Chapter 180 Live the Second Life

In the Holy Land of Yaochi, everyone didn't dare to take a breath. They all looked at the God King intently. After all, the current God King is the hope in the hearts of all human races.

"What a powerful Divine Comedy!"

The ancient king of Tengqing was amazed, holding the dragon spear in both hands, his body turned into a green light, and pierced forward with force, pointing directly at the forehead of the god king, intending to crucify him to death.

Everyone exclaimed, this shot is too domineering, shining brightly in the sky, no one can open their eyes, as if it can stab the sun down from the sky, its supernatural power is unrivaled.

Beyond the shackles of space, the shackles of time have been opened, and the moment of beauty, the moment of amazement, shines through the ages, and even the light curtain of the zither sound of the king in white cannot guard against it.

Dragon Spear Wushuang pierced through all obstacles, and a stream of blood appeared between the eyebrows of the God King in white, which was shocking and dripped down.


The moment the dragon guns faded, everyone exclaimed. After seeing this scene, every human cultivator felt cold all over. Was the God King killed?

But the ancient people were shocked. The ancient king Tengqing, who was famous in the ancient times, was indeed terrifying, and his power with a single shot was the most powerful in the world.


There was a soft sound, and the two fingers stretched out by the king of gods pinched the dragon spear off. The distance between the spear point and his eyebrows was less than an inch, and the gods rushed forward, but they couldn't get any closer.


The white-clothed god king pressed the Guqin with his left hand, and thousands of beams of light shot out, cutting towards the ancient king Tengqing, forcing him to back up like lightning, avoiding the blow.

"It's so powerful, it didn't disappoint me, and it's worth fighting for." Tengqing Zuwang said.

Everyone in the ancient times was terrified, and the human monks were almost collapsed, and they let out a sigh of relief. Just now, the life and death of the white-clothed god king really made everyone fearful.

Now, there is only one human saint here, and Jiang Shenwang has become their spiritual pillar, the only saint they can rely on.

The battle belonging to the ancient sages has begun. They fight in the void. This is the use of Tao and their understanding of the ultimate truth of heaven and earth. With one blow, tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers can be destroyed.

If it wasn't for the fact that Tongtian Terrace was cut by the Western Emperor and engraved with the pattern of the ancient emperor, it would have collapsed and turned into dust, only such a martial arts arena could withstand their duel.

"Earth Teng King!" In the blink of an eye, five hundred rounds had passed, the ancient king Tengqing roared, and 49 dragon spears appeared in all directions, which was many times more terrifying than before.

The sky is full of gun shadows, and there are divine lights everywhere, like stars shaking in the sky, this world is collapsing, chaos is filling the air, nothing exists anymore, and the front returns to the beginning of heaven and earth.

"The ancient king Tengqing is indeed terrifying. He is worthy of being the king among saints. There are few rivals in the world." Behind him, some ancient kings were all amazed.

Such a shocking blow, except for the ancestor king Wu Yang, the ancestor king Xuedian, and the ancestor king Taiming, the others think they can't take it, and if they match, they will die.


A zither sound broke through the chaos, and the Tongtiantai reappeared. The white-clothed god king was still sitting there cross-legged, playing the qin and singing, and the gods burst out one by one, except for a streak of blood between his eyebrows, he was still intact.

"What, he's fine!" Everyone was surprised.

"Your strength is beyond my expectation." The ancient king Tengqing said calmly, but it was even more terrifying. In his hand appeared a golden sharp phoenix wing. Like a divine phoenix being imprisoned in his hands.


At this moment, a more intense battle began, and eight hundred rounds passed in the blink of an eye. The two were evenly matched, and it was hard to tell the winner.

"It's time for the battle to end!" The ancient king Tengqing roared, and the phoenix wings gilded with gold and sharply chopped and whimpered, opening up one after another small worlds and crushing them down.

This is the power of the world!

Since ancient times, there have been so many ancestors and kings, but those who can reach this level are as rare as phoenix feathers. At this time, the chaos is surging and surging forward.

"Zheng", "Zheng", "Zheng"... the god king in white was playing the qin, no longer peaceful, and it rang out. There are boundless principles.

It can be seen that Shenyin has turned into the light of the beginning, criss-crossing, and the power of attack is against the sky!


The ancient king Tengqing yelled and flew out horizontally. The gilt phoenix wing in his hand was cut into dozens of pieces and fell to the ground like scrap copper and rotten iron.

"What, is the ancient king Tengqing defeated? Why is this hero so powerful?!
Not to mention all the tribes in the ancient times, even the ancient kings were terrified. Tengqing frightened the ancient times, and stomped the clouds in all directions, but at this time even the weapons were destroyed.


Teng Qing jumped up, her face was indifferent, but there was no trace of scar, and the bronze battle suit on her body shone with a cold luster, which was breathtaking.

"I have a holy garment handed down from generation to generation, which is indestructible in a thousand aeons, and you will never be able to break through it. I will see how you fight again!

Teng Qing shouted, his whole body was glowing, penetrating the heaven and the earth, then he moved his fist with the rear wheel, swung the immeasurable spirit, and rushed forward.

There are not many holy soldiers handed down in the world, and they can exert devastating power in the hands of ordinary people, let alone a true saint king!
With this bronze battle suit, his defense is invincible, it is difficult for outsiders to break through, and he can ignore many attacks.

Everyone present broke into a cold sweat for the King of God. Ye Fan and Li Tian, ​​who were watching the battle, took out a stove and wanted to use it to the King of God to fight against the enemy, but in the end Ye Fan and his face changed again and again. The sacrifice was probably also because he was worried that the stove would not be delivered to the god king.

"Is that the Goddess Stove that Emperor Hengyu made for his good friend Patriarch Yudao in the past?" Xu Yu thought secretly when he saw the stove.

The reputation of Goddess Furnace in Beidou may not be known to anyone, but if it is placed in the Ziwei Star Field, it must be the existence that everyone shouts and beats.

After all, in the distant ancient times, a certain generation of inheritors of the Dao of Desire relied on this furnace to collect all the stunning beauties from Ziweixin and the younger generation into their houses. For countless thousands of years, all the holy lands in the Ziwei Starfield also hated the successors of human desire and Tao very much.

"Your strength has exceeded my expectations time and time again, but everything should end!" Teng Qing's voice was like thunder, and she sacrificed the strongest magic, turning into a ray of light and rushing over, blasting away the opponent in front of her with a punch. The light curtain hit the God King's forehead directly.

Everyone exclaimed, a big battle is about to come to an end!

Many monks of the human race couldn't bear to see them, they were all full of unwillingness, and even felt a sense of powerlessness, anger and helplessness.


The last sound of the piano sounded, like a heavenly sword reaching the nine heavens, and then gently pierced through, resounding in everyone's heart, and then calmed down.

People saw that there was a smear of blood between the brows of the white-clothed god king, who was still flying out of the dust, shrouded in a rain of flowers, sitting there cross-legged, while the vine green fell to the sky.

How did you... break through..." He was unwilling and full of shock.

"Pfft!" It shattered, and then he turned into fly ash, leaving behind an undamaged battle suit handed down from generation to generation.

The three ancestor kings Xuedian, Taiming, and Haoyang moved together, resisting the white-clothed god king in an instant, and the other dozen ancient kings also stepped forward immediately, surrounding the god king in the center.

There was no blood, no bones, only a cold handed down holy garment, shining brightly, Teng Qing died in battle, and his body turned into dust, leaving nothing but the battle garment.

"How did this happen, what kind of blow was that?"

This is the question of many people. All the ancient kings have warning signs in their hearts, staring at the white-clothed god king in the center of the field, and the petals of Pinying are flying and falling.He is like a god, detached from the world of mortals.

"Sigh of the gods!" Taiming ancient king said, the bat wings flapping behind his back, the demonic energy was overwhelming, he was tall and majestic, like a god of the underworld.

In the ancient years, when someone performed the song of the gods, they also uttered a sigh of god, which was more terrifying than the heavenly sword. It killed people in an instant, but it also had to pay a considerable price.

Ahead, a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of the mouth of the God King in white. Although it was very thin and rare, and he was still smiling calmly, it made all the monks of the race worry for a while.

However, the ancient kings were even more careful, and they all showed solemn expressions, as if they were facing a big enemy.

"Wrong, we were all wrong, this person has not just stepped into the way of saints, he is not chasing us, but a true saint king, there are few opponents in the world, and he can fight to the death with people like us!

Behind her, the Queen of Blood and Electricity spoke, her words were dark and murderous.

Everyone was stunned, and then their bodies became cold, especially the faces of the ancient kings.

The god in white wiped away a smear of blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up, and walked in the crystal rain, making those ancient kings regress. This kind of supreme demeanor to the kings alone made people both shocked and worried, and will never forget it.

"That's right, he has already gone a long way on this road, not much worse than the three of us." The Patriarch King Haoyang nodded, his body glowing with immeasurable divine light, like the reincarnation of the sun god, shrouded in halo, unbelievable


Many monks in the human race are in a daze, not knowing why, only Xu Yu and a few people know, because Xu Yu knows that Jiang Taixu has been trapped in Zishan for 4000 years, not wasting his time, but advancing all the way during these 4000 years, breaking into the saint king realm.

It's just that even if the god king Jiang Taixu broke into the realm of the saint king, he still couldn't get out of Zishan. Unable to rush out of Zishan for a long time, he can only confront the ancient king in Zishan.

However, he also successfully exhausted the ancient ancestor king who was fighting against him, but the price in exchange was that the origin of the god king was dry, and he could not maintain the peerless combat power of the saint king realm.

When he was in the Divine City of the Northern Territory, the Dark Night King wore the holy clothes handed down from ancient times and held a unparalleled golden battle spear. He exhausted all his life's knowledge, but was beheaded by the late God King.

You know, the King of the Night was the king of Dacheng 4000 years ago. After so many years, who knows what level he has reached?No one can tell.

Moreover, that night, the God King was really dying. He escaped from Zishan, and even his life was almost cut off. Armed Night King?
The most important thing is that the King of the Dark Night said before he was about to die; "Jiang Taixu, you...have been sealed up in the Purple Mountain, and your lifespan has almost dried up. How did you break through to this level?"

Suddenly looking back, everything became clear. Before leaving the Purple Mountain, the King of Throwing was probably already a saint, but people ignored it and didn't think about it.

After that, the God King and Fairy Caiyun went to the Great Wilderness, and they stayed there for more than ten years.According to Heihuang's speculation, he can only be reborn after being put to death, just like the wildfire burning diseased grass, waiting for spring to have another life!
At that time, the God King will start a second life, and will be sublimated at the end of the Tao, becoming even stronger!

"It's turned out to be him!" In the crowd, the two ancient kings beside the emperor showed shock, and then their faces became embarrassed.

The god king beast has been trapped in Zishan for 4000 years, confronting all kinds of ancient creatures, forced into the strange stone wall, tortured and suffered.

"Back then, when I woke up occasionally, I shot at him. I was blocked by a strange stone wall. I couldn't get all my spiritual thoughts in, but I almost wiped it out." An ancient king said, they are descendants of the immortal emperor's subordinates, According to the order of the ancestors, Zishan was guarded and sealed in Shenyuan.

However, when they woke up again, the dying human race was sanctified, and the ancient king who woke up shot together, forcing them to go further, but they couldn't kill them after all.

"At that time, when it was the person under Wushidao stage who made the move, I think he was deliberately sharpening this person's heart and tempering his iron-like will, otherwise we would have a chance to kill him.

An ancient king said that he was extremely afraid when talking about that person.

"Is it the man surnamed Gu who guarded the mausoleum for the old man without a beginning? Calculating the time, he should have been dead for some years!" The emperor sneered again and again.

"I really didn't expect it to be him. He has lived up to now. Since the ancient Huangshan escaped from the trap, he has become so powerful. Even the original aura is completely different, like a different person." The two ancient kings once showed strange expressions.

Xu Yu's ears twitched slightly. Since he succeeded in cutting the Dao, he has cultivated the supreme secret art of his mind.

With this ability, he could not only hear the sound of speaking in the distance, but even occasionally capture the sound transmission of the spiritual thoughts. In such a short distance, he captured all the thoughts of the three people.

"How do you understand that the god king cut off the source, like the undead grass roots under the permafrost in the severe winter, and comes back to life when the cold is over and spring comes, and he opened the second life that few people can live since ancient times!" Xu Yu thought to himself.

"We also stepped forward to help them." The two ancient kings finally couldn't bear it, and strode into the arena, entering the confrontational situation.


At this moment, the God King took the initiative to launch an attack. Like a dreamy shadow, he turned into a white light and charged vertically and horizontally. No one could stop him!

"This is the God King Zongtianbu, everyone be careful!" There was an ancient king who knew the human race so well, so he uttered this voice.

However, the white-clothed god king was too fast, breaking through the confinement of the three saint kings, Xuedian, Taiming, and Wu Yang, and rushed out, invincible.

The holy law of fighting is unparalleled in the world, making him unparalleled at this moment, no longer elegant and ethereal, the king in white shouted loudly for the first time, and his voice moved the sky.

His right hand is evolving and has become a sky-breaking sword. It is unparalleled in sharpness, and it seems to be able to cut through the heavens of all ages. It turned out to be the emperor of Zhongzhou
Taihuang Sword!

The peerless heavenly sword slashed down, cutting open one of the ancient kings from the celestial spirit cover to the legs. The primordial spirit was annihilated, the body was cut in half, and a large amount of blood spilled.

The white-clothed god king screamed, and his left hand turned into an ancient pagoda of fairy tears and green gold. Its defense power is amazing, but it also shocks the nine heavens and ten earths. It seems to be able to suppress the ancient, modern and future. It is the West Emperor Pagoda!

Another burst of blood appeared, and the tower body formed by his left hand suppressed and killed an ancient king, turning it into a piece of blood and broken bones, and turning his soul into ashes.

Too fast, it's all happening on electric fire
Among the stones and flowers, there is no one blocking it. Xuedian, Tai Mo, and Wu Yang, the three sage kings, evolved all kinds of avenues, and they were so trapped that they reached the sky.


The two ancient kings who came from the emperor's side turned pale with shock. The real target of the white-clothed god king was actually them, and they were stared at as soon as they entered the arena!

When a bell rings, is the way of heaven in harmony? Everything moves, and the universe seems to be turned upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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