Chapter 181 The King of Saints

The god king in white clasped his hands together and turned into a big bell with sun, moon, mountains and rivers imprinted on it. There are hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains, and there are also flowers, birds, fish species, birds and animals, stars in the sky, and gods kneeling on the ground. The secret of the beginning.

Is this the clock without beginning?Everyone was shocked, the clock was incomplete, and obviously the king of gods had not seen it clearly.

However, its power is enough, a bell rings, majestic, the hands of the king in white turned into big bells and fell down, suppressing and killing all obstacles.


The two ancient kings shouted and tried their best to fight against it, but it was useless.

This is the strength of the peerless god king. He exhausted the blood of the gods to save Ye Fan, and then cut off his own origin to save Xiao Tingting. He was dying in his old age and entered the wilderness with Fairy Caiyun.

The king of gods killed all directions, invincible, all the tribes of the ancient clan were trembling, and even the ancient kings in the field were terrified. This invincible posture shocked everyone.

"Enough!" Three pillars of blood surged from the sky caps of the three saint kings, Xuedian, Taiming, and Wu Yang, piercing through the sky.

"Kill!" The other ancient kings also shot, and various gods were displayed, completely trapping the front, preventing the god king from rushing out.

In the center of the Independence Field of the God King in white, his clothes were rattling, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. This was the price he paid for killing the four ancient kings in an instant.

In battles among saints, sometimes when one erupts with all the essence, life and death can be separated in one move, and that's what happened to him just now, but he also hurt himself.In the distance, all the human monks were extremely excited,

It is the best news for them that the king of gods is crowning the world bravely.

Xu Yu was silent, pondering quietly, with a little worry, and more gains, the wonderland of fighting the holy law to evolve various emperor soldiers greatly touched him.

"You have no chance!" Taiming Patriarch Wang said coldly.

Killing the Quartet under the eyes of the three saint kings, killing four ancient kings in an instant, this is also an embarrassment for them, and it is very embarrassing.

"In this battle, let me see how you are going against the sky!" Although the blood and electricity king is a woman, her murderous aura pervades the whole field.

Haoyang also stepped forward, and the three masters set up an absolute formation to block the front, while the other ancient kings also found their supernatural powers branded in the void, trying to refine the white-clothed god king alive.

The God King in white suppressed his fighting spirit and calmed down. He sat cross-legged in front of the guqin, without any trace of murderous aura. He looked like a murderous god when he was moving, and was like an orchid when he was still. He was enveloped by the rain of flowers again.

"If you want to kill me, unless the two saint kings among you die, or everyone behind the three of you dies."

Plain words, but earth-shattering!It stunned everyone present, and the world became silent all of a sudden. There was no sound, and people couldn't even breathe.

"You can't kill any of them!" Jiang Taixu said coldly.

At this moment, all the ancient kings fought together, turned into infinite gods and fought forward, trying to refine the peerless god king, trapping him in a small world.

In this peaceful and pure land, the petals are falling, and the pieces are blood-stained, bright as crystal, like tears and rain, a poignant beauty.

The king of gods plucked the strings with both hands, and played the real song of God with his own heart. This is the understanding of Tao and the sublimation of his practice to the extreme.

This is a beautiful picture. The king of gods sits cross-legged in the void, his snow clothes fluttering in the wind, surrounded by crystal rain, and the otherworldly fireworks.


He opened his mouth and coughed up a mouthful of blood, which stained his white clothes red, which was shocking, but at this moment, He uttered a terrifying sound of killing ghosts and gods!Slashed through the sky and rushed out of this small world cage.


With a soft sound, it was like a divine sword unsheathed, cutting the sky, and the world was silent.


Ahead, the gap between the eyebrows of the Haoyang Patriarch King was cracked, blood dripped down, his face was full of disbelief, the blood stained the platform red, and then he fell down on his back.

"If you want to kill me, you can exchange your lives in exchange."

The mouth of the king in white was bleeding, and he started to play the piano again. He was as ethereal as a god, peaceful and indifferent.

The world is very peaceful, only the falling flowers are scattered, sparkling, one by one shimmering and crystal clear, and the fragrance is pervasive.
The mouth of the king in white was bleeding, and he started to play the piano again. He was as ethereal as a god, peaceful and indifferent.The world is very quiet, only the falling flowers are floating, sparkling, sparkling and crystal clear one by one, clear

The fragrance filled the air, and the peerless god king seemed to be detached from the world of mortals at this moment.

Haoyang Patriarch King fell down, there was no sound at the scene, and everyone was terrified. His eyebrows were pierced by a piano sound, and he fell into a pool of blood, motionless.

Such a powerful sage king, who had been in the ancient times and had few rivals in the world, passed away like this, which was undoubtedly shocking to all the tribes in the ancient times.

A killing sound pierced through the brain, like a tendon coming out of the sky, restraining the divine flower, passing through the collarbone, without any suspense, it shocked the world!
Xuedian and Taiyi, the two saint kings, both took a few steps back, their expressions froze. They were equals to them, and they died just like that.

And the other ancient kings all fight with their bodies. Such lethality is so sharp, there will be no difficulty in beheading them. It makes them feel at a loss. Do they really need to stack their lives in exchange for taking down their opponents?
The blood that God King coughed up stained his white clothes red, but he was still very calm, sitting cross-legged in the air, shrouded in a rain of flowers, facing King Nuo alone.

He said he wanted to kill the Saint King, but he did it. How can such a sense of power not be scary?
A guqin stands in front of it, flowing and clear, and the seven strings undulate, like seven transparent little dragons leaping, singing the rhythm of heaven and earth.

In the crystal rain of flowers, his heart is peaceful.A piece of ethereal, the whole person seems to have forgotten everything outside, immersed in a wonderful Taoist environment.

"The song of the gods is so terrifying even if it is missing, it has the mighty power of a god!

The Queen of Blood and Electricity's voice was icy cold, and she tightened Yu Zhong's dragon gun with all her strength, pointing in front of her, half of her lines were flowing, densely covered, they sealed it into a stick, and turned it into a small world.

"He is consuming life, and he will pay the same price if he wants to hurt someone. Please don't be afraid. The ancient king of Taiming said in a deep voice, he is like a god who rushed out of the underworld.

Silhouettes of people filled in, a dozen ancient kings moved forward, and once again surrounded the white-clothed god king, but everyone was extremely panicked, and they were all afraid of being killed by a single blow.

* Kill him along the way, he consumes his own life and cannot last long. "A very radical rent king shouted and took the lead in launching the attack.

He opened his mouth to control Tianhe, which was produced by the ancient comb he spit out, and the saint's law was sacrificed, and it fell into the small world in front of him.


A sound note jumped, and a killing force advanced, cutting off the silver law, going against its trajectory, and rushing towards the ancestor king.

A blood flower blooms, although the ancestor king is relieved

He avoided it in time, but his shoulders were still spattered with blood. After being pierced by the gray breath, Zheng Li made a hole and swallowed the blood.


Others also took action, helping the ancestor king, attacking and killing Jiang Taixu, and the gods entered the pure land one after another, interweaving a big net.

"The holy way refines the net, wipes out together, and powders the monument! An ancestor king, Qingduan, took the lead in spitting out a mouthful of the original essence of the shell, and the others followed suit. imaginary.

They don't want to take any more risks, and they want to kill the god king in the safest way, and each offer sacrifices to saints to refine him.

Rays of brilliance rushed up, and they were all on fire, and each of them shot out a spear, submerged into that small world, and turned into a fire of calamity.

In the pure land, the king of gods is very peaceful. He plucks the strings with both hands, and the song of the gods flows out. It first jingles down the road, and then gradually becomes high-pitched.


A ray of divine splendor rushed up, piercing through the dao net, like a divine sword piercing the sky, and directly slashed out. The startled dozens of ancient kings all changed their colors,

"Don't worry, he paid the same price, we can talk to him to death!" One person surrounded him, because he saw blood dripping from the corner of the king's mouth.

In the center of the pure land, a bloodstain dripped down on the snow robe of the king of the gods, blooming like blood-colored plum blossoms.However, people are shocked.

Many monks in the human race are worried, this is definitely not an option, and the white-clothed god king will die with hatred.


More than a dozen ancient kings roared loudly, and the innate energy they exhaled became stronger.It turned into a sea of ​​gods, drowning the front, not giving the god king a chance.

"Clanking wrong..."

In the pure land, the god king continued to move his hands quickly, and the strings of the zither were like an iron sword, making clanging sounds, and the sound of killing and cutting was overwhelming, which was quite different from before.

The training prison formed by the innate essence of the saint broke through one after another, and finally cracks appeared, and then there was a loud noise.


The divine sound was like a knife, cutting into everyone's heart, and issued a cold metal trill.

"Ah..." An ancestor king yelled, bearing the brunt of the impact, half of his body was crushed under a visible ripple, and he flew out horizontally. His primordial spirit disappeared and died on the spot.

"What, this can also kill people!?" The others were shocked.

Blood was bleeding from the mouth of the God King, and he paid a considerable price to break through this cage. Naturally, he would not stop there. He plucked the strings hard, and he could clearly see another ripple.


In front of him, another ancestor king yelled, blood was bathed everywhere, he was murdered by the gods, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

"Kill, he won't last long."

The rest shouted.All kinds of gods flew out and rushed in along the direction where the ripple appeared.

At the same time, the Queen of Blood and Electricity, who had been watching coldly, finally made a move. She slammed into the air with a sound, and she turned the dragon gun in her hand, and then stabbed forward with it.

The blood-red dragon gun was burning, and the boundless divine flame burned the field, flowing out endless lines, turning into the world-destroying gun, smashing the vacuum, and approaching the king.

This shot is really too fast, like a bolt of blood, it draws out a black valley of void, and the speed is brought to the extreme!


One of the strings in the guqin jumped up and turned into a transparent horned dragon, wrapping around Jue Shifeng's blood-colored spear tip, emitting bursts of Taoism and dragon chant.

The dragon spear was entangled, and a blood light from it pierced the shoulder of the god king. The bright red blood burst out, and the brilliance was gorgeous. The dragon spear disappeared like divine wax, and it retreated after a successful blow.


All the strings entangled the dragon gun briefly.After all, there was a constant humming, through the platoon gun as crystal as a red marui.

In the distance, the Blood Electric Queen's body trembled, and several terrible cracks appeared on her entire arm. When she opened her mouth, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and Lianwen took a few strides.

"The reputation of becoming a saint with a royal physique is well-deserved!" She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and the murderous aura overflowing became stronger.

The surrounding area was very quiet, even the ancient kings were a little scared, the blood and electricity queen was so powerful, such a defeat by Zheng Ming caused him to be injured.

"Kill it, don't give him a chance, don't let him escape from that cage, his life will not last!" Taiming Ancient King said in a deep voice.

The war started again, and all these ancient kings stepped forward, launching the strongest attack, attacking the pure land, and the divine light was surging.

A Xiangwang shouted, wearing a qin string that rushed out of the pure land to make it crack, and under the soft sound of the divine voice, it turned into a rain of light, turned into the Tao of heaven and earth, and disappeared.

Another ancient king was killed, and the god king in white also moved his fingers, his face paled a lot, and there was another strand of blood on his clothes.

"What should I do?" Ye Fan in the distance couldn't bear it any longer. He wanted to show his hole card, kill the generals, and help the God King.In any case, he will not let the tragedy happen again, and he must not let the God King pass away.

"The underworld of the Nine Nether Lands floats and sinks, reborn in the round eyes!
Suddenly, the ancient king Taiming shouted in a low voice, and the vice-na heard that Chen had exhibited a forbidden technique, and a piece of desolate wing soil was deep, suppressed it, and wanted the god king to take it in.

"You've finally mastered it." The Queen of Blood and Electricity was surprised, and then quickly helped, and the others also noticed the rules.

A piece of land, dark and dark, surrounded by black mist, not a single blade of grass grows, a yellow spring gallops, leading to an unknown distance.

"How is it possible to practice it? It's just the beginning of the Netherland appearance. You help me and take him in. I'll kill him carefully!" Tailing Guwang said.


More than a dozen people fought together, and finally took the white-clothed god king in with Netherland, and everyone suppressed it together, trying to close this strange black prison. "

In front of the God King, the radiance of the Guqin was swaying his hands, and his mind seemed to sink into it, imprinting his energy, and at this moment, there was a shocking roar!

This is not like the sound of a piano, but more like the sound of the sky's first movement and the world's first opening. The chaos is awakened by light and heat, and it is deafening.


There was a scream, and the two ancient kings were killed, their bodies were smashed to pieces, and they were ground apart on the Tongtian Terrace, Lian Lukong became Tihong.

The world of the underworld could not be closed, and the god king in white sat cross-legged in the void, within a radius of ten feet, it was crystal clear, thousands of flowers were falling, his expression was calm, and the sound of the piano returned to the original rhythm.

A small pure land is stuck in the underworld, unable to enter or exit, and is deadlocked there.

"The white-clothed god king of the human race is too scary! All the ancient races are terrified.

"Even the Saint King can't suppress him, it's very troublesome." Yuan Gu raised his eyebrows.

The emperor sneered and said: "There are so many masters from all races, even a peerless figure like Princess Shencan was nailed to death with a spear. If you really want to jump out, you will be able to level the world."

"Underworld Reincarnation World!"

Taiming Zuwang roared.He used all his strength, and when the critical moment came, he was about to die. Others also helped, all exerting their strength, and all kinds of brilliance flooded Yaochi.

I am afraid that the breath is mighty, and the nine heavens and ten places will be beaten to pieces.

In the ten-zhang pure land, the god king's right hand, wiping, picking, hooking, judging, left hand duo, Chuo, Zhu, and bumping, are agile and natural, sacred and detached, and the whole person is moistened and cleared.

The divine sound is like water, peaceful and clear. The sound wave well is not very high, but it resounds thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and cleanses people's souls. This is a real divine song!

At this time, the white-clothed god king is extraordinary and refined, as if he does not belong to the whole world, sitting cross-legged in front of the fairy piano in the void, moving his hands, and the world is at peace.


Finally, with a loud cry, King Taimo Zuwang's beard rolled down, a voiceless sound was shot out, and then exploded, blood filled the air.

"What, the ancestor king Taiming is also dead, how could this happen, what kind of power does this hero have?" Everyone was shocked.

In the pure land, falling flowers dance like tears of gods, falling down, shining with brilliance, floating beside the god king in white, and falling in front of the guqin.

At this time, blood kept overflowing from his mouth, but he couldn't swallow it back. Luckily, the falling pinying petals were stained with blood, and he paid a considerable price.

However, he is still an undefeated myth, even though he is severely injured, he is still deeply awe-inspiring.

This world and all the scenery seemed to have disappeared, leaving only the God King himself in white, becoming an eternal ray of light, untainted by dust.

He is like a real god, sitting cross-legged there motionless, there is a harmony of the heavenly way, and the wet sky is falling, all moving for him, and the endless dao marks are flickering.All sing for him.

No one could get close to him, only the falling flowers were dancing around him, even if he was seriously injured and he was bleeding profusely, all the ancient kings would feel palpitations.

It took a long time for people to come back to their senses. The faces of all the ancient costumes were terrified, and they didn't know how much they would have to pay to kill the king in white.

But the human monks are all worried, they all have bad premonitions, they are completely different from the state of mind of the ancients, and the life force of the god king is seriously depleted, I am afraid that it will not be long before Chun.

"It's so powerful, I have to find someone to get rid of him, otherwise it will be the biggest obstacle on my road to certification, because he started earlier than me, and if I don't get rid of him, it will be too late." The emperor said sharply.

"In a short time, will anyone still make a move?" Yuan Gu asked, the left heel was a black sun, and the right eye was a blood moon, which was extremely stiff and weird.

"Don't worry, there is a supreme existence that is coming soon. In fact, many people don't believe that there is no beginning to talk back." The emperor said flatly.

Not far away, Xu Yu and Ye Fan couldn't help showing their cards, but Yi Yifeng heard this, but forcibly held back, his heart sank.

Some people will come, how many terrible kings the ancient clan has, this seems to be only a part, he feels that Di Ping needs to be used wisely, and make a move at a critical moment.

"Back then, after the Saint Child of Dou Zhan died, chaos immediately ensued. Even an invincible person like Princess Shencan was nailed to death with a single spear, and even the statue of Dou Zhan Baozi went westward in the face. Ten thousand races... There is no shortage of unrivaled masters , especially on this ancient star!" said the Emperor Baiyu.

"It's really hard to kill." In the center of the battlefield, the Queen of Blood and Electricity said, the dragon gun in her hand glowed coldly, and she was as strong as she would not act rashly.

They surrounded the enemy again, but none of the ancient kings made a move easily. They were all afraid of being killed by the god king's dying blow, so they were all cautious.

The god king played the piano with both hands, and the sound of ding-dong music came out, but he did not take the initiative to attack. The two sides were in a stalemate, in a state of delicate balance.

Facing a group of ancient kings alone, this kind of power is shocking, no one chases and moves beyond the thunder pool, fearing each other.

"Are you afraid? You are all the ancestors of Yiai. You haven't seen any storms. Don't you dare to kill a dying person?" The Queen of Blood and Electricity said, a red glow rose from her body, and the dragon gun shot through the blood. up the sky.


Finally, the kings made another move. The white-clothed god king was short of life, and he could not be given time to breathe. This was the best chance to kill him.

The sound of the piano is clanging, and the falling flowers are flying, drawing out a brilliant brilliance, and flying out when it is full of patterns, like fireworks bursting, and it is brilliant to the extreme in an instant.


A burst of blood appeared, the head of an ancestor king fell to the ground, the primordial spirit was beheaded, and he died unexpectedly.

"Dead, another ancient king has died! Outside the court, there was a great chaos. Today, so many ancient king cases died in the hands of one person. The price is too great for all clans to bear.

Unsurprisingly, Jiang Shenwang's face became paler again, he coughed up a lot of divine blood, his body shook for a while, and he was about to fall down at any time.

"He's almost finished!" Another

Gu Wang said coldly, the battle has reached this point, if he stops attacking and gives the white-clothed god king time to recover, it will be a loss.

"Kill, this time he is powerless to resist!
The other people roared, but the gods sacrificed, and another round of fierce offensive was launched.

This time, there was no piano sound, no ripples spreading, only a sound, which came from Baibiao Paiwang, but it was even more breathtaking.

"Ah..." A terrified cry came.The body of an ancient king turned into light, and disappeared rapidly.

The sigh of the gods!
The world suddenly became quiet, these ancient kings stopped, everyone was very cold, and they were used to seeing life and death, but they had never been so afraid as they are today.

The opponents were exhausted, but they never died. They killed the enemy again and again. If this continued, it would not be the king in white, but themselves.

At this time, the god king was stained with blood, and his white clothes were almost turned into blood clothes. He would fall down when a gust of wind blew, his face was bloodless, and his life would come to an end at any time.

However, he is like a bottomless pit, no one knows when it will be filled up with the order of the ancestor king, and no one dares to try again.

"We have so many people... If we go on like this, he will almost kill us!" An ancient king felt chills all over his body.

One person alone against the kings.After killing so many, the Dao platform was stained red with blood, such blood can kill a Dali in a row!
This place has turned into a hellish asura field, killing all the "gods" that people need to look up to, shocking and training people's hearts, and they have never seen it before.

At this moment, even the Queen of Blood and Electricity stopped attacking, because she didn't control it. Although she thought that the persimmon king would fall in the next moment, she failed repeatedly, and the ancient king was constantly beheaded, which made them lose their courage.This is an unforgettable national face. A bloody man in white sits cross-legged in front of the guqin, unearthly and refined, surrounded by flowers and rain, calming down a group of ancient kings, no one dares to move.

The world is silent, no one speaks, only the falling flowers are flying, making rustling noises and shining with special luster.

It turned out to be such a result, no one thought that there is only one saint in the human race, but he can confront so many ancestor kings!

why? "There are ancient people who are unwilling, but they dare not step forward.

However, many monks in the human race were both excited and terrified. They were afraid that this was a dream, and all of this was due to one person. They were afraid that the king in white would fall.

It will be a disgrace to all the tribes if people alone suppress the kings and pass it on. What are you afraid of? "A cool voice came from the sky.

Five brilliant brilliance descended from the sky, and the leader, Renyi, was a saint king with purple hair and a tall figure, almost the same as that of the human race.

The four figures behind him are all ancient kings. Although they can't compare with him, they are still amazing enough, especially at this time.

It is the ancestor king of Fanlin, they come from Wanlong
All the ancient ministries were shocked. This is a super powerful force. Legend has it that there may be an ancient saint in the Wanlong Fruit, who can look down on the entire ancient star!
They came step by step led by the saints
The king's name is Zilin, and many people know him. His expression is indifferent, and he is about to attack the white-clothed god king.

(End of this chapter)

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