Chapter 183

Just after the king of the ancient race said that he wanted to kill the god king and the human race, the list of gods appeared, and he powerfully suppressed and killed the ancient king who had just spoken rudely. Everyone present was stunned. He taught the ancients a lesson, with a look of excitement on his face.

Who is the beginningless?That is an invincible existence that pushes across the three thousand worlds. If he presses down with one hand, who in the world can stop it?It is a kind of supreme deterrent. Immortal Taoist, as the body of faith of the immortal emperor, is so powerful. He is a real master of the perfect imperial way who has never killed himself. That is, for tens of thousands of years, he could not get out of trouble under the list of gods, and was refined alive, leaving only a remnant.

The arrival of the Conferred God List had a huge impact, and as soon as it appeared, several ancient kings were suppressed and killed one after another, and they were turned into ashes in one blow. Isn't this emperor prestige?This is tantamount to declaring that the emperor of the human race is still alive!


The last scream came, and a holy light fell from the list of gods, obliterating an ancient king, and then stabilized, hanging in the void.

All the tribes of the ancient clan were terrified, and fear surged from the bottom of their hearts, and they could barely breathe!Where the list of gods hangs, like an immortal god, it shines on the fairyland, and the black Tongtiantai becomes crystal clear.

The ancient kings of the ancient clan were all pressed down and kneeling there. What else could they do against it? The ancient kings who were ambushing in the holy land of Yaochi were also terrified when they saw this scene. Come to the liquidation of the emperor of the human race.

The monks of the human race were all yelling, and all the depression and humiliation in their hearts turned into loud roars at this moment. Some even rushed out of the holy land of Yaochi, flew into the sky, and vented their hearts.

On the Tongtian Terrace, only the white-clothed god king was independent, and he was the only one who was still standing. The other ancient kings did not dare to move, knelt and could not get up.

"The ancestor's hope, our clan's heyday, the emperor has already achieved it, why do you insult the human clan?"

God King Jiang shouted loudly, holding a gorgeous sword of God King, facing the kings kneeling on the ground.

The list of gods hangs in the air, the whole body is shining brightly, and there are strings of divine power hanging down one after another, making this place a pure land of gods.

"Uncontrollable, it's hard to get up, just like when I went to see the Holy Emperor Douzhan, this is the power of the emperor!" A frightening old king was sweating profusely, and he couldn't even move a finger.

"The heyday of the past does not mean the eternal splendor, so what if all races? If you want to fight, fight! The revived emperor of the human race is looking down, we just need to move forward!"

Jiang Shenwang's words were passionate and powerful. When he finished speaking, he paid respects to the list of gods, saying that the Great Emperor Wu Shi was immortal.

In the distance, the blood of the human monks was boiling, and the depression in their hearts spit out, all excited and uplifted.

As for the various tribes of the ancient clan, their faces were ashen. What a blow this was. What happened today was too terrifying and beyond everyone's expectations.


The Conferred God List seemed to be responding to the words of the white-clothed god king. It shook violently, and the light pierced through the sky, shining hundreds of thousands of miles away, rumbling like a great emperor nodding his head.

Down below, all the tribes of the ancient times knelt down, unable to withstand the coercion, except for the human race in the Yaochi, they all kowtowed, unable to stand at all.

The power of God shakes the world!

This is a powerful deterrent!

"How could this happen?" The kings kneeling on the Tongtian Terrace were sweating coldly, they couldn't figure it out, their hearts were chilling, and the air-conditioning was whizzing.

"Why... another accident happened. The fallen king died, but the white-clothed god king survived." In the crowd, the emperor gritted his teeth and talked to Yuan Gu in secret.

"I think..." What else did he have to say.However, Yuan Gu hastily stopped him and said:

"Emperor, please don't say it." The emperor changed his color at that time. Although every time something happened when he was successful, it was too shameless to block him like this and let him not speak.


Yuan Gu said: "Don't get me wrong, I think that although you are born with great luck, you have been cursed during this period of time. Don't take your vows, otherwise you may end up in a void."

The emperor's expression changed, and he said: "I see, an important enemy has appeared, and he is competing with me for the opportunity to prove the Dao, so there are changes."

The Immortal Emperor studied heaven and man, and his mana surpassed that of the gods, creating a Taoist inheritance like a fairy scripture, which involved the art of changing fate against the sky.

It was also because of this that the emperor was terrified in his heart and realized something. He had expected something several times, but in the end the ending was changed by others.

"If we are killed, the ancient emperor's soldiers will come crashing down and destroy Yaochi..." On the Tongtiantai, an ancient king struggled to speak, sweating profusely, telling the truth.


When the Conferred God Ranking was suppressed, he turned into a bloody light, dissipated in the world, and was expelled forever.

"The divine power of the ancient great emperor, no one can question it!"

Seeing this scene, all the monks of the human race looked up to the sky and shouted, and bowed down to the god list voluntarily, and the place was boiling.

"The patriarchs are falling one after another, and there is the aura of the ancient emperor gushing out. Yaochi is really daring, did you use the green golden pagoda of fairy tears?"

In a majestic ancient mountain range, an ancient king let out a low growl, looking in the direction of Yaochi, his eyes shone with a frightening light.

"Aim at Yaochi with the ancient imperial soldiers, and press the generals to go up!"

An old ancestor king made a terrible magic sound, as if he had opened the cage of hell.

At the same time, in another magnificent ancient mountain, someone also gave a similar order, and a terrifying ancient emperor's divine might rushed up to the nine days and pressed towards Yaochi.


The sky and the earth are rioting, and the entire northern land is about to collapse. All powerful monks are terrified, looking up at the void, trembling.

On this day, countless creatures in the northern land trembled and panicked all day long, and the soldiers of the ancient emperor were recovering, which made people terrified to the extreme.

A tsunami-like sound rushed towards Yaochi, like a star field collapsing, shaking, and then falling down.

The emperor's army of the extreme way is overwhelming, and the immeasurable power is boiling!
"Here is the magic weapon of the ancient great emperor, and a ray of divine sense enters the Yaochi, how dare you desecrate it?!" The white-clothed god king shouted loudly, and his voice moved ten directions.


At the same time, a mouthful of crimson blood-like sacred furnace rushed out of Jiang Shenwang's body, the divine phoenix sang harmoniously, and the red clouds were intoxicating, transpiring with immortal brilliance.

Hengyu Furnace!He carried the weapon of Emperor Hengyu on his body.

At the same time, the West Emperor Pagoda in Yaochi was blooming with green flowers reaching the sky, broke free from that small world, hung on the sky, and dripped ten thousand feet of silk.


In another direction, an ancient mirror soared to the sky, illuminating the worlds of all ages, as if it was about to open up the world again!
The weapon of Emperor Void of the Ji family also appeared. This ancient mirror has fixed the nine heavens and ten places, from ancient to modern times.

The three extreme emperor soldiers moved together and appeared in the sky above Yao Xie, facing the two ancient emperor soldiers in the distance, emitting a power like destroying the world.

At this time, the Conferred Gods List glowed, illuminating the entire Tongtian Terrace, and none of the human monks felt oppressed, and they could all stand up.

"Human race, are you provoking? Use the extreme emperor soldiers to kill the ancestor king. You know that once the ancient emperor soldiers come out, you will have a catastrophe of extermination, and no one can stop it!"

In the sky, there was a roar, extremely majestic.

"It's because you can't distinguish the situation, but you know that the Great Emperor Wu Shi manifested, and the list of gods appeared, and you are destroying yourself." Standing beside the eternal furnace, the king of gods in white yelled loudly.

"What, it's impossible, why is Wushi still alive?! 1"

"It's so possible, 8 years have passed without beginning!"

Shocked voices came from far away, they didn't know what happened in Yaochi just now, they were in shock and incomparably shocked.

"Are you questioning the majesty of the human emperor?" the white-clothed god king shouted.

"We..." Before they were allowed to say anything, a bright holy light shot up from the Yaochi, piercing the sky and leaving.

"What, dare to attack the ancient emperor's soldiers?!" The man in charge of the soldiers was startled, desperately mobilizing the ancient emperor's soldiers.

At the end of the majestic mountains, the two royal families were also shocked and paid close attention.


I saw the list of gods swept away, and the ancient king who was in charge of the ancient emperor's army turned into flying ash in an instant.It shocked the ancient tribes who were secretly observing.

In the holy land of Yaochi, the emperor's expression was very ugly.After all, he has always advertised that the Great Emperor Wushi has fallen.

But the Conferred God List that appeared now was simply slapping him in the face, and it was the same kind of slapping in the face again and again.

Several face slaps also changed the attitude of some ancient kings towards the emperor.

Because of the repeated instigation of the emperor.First, the Valley of the Gods was destroyed, and then dozens of ancient kings were lost at this Yaochi event.

This was an unbearable pain for them, and those dead kings did not come from a certain big clan, but from many ancient clans.

You must know that even in the ancient times, the cultivation environment was excellent, but a race could only give birth to one or two ancestor kings at most.

Even some small clans had an ancient king.

But at this moment, dozens of ancient kings were killed by the strong suppression of the god list, and nearly ten ancient kings were turned into fly ashes, not to mention the many ancient kings that the god king Jiang Taixu suppressed before.

In addition, the Taikoo tribe is not monolithic, and they also have their own contradictions.For example, there is a conflict between the emperor and the emperor.

Therefore, after losing dozens of ancient kings, the attitude of the Taikoo people also changed.

At this time, all the races felt a chill like the twelfth lunar month of winter, which was bitingly cold. If a great emperor of the human race was alive, it would be useless for them to invite a few great saints and quasi-emperors.

"The Conferred God List is now, is Wu Shi really still alive?"

This is a secret place that only the supreme figures of the royal family can enter. Several people sit cross-legged, their bodies blurred, and they almost melt into the avenue of heaven and earth.

"If it weren't for Wushi, even if you knew all the secrets of the Conferred Gods List, knew all its mysteries, and had enough time to revive it, it would be difficult to unleash that kind of divine power." A chaotic phantom made an extremely old and vicissitudes voice.

"It's not absolutely impossible. Two great sages or a quasi-emperor make a move. If you pay the price of blood, there is a certain chance of success." Another voice came, as if it came through the heavens.

"Whether it is true or false, it shows that the human race is terrible, and there are no masters in survival.

At this point, this mysterious place became quiet, and there was no more sound, and the few vague figures disappeared.

Everything was as planned by God King and others. Two days later, some powerful ancient kings came in person, no longer aggressive, and looked like they wanted to sit down and talk.

The original representatives of the various ethnic groups did not leave at all, seeing their ancestors coming in person, restraining the aura of the saint, and very peaceful, they were all shaken in their hearts.

Everyone knows that a relatively peaceful era has arrived, and there will be little conflict in the future, but they don't know how long it will last.

The real peace in the Pure Land of Yaochi, the tense atmosphere was swept away, all the monks of the human race who attended the meeting smiled, and everything calmed down.

"The ancestor king of Jiuhuang has arrived." Many ancient people were surprised and recognized a participant.

Come to form a terrifying existence of the Blood Phoenix Mountain Clan. He is on the same level as the Fallen Heaven King. He is revered as the Nine Phoenix King. He has few rivals in ancient times.

His appearance caused a commotion, and everyone who knew him knew how terrifying he was, and his prestige was astounding in the ancient times. The Supreme Fighting Saint Emperor once said that he had good aptitude.

Although it is a very casual sentence, it is a supreme honor to be evaluated by an ancient emperor, and it will be known all over the world, and everyone will be in awe of it.

Then, a bigger commotion occurred, causing a great chaos

The appearance of the second saint of the human race shocked all races.

The No. [-] bandit in the Northern Territory—Old Immortal—appeared, wearing a large black robe, even with clairvoyant eyes, he couldn't see through it, and he didn't even know if it was a man or a woman.

"There is a second saint in the human race!?" All the races were shocked, a white-clothed god king killed his bones everywhere, and the kings were terrified, and the second one appeared, which was undoubtedly shocking.

The turmoil did not stop there. Soon after, the third saint of the human race appeared, causing another uproar. All races were terrified, and the human race was boiling.

It is the owner of Tianxuan Stone Workshop in Shencheng, and one of the few survivors of Tianxuan Holy Land.

He is stooped and very old, and he is the gatekeeper of the ruined stone workshop in Tianxuan Holy Land, Shencheng of the Northern Territory, and no one has come.

The appearance of three saints in the human race naturally shocked the ancient people, and made many ancient kings very cautious and extremely cautious. So far, the effect of the white-clothed god king's battle is undoubtedly evident.

Everything didn't stop there, because the fourth saint of the human race appeared soon after, causing cheers. This was a sudden happiness, but the ancients were all in a daze, why did another one appear?
This sage is from the Qi Shi Mansion in Zhongzhou. He is an old mansion master who has retired for many years. His successors have died for several generations.

The four sages appeared at the same time, and the ancient clan was shocked. After the news spread, the ancestor king came in person immediately, because it was beyond their expectations.

Seeing the appearance of the four saints of the human race, the blood of the heroes of the human race in the Yaochi Holy Land was agitated, and they wished to trample on the ancients who said that the human race had no saints just now.

But the ancient kings who came one after another made them dispel this idea. After all, there are indeed too many saints in the ancient clan.

Moreover, it is rumored that a great sage will come, this is an existence that is invincible in the world today, and has only one defeat in his life. In the past, he lost to an existence that was impossible to defeat - the Holy Emperor of Fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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