Chapter 178
The white clothes fluttered, and the god king Jiang Taixu stood on the red blood god furnace, shining on the sky, as if he was alone on the top, looking at all the small mountains, and the seven sages fell under the god furnace under their feet.

This is a kind of spirit where the sky is the cliff and I am the peak. Looking down at the vast land, even the saints fall down and want to kneel at their feet.

The eternal picture, no matter how many years have passed, is imprinted in people's hearts and cannot be erased.

"Ah..." The seven saints were about to be defeated, unable to bear this coercion, they turned to the sky and roared angrily.

However, at this moment, the white-clothed god king smiled brilliantly, withdrew his supreme power, melted away the Hengyu Emperor furnace, and suppressed all aura.

He was dressed in white to win over the snow, and stood alone in the void. He did not kill the Seven Sages, nor made them kneel down in humiliation.

The world was quiet, everyone was stunned, even the seven saints didn't know why, they froze on the spot, not knowing what to say or what to do.

No one would have thought that the God King in white would stop at a critical moment, and without the shock of the God of Evolution, everyone would know that he would definitely be able to suppress and kill the Seven Saints just now.

Moreover, he could let them die on their knees in humiliation, and he would be honored as a hero for a lifetime, and he would achieve his own supreme arrogance and prestige.

But he didn't do that, with a peaceful expression, independent in the sunset, and an extraordinary demeanor.

The faces of all the ancient ministries turned pale, and the seven saints were defeated in the hands of one person. It was shocking, and many people's legs were weak.

"Why didn't you make a move?" An ancient king asked in a low voice.

"When will we be able to continue killing like this, this time is a grand gathering of all races, not a killing conference." The king of gods replied.

The seven ancient kings fell silent, their hearts were hard to calm down, they felt bitter and lost, and they lost like this.

"Show strength without domineering, you are a real king, and the road ahead is destined to be much farther than ours." An ancient king sighed softly.

Many monks in the human race wondered why they didn't kill a few saints, so that there would be less terrifying enemies, and few people understood the heart of the god king.

"We are defeated, thank you for not killing!" At this moment, the seven saints bowed and saluted together, which shocked everyone.

Whether it is the ancient race or the heroes of the human race, they are all dumbfounded. Such a powerful ancestor has an indelible arrogance.

In this world, unless the ancient emperor was resurrected, they would not worship anyone, but at this moment they bowed their heads to the god king.

What is a real king? Let all the enemies of the world pay respect, awe and admiration.The God King in White gave the best interpretation!

It is an unimaginable honor to let the ancestor king bow his waist and let the ancient saint salute. Who in the world can do it?

In this battle, the God King in white didn't kill a single opponent, and his clothes were not stained with blood, but he was destined to move the world and startle all races, and everyone should be in awe.

"We underestimated the human race, you are a real king." The seven saints saluted the god king again, and then turned to leave.

Everyone was in a daze. Since ancient times, how many people can enjoy such respectful etiquette?

After thinking for a while, people realized that it was right for the God King not to kill them. He could kill these seven people anytime he wanted, but if he did, the ancient clans would retaliate wildly, and the human race would be hard to resist.

Intimidation by not killing is far more deterrent than showing force and domineering!

"You guys have already arrived at Yaochi, why don't you go in and sit down and have a good talk." The God King asked to stay.

The seven patriarchs paused for a moment, then hesitated for a moment, finally turned around and walked towards the pure land together with the white-clothed god king.

"Don't despise us to fight together, because if we can't even pass this level, the human race really has no hope. Not only the few of us who don't believe that Wu Shi is still alive, but also some stronger people, they... should all come tomorrow .”

The seven ancient kings were not ashamed of joining forces to fight against the enemy, and told the truth frankly.

These seven people returned to indifference, they were not as impetuous as the ancient king Longshou, they only sat opposite the white-clothed god king, and ignored the others completely.

This is destined to be a sleepless night, because when the sun rises, there will be an unknown fate waiting for everyone. Can the god king alone fight the world?
Many people think of this problem with a heavy heart and sleepless nights, and people feel that the night is so long and wishes to last forever.

This night was very long, as if it would never end. No one knew what would happen in the morning. Many people could not sleep all night, and their faces were haggard and worried, which was very difficult.

Finally, dawn broke, and a ray of light rose from the east, cut through the mist, and shone into Yaochi.

The glowing red sun sprays brilliance, mist lingers in the pure land, morning dew, fresh leaves, lake waves, bright petals, etc. are shining with luster.

The fresh air rushes in, and the fog in the mountains is colorful and steaming in the sunlight, which is truly beautiful and peaceful.

However, on such a vibrant morning, everyone's heart is very heavy, what should come is finally coming, the opening of the grand gathering of all races, and the powerful ancient king is about to descend.

On a cliff, the king of gods in white sat cross-legged, breathing in the morning glow, transcending the world in the clear light, unstained by dust.Ye Fan was beside him and told him in detail what had happened over the past ten years.

This night, Ye Fan was able to sit with King Jiang, which made many monks envious. This is what people long for, but who calls Ye Fan the disciple of King Jiang?
Because of the influence of Xu Yu, the butterfly, the story of Ye Fan meeting the god king in Zishan did not appear in the original book, but he still became his disciple. It can be said that the bond between the two is destined by heaven.

On another cliff, seven ancient kings were also sitting cross-legged. Their expressions were indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations. They didn't open their eyes together until the moment the morning glow rose.

"It's time to come!" said an ancient king.

As soon as this sentence came out, people were brought back to reality. They were about to face a huge storm. The powerful ancestor king appeared on the stage. If you don't believe that the Great Emperor Wu Shi is still alive, there will be a shocking collision.

Haze rose in everyone's heart, standing motionless on the ground, waiting for that moment to come, heavy and oppressive, almost stopped breathing.

Finally, the divine bell rang, and an extremely powerful sage arrived and passed into the pure land, requiring the leaders of all religions to greet him.

The time to come has finally come, no matter what you can't avoid it, whether it is a great world of symbiosis or a dark chaotic world will be revealed today.

At this moment, no one can be calm. This is a negotiation that can be recorded in history. It is related to the future of all ethnic groups and has a far-reaching impact.

"Peace talks... What are you talking about with me?" A cold voice came from outside the Pure Land, without any shame.

In the morning light, three tall figures approached, walking like dragons and tigers, all wearing battle clothes, icy cold, shimmering with metallic luster, and their armors were all made of divine gold, all of them were holy grades.

From behind, a few more people appeared, shining brilliantly.

"Very good, all the old friends are here, let's go into Yaochi together and see who can sit down and talk with us!"

People were horrified, a total of eleven saints came in person, all of them had monstrous mana, and they came from the ancient land like living gods.

"Let's go into Yaochi and see what's so special about the inheritance left by the Western Emperor!"

The visitors were not kind. Although the eleven ancient kings did not intend to be surprised, they were overwhelming when they came together. People couldn't stand at all, and almost all knelt down on the ground.

People were shocked, not one or two, but more than a dozen people. Even if the king of gods has a supreme demeanor, how can he compete with so many people?Everyone is desperate.

This is not an equal confrontation at all. If there is a real battle, these people will have an overwhelming advantage, and this is not all, there must be someone behind.

On the dome of the sky, a green column of air hangs down, thick and heavy. The Green Pagoda of Immortal Tears stands in a small world, looming and chaotic.

"The breath of the ancient emperor, is that the legendary West Emperor Pagoda? It's not real, but I really want to hold it in the palm of my hand and take a closer look." One of the ancient kings looked up and sneered.

People are shocked, is this a provocation? Perhaps such a thing will really happen in the near future, and they will attack the important place of the human race and win the emperor!

An ancient king reminded, if you don't say a few words, if this tower falls, it will become fly ash.

Another sage said, Yaochi can do this as much as they want, at least two ancient imperial soldiers are aimed at this place, if they really want to do it, it's hard to say who will become ashes.

After these 11 people came in, they didn't feel any pressure facing the West Emperor Pagoda, and pointed to the Pure Land of Yaochi as if there was no one else around.

The people present were all terrified, they came prepared, the two ancient imperial soldiers pointed their swords at Yaochi, they were shocked, if there was a real war, the West Emperor Pagoda might be destroyed.

Of course, this is the worst plan, but not impossible!The weapons of the ancient emperor banged against each other, and no one could bear the price.

The pressure in people's hearts is as huge as a mountain, almost suffocating.

Tongtiantai, a broken mountain with a height of more than [-] zhang, not a single blade of grass grows, as if a great mountain has been cut off by someone, the section is a huge rooftop, vast and boundless.

It is said that this was originally the highest mountain in the Northern Territory, but it was cut into a platform by the Western Emperor himself, and it is extremely majestic even if it is broken vertically, with the appearance of the king of the mountains.

It can be used as a martial arts arena or a meeting square, no matter how many people come, it can be accommodated, because it is engraved with the pattern of the Western Emperor.

Back then, it took a lot of effort to move the mountain to the pure land when Yaochi was relocated.

In the center of the Tongtian Terrace, the white-clothed god king sat cross-legged, behind him were the many leaders of the human race, and on the opposite side were the seven ancient kings and a large number of ancient powerhouses.

On the edge of the broken mountain, a black-faced Taoist stood with his hands behind his back, preparing to welcome the eleven ancient kings, who were formed from the basalt of the barbarians.

"How tyrannical I am as a human race, I have to have some confidence to hold a meeting of ten thousand races, but what I saw, you dare to sit on the high platform just because you are alone and a tortoise?"

With a cruel smile and a ruthless look, the eleven ancient kings came to the Tongtian Terrace, looking around with cold eyes, with a hint of murderous intent in the corners of their mouths.

"Not long ago, Pindao beat to death a blind ancestor king with his Overlord God Fist." The Taoist transformed into a black turtle said with a serious face.

The temperature dropped sharply, and the cold and murderous aura filled the air. The eleven ancient kings looked together and stared at the black turtle. Their faces were extremely indifferent, and their eyes were like knives.

At the very beginning, the atmosphere was tense to the extreme, a great battle would break out at any time, and many creatures were trembling.

"Are the two of us going there too?" Beside the emperor, the two ancient kings looked at each other and asked for each other's opinions, but in the end they didn't act.

"It's just a turtle, the human race is really dead!" said an ancient king. He was obviously provocative and came here for killing.

"But killing you is a little overkill!" the black turtle said with its head held high.

"You guys have come from afar, why don't you sit down and have a chat?" the white clothed god king said.

The black turtle turned around, left his butt to them, walked back, and then sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Talk, what is there to talk about, can your human race be on an equal footing with us?" An ancient king strode forward, very tough, with only one purpose, to fight and kill the human race saints.

"What do you think is equal, and why did you come here?" The white-clothed god king asked calmly without getting angry.

"You will never be qualified to sit on an equal footing with us, just one of you and one tortoise will not be enough." Another ancient king stepped forward.

"If the emperor comes, are you qualified? I'm afraid you will go as far as you can." The black turtle was angry.

"Not to mention whether it is powerful or not, but in terms of numbers, there is only one saint out of such a huge human race, and a tortoise will be brought in in the end. What future is there? How can we compare with us?" The person in front The ancient king made it clear that he wanted to fight, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Weak people have no right to speak and have nothing to say." Another ancient king was more direct.

Among the eleven ancient kings, three were so aggressive, withdrawing salt from the wounds of the human race, they had no intention of sitting down and talking at all.

At this time, the atmosphere on the Tongtiantai was extremely tense, and a war was about to break out. There was no way to talk about peace. This did not involve reason, but a question of qualifications.

Among the eleven saints, one of them who had not spoken all this time spoke up at this time, saying: "The matter is over, there is only one battle. We are just one step ahead, and there is a powerful ancestor king behind us. Erase, what else are you talking about?"

At this point, it is inevitable. If you want to negotiate, you must first have a qualification!

"Okay then, let's fight here." The king in white was very straightforward and didn't say anything more.

"I can't wait." The three ancient kings wearing god iron clothes came to the front, and they were the ones who were aggressive just now.

In the rear, several ancient kings hesitated for a while, but they chose to watch the battle instead of stepping forward.

"In this battle, life and death are facing each other. If you die, there is nothing to talk about, and everything will end here!" One person said forcefully.

They are all wearing holy clothes, and they are almost close to handed down holy soldiers. It is quite terrifying to be able to sacrifice to this stage!There have been many saints since ancient times, but the saint soldiers left behind are too rare.

"Is this the battle platform carved by the Western Emperor? It's very good. It's been a long time since ancient times. I haven't tasted the blood of a human saint for a long time."

The three ancient kings turned into demons, and the bone spurs on their backs rushed to the sky, extremely ferocious.

The God King in white stepped forward and started a big battle among the electric flint flowers. He rushed together with the three of them, and the Immeasurable God pierced the sky.

It has to be said that these three people are extremely powerful, and they have gone a long way on the road of saints, far surpassing ordinary ancestor kings.

Even though the god king in white was amazingly talented, he still didn't gain the upper hand against them alone. Hundreds of rounds passed in a blink of an eye, and the god didn't know how many times he had been attacked.

"During the ancient times, the human race was a subordinate clan of some powerful clans, and they could only survive with this protection. After so many years, they have not changed. They are destined to kneel at the feet of the powerful clans."

An ancient king sneered, deliberately disturbing the mind of the god king, causing his god to fluctuate, looking for opportunities to attack.

"Okay, the battle of life and death!" said the God King, still extremely peaceful, but the shot was even more terrifying.

"Kill!" The gods of the three saints suddenly merged into one, turning into a golden god with radiant light, covering the entire sky, and moving forward to suppress and kill.


The god king Jiang Taixu swung his fist, causing waves to rise up into the sky. His right fist turned into an Eternal Furnace, and his fist passed through the god's body, smashing an ancient king to pieces.


Then, he swung his fists again, and both fists turned into Hengyu Emperor's Furnace. One by one, he knocked out the remaining two people. The rain of blood flew all over the sky, turning into endless blood, and the blood of the ancestor king stained the high platform red.

God King does not kill, not all kills!

(End of this chapter)

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