Chapter 175 Princess Shen Silkworm
The purple-haired Goddess looked calm, gently stroking the little creature on his shoulder, his jade-like fingers shone with a seductive luster.

This little phoenix-like elf was crying, its eyes were watery and completely blurred.

Whining, he kept rubbing his head against the girl's cheek, and even stretched out a small melon seed to grab her long hair, refusing to let go, for fear that it was just a dream.

"That divine silkworm?" Li Heishui almost kicked his eyes out, and then stared at the girl who was as clear as a fairy, feeling incredible.


On the other side, the female ancestor king and the two male ancient kings were extremely surprised. They did not expect to see a person who should have died here.

They no longer dared to act rashly, and they were all slowly retreating, their expressions were unnatural, even a little fearful.

The hair on one side of the purple-haired girl covered half of her face, she was delicate and ethereal, with the corners of her mouth curved, revealing a gratified smile, as she stroked the little god silkworm.

"Hey, don't cry, didn't we meet again, it's hard for you to leave a mark and not forget me, when the time comes, I will reward you with a divine source."

She smiled softly, her snow-white teeth were more crystal clear than pearls, very brilliant, infecting other people's emotions.

It was such a woman who made the three ancient kings afraid, they dared not take any action for a long time, and even wanted to retreat.

In the distance, the three people came, and the young Taoist priest with disheveled hair was recognized as the Taoist Shencan who had been wandering in the city of God.

And the man wearing the Nine Dragons golden battle embrace is Xia Yiming, the prince of Daxia, and the little nun in white is Xia Yizhu, the princess of Daxia.

"Don't cry, baby!" The little nun in white whispered, seeing Shen Canwen so sad, she was also very sad like a painted cat.

"It's okay, it just saw its relatives, and wept with joy. There are some things about the real Shencan royal family that are indelible and will never be forgotten." Shencan said.

"Xiaoguai?" The girl in the center of the field was surprised when she heard the words, and then smiled again, and said, "It's a nice name, I'll call you Xiaoguai from now on.

Shencan twitched, and while crying, he rubbed his head against the girl's cheeks, whining, as if he was saying something.

In the distance, a group of people from Shencanling all rushed over, extremely excited, paid respects and said:
"You... are the princess, still alive."

Everyone was petrified, especially the ancient races, everyone was in awe and shocked. This was a shocking news, and many people ran to salute.

In Shencanling, there was an existence that was invincible in the sky and the earth with nine transformations, swept the heavens without opponents, and became the emperor in the world.

Although there are many strong people in Shencanling, most of them are Jincha, Yincan, Yucan, etc. There are very few people who really have imperial blood. There have never been fifteen in the past, which is only a little more than the group of fighting holy apes. .

As the princess of Shencanling who shocked the world in the past, there are many legends, which naturally caused great shock.

"Meet Princess Silkworm!"

"See Princess Dou Zhan!"

Almost all the creatures of the great clan bowed down, all extremely respectful, and each and every one of them shouted loudly.

This made many human monks feel apprehensive, unable to figure out why, and all stared blankly.

"Get up, just call me princess."

The girl's voice was soft and sweet.

"She's still Princess Douzhan, what's the matter?" Duan De stabbed the monkey who had recovered from his injuries.

"She almost became my Aunt Kun, but she was killed in a chaos." Monkey said.

"What?" Duan De rolled his eyes back.

Who is the monkey's uncle?It is very likely that Ximo's Dou defeated the Buddha. If this is the case, this girl's background is really scary.

At this time, people from other ancient clans also began to discuss, but all the big clans knew some past events, but the small clans knew very little.

Princess Shencan has a heavenly appearance. In the past, countless talented people from various ethnic groups in the ancient times went to propose marriages, but they were all beaten out and returned home. Only the younger brother of the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan passed her test.

It can be said that this princess is not only glamorous and moves the world, but her cultivation is also earth-shattering, far surpassing the average ancestor king by a lot.

It's a pity that in the last years of the ancient times, the Holy Emperor died after fighting, and the land lost its supreme ruler, and there was a sudden chaos, and all tribes fought against each other.

I don't know what kind of shocking accident happened, even Princess Shencan was forcibly defeated. When the news came out, all the clans were shocked.

Taoist Shencan was also present. Strictly speaking, he was higher in seniority than everyone in the clan. He was the son of the first ancestor of the nine-turned-emperor, and his status was detached.

He didn't come over, he was drunk with a wine jug, he was out of place with the surroundings, obviously he was also a person with a story.

After Princess Shencan comforted Xiao Guai, the smiling face disappeared, and she turned around. Although her expression was still calm, she had a more powerful look, and stared at the ancient queen.Said: "Just now I heard that you want to let the holy prince down, confess in front of all races, and even want to kill him. I want to ask why you dare to be so arrogant?"

Her voice was not very loud, but it made the scene quiet down. Everyone held their breath and watched quietly.

This beautiful and smart girl is even satisfied with the old Sage Emperor Dou Zhan back then. How can she not let the kings of all clans be afraid if she asks her younger brother to propose marriage?

"He blasphemed the gods and insulted the emperor, so he should be punished." The ancient queen said, but her tone was obviously not so harsh.

"Is it blasphemy? Why didn't you go to argue when the Holy Emperor Dou Zhan was alive? He overturned the dojo of the Immortal Emperor. Why didn't you stand up and say something? I think you are bullying the weak and afraid of the strong." Princess Jiancan said indifferently .

"I didn't intend to kill him, I just wanted to punish him and make him respect God." The queen was obviously very frightened, and she was no longer as strong as before.

Princess Shencha was calm, touched the little girl on her shoulder, looked forward again, and said: "As the Holy Prince, he has a strong temper, but you want him to apologize to the Heavenly Prince and face it in front of everyone." Kneel, is there anything more vicious than this? Want to break his legs
Kneeling in front of all races, do you want to break his heart to prove the Tao?
Speaking of this, Princess Shencan's calm expression remained unchanged, but her words became a little cold, and said: "I also give you two choices, one is to kneel in front of the ten thousand races by yourself, and the other is to break your legs and kneel." In front of all races, then apologize to the Holy Prince."

Everyone present felt a kind of murderous aura, she was indeed worthy of being one of the most famous strong women in the last years of the ancient times, quite straightforward and tough.

"You are too deceitful!" The ancient queen was greatly moved.

As the king of a generation, she can command a large royal family. Anyone who sees her must pay respects, but it is more uncomfortable to pay homage to a younger generation than to kill her.

Even if this person is a prince, it doesn't matter, if she has practiced to her level, she is the top existence in the world of the ancient world, except for the ancient emperor, no one is worthy of her kneeling.

"You also know that you are too deceitful. Why did you let the Holy Prince kneel and repent in front of thousands of people just now? Are you trying to target him, or do you want to humiliate the deceased old Dou Zhan Holy Emperor?!" At this point, the tone of Princess Shencan Aggravated, his face is not so emotional anymore.

All clans in the ancient times knew that the clan of Shencan had a good relationship with Dou Zhan Shengyuan, especially Princess Shen Cang respected the old Sage Emperor Dou Zhan back then, so it was natural to ask questions at this time.

"He's just a junior, even if he is a holy prince, it's fine if I ask him to kneel down and apologize."

The Taikoo Queen said that she has lost her confidence.

'Okay, then I ask you to cure it now, choose for yourself. "Princess Shencan said calmly, the little creature on her shoulder nodded with resemblance eyes, and a pair of big silver eyes that still had tears blinked non-stop.

"Your Highness, this is too much. The other two ancient kings stepped forward and said.

"How far away is the distance between you two before I disappear, otherwise you will also kill me." At this moment, Princess Shendan showed her strong side, her voice was not high and calm, but quite Captivating.

Around, the strong men of all ethnic groups dare not show their atmosphere.

It really wasn't that the whole family didn't enter the family. Although Princess Shencan was a woman, she had the strength and arrogance of the fighting saints.

"We are the descendants of the Immortal Emperor's family, and our status is respected. No one can make us kneel down." The ancient queen said.

"Immortal Emperor, what a great reputation, you are mainly standing up for the emperor this time, do you believe that I will directly kill all the so-called princes behind you?!" Princess Shenchui sneered, step by step forward.

The immemorial queen changed color, facing the number one master of the silkworm clan, she had no choice but to say anything, for fear that she would really do something wrong.

In the rear, the Emperor and Yuan Gu's hearts skipped a beat. They felt that this woman could do what she said. Even if they had the backing of the ancient royal family behind them, Princess Shencan would dare to kill her.

"Eggs, watermelons, be more honest, or I will throw you off immediately." Duan Dehu pretended to be a tiger.

The prince of heaven, Yuan Gu circled him and remembered this inexplicable son.

"Damn it!" Duan De slapped himself as soon as he finished speaking, scolding himself for being confused, now that he didn't appear on the stage with the Eucharist, he regretted the law, and scolded Hai Qi.

"Aren't you very aggressive just now, let Shengzi jump down, what's wrong now, is it because of me?" Princess Shencan sneered.

"You..." The ancient queen changed color.

Princess Shencan made a move, and the slender jade fingers flew out of colorful lights, turning into a piece of light and flying out alive.


The ancient queen exhibited all kinds of rules and tried her best to limit the block, but after the enemy hit the dragon ten or hundreds of times, she finally let out a loud cry and a miserable snort.


No one could see clearly how Princess Shencan made the move, the ancient queen's double clothes made the sound of fracture, completely deformed and fell limp all of a sudden, oppressed by a wave of divine power, she fell to the ground.

"You..." She looked grim.

Princess Shencan waved her hand, pulled my son closer, faced the Queen, and said, "Atonement."

"If you treat me like this, you won't be afraid of the future..." The ancient queen threatened.

Princess Shencan smiled, revealing the other half of her beauty that was blocked by her purple hair. She was very delicate and beautiful, and she stretched out a jade hand.Said: "In this case, then you go to die."


She was very straightforward and decisive, pressed the slender jade on the female worker's head, and shattered it on the spot, even the Yuanshen did not escape, and died unexpectedly.

There was no sound at the scene, and everyone almost stopped breathing. This is an ancient Prime Minister, and he was killed as soon as he said it. It was so sharp and fresh that even the monkey was surprised. Killing the ancestor king is a big deal. sparked wars between tribes.

At this moment, the child prodigy raised her head, fixed her eyes on the emperor and Yuan Gu, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, which was very sweet but frightening.

The other two ancient kings were chilled all over, and quickly swept forward, and the original boring royals also flew out, standing there, everyone was terrified.

The silkworm princess is as slender and gentle as water, her purple hair is pure and smooth, and she is calm on the face, but it makes the ancient people in front of her tremble with fear.

Everyone backed up involuntarily, and the two ancient kings kept walking in their hearts, and even had the urge to go away immediately.

"Princess, please calm down. You have killed an ancestor king, so let's stop here." One of the ancient kings persuaded.

Siye, people were surprised, a queen was killed, they actually put up with it, and they were so low, it can be seen that Princess Shencan is powerful.

People from Yuanyuan Lake also stepped forward to protect Yuan Gu and isolate him from the emperor, fearing that innocent people would be involved in it, they showed great sincerity, and said: "Princess, please raise your hands high."

Zhou Yuan, the people all stopped breathing.The power of Princess Shencan was stronger than they imagined, so these royal families had to bow their heads and were afraid in their hearts.

How many patriarchs can a main clan have?It is very difficult to have more than three statues. With a word of ancestor, it is equivalent to representing this big family, and their status is extremely lofty, and they are equivalent to going to war with this royal family.

And Princess Shencan raised her hand and killed the queen without any hesitation at all, she was decisive without any scruples, and had to make people feel hairy.

"Princess, please calm down." At this time, the royal family in Huoteng Cave also stepped forward to intercede.

"The princess was in the ancient times, and the kings retreated. He Zhen cares about these things, so let's think about them."

The people from Blood Phoenix Mountain also spoke.

The silkworm princess with purple hair stood still, and covered half of her beautiful face. The corner of her mouth thought slightly, a little cold and proud, she looked at the emperor and Yuan Gu, and said: "Don't pretend to be noble, relying on the shadow of your parents is nothing, you will be annoyed." I, kill them all!"

The emperor seemed to be struck by lightning, and the nine rings on the back of his head almost shattered, and his body trembled.Yuan Gu was even more disturbed, the whole moon in the left eye was illuminated by the sun, and the blood moon in the right eye was almost melted.

"Princess..." At this moment, the people from Shencanling also spoke up, stepping forward to help and intercede.

They were also a little worried. Although their own ship princess was good at good fortune, she was not invincible after all. If she really killed the two ancient princes, the future life of Shencanling would not be easy, and some ancient ancestor kings would go crazy. Maybe he will kill the Cang Taoist in the same way.

Princess Shenmian glanced at them, and she didn't intend to make a move. This made the others heave a sigh of relief. This is really a sharp goddess, fresh and beautiful, but quite energetic and powerful.

A turmoil passed like this, and people all had a steelyard in their hearts. Although the lineage of Dou Zhan Shenghuang was thin and almost extinct, as long as one jumped out, it would be inflated and frightening. He is the holy prince with a prominent position. Princess Shencan expressed her gratitude to Ye Fan, and then asked about the situation of the nine magical medicines on the Huanggu Shenxi in detail, and raised her eyebrows accordingly.

That is the elixir painted on the Shencan clan. It was originally born on the Shencan Ridge, and it contains fragments of the Dao.

She thought of some past events, but it was difficult to connect those records. Back then, the ancient medicine flew away by itself, and even the unrivaled sage of the silkworm clan did not stop him.

"Sometimes you can smell me and go for a walk." Princess Shensuo said.

"Princess be careful, the ancient kings of other clans have been there before, but Iron Feather returned." The people from Shencanling persuaded.

"I see." Princess Shencan nodded.Xiaosheng Ai on her shoulder hummed and landed, with big white eyes and a weird look.

"Little guy, do you still remember me?" Ye Fan asked with a smile.

Beside, other people were noisy, and no one dared to speak loudly in front of the goddess in this scene, but he was not among them, which immediately made many people envious.


Xiaoguai gave him a big white eye, and held all of Princess Shendan's hair firmly with a small paw, carefully guarding against him, as if he was afraid of being abducted.

"No conscience, I was the one who helped you rush over when your flag was robbed." Ye Fan wanted to touch it, but it caused a groan.

In the distance, all the tribes in the ancient times frowned secretly. Is the human saint body trying to win over Princess Shencan and want Shencanling to stand by their side? One monkey is already messy enough, plus those Everyone should be afraid of the god silkworm.

"The road of the human race is under your own feet, don't let it get in the way." Princess Shencan said, not wanting to intervene in the disputes of various races.

Ye Fan, Li Shui and others would be lying if they said they were not disappointed, but such a super aid cannot be won over.

However, they also know that the affairs of various ethnic groups are very complicated, and Princess Shencan will not easily get into chaos if she wants to.

"As soon as the list of Conferred Gods is withdrawn from the Ten Thousand Clans, some ancient kings still firmly believe that the Great Emperor Wu Shi has already passed away, and they will come to this secret meeting in person."

In the end, Princess Shencan helped Xiao Piao to go away, and she left just like that, leaving only Shi Ye Fan and the others saying:
All the major tribes present were relieved, as long as the princess of Shencanling did not stand on the side of the human race, they could say anything, otherwise they would really be afraid.

Ye Fan and the others jumped in their hearts. This is really not good news. Even the list of gods has come out, and there are still ancient masters who don't believe it.The situation is too bad.

Time is running out, and when the Wanai industry will really start, these powerful ancient kings will come, and I am afraid there will be a big chaos, even a catastrophe!
"Can't even Emperor Wushi's list of gods be able to restrain them?"

Ye Fan and Duan De didn't give up. This is the most powerful backhand they can use in the near future, and there is no other way in a short time.

The ancient people not only know about the ancient emperor mountain, but there must be other people who know some secrets, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to be so convinced that the emperor Wu Shi has turned into ashes.

However, the human race themselves, except for Ye Fan and others, believe that the Great Emperor Wushi is still alive. In the past few days, the Northern Territory Joining the Clan Alliance is like boiling water, and there are noises everywhere.

They also didn't know that some ancient kings in the ancient times were sneering, and there were still a small number of people who were not restrained.

Seeing all this, Xu Yu didn't say anything. From his point of view, whether it's now or in the original book, the final winner of this event of ten thousand races can only be the human race.

After all, the human race still had Gai Jiuyou, who was a different kind of Daoist, alive at that time. If Gai Jiuyou was in a hurry, even those existences in the restricted area of ​​life needed to be treated with caution.

After all, those old bacon in the restricted area of ​​life, their only obsession in living in the world is to become immortal, and now that the road to immortality is about to open, they will not lose the big because of small things.

(End of this chapter)

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