Chapter 177
The arrival of the god king Jiang Taixu completely ignited the emotions of the human race, and the depression in their hearts disappeared.

After all, just now, many ancient kings of the ancient ten thousand races said that no one among them could sit with them to insult the weakness of the human race.

Where are the servants of some ancient races, they also look down on the human race, so when a saint appears in the human race, many people are in high spirits.

In fact, Xu Yu was also very depressed in his heart, but his depression was aimed at the human race itself.

A few months ago, the extreme forces of the human race approached the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, that is, Jiang Taixu. He intended to unite many saints of the human race to make a game for the ancient people.

But the prestige of the god king Jiang Taixu in his own family is not enough to allow the great sage of the Jiang family to be born, and the same is true for other extreme forces, who don't want to let their own background be born.

So Jiang Taixu could only look for various holy places, because is it a matter of a day or two for the background of the Zifu Holy Land to be born?

Many people know about this matter. Before the Taikoo clan fully recovered, the news of the birth of the saint in Zifu Holy Land had already spread in Donghuang.

Plus all these years.Due to resources and territory, the Purple Mansion Holy Land is very difficult to deal with some ancient tribes.Therefore, the old man Zixu also often went out to "discuss the truth!" with some ancestor kings of the ancient clan!

So over the years, the news of the Zifu Holy Land leaving the Holy Land has been made public.

It's no wonder that Taixu, the king of gods, came to his door, although Jiang Taixu, the king of gods, did everything for the development of the human race.

But it did put the old man Zixu in danger. After all, he was just an old man, and they went to the holy cliff to pick up the list of gods.To be precise, it is to assist Gu Tianshu, a follower of Wushi Great Emperor, to extract the list of gods and use it as a background board.

But who made the old man Zixu not as strong as Gu Tianshu?

Originally, the old man Zixu wanted to use the various elixir that Xu Yu gave him to live out a second life, but his blood energy really did not support him to live out a second life, so he could only extend his lifespan by hundreds of years .

If all the details of the human race were revealed, all the primordial races would be wiped out.

There are a total of eight extreme forces on the surface of the human race, which means that the human race has eight great sages, plus Gu Tianshu, Tianxuan old man Wei Yi has ten great sages.

As for those ancient great sages who are hidden from the world and unknown to the world, there are not none, such as an old Taoist in Zhongzhou, an old woman in the world of Beiyuan Immortal Mansion, and so on.


With the arrival of Jiang Taixu, the human race finally has the confidence to negotiate peace with the ancient race, but they still don't have the foundation for peace talks.

After all, the eyes of the ancients were not used to vent their anger, and the difference in the number of saints between the two sides was still very obvious, so there was still a battle to be done.

Obviously, the saints are very clear about what will happen next, and now even their faces are not very good-looking.

Now a saint appeared in the human race for the first time, and the strength of the two sides is not equal, even if they have the qualifications to negotiate peace with them now.But there is no strength for peace talks.

After all, what the practice world pays attention to is still the strong eat the weak, and it is impossible to chat and laugh with kindness.

"Finally looking good, a saint came out." An ancient king said indifferently.

The scene fell silent, and people were all paying attention to the king in white, perhaps he should be called a saint in white.

However, from a psychological point of view, people prefer to be called the God King in White. This is no longer an achievement, but a unique title.

"A saint who is different from ordinary people!"

The only man among the seven ancient kings who had never spoken spoke, frowned slightly, and said, "How do I call you?"

"Jiang Taixu" the king of gods spoke calmly, with spirit in his eyes, shining brightly like the evening glow.

He doesn't have the air of a saint, let alone the power to intimidate others, but standing there, he can be evenly compared with the seven ancient kings, and there is no weakness at all.

This is everyone's feeling. I don't know if it is an illusion or a hallucination, but I have become extremely certain in my heart. When the king of gods comes, it is like a needle that stabilizes the sea, which makes people feel at ease.

"Why do I feel that you are different from other saints?" The indifference of an ancient king faded away, and a ray of doubt appeared on his face.

"It's not the same, you and I are of different races, and the way we prove is also different," Shen Wang said.

"No, what kind of Tao have you proved? It is definitely stronger than ordinary saints." The ancient king said in a deep voice.

All the people present were surprised, especially the various tribes of the ancient times, and they were even terrified. Being able to make this ancient king say such words is enough to show that the white-clothed saint in front of him is stronger than him.

"The times have changed, and every saint of the human race is unique." Jiang Shenwang said flatly.

However, as soon as these words came out, they were like a thunderbolt, shocking the ancient kings present, and their faces changed for the first time. As for the others, only a few figured out the meaning, and then they were shocked Pale.

This is the post-desolation ancient era, which is different from the past. The world cannot tolerate the appearance of saints, no one can prove the truth, and even kings are almost invisible

Over the years, it has been an era of despair for the amazingly talented monks. They have the talents but can't cut the way. They live by themselves, their hair is gray, and they are sad, but they can't succeed.

It was different before the ancient times. When the rules of heaven and earth had not changed, kings were not uncommon, and saints from all clans would have them. It was much easier to achieve success than it is now.

In today's world, the great success of kings is as rare as phoenix feathers, and the difficulty of becoming a saint is not lower than that of ancient times. With such harsh conditions, how can we take the step of becoming a saint?

Over the years, those who have been able to slash the Tao are amazing. Everyone has their own unique path, which is facilitated by various great opportunities and cannot be copied.

It takes such a strong will and talent to take such a step in such a situation that does not allow sanctification

Each of the saints who have been accomplished under such a background is incomparable and unique. Even if they are just beginning to step in, they are terrifying, because they are the kings of saints.
It succeeded under the most impossible conditions.

Who is the King of God in White Clothes? He is crowned with the word "peerless", and he is a king himself. Coupled with this difficult background condition, then he can be called the king of kings.

"The times are different," an ancient king said to himself, and a wave of shock surged in his heart.

The saints of the human race are almost invisible, but as long as one falls out, it will be super amazing and frightening, making them afraid.

"The grand gathering of all races is about to begin, don't you all go in and sit down?" God King invited, his hair was as white as snow.

"It's not worth going in. There is no one who can sit on an equal footing. It's a grand event. I'll sit there. There's no one who can sit at the same table with you. Who will you talk to?"

An ancient king ruthlessly uncovered the scars, which made many human monks angry, but they were powerless to refute. If it hadn't been for the arrival of King Jiang, it would have been like this.

"I'll sit and discuss with you," said the king in white.

"You are extraordinary, you are about to learn, let's talk about it after passing our level first." An ancient king stepped forward, and immediately made a move.

There were 36 pairs of divine wings behind him, and they swelled together. Immediately, the light curtain of Tiangang was released, and a heavenly sword was lifted up, and it was chopped down immediately.

This is Wuliangshen Zehuicheng, and it is his strongest blow. In the battle of saints, sometimes one blow will separate the winner and the loser, deciding life and death.

In the setting sun, Jiang Taixu's whole body was surrounded by golden rays of light, he only had one movement, and that was to slash with his fingers.


The sword of heaven broke under the two fingers of the king of gods, and the gods disappeared like smoke, turning into a dazzling light and disappearing into the void.


An even more terrifying battle started. This time, six saints took action. Except for one ancient king, they all attacked and killed them.

Thousands of threads, all kinds of lights and shapes are intertwined together, turning into a road of fairy copper and splitting down, the sounds of heaven and earth are everywhere, and all kinds of auspicious energy are gushing down and falling down.

This is the killer copper sacrificed by the six sages together, competing with the heaven and the earth for good fortune, competing with the sun and the moon for brilliance, peace and killing go hand in hand.

"Infinite light, immeasurable calamity, immeasurable energy, eternal suppression" the six people chanted together, and the sound resounded through the sky and the earth, rumbled, and it was unknown how many thousands of miles it was spread.

The void in front is collapsing, chaotic light is looming, and a small world is split out, where there is an extra energy to open the sky.

This is an extremely powerful attack. The heavenly general Ruicai, the earth's divine lotus, all kinds of lights gather together to form a sea of ​​gods

Everyone fell down and was not attacked, but they were under the coercion of the sky, and the world seemed to be destroyed.

The peerless god king swiped his hands, time seemed to stand still for him, his white hair fluttered, his eyes were determined, unmoved, he drew the path of the Tao.

Only Xu Yu can understand that he is evolving the holy method of fighting, he has the highest attack power in 5000 years, and he shines again
But this time, the God King appeared as a saint, reproducing his invincible attack and strongest attack power.


The sky and the earth collapsed, and a crimson blood-like furnace appeared, which was sacred and vast, filling the sky, engraved with ancient patterns such as divine birds and the sun.

The haze is like blood, blooming gorgeously, and various laws are intertwined beside this holy furnace, making the roar of heaven, suppressing and suppressing, no one can stop it.

"What, you brought the Jidao Emperor Soldiers?"

"Could this be Jiang's Eternal Universe Furnace?"

Several ancient kings were terrified, their hair stood on end, and they felt a sense of powerlessness. They couldn't resist, and they kept sinking under the pressure.

"No, this is the attacking holy art that he evolved, not the emperor's soldiers. This is too scary." An ancient king was cold all over.

Everyone was shocked, the stone broke the sky, and the human monks knew that this must be the holy law of fighting, which evolved into an unrivaled attack
"The first attack in 5000 years, an unbreakable myth"

Everyone was excited. After stepping into the realm of saints, the white-clothed god king became even more invincible, and he was still the unique peerless god king

All races in the ancient times showed fear, and everyone was terrified. One man crushed the six saints. What kind of demeanor is this? The six ancient kings bent down and were about to fall to their knees.

The peerless style remains the same as before, and the number one attack power in the past 5000 years is still an unbreakable myth.

The King of God in white clothes still had the same demeanor, following his attack, people's blood spurted and roared, and everyone's blood was surging.

On the sky, the blood-colored sacred furnace is blooming with infinite light, the scarlet clouds are lingering, the gods are infinite, and the roar of the avenue is endless, the six ancient kings bent down, bent their knees, unable to bear the power of the gods, and it is useless to fight together , every bone in the body was ringing, about to explode.

There is a vast expanse between heaven and earth, everywhere is light, and there are laws everywhere. A red god like blood stands tall, as huge as a mountain, shining on the sky.

Everyone was overwhelmed, and the six saints were invincible together. They were pressed down below, and they were about to kneel down, completely annihilated.

People have to be shocked, the white-clothed saint does not have a false name, the holy law of fighting is unparalleled in the world, even the Hengyu Emperor Furnace has evolved, what else can't be done


The six saints yelled loudly, all vomited blood, their bodies bent even more, and they would die if they didn't kneel down.

Finally, the seventh ancient king made a move. He was so powerful that he turned into a beam of boundless light, a vast expanse of whiteness, like a galaxy hanging down, fitting his body into the Dao
"Thousands of generations are immortal, ten thousand eons are not destroyed, Taoism is boundless, and the world has opened up!"

This ancient king was very powerful, as if he had obtained eternal life in the boundless light, he held a huge ax and slashed down, trying to split the blood furnace in the void, as if he was opening the sky, the chaotic energy rushed come out.

It has to be said that this person is extremely powerful, the feng shui cycle at the top of the earth, the breath of a new world rushes in, he splits all obstacles, and the chaotic light surges.

This is not a virtual scene, but the real power of primordial origin, filled with the aura of the birth of all things, as if returning to the beginning of the Tao.


Faced with all this, the God King in white formed seals with both hands, the red clouds were transpiring, and the bright Eternal Furnace kept rising, unexpectedly directly blocking the axe.

There were nine divine phoenixes rushing out of the furnace, and a round of sun manifested on the spot. This is a kind of imperial prestige, it doesn't look like it evolved at all, as if the real emperor of the extreme way has arrived.

In a violent collision, the sun and the axe collided together, emitting an immortal light, and the whole world collapsed.


At this moment, everyone was deaf and couldn't hear anything. The huge impact made many people's ears bleed.

Fortunately, the distance is far enough, otherwise everyone will die and become dust, and there will be no blood left.This was a terrible impact. The sun branded on the Eternal Furnace collapsed, and the giant ax that opened the sky also collapsed and became a streamer.

The fluctuations caused by the strikes are too terrifying, as if piercing through the nine heavens. This is a great destruction. Some elders in Yaochi exclaimed that some patterns outside the pure land were almost torn apart. Too unmatched.

Here, there are countless array patterns, which are specially opened up for the saints. There are ancient stones buried one after another in the ground, some of which were carved by the Western Emperor.

When Yaochi moved back then, not all these things could be moved, but the most important parts were brought.

This is the battle of the saints, destroying the world, the battlefield specially prepared for them was almost broken through, and there were some small mistakes.


The seventh saint yelled loudly, his hair fluttering and his eyes widened with anger, but he couldn't stop the impact of the nine divine phoenixes and pinned him down.


In the sky, the blood-red sacred furnace rose up, and then fell down violently, this time suppressing the seven ancient kings together.

Everyone was stunned, what kind of combat power this is, one person alone overwhelmed the Seven Sages and gained the upper hand, this is a peerless and amazing performance. Four of the seven ancient kings stepped into this realm and did not go far. But the other three are very powerful, especially the last one is super terrifying, but he is still invincible.

"Get up!"

The seven people roared loudly, resounding through the sky, shaking the entire sky, and spreading tens of thousands of miles, the laws of heaven and earth trembled.

The addition of the seventh saint made them even more terrifying, and they wanted to lift the bloody sacred furnace and shatter it into the void.

At this moment, every saint's heavenly spirit cover rushed into a column of blood, almost piercing through the sky and the earth. They really fought hard and used all their strength.


The majestic roar of the mountains and rivers shook the years and broke the space. It rumbled like a thousand troops and horses galloping. It was deafening and indescribable. When it was lifted, the seven saints erupted with incomparable strength, their anger stood on end, their blood was like a river, and they came out through the sky cover.

Everyone exclaimed, facing all this, people are really scared, if Jiang Shenwang loses, who else can stop him?

At this time, the saint in white has become the only saint of the human race that people can rely on, and is their spiritual pillar
Everyone was terrified, their bodies couldn't help shaking, the human race couldn't afford to be defeated, there weren't so many ancient kings, saints were too rare, once they died, the consequences would be unimaginable
"God Bless the God King" Many people prayed secretly.

Flying in white, King Jiang Shen let out a long howl, the sound was so loud, he descended from the sky, his whole body was shining, and he stepped on the Eternal Furnace.

This is an eternal picture that people will never forget after many years have passed, and the invincible demeanor of the peerless god king is fully displayed.

The white clothes win the snow, the god king Jiang Taixu descended on the Eternal Furnace, and suppressed the seven saints, falling continuously, unrivaled

The Seven Saints roared loudly, they all coughed up blood, cracks appeared in every bone, they were in despair, this saint of the human race could be called the King of the Saints, they could not be shaken by the combined efforts of the seven of them, they were suppressed by the Eternal Furnace , gave birth to a sense of powerlessness, and lost the courage of the First World War.

"Are all the saints who proved the way in the ancient times so terrible?" The most powerful ancient king had the most tenacious will, but he was also desperate.

They are ringing all over, and all kinds of laws are reversed, and they are about to destroy their own bodies.Moreover, at this moment, their physical bodies couldn't support them, and they were about to kneel down and fall at the feet of the white-clothed god king in a very humiliating posture.

"The King of God is invincible!"

People roared with excitement, but the terrible scene of defeat did not appear. The god king in white, with his peerless grace, even suppressed the seven saints by himself

"Peerless God King!"

Although it should be called a white-clothed saint, people are more used to calling him the peerless god king, because this can better demonstrate his uniqueness.

(End of this chapter)

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