Chapter 182
It has to be said that the Beidou area was in the ancient times in the ancient times.The practice environment is so good that it is outrageous that there are saints born in all races.

Even for the human race that was reduced to the blood-eating slaves of the blood-eating slaves of the ancient times, several saints appeared this year during the ancient times.

Moreover, in the human race of that era, there was no so-called practice scriptures at all.At that time, neither practice scriptures.Or all the land resources are in the hands of the ancient people.It is impossible for the human race to get in touch.

At that time, the human race lacked practice scriptures and other resources for practice, but the human race was able to produce several saints, which had a lot to do with the practice environment at that time.

Otherwise, there would not be so many ancestor kings of the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clans sealed up, because the practice environment at that time was so good.It is a very simple thing to want to be a saint.Unlike today's era, the Qingdi Avenue has not yet dispersed.

As a result, all the outstanding people after the Qing Emperor practiced like reaching the sky, and it was even more difficult. Even if they were Gai Jiuyou tonight, they would not be able to break through the oppressive enlightenment of the Qing Emperor Dao.

Even the Emperor Xiang Yufei, who had reached the realm of the emperor, had to choose to be frozen to the present world.

Therefore, Jiang Taixun, who has broken through the realm of the saint king under such a difficult environment of practice, has definitely far surpassed the ancient ancestor king of the same rank.

Facts have proved that the flowers in the greenhouse are far inferior to the king of gods who have grown up under the suppression of the Dao. After only fighting with dozens of moves, the peerless king that the Taikoo tribe is proud of was killed by Jiang Taixu.

But even if so many saint kings were suppressed one after another by the god king, they were still arrogant.

The main reason is that there are too many masters who have been sealed up in the ancient times.

Not to mention those ancient kings who are still in deep sleep, but the number of ancient kings who have recovered before this year is quite considerable.

If a certain great religion or holy place confronts the Taikoo tribe alone, it is likely that they will die within a day.

However, as far as Beidou's current situation is concerned, the high-level combat power of the human race is far superior to that of the Taikoo race. Not to mention the great sage, but only the sick old man Gai Jiuyou that Xu Yu met in Qinling of Zhongzhou before, as long as he is determined to fight If so, the Big Dipper Primordial Ten Thousand Clans will be wiped out within one dynasty, including the major royal families.

But the price of that is that Gai Jiuyou will consume his few lifespans and embark on the road of extinction in advance.

And the contradiction between the ancient ten thousand races and the human race.It is nothing more than natural selection.If the holy lands of the human race did not want to maintain their own territory resources, then Gai Jiuyou would not choose to help.

After all, from his point of view, they no longer want to pay attention to the grievances and resentments between mortals.

Now he only wants to live again, or prolong his fate, waiting for the road to immortality to open.


The god king Jiang Taixu paid a heavy price. He faced his seven saints alone. After a brutal fight, six of them were killed by him on the spot. Don't dare to do it there.

"Rumble rumble..."

Suddenly, at the far end of the sky, nine terrifying ancient beasts came running, each of which was a king of great success, with boundless terror, all ancient fierce beasts.

They pulled an ancient chariot and stepped on the sky, as if the drums of the heaven were beating, resounding through the sky, shocking people's hearts.

The nine-headed Dacheng king-level ancient fierce beast can only be used to pull carts. Such an appearance is shocking, making people feel cold all over, and their hairs stand on end.


The nine-headed ancient beasts stopped, the ancient chariot stopped, a monstrous aura permeated out, and a terrifying figure stepped out of the chariot.

The fog was shrouded in mist, drowning him, even if he had a clear eye, he couldn't see through it. Only a pair of blue eyes showed a terrifying light, and a tall figure could be vaguely seen, like a demon!
"I've seen the Fallen King!"

Even though the ancient kings present were very conceited and proud, after seeing this ancient ancestor, they all went forward to greet him, one can imagine his high status and terrifying strength.

The Heavenly King, as the name suggests, is an existence that is only one step away from the Great Sage Realm, with excellent combat cultivation, even if the Divine King's combat power is against the sky, he cannot defeat the Fallen Heavenly King without being seriously injured.

At this point, the human monks are completely desperate. How can they fight against this? Once the fallen king comes out, it will be useless for the king in white to go against the sky.

However, Xu Yu was really not worried.Because he knew that the Conferred God List was coming, and everything would be rewritten.

More than twenty ancient kings, plus this fallen king who is expected to become a great sage, how to fight?
"One person fought against a group of ancient kings alone, and killed three saint kings. This record is astonishing. He is an outstanding man." The fallen ancestor king stood in front of the ancient chariot, looked down, his eyes were even more terrifying in the black mist , like two magical lamps, only one outline can be seen of the tall body.

The white-clothed god king stood up, facing many ancient kings alone, and then looked at the fallen king, his expression was calm and unchanged.

"I would like to accept you as my adopted son, and you would like to join our clan, and in the future, you will become a great sage respected by all clans." The Fallen King said such an earth-shattering remark.

Everyone was in a daze for a while, and many ancient kings were shocked, even his parent and son, the twin kings, were also surprised for a while, looking at the terrifying existence on the ancient chariot.


For the first time, the King of God in white snorted coldly and said:
"I just want to know, how many ancient kings will come?"

"Since I've come, no one else will make a move." Fallen Heavenly King said plainly, but it was shocking, and he felt a domineering arrogance of his own!

Tongtiantai, majestic, majestic and majestic.In the void, nine primordial ferocious beasts became more and more ferocious one by one, and their demonic aura was overwhelming. They were all kings of great success, but they could only be used to pull carts.

Behind the nine ancient beasts, the huge iron chain of the gods shone coldly, pulling an ancient chariot, full of knife marks and arrow holes, and the fallen king above stood like a god and demon, and the entire fairyland under pressure was about to collapse. Same.

A rumbling sound came down from above: "You are a hero, rare to see in thousands of generations, I actually don't want to kill a genius, don't force me!"

The white-clothed god king was very calm, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said: "You are the ones who are aggressive, and the human race has always wanted to sit down and talk with you."

There was silence all around, and everyone could hear their own heartbeats, and they were all extremely nervous.

An invincible existence like the Fallen King has arrived. In the ancient times, he was invincible and rampant on the wild land, and all the kings surrendered!

His single shot is enough to destroy several big clans. Such an ancient existence has been cultivated for a long time, and its seniority and strength are extremely high.

You know, even his two sons are already fearsome saint kings. If one party is suppressed, no clan will dare to refuse, and their prestige is extremely high.

"Sit down and talk, it requires strength and confidence, but what do you humans have?"

Fallen Heaven King didn't say anything, but one of his parents and sons spoke up. In this situation, they are probably the only ones who dare to intervene.

"Does it have to be a final result?" The king in white looked forward.

The twin saint kings were all covered by light, and the aura of god permeated the air. Everyone was emitting divine brilliance even from their pores, which made it difficult to face up to, and was extremely compelling.

"You are indeed very powerful and amazing. You killed so many ancient kings by yourself, but there is only one saint in such a huge human race. Compared with a clan, your foundation is too weak, so you cannot be on an equal footing with other clans." Twin Saint King Zhong The other person spoke.

There was silence on Tongtiantai, no one spoke, and what he said was hard to argue with. There are too few saints in the human race, and they are unable to compete with so many ancient kings.

Many people's hearts are cold, and there is no hope at all.There are so many ancient kings Qizhi, any one of them can tie one side.

"Return to my clan and inherit my lineage. Not only will you be immortal, but you will also be able to rule the world in the future. With your aptitude, you may become a great saint." The Fallen King stood on the ancient chariot, as high as a demon lord, overlooking all living beings.

Your human race was once a vassal in the ancient times.Attached to the feet of some powerful people, seeking asylum, talking about dignity, what qualifications? !

An ancient king mercilessly uncovered the prehistoric scars and removed salt from the hearts of every human monk. His expression was extremely disdainful and cruel.

"At that time, you were just a group of insignificant ants, and some of the big clans present were your former masters!

Such words, like thunder, made many human monks disfigured and filled with a sense of humiliation.

"You are talking about the ancient times, when the human race first came to this ancient star, the ancestors really suffered a lot. They paid too much, but they survived tenaciously." Serious and respectful, said: "The predecessors are not easy,
Their shame will be washed away!Later generations opened up a prosperous age, walked out of their own way, and lived up to their hopes!
"What kind of prosperous age, how do we compare it? In the heyday of Taikoo, the power of the ancient emperor, nine heavens and ten earths, how do you compare?" There is an ancient king.

"Why can't it be compared? There have been several ancient emperors in the ancient times, and they belonged to different races. However, there were several great emperors from the same line of human race before the ancient times. Don't fall behind!" The voice of the white-clothed god king was sonorous and deafening.

Not only does he not lose the wind, several ancient emperors come from different races, but the ancient emperor is also from the human race, which is a terrifying power.

Mentioning the great emperors who passed away, the blood of all the people raced, the whole sea of ​​hearts lit up, and they wanted to shout out loud!

There have been so many supreme beings in one clan, and the real potential is not weak. Ten thousand clans are equal to them. The humiliation of their ancestors just now is so oppressive that they can't breathe.

In the ancient times, human beings were weak, and even the food in the mouths of many powerful tribes was insignificant, but in later generations it was quite different, and many ancient tribes were silent.

Even the ancestor king present wanted to say something, but it was difficult to find a reason to refute, so they fell silent for a while.

After a long time, the Zilin Saint King sneered and said: "Everything is over. The ancient emperor is definitely stronger than the human emperor, because some people have become immortals before they die. But your human emperors are all dead. , everything remains the same as before, nothing has changed, and you are still as weak as before."

"That's right, the reality is like this. Your situation is worse than it was in ancient times. There is no improvement. You are only a saint. Why talk to us and just kill it!" Many ancient kings echoed.

"So, no matter what, you all want to kill us all, and nothing will change?" asked the white-clothed god king.

"Exactly!" shouted one of the twin saint kings.

"Aren't you afraid that some of the ancient great emperors will unleash the wrath of thunder?" the white-clothed god king shouted, his expression icy, and it was the first time he faced the kings with such a cold face.

"You are an outstanding person, I really want to give you a chance to adopt you as a foster son." The Fallen King said.

"Then let's fight!" The white-clothed god king Yi Ran was not afraid, a sword of the god king appeared in his hand, and he faced the kings alone!
"It's really a helpless decision. It's not my wish to kill the genius, but I have to do it!" The Fallen King's voice turned cold, and he took a step forward, causing the fairyland to move, as if it had collapsed.

"Destroy him, end all of this as soon as possible!" The ancient king yelled, and some people followed suit.

People were desperate, and couldn't bear to witness the final tragedy of the God King in white. How could he resist alone?The undefeated myth... will be bloody.


Suddenly, there was a sound of heaven and earth cracking, and a bright golden light pierced the vast earth, coming from afar, and the way of heaven was in harmony!
At this moment, it shocked the entire northern land, like an eternal radiance, shining through the mountains and rivers, and submerging into the fairyland.

"The list of gods, it turned out to be the list of gods, it appeared again!
At this moment, everyone exclaimed, extremely shocked.

Especially the various tribes of the ancient clan, all of them were ashamed. Facing the magic weapon of the most powerful emperor in the history of the human race, everyone was terrified.

"How could this be?" Even the ancient kings were frightened and changed their colors, because they felt the supreme aura of the ancient emperor.

"Fake, not real." Zilin Saint King said.


The list of gods turned into a golden lightning, descending from the sky, with unparalleled power, like a hand of the ancient emperor pressed down, even the immortal existence would be turned into ashes.


There was a terrified scream, unable to resist at all, the Zilin Saint King was instantly turned into ashes after being crushed by the golden light, and died completely.

Then, the four ancient kings who came with him were also sealed, and all of them became dust in the first place, and they were removed from their names.

Not long ago, they all said that the human race was as weak as ants, and their words were sharp, but they ended up like this.

"It's really the breath of the ancient great emperor, how could it be like this?" All the ancient kings were terrified.


The Conferred God List, with brilliant light, illuminated thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, under another suppression, the twin sage, Wang Chenghui, was killed by the suppression without even making a sound.It was so shocking. In the blink of an eye, three saint kings and four ancient kings died unexpectedly.


With a shake of the void, just now he had extremely humiliated the human race, and the several ancient kings who claimed that the human race had survived in the ancient times and recognized the powerful race as their masters all yelled in horror.

However, nothing can be changed, the list of gods descended from the sky, powerful and powerful, and killed them all, turning them into ashes!
(End of this chapter)

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