verbal humiliation here.

"It looks like a master who protects the calf!" Duan De murmured, obviously he came here for the emperor's son, and it was purely to raise a question.

This queen is quite beautiful, with a slender and light body, almost as clear as jade, covered in colorful rays of light, with smooth and smooth hair, walking step by step, like a goddess.

Her eyes were sharp, she pointed at the monkey with her white and moist slender hand, and said, "Even if you are the holy prince, you will die if you blaspheme the gods of all races!"

Everyone was silent, and no one dared to step forward to persuade her. Although she was delicate and stunning, she was a veritable patriarch, unmatched by anyone.

Not to mention the human race, there is no sound, this is an ancient saint-level existence, it is too lofty for them, and it has always only appeared in legends.


The monkey stuck the big stick on the ground, its eyes glowed like gold, it was unruly and unruly, without any fear, now there was no way out, only a fight to the death.

"The light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon? I will give you a chance to apologize to the emperor and repent in front of the immortal emperor in front of all clans. In this way, I can spare your life. Otherwise, even if you defeat the Buddha, you will still be alive. I want to make a move too!

The harsh murderous intent and cold words came from such a beautiful and charming woman, adding to the strange atmosphere.

"Let me bow my head and break my emperor's heart. You have a good plan. If you have no scruples, kill me, and everything left by the undead emperor will be blasted to pieces!" The monkey did not bow his head.

At this time, relying on one's own strength alone can't compete with this queen at all, only his uncle can deter it, everyone around trembles, according to the temperament of this family, it is really possible.

The father and son of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan were killed. As his uncle, even if he became a Buddha, he would probably turn into a Shura and be born again, washing Donghuang with blood.

A cold light flashed in the queen's eyes, she stretched out a slender hand, and swiped forward. At this moment, everyone was terrified, and the coercion of the saint swept all directions.

Most of the people in Yaochi trembled, and then knelt down, just now the queen restrained her breath, once she let it out at this time, it is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

The sound of "Plop" was endless. There was a large area on the ground, and there were people of all races.

It's not like facing a flesh and blood body at all, it's like worshiping a god, the terrifying aura is incomparable, few people can stand up.


The big stick in the monkey's hand was blown away at that time, his hands were split open, blood flowed profusely, and the golden hair all over his body stood upside down.

This is the power of a saint!Before the slender hand brushed over, monkeys and other people who had just cut the way were severely injured, bleeding from their mouths.


The white and moving jade finger finally brushed over, and even the king's soul would die. This kind of power is too terrifying, once it hits everything, it will turn into ashes.

The queen seemed determined to kill the monkey, her face was extremely indifferent, and she had no intention of stopping at all.


At the critical moment, Ye Fan made a move, and the void trembled for a while. The holy shell he had entered was shining brightly, lying in front of him, overwhelming the world with one punch!
All the brilliance is not what he blooms, but his body is absorbing the essence of the ten directions, and he does not want to reveal the secret of this holy body.

This is a fierce and domineering punch, breaking through the light curtain of the saint in front with the flesh shell alone, and hitting the female ancestor king.It has to be said that this is a terrifying queen. She sensed something was wrong at the first moment, so she didn't shake it hard, but just used her strength to defuse it, and moved out sideways.

Even so, her slender jade fingers convulsed for a while, and was wiped away by the fist, bloody, and the knuckles were broken.

Everyone was shocked, and the human monk was the most shocked. Who is this, blocking a queen? When did such a saint become more?
Everyone was stunned, they all looked at it in disbelief, speechless, this person has already entered the fairyland, but no one perceives his holy power.

"What a powerful body, I really underestimated you, and there are such characters here, but it's nothing."

From behind, came such a voice, two middle-aged men came side by side, both of them were very powerful, wearing white silver battle suits, they faced Ye Fan together with the queen.

Everyone dared not speak anymore. There are these ancient kings behind the emperor. They are all descendants of his father's former followers. They are really powerful, and they are a force that makes people have to think carefully.

"Seniors, there is a rule in this meeting, you can't provoke and use force in Yaochi." The saintess of Yaochi spoke, her voice was very soft, without flinching, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

On the sky, green streams of air flowed down from the Immortal Tears Green Pagoda, each one as thick as a mountain, heavy and majestic, making everyone present breathless.

At this time, the people from Shencanling stepped forward and said:

"Seniors, calm down. After all, he is the son of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan. Even if there is something wrong, please be merciful."

Some people from other ancient tribes also joined in, interceding for the monkey, fearing that the three ancient kings would attack together, and no one would be able to stop them.

"I said, first of all, he needs to make amends to the Emperor, and then confess in front of all races, and bow down to the Immortal Emperor, otherwise he will never be able to forgive his death." The queen recovered her slender hands and said indifferently.

"Before the grand meeting of all races, we have reached a consensus that we should not fight here. Do you think you can surpass all races? You three are the only saints in the world." Ye Fan said.

"Really, then go out and solve it." The queen made up her mind to attack the monkey, and stretched out her hand to catch him, preparing to arrest him.

"You are too unscrupulous!" Ye Fan stepped forward and blocked it.

The monkey was even more furious, and stood on his head with golden hair all over his body. He picked up the big stick again, rotated it down, and slashed forward.

"Human race, it's rare to have a saint, cherish life, because we know that the so-called list of gods is also fake." The two ancient kings in silver battle suits sneered, and they stepped forward together to deal with Ye Fan.

Apparently, they share the same opinion as the emperor in that Wushi Dadi sat on the Taoist platform 8 years ago, so it is impossible for him to be alive.

Ye Fan frowned greatly at the scene. These are the three genuine ancestor kings, but he is just a counterfeit, and he will absolutely hate him.He has some powerful hole cards, but it is not suitable to show them at this time, and he will be of great use in the future.

"Little monkey, your father is heinous, destroying the dojo of the only god of all races, and you also want to find the waves, so I will teach you a good lesson today, so that you understand the consequences of blasphemy.

Although Xu Yu also appreciates monkeys, he has no reason to help them at this moment, not to mention that there is no intersection between the two at all, and besides, there must be some genuine ancestor kings on the opposite side. Comparable to the existence of a human saint.

Even if Xu Yu is currently against the sky, with the strength of Zhan Dao's early stage, he can rival the semi-saint, but he is still a little worse when facing the saints, let alone the three saints.

And as far as the background of the Zifu Holy Land is concerned, Xu Yu will definitely not support Xu Yu to provoke the ancient clan at the critical moment of this grand gathering of ten thousand clans.

Xu Yu is also very clear that there is no need for him to do anything, and the Holy Prince will still have nothing to do. After all, the ancient tribes left behind by his father and the Holy Emperor will not just watch him have an accident, no matter how bad it is. , and there is also Princess Shencan. Counting the time, Princess Shencan should be here too.

The queen is very vengeful, and it can be seen that there has been resentment for a long time. Back then, they could only endure the power of the holy emperor, but now they want to get it back from the monkey.

At this time, the ten thousand races did not dare to speak out, and all of them dared not speak out. The three ancestor kings were like gods to them.


Ye Fan made a move, confronted one of the ancestor kings, physically broke through several light curtains, but was finally blocked by the power of God.

"Little monkey, let me see who can save you today!"

With a slight tremor of "buzz", the queen flicked the Ujin big stick in the monkey's hand, but it didn't break. She showed a look of shock and said, "Is this the murderous soldier from back then?"

The monkey howled loudly, but couldn't break free, and was picked up by the queen and flew out of the fairyland. Facing such existences, not being a saint is not okay after all, it is no different from an ant, and there is no suspense.

"I see who can save you. Even a small monkey dares to disrespect the immortal emperor. Today, I will slowly smash your bones and skin you." The queen sneered and lifted the monkey out of the fairyland.

Many creatures followed out, and they all had to see what happened.

"Kneeling or not, life and death are up to you!" the queen said, although she was charming and charming, but there was a murderous look permeating it.

The monkey naturally would rather die than surrender, it is impossible to be subdued, that would be more uncomfortable than the one who killed him.

Ye Fan knew that he couldn't delay any longer, so he secretly activated the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Pot to dissolve the rushing gods, and broke through the encirclement, avoiding the ancestor king who was confronting him, and rushed to the monkey.

"If you don't kneel, I'll break your legs with my own hands, and make you touch the ground with your head. You won't be able to kneel for long." Queen Senhan was about to do it.

Behind, the emperor, Yuan Gu and others sneered, all silent, watching quietly, with a hint of teasing at the corners of their mouths.


Suddenly, a loud slap sounded in the field, so sudden that the expressions of everyone present were frozen.

At some point, a young girl appeared in the arena. She looked beautiful and charming, her body was like jade, white and delicate, and her purple hair was flowing, covering half of her beauty.

She slapped the queen and pulled the monkey up from the ground. With a flash of brilliance, she helped him wipe off the blood and healed the wound.

Everyone was stunned, what kind of existence is this? When he came up, he slapped a primordial queen, as if he had entered the land of no one.

Outside Yaochi, there are gurgling springs and lush green grass. This is a pure land, extremely quiet, no one speaks.

All this is too sudden and terrifying, how powerful is this girl?Dare to smack the mouth of the female ancestor king, and appear on the stage like this, which makes people feel shocked.

The queen herself was also stunned. For many years, no one had dared to humiliate her like this, but when she saw that beautiful face, she couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat.


At this moment, Ye Fan rushed out from Yaochi. He didn't know why, so he slammed at the female ancestor king. His fists were fierce and domineering. , collapsed in mid-air.

The queen came back to her senses, and hastily blocked it. With a "poof", one arm of the lotus root shattered and turned into a ball of mud, and then the whole person flew out, almost torn apart.

Ye Fan had to be unreasonable and continued to pursue. An ancient king wearing a silver battle suit chased him out, shouting loudly, trying to block his way forward.

And when this person saw the agile girl in the field, he was also stunned, just like the ancestor king, and then backed away.

"you are still alive!"


On the other side, Ye Fan and the female ancestor king collided again. This time, half of his body was split open, and his body was covered in blood.

"Ah..." The queen screamed, and Wuliangshen shot out, rushing forward, trying to drown Ye Fan.

At this time, the girl in the field made a move, and with a light flick, the Boundless God Principle and the monstrous magic power all returned to stillness, and then annihilated.

Until this moment, everyone present, after carefully identifying the appearance of the ethereal girl in the arena, he was dumbfounded.

" alive!"

In the past, in a strange stone called "Blood Sacrifice Altar" in Shencheng, there was a goddess inside. At that time, she was pierced through the chest by a peerless fierce soldier, nailed to death in Shenyuan, and was cut out by Mu Qing, that is, Xu Yu. At that time, many people thought she was dead, but they did not expect to be revived.Many people present who participated in Xu Yu's journey to the source in the early years couldn't help looking at Xu Yu.

In the distance, a young Taoist priest with disheveled hair, a prince wearing a Kowloon golden battle robe, and a little nun in a snow suit are walking together.

There is also an elf among them, shaped like a little phoenix, flamboyant and flying around.

When it saw the purple-haired girl outside the Yaochi, it was stunned for a moment, very confused, the tears in its big eyes fell uncontrollably, falling in pairs, and then flew over with a "whoosh".


Even this little creature didn't understand what was going on, and felt an indescribable intimacy with the young girl in the field, which fell on her shoulders, and wept bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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