Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 179 Overture to the Son of God, Massacre

Chapter 179 Overture to the Son of God, Massacre

The cold wind, the scarlet blood, the shattered bones, the bright red altar, the center of the God King's Independence Field, the dusty white clothes, not a trace of blood stains, shocked people's hearts, and there was no sound.

Shocking, the three ancient kings were crushed, their bodies died and their dao disappeared, causing many people to convulse their bodies, their spirits trembled, and they wanted to leave their bodies.

God King doesn't kill, it doesn't mean he doesn't kill anyone.

The previous seven ancient kings were indifferent and indeed had capital, but they did not deliberately say anything, but these three humiliated the human race to the utmost, and were all bombarded and killed by the white-clothed god king!

Even if such a person is let go, there will be no gratitude, and it may become worse.

"Can you all sit down and talk about it?" The God King stood on the bloody high platform and spoke to the eight ancient kings in front of him.

It would be impossible to not be shocked, the three of them just now were considered masters among the ancestor kings, but they were all killed, and the other eight were silent.

"Haha, hahaha..." Unscrupulous laughter came, and the trembling sky collapsed, and the spread was tens of thousands of miles away.

At the end of the sky, two ancient kings suddenly appeared. Their mana was so powerful that their energy was as turbulent as a sea of ​​gods, flooding the entire world.

These two saints are very powerful, like the eagle and the wolf, they are like two gods who have descended into the world, watching the world with disdain.

One of them was laughing loudly, like the roar of the heavenly drums, the four sides of the earthquake collapsed, and the earth was about to sink. At first glance, this god-like figure seemed to be a bad visitor.

People gasp, how many ancient kings are there?How to fight on, three people died, and two more came at once.

The event of ten thousand races was supposed to talk about peace, but some ancestors didn't believe that Wushi was still alive, and they wanted to come to Iron Blood to make a move. This is just the beginning, will anyone come?
"It's not too late." A cold voice came from outside the Pure Land, and another ancient king came and stepped into the Jade Pond, with divine wings on his back, dragon horns on his head, and a face similar to that of a human race.

On the Tongtian Terrace, there was silence, and no one spoke, which made people despair. Until now, it was the ancient king who was manifesting, and the human race didn't even have a second saint.

what to do?How to fight, even if the God King in White is the reincarnation of the God of War, he can't fight so many ancient kings, he knows how many will come.

"One statue, two statues..." Time passed, people were counting silently, their bodies were all cold, and the number of ancient kings continued to increase.

In this early morning, there were already seventeen ancient kings standing side by side on the Tongtian Terrace, and the aura that pervaded it could make the eternal blue sky rumble, it was amazing.

And on the opposite side there is only the God King in white, facing so many ancient kings alone, how can this fight?Everyone's heart is bitter, the difference is too much.

A gust of wind blew, and people wrapped their clothes tightly, feeling extraordinarily cold, as if late autumn was coming, depressing everyone's heart.

This is the same existence as the ancient saints, and there are seventeen ones!Just thinking about it makes people lose their fighting spirit. The god king in white is also a human being. This is a mortal situation. Who can help?

People have a sense of powerlessness, no matter how much they fight, they can't see a glimmer of hope. There are too many ancient kings, which makes people feel hopeless.

Moreover, this did not count the seven ancestor kings who had arrived yesterday, so Yin had a little respect for the god king, sitting cross-legged on the other side at this time, but it was still creepy.

This is a chilling situation, no one speaks, even sighs, unable to lift their heads.

"It's really disappointing. Is the human race not as good as it was in the ancient times? I remember that there were a few saints at that time, but now there is only one in the world?" Accompanied by indifferent words, it descended from the sky.

An ancient king descended from the sky, and an evil god who broke through the cage of the underworld brought a monstrous demonic energy, and a pair of bat wings were as black as ink.

"Ancestor King Taiming is here too!" Even many ancient kings were taken aback and stepped back a few steps. It was obvious that his status was extraordinary.


There was a soft sound in the sky, and a blood electricity fell from the sky, drawing a dazzling blood light, piercing into the Tongtian Terrace, and clanging.

This is a dragon spear, red as blood, with a horned dragon coiled around it, and the bright red spearhead that it spits out is breathtaking.

A queen descended, with a wheat complexion, a fit body, very tall, but also murderous, with red hair, and even a pair of blood-colored eyes, holding the dragon spear.

"The blood electricity ancestor king is also here!

And all the tribes and tribes present were horrified, deeply in awe, and they all retreated. This is a well-known powerhouse, and few people dare to provoke him!
"It's boring." In the void, there was a cold snort, and a man in a bronze battle suit walked step by step, shouting in harmony around him.

People were amazed that the bronze battle suit on his body was a real holy soldier handed down from generation to generation, which was enough to explain his terrifying identity.

In ancient times, saints had their own weapons before they died, but there are very few people who can really leave the holy weapons handed down from generation to generation. This is also a testimony and symbol of strength.

"The Tengqing Patriarch King has arrived!" Some ancient creatures exclaimed, this is the person who stomped his feet and trembled in all directions in the ancient times.

The strong people of the human race present were ashamed and felt hopeless. From the reactions of the various races, we could see how terrifying the three ancient kings were.

Suddenly, an ancient king was born with the morning glow, dazzling, as if he had stepped out of the newborn sun, shrouded in a divine ring, boundless and sacred.

"We want to see how Beginningless manifests miracles."

He set foot on the Tongtiantai, burning with blazing brilliance, like a sun god, the visitor was not good, and he clearly stated that he did not come to participate in the grand event.

As soon as he appeared, the other ancient kings were moved, and they all took a step back involuntarily, obviously having a very high status.

"This is Haoyang Ancestor King!"

The knowledgeable people from all the ancient tribes exclaimed in shock and couldn't help but feel terrified. This is a veritable stubborn stubble, and during the Primordial Age, his record was extremely brilliant.

On the Tongtian Terrace, terrifying holy bodies exuded the aura of collapsing the heavens through the ages. There were 21 figures in total, which made people shudder.

Among them, the four most powerful ancient kings stand side by side and stand at the front. They are: Taiming Zuwang, Xuedian Zuwang, Tengqing Zuwang, and Wuyang Zuwang.

When these four people arrived at last, other ancient kings were in awe. They were masters who were famous all over the world in the ancient times. Every one of them had killed blood into rivers and corpses into mountains, and all races feared them.

Such a group of ancient kings gathered together, not to mention fighting, just relying on the breath released from the outside was enough to collapse the earth and bleed.

On the opposite side, there was only a white-clothed god king, facing so many people alone, this was an unequal confrontation, the difference was too great.

How to do?This is a dead end!
Unless the god king proves the way, he will be unable to contend at all. If he really goes to war today, the myth of invincibility will be shattered, and he will shed the last drop of divine blood.

Those who should come are almost here, this kind of comparison makes the people feel chilled, their faces are ashen, and they lose their last thoughts.

The black tortoise didn't move, because the seven ancient kings beside it didn't move either. Sitting cross-legged there, they already made it clear that they wouldn't do anything. After the god king passed this level, they turned around and left.

The bravery of the god king is obvious to all, but even if he is the god of war, he can't stop so many saints from being caught, not to mention the four ancestor kings in the front are so different.

"Jieyumi, can you show your splendor today?" Xu Yu thought to himself, and Xu Yu found out that Ye Fan had told the secret to the God King before dawn.

The two had met once in Zishan, and there was no special relationship. If it was replaced by another young man with outstanding talent, then the god king would definitely repay the life-saving grace forged in Zishan, but Xu Yu was He never thought of going to Jiang's house with the God King Token presented to him by the God King back then.

Because Xu Yu himself also came from the Holy Land of the Great Religion, he is very clear about the dogs in those Holy Lands, not to mention the desolate ancient family whose inheritance is stronger than the Holy Land of Zifu, the water in them is the second deepest in the Big Dipper.

The deepest water is naturally the forbidden area for life.

And neither Xu Yu nor his vest "Mu Qing" lacked an attractive temperament.

Like Ye Fan, people always pay attention to his unique charm.

Xu Yu is very similar to the Holy Son of Light and even Hua Yunfei in the original book, so it can be said that he is the kind of person who does not appear to be what he is.

Otherwise, the elders of all parties that Ye Fan had contacted, he met first, but did not get their favor, largely because of this reason.

Looking at the entire Big Dipper Starfield, there are not many people in the younger generation who can really get along with Xu Yu.

Apart from the disciples of the Zifu Holy Land, there is only the god son of Huang Gufeng's family, that is, the eldest brother of Fenghuang, and everyone else respects Xu at a respectful distance.

One is that the two sides are not from the same world, and the other is that Xu Yu is really too lazy to deal with them. After all, Xu Yu was tired of that kind of sophistication in his previous life. The characters and even the eldest in heaven, the second in earth, and the third in the world of cultivation have made friends.

Among the nine secrets, only the secret of "Jie" is the simplest, no need to understand it, it is just a mysterious key, as long as you remember it, it can work.

The ancient king Tengqing was wearing a bronze battle suit handed down from generation to generation, with a calm expression, he said: "I haven't walked very far on the road of saints, but I have the fighting power to catch up with us. It is really not easy to become a saint in this era."

As soon as this sentence came out, the powerhouses of all races were very surprised. It was the first time they knew the strength of the white-clothed god king, and they were about to catch up with the famous four ancient kings.

However, the human monks were cold when they heard these words. Although the god king was brave, he was not as good as the opponent, and there were four of them.

When the breeze blew, the king of gods was dressed in white clothes fluttering, standing quietly in the center of the altar, facing more than [-] ancient ancestor kings alone, his expression remained unchanged.

"You are a hero, but it is unrealistic to fight against all races by yourself." The ancient king of Wuyang, who was like a sun god, was submerged in divine light and said.

"So many ancient kings are really awe-inspiring." The white-clothed god king sighed softly, and said, "If I don't make a move, you will. There is no choice."

"Knowing that you can't do it, do you still want to die?"

Among the four ancient kings, the only queen spoke. Her name was Xuedian, she was in good shape, and she held a dragon spear in her hand. She had the most murderous aura and turned into a tangible substance.

The king in white didn't say a word.

"If you want to come down to talk with Lou, you need to have that kind of qualification, how can we fight with you alone?" Wang Sen, the ancestor behind, said coldly.

"This world is very cruel. If you want to have the corresponding right to speak, you must show equal strength." The ancient king of Taiming said indifferently, and the pair of bat wings behind him suddenly rushed into the sky, terrifying and frightening.

"Is there no choice? Then let's fight." The voice of the white-clothed god king was very soft, but it was earth-shattering, and everyone's ears were buzzing.

How could he fight so many ancestor kings alone? !
Everyone was stunned, this is a deadly game, there is no hope of surviving, but he chose this way, almost going to die.

"Don't think about your strength, do you think you are the quasi-emperor? If you dare to say such a thing, you should kill him as soon as possible!
"The blood of the saints of the human race is a very nostalgic taste. It has passed away in ancient times, and it has been many years since I tasted it."

"If you want to defeat all races with your own strength, you are seeking your own death, so you ridiculous human being will be fulfilled!"

"After this battle, all the clans ruled the world and wiped out all the ants. Just like in the ancient times, only the real royal clan can rule this land."

In the rear, a few of the ancient kings said in such a cold way, it was bitingly cold.

But ahead, the four ancient kings who were famous in the immemorial years did not say a word, and they all felt an unusual atmosphere.

The white-robed god king sat cross-legged in the void, and a guqin appeared in front of him. He gently plucked the strings and made a wonderful sound that resounded through the universe.

"The Prelude to God!" In the back, Ye Fan's eyes were red, and his whole body was trembling. Back then, he continued to break the road, and finally made such a Taoist sound, but the source of the god king was exhausted.

This time, no matter what, he would not let such a thing happen a second time.

The prelude to the gods is only the initial stage. If a real divine comedy is developed, it will be almost as powerful as a god!

"Ding dong!"

All of a sudden, the song became coherent, the way of heaven harmoniously sang, moving leisurely, and the sound spread thousands of miles across mountains and rivers!
"Divine Comedy, this is" the real Divine Comedy!

Ye Fan's voice trembled.

The petals are flying all over the sky, each piece is crystal clear, falling between the heaven and the earth, the fragrance is tangy, and it sets off the white-clothed god king even more extraordinary, without tainting the worldly atmosphere.

"kill him!"

In the rear, there was an ancient king who shouted and started to move forward again.


A figure exploded and turned into a rain of blood that filled the sky, dyeing the crystal petals red, making it extremely glamorous.

"What's going on, this power?" Another ancient king roared, rushed to his relatives, struggled to move, and turned into blood rain with a puff.

The rain of flowers danced in the sky, the prelude to the gods shocked the nine heavens, and the petals were stained with blood, stunning the world.

There are clear lakes, towering mountains, majestic waterfalls, and quiet bamboo forest trails in Yaochi. The scenery is diverse.

At this time, flowers and rain danced all over the sky, and the sound of the piano ding-dong resounded through this pure land, peaceful and quiet.However, all the monks were sweating coldly,
Wet clothes, everyone is cold from head to toe, because there is a peerless murderous intent on Tongtiantai!
The falling flowers are colorful and fragrant, and the pieces are flying, crystal clear, lingering around the god king in white. He gently plucks the strings, and plays the truth of heaven and earth, with the aura of the beginning of the universe.


Another ancestor king who rushed over smashed, and the bright blood flowers, dyed red and gorgeous flower rain, bloomed with the taste of life, and scattered with the breeze.

One piece after another, the sky is crystal clear, with a faint fragrance, shining with the brilliance of life, and the white petals are stained with blood and continue to fall.


Another soft sound came out, hundreds of blood flowers bloomed, No. 4's rushing ancestor king exploded, scarlet blood stained the sky, and the corpse fell to pieces on the Tongtian Terrace.

The magnificent picture, but also has the demeanor of blood stains, the peace and tranquility are blooming to frighten the world, and the king in white plays the Divine Comedy, which makes everyone both shocked and terrified.

In the blink of an eye, the four ancient kings were smashed to pieces and became a passing cloud. How can such a lethality and such a result not be surprising?
Sitting alone in front, he seemed to be able to block thousands of troops. Sitting alone, the group of kings would not be able to open, and shocked more than [-] ancient ancestor kings.

The god king in white didn't move, letting the flowers and rain fly, his eyes were deep, staring at all the ancestor kings in front of him, the world was very quiet, only the sound of falling flowers.

The Divine Comedy is born!

Not only the human race was shocked, but even all the ancient tribes were startled, and then they were extremely afraid.

This song is not all related to cultivation, it is a manifestation of a state of mind, with an understanding of the Tao, and an understanding of the various forms of the world of mortals.

Although the sublimation of the spiritual realm does not represent the full combat power, it is a manifestation of the strongest potential of a monk. The sublimation is extremely sublimated, and one day it may break through the world.

The white-clothed god king, can be described as ill-fated, lonely for half his life, desolate for the rest of his life, and his beauty passed away. He has too many regrets. Perhaps it is because of this that he has realized the divine song that almost no one has been able to set foot in throughout the ages.

After a long silence, Teng Qing, one of the four patriarchal kings, spoke and sighed: "Very good, the Divine Comedy appeared once in the ancient times, and it was astonishing. The heavens and the earth are weeping."

Together with Qu Yin, killing four ancestor kings in an instant, no one is surprised, this should be a shocking killing song, but it is so peaceful, people don't know whether to enjoy it, or tremble.

"He is very powerful, but after all, there is only one person. Please, Ancient King Tengqing, kill this hero!" An ancient king spoke from behind.

Others also felt a kind of pressure, and asked the four ancient kings to shoot together and kill the saint of the human race.

"I'm looking forward to it, you all stand back." The ancient king Tengqing stepped forward, the bronze battle clothes on his body shone with a cold luster, this is the real holy soldier handed down from generation to generation, and it is awe-inspiring.

He pressed forward step by step, walking very slowly, his face was indifferent, and he could not see emotional fluctuations, only a flash of eagerness occasionally flashed in his eyes, as if he was staring at his prey.

"Tengqing is delighted to see Liexin, and wants to hit a higher realm. Do you want to use the incomplete divine comedy to overcome the catastrophe and achieve yourself?" The ancient king Taiming said in a deep voice.

"He's playing with fire!" The Ancient Blood and Electricity King was the only woman, holding a red crystal dragon spear, said coldly, her murderous aura was the strongest.


A beam of light appeared in the hand of Ancient King Ivy, which was ten feet long, and quickly transformed into a dragon gun. Its shape was similar to that of the Queen of Blood and Electricity, and it was equally breathtaking.


Seeing him imitating his own weapon, the blood electricity ancestor king snorted coldly, said nothing more, and watched quietly.

"A rare hero, I hope you don't let me down. I haven't had such a joy in many years. Just give me a little pressure."

The Ancient Bronze King stepped forward, with a strange radiance on his face, eager and longing, as if he was delighted to see the hunter, almost sick.


The dragon gun pierced through the void like a blood-colored lightning bolt, and thrust forward. His movement was too fast, like a ball of light blasting, and he charged forward with the dragon gun.

The sound of clanging was endless, sparks splashed everywhere, Dao marks appeared, all kinds of lights flickered on the Tongtian Platform, and countless gods rushed out, and the two clashed fiercely.

The god king flicked his hands, and the guqin shot out thousands of threads, turning into streaks of light, colliding with the dragon gun, making a loud noise that spread tens of thousands of miles.

 Post a big chapter today
(End of this chapter)

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