Chapter 184
With the arrival of the saints of the human race and the arrival of many storytellers of the ancient race, the grand gathering of all races has now entered the theme.

In particular, the arrival of a beautiful young man accompanied by the sick old man whom Xu Yu had met in Qinling brought the event to its climax.

At the same time, the visitor also attracted the attention of the other two.

Zhong Huang Xiang Yufei stared blankly at the old man who was supported by a beautiful young man, and muttered to himself: "Is it really him? The old man from back then..."

The other person is Ye Fan. When he was looking for Huaxian Pond in Qinling in the past, shortly after Xu Yu and the sick old man parted ways, Ye Fan also ran into the sick old man in Qinling and had a friendship.

The sick old man walked forward with the support of a genius girl, preparing to participate in a small-scale meeting that only saints and ancestor kings can enter, which is related to the peace of the world in the future!

Outside Yaochi, an ancient chariot drove up, covered with ax marks and arrow holes, it looked like it had experienced many bloody battles.

Nine primordial ferocious beasts pulling carts, one by one spit out divine light, each of them is extremely terrifying, with a terrifying aura, and one or two of them are almost approaching the realm of saints.

"It's him, the ancestor king of Lintian has arrived, the ancient royal family from Huolin Cave!"

"That's right, it's Lintian King, on the same level as the Nine Phoenix King, a terrifying existence that is expected to become a great sage. In the ancient times, it is difficult to have an opponent in all domains!"

The Nine Phoenix King was praised by the supreme Dou Zhan Saint Emperor in the past, and the person who came alongside him was naturally the same existence as the scorching sun among the ancient clan.

Many ancient tribes came forward to salute, feeling that this Yaochi event is really extraordinary, Jiuhuang and Lintian are both here, it can be said that the ancient tribe attaches great importance to it.

However, what people didn't expect was that Lin Tianwang was in a daze for a while as soon as he got off the chariot, and then walked forward quickly, bowing to an old man.

Many ancient powerhouses are in a daze, what kind of existence is Lin Tianwang?He actually saluted an old man who looked quite ordinary.

"I have seen the great sage Huntuo!" Lin Tianwang scared everyone to petrification, and then there was a sound of thumping all over the place, and all the ancient people knelt down and worshiped the great sage.

This is a very ordinary old man, not so much an ancient race, but more like a human race, very similar to an old man in the village, even the clothes are like this.

There really was a Great Sage coming, which made this meeting even more extraordinary, shocked these people, and shocked everyone.

You know, how many great saints can an ancient star have?In the era when the ancient emperor was not born, he was absolutely invincible, and it was rare to meet opponents in the sky and the earth.

The great sage Huntuo was famous in the ancient times, and he had only one defeat in his life, and he was suppressed by the opponent with one hand, but he was not ashamed, because he was an invincible existence-the Holy Emperor of Fighting.

Who dares to challenge the ancient emperor?Regardless of the result, this kind of courage alone is admirable. At that time, Taikoo was shocked!

Although the great sage Huntuo laughed at himself afterwards, saying that he was looking for death and that he simply did not know the heights of the sky and the earth, but it did not damage his reputation, but shocked the world.

Back then, Saint Emperor Dou Zhan laughed it off, didn't hurt him, and said that he was good, which was considered a compliment, and was recognized by the ancient emperor.

No one thought that a great sage who had only one defeat in his life would really come. Although there were rumors, people didn't believe it at first.

Great Sage Huntuo asked Lin Tianwang to get up, and walked together to the Pure Land of Yaochi, and saw Gai Jiuyou at a glance, and his body was shocked.

He no longer let King Lin Tian accompany him, and moved forward alone, keeping up with the pace of the sick old man, saying: "The human really awe-inspiring."

"What are you talking about, ten thousand races live together, and the world is peaceful." Gai Jiuyou said with a smile.

"Yes, the emperors of the ancient times and the great emperors of the human race all have big hearts and have said similar things." The great sage Huntuo nodded, sighed for a while, and said: "It is better for people above the great sage not to be born in the future. Descendants."

Gai Jiuyou, who was sick, also nodded, and said: "I don't think even saints will be born, such as my old arms and legs, it is still possible to cruelly destroy a royal family. What's more, those who are full of vitality Patriarch, if they get angry, it is not impossible to kill tens of thousands of corpses and cut off several clans. For the peace of the world, for the hard-won peace, let them all practice self-cultivation."

Great Sage Huntuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "We must give young people some chances."

The old man Gai Jiuyou narrowed his eyes and said: "The patriarchs and sages have practiced Taoism for many years, and they all crawled from the sea of ​​corpses and bones. It is useless to fight the so-called life and death battle to break through. The strongest blood of the ancient emperor is not Are they all revived in this life? I am looking forward to it. Isn’t the most amazing Tianjiao of all races also full of vigor and vitality? They all need a stage, so leave the world to them.”

"There are indeed several bloodlines of the ancient emperor. One year can equal another's hundred years of merit. The talent is rare throughout the ages. The emperors of the human race have not been exhausted in the dark ages, right? In such a great world, the ancient emperor's road paved with blood and bones, It's really cruel." Great Sage Huntuo said to himself.

The Emperor Zhonghuang watched Gai Jiuyou go away and disappear. He was silent for a while, and then sighed softly after a long time. Although he was an old friend, he didn't come forward to meet him, just passed by like this.

Everyone has their own different paths, different encounters in life, and different trajectories. Before the end of life, there will be various possibilities.

Everyone is the only protagonist in their own life, and also a supporting role and passer-by in the lives of others, thus intertwining into the adult world.

At the event of all races, only the sage and the ancestor king were discussing in the end. Outsiders did not know how they were arguing, but a few bursts of anger and coercion occasionally broke out, indicating that the scene was not peaceful.

"Brother Xu, long time no see!"

When Xu Yu and He Zixia were quietly enjoying the delicacies in the holy land of Yaochi, suddenly a figure came and came to their side.

Xu Yu took a closer look and saw that it was the God Son of the Wind Clan and a masked Fenghuang.

After Xu Yu invited the two of them to sit down, he realized that the God Son of the Feng Clan had been retreating and cultivating all these years, breaking into the trial ground left by their clan. A character who has reached the peak of Immortal Er.

And the cultivation level of Fenghuang next to him is a little bit worse, and he has just peeped into the threshold of the realm of Immortal Two.

And people have changed a lot.The last time Xu Yu saw Fenghuang, Fenghuang was in high spirits and full of confidence in the future.

Now it's only been more than ten years since we met each other, and his practice speed has begun to be unable to keep up with the real Tianjiao.

Originally, Phoenix's talent could only be selected as medium, and she didn't have any special physique, nor was she a descendant of blood, so her potential was limited...

With the arrival of the God Son of the Wind Clan, other old friends who fought side by side with Xu Yu and the others in the God Realm also came.

For example, King Biluo of Zhongzhou, and Li Donglai, the holy son of Daoyi Holy Land, came one by one, but he did not see the holy son of Wanchu Holy Land. It turned out that he and Mu Ming were beheaded by the holy body Ye Fan more than ten years ago. .

Just like King Bi Luo who confronted him tit for tat in the world of gods in the past, after these years of polishing, he is not as crazy as before...

Just when Xu Yu and the others were feeling sad about the death of some old friends, the originally "peaceful" fairyland holy land became boiling because of the arrival of a dog.

Suddenly, outside the Yaochi, there were the sounds of chickens flying and dogs jumping, cursing, and dogs barking vaguely.

Xu Yu knew it was the big black dog.

"No, absolutely not, why can't saint-level figures make a move?"

The Heihuang of Yaochi who just arrived, after hearing these roars, Baoxiang immediately became solemn and his whole body glowed.

The big black dog took out a piece of radiant golden paper with the aura of the Supreme Emperor on it. This piece of golden paper is majestic and majestic, with a sacred aura that is difficult to imitate. It is definitely something used by the ancient emperor.

The black dog spat out a piece of dharma paper and sacrificed its divine power. Suddenly, the whole world shook, and a majestic aura spread out.

The big black dog sacrificed a little more divine power, and the paper suddenly seemed to have life.

"Boom boom boom!"

A terrifying fluctuation swept across Yaochi like a big wave, and several ancient characters appeared on the gods, which were profound and obscure, mysterious and difficult to understand.

Auspicious clouds fell from the sky, lotuses sprang up from the ground, and all kinds of rays of light transpired, drowning the big black dog.

The big black dog pretended to be the emperor's decree and came to announce the decree.

All saints and patriarchs walked out of the hall together.

There are four characters on the Dharma paper, exuding a powerful spiritual coercion. This kind of spiritual coercion is not qualified for ordinary people to touch. Only the ancestor king and his superiors can feel it. The stronger the spiritual coercion is The deeper the feeling, the more frightening it is.

The big black dog was extremely airy: "This emperor personally came to read the decree of Emperor Wushi."

"Who are you? How can you be sure that this is a decree without beginning?" an ancestor king asked.

Standing on the high platform, the Black Emperor glanced around: "I am the Great Emperor Wu Shi sitting down to protect the mountain beast, so is the Black Emperor!"

"Don't you know who it is? Some ancient books have appeared, and it is recorded that Emperor Wushi adopted a puppy in his later years!" Fatty Duan whispered among the crowd.

"Nonsense, this emperor is a natural born holy emperor, the reincarnation of a god!" The watchdog boasted brazenly.

"What's that word? Why can't it be recognized?" Another ancestor asked a question.

"This is the sacred language used exclusively by the ancient emperor and the great emperor after their enlightenment. These four characters are unholy in the world!" Great Sage Huntuo, who was well-informed, actually translated these words.

"That's right, there is no saint in the world!" Gai Jiuyou also endorsed.

All the ancient ancestor kings gathered around and watched carefully, but they were all silent.

"It is better for a sage to cultivate in seclusion, and leave the world to young people"

"Okay, all races live together, and it will be very peaceful for some time to come."

This Dharma decree invited people to the secret place of Yaochi to continue the discussion. The style has been set, and everything will come to an end, ushering in a quiet and peaceful period.

This decree was indeed written by the Great Emperor Wushi 10,000+ years ago, but the meaning is completely different from that.

There is no saint in the world, which is not aimed at all the saints in the world, but refers to a moral realm. No one in the world can be holy, and there is no perfect person in the world.

After a period of fierce quarreling, the Yaochi Conference soon came to an end, the tone and theme had been set, the world was fine, and saints were not allowed to be born to interfere with things.

There is no never-ending banquet in the world, and when the time comes for parting, a group of people from the Purple Mansion Holy Land are about to leave.

Suddenly, the big black dog came in front of everyone in the Holy Land of Zifu, and opened his mouth and said:

"For the future of the human race, please give birth to a sacrificial body with the innate dao fetus!"

As soon as this remark came out, whether it was tolerable or unbearable, everyone in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion attacked it one after another, hitting it with various divine light and mystical techniques.

"I'm serious. The Great Emperor Wushi asked me to go out of the mountain to find a descendant. It must be the congenital Eucharist!"

Hearing what the big black dog said, some elders in the Holy Land of Zifu were also very surprised, because they didn't know whether the Great Emperor Wushi had died or not.

In addition, the list of gods refined by Emperor Wushi just now is still showing its power in Yaochi Holy Land, so a considerable number of elders in Zifu Holy Land are very moved by the big black dog's proposal.

"Of course it is true. To tell you the truth, the Great Emperor Wushi himself is the innate sacramental body. Otherwise, why would he sweep the nine heavens and ten earths and be invincible in the world? He needs someone with the same physique to inherit the Taoist lineage!"

The big black dog talked about the physique of Emperor Wushi to the people in the Holy Land of Zifu with certainty.

However, the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion also has a different view. It is really ugly for the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion to use its own outstanding disciples to pass on the moral lineage of others to give birth to offspring.

Even if he took a step back, even without Xu Yu, the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion would not be able to agree to the big black dog's request.

"It's ridiculous. I have to sacrifice my outstanding disciples of the Purple Mansion Holy Land for the sake of the human race. Do you really think that we don't know what you, the black dog, are planning?"

Elder Zixuan, who was born in Zizhu Peak, first refuted the elder in the Holy Land of Zifu who had a different idea just now, and then said it to the big black dog.

"It is undeniable that Emperor Wushi is indeed one of the most powerful emperors in history, but that is only one of them, and as a monk, you can only see yourself when you prove the Dao. , Why can't the ancient family have an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with their distant ancestors."

Seeing that the conversation changed, Elder Zixuan went on to say:

"Also, the Innate Dao Embryo Saint Physique is not the strongest physique in this world, there are still other physiques that can compete with it!"

"That's right, this life is a splendid and prosperous age that has been rare since ancient times. Not only did various powerful physiques appear, but also some ancient princes and emperors were born in this life. Just a holy body is not enough for us in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion. Those who betrayed outstanding disciples!"

The words of the big black dog were insulting the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion. After listening to his explanation, everyone in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion became even more angry.

"The inheritance of the Great Emperor Wushi is indeed exciting. But it is just a inheritance that wants me, Xu Yu, to hand over her own woman. Don't you think you are looking for death? Or are you looking for death?"

Even Xu Yu, no matter how gentle his temperament is on weekdays, would be surprisingly angry when he heard the words of the big sea dog.

Even though Xu Yu knew that what the big black dog said was true, but Zixia was already his woman now, knowing that it was a fool, to dare to approach him and treat him as nothing, so unscrupulous.

"Just recently, I have been pure-hearted and ascetic, and I just ate a meal of dog meat, and came to fight the tooth-fighting festival."

Just when Xu Yu was about to teach the black dog a lesson.Suddenly hit the little moon at home.At some point, he came behind the big black dog and picked up a huge hammer that was several times bigger than himself.


I saw that the big black dog, who was still invincible just now, was knocked on the door and passed out, and was taken off by Ye Fan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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