Chapter 185 Closing
As the big black dog was dragged away, a farce also came to an end.But Xu Yu's complexion was still very ugly.

Over the years, because of the birth of the ancient clan.The Holy Land of Zifu and Xu Yu have been keeping a low profile and concentrating on cultivation.

But now it seems that he has kept a low profile for too long, and even a dog dares to insult Xu Yu.

Seeing that Ye Fan and the others were still playing around, Xu Yu was furious.

It can be seen that Xu Yu is about to make a move.The prefect, the Lord of the Purple Mansion, quickly pulled Xu Yu back to prevent him from causing trouble. After all, the identity of the big black dog had just been announced.

It is the pet of Emperor Wushi, and what appeared in Yaochi represents the messenger of Emperor Wushi. Even if the messenger is fake, he can only take it as real now, otherwise he will stand on the opposite side of everyone on the scene.

Ye Fan and the others on the opposite side also seemed to see Xu Yu's unkindness, and they came to the side of the black dog one after another, blocking Xu Yu's gaze.

"Senior brother, he is Ye Fan, he is the one who killed senior brother Mu Ming."

Ding Fan, who had a good relationship with Mu Ming in the past, came to Xu Yu's side and said something to Xu Yu.

"Why, you are at the other end, are you looking for trouble?"

Seeing what Ding Fan meant, Li Heishui who was beside Ye Fan said carelessly.

"The holy body in the ancient times has indeed made great contributions to the human race. I hope you can also carry forward the divine power of the great holy body in the ancient times, and stay away from some small people!"

Xu Yu said this to Ye Fan meaningfully.

"Young man, don't be unscrupulous just because you were born in a holy place. You need to know that in this world, there is no shortage of people who can suppress you."

Hearing Xu Yu's words, the old man Tianxia Kou, the second largest among the Thirteen Great Bandits in the Eastern Wasteland, spoke in turn.

"Indeed, there are many people in this world who can suppress me, but that doesn't include you and the bandits behind you!" Xu Yu said calmly.

"Really? Let this old man teach you how to respect your seniors!"

The third big bandit, Xu Tianxiong, stood up and wanted to "teach" Xu Yu a lesson.

"You can barely do it, so let me tell you that the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead, and the waves before died on the beach. Your era is over!" After finishing speaking, Xu Yu was ready to make a move.

"What a big tone, Holy Master Zifu, let me help you to train the holy son of the Holy Land of Zifu!"

Xu Tianxiong said to the Lord of the Purple Mansion that he didn't take Xu Yu seriously at all.

Behind Xu Yu slowly rose a real phoenix exuding scarlet clouds. It was extremely gorgeous, and swept the crowd with suffocating coercion.

After the little phoenix took shape, the temperature in the entire Yaochi Holy Land rose sharply, as if people were in a sea of ​​flames.

"What kind of vision is that, so terrifying!"

Those who were about to leave the holy land of Yaochi, all of them stopped and watched when they saw that the Son of Zifu was about to face off against the third largest bandit in the Northern Territory.

Facing Xu Yu's condensed True Phoenix Art, Xu Tianxiong didn't dare to be careless. He opened his mouth and spit out a small cyan tower, quickly enlarged it, and then suppressed it towards Xu Yu.


At the same time, the real phoenix condensed in the area also flew out from behind Xu Yu, facing the blue pagoda sacrificed by Xu Tianxiong.


Just a face-to-face meeting, the golden pagoda sent by Xu Tianxiong was instantly destroyed by Xu Yu's True Phoenix Technique.

Then that gorgeous little phoenix, unabated in its attack, still rushed towards Xu Tianxiong with monstrous flames.


Suddenly, a ray of green clouds appeared from the holy land of Yaochi, which scattered Xu Yu's True Phoenix Art.

Xu Yu looked up and saw that it was the West Emperor Pagoda of the Supreme Emperor in the Holy Land of Yaochi, and a green glow fell from his body, interrupting Xu Yu's True Phoenix Art.

"The Holy Land of Yaochi is not allowed to make any big moves, please stop the war, both of you!"

A melodious voice came, interrupting the fight between Xu Yu and the others.

I saw the Queen Mother of Yaochi West and the Saintess of Yaochi appearing in front of Xu Yu and the others.

"Several, no matter what grievances you have, I hope you don't do anything in the Holy Land of Yaochi, and don't break the rules of my Holy Land of Yaochi since ancient times."

I saw the long light yellow dress of the Queen Mother of the West dragging the ground, setting off the slim and graceful body like undulating mountains, with a firm chest and a slender waist, without a trace of flaws, it drew a perfect arc.

However, she has a noble temperament and a plump figure. When her waist twists and turns, she looks like a boneless soft snake. Her exposed skin is as white as jade. As a woman, she has an alternative beauty.

The Yaochi Saintess who followed the Queen Mother of the West was dressed in a white dress with a veil, indescribably holy, showing two different styles of beauty from the Queen Mother of the West.

"I was the one who offended the Queen's mother and broke the rules of Yaochi!" Seeing the Queen Mother of the West being held accountable, Xu Yu graciously admitted his wrongdoing, while Xu Tianxiong snorted coldly, as if to vent his anger own dissatisfaction.

It's no wonder that he has practiced for thousands of years to become the supreme Holy Master, and the meticulously refined pagoda did not block Xu Yu's random blow, which is unacceptable for an older generation like him.

A farce came to an end with the arrival of the Queen Mother of the West. When Xu Yu was about to leave the Holy Land of Yaochi, he suddenly received a voice transmission from the Queen Mother of the West.

Seeing that the conflict was resolved by the Western Emperor's Tomb, Ye Fan and the others also left the holy land of Yaochi, but they didn't go far. The Yaochi behind could still be seen vaguely, and suddenly a dazzling brilliance appeared from the void.

Seal the sky with one sword!

This is lore, a blood-dripping magic sword was as fast as lightning, and it was pierced into Ye Fan's sky cap, which was extremely terrifying and escaped his spiritual sense.

Xu Yu and the others who were in Yao Chi at this time also saw this scene.

If ordinary people are bound to die, there is no way to avoid it. Peerless and sharp, this is a thunderous blow issued by a killer king!
But Ye Fan, who has mastered the secrets of Xingzi, is naturally not among them. Ye Fan stepped on Xingzi, avoided the blow in a short time, and moved out thousands of feet.


However, blood spattered, as if he had been expected to escape here, a killer king who had been waiting for a long time appeared from the void, and pierced a blood-dripping magic sword into his body.

"Little Ye Zi!" Ji Ziyue exclaimed, and instantly rushed over, pounced forward, and the others also shot.

"Don't come over, you all back off!" Ye Fan roared, his voice was like thunder, and the trembling mountains trembled.

If it was someone else, they would have already perished physically and mentally, because although the two who made the attack were old and unbearably old, they had already successfully slashed the Dao, and the horror was boundless!
It can be said that such a person hit the monk in the Second Heaven of Sendai. It can be said that it is a lore, and it would be difficult for anyone to be resurrected.

Only the Eucharist is special, its flesh shell is unparalleled, it withstood the impact of the king level, did not let the law disperse, and broke the magic sword.

However, Ye Fan's blood was also flowing, he was wounded, the golden holy blood was dazzling, and his blood energy was thundering and boiling.

"Hell, in this world, I will not live with you!" Ye Fan swears fiercely.

The others were also angry. At this juncture, the ancient killer Shenchao actually wanted to strangle the holy body of the tribe, making everyone's eyes red and their anger soaring.

"Sure enough, there are all kinds of people!" Even Duan De's face changed.

Some great religions can fight to the death for the sake of the human race, and do their best to resolve the crisis, even sacrificing the emperor's soldiers is nothing.

However, some big religions don't care about the flood after his death, they are always considering their own interests, for fear that the Eucharist will grow up and uproot them.

When Prince Daxia said that Taihuang Sword was also in Yaochi, people were still lamenting that the brilliance of human nature was always bright, but in the blink of an eye, what happened now happened.

"Damn it, Little Ye Zi escaped into Zishan and did so much. Where are these inhuman bastards? When everything calms down, they attack him. They should be punished!" Li Heishui was furious.

"The rise of a supreme great religion will always be accompanied by bloody winds. In the next hundred years, let Ye Fan's great great religion be built on the ruins of the world and hell!" Li Tian said.


The man of the Killer God Dynasty turned into a phantom, with a blood sword in front of him, breaking through the taboos of time and space, and his murderous aura permeated the whole field. Still unwilling to give up, he launched a thunderous strike.


Sparks flew everywhere, like a meteor shower, the moment Ye Fan avoided the past with Xingzi Jue, he pointed out a finger to test this person, the blood sword didn't move at all, just clang and clang.

The piercing killing intent and monstrous murderous aura rushed like a group of ancient beasts, sweeping across the barren land and rushing towards them with incomparable ferocity, another killer king also arrived.

Their blow failed and they did not leave, but wanted to suppress and kill Ye Fan with the absolute strength of a king, so powerful that killing the leader was like cutting grass.

"Just waiting for you to come!" Ye Fan was really angry, and tried his best to deal with the ancient royal family, but in the end he was treated like this.

He didn't use Heavenly Tribulation, and he didn't want to consume it now, but he also didn't want to let these two go, even if they were the horror kings of Immortal Three Slashing Dao!


In the distance, the monkey made a move, rotating a big iron rod. This was the ancient fierce soldier. He turned into a golden light and charged towards a killer king.

He has already entered the Three Immortals, and although he has just stepped forward, he is the son of the ancient emperor after all, and his strength is as powerful as the king who has practiced for many years.

One of them immediately abandoned Ye Fan and went up to block the monkey, wanting to delay the time and let the other kill Ye Fan, thinking that there would be no accidents, because Xian San's king killing the leader is as easy as picking flowers.

Ye Fan had nothing to hide, so he sacrificed the holy shell at that time, and he would never let these two people go!


Like a torrential flood, a wave of blood pierced through Xiaohan, and the majestic coercion pervaded it. From a distance, it looked like a big golden furnace, covering this place all at once.

Holy Way!

Irresistible Shengwei!

The killer king was terrified on the spot, shouted at the other person, turned around and fled, they never confronted people who surpassed themselves head-on, and mainly assassinated.

"None of you can leave today!" Ye Fan roared, and with a loud roar, a wave of golden ripples rushed out like a vast sea.


The killer king coughed up blood on the spot and almost fell into the sky. Although it was not the law of a saint, it was the roar of sound waves of this level, so he couldn't bear it naturally.

"That's right, don't even try to run away!" The monkey swung his big stick in turn, chasing and killing another killer king.

The exposed killer is no longer a killer, it can only be said that he is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Sure enough, the next few killers were all killed in the hands of Ye Fan and others.

However, all of that has nothing to do with Xu Yu, and now he is being led by the Queen Mother of Yaochi West to walk into the Yaochi Heavenly Palace.

Returning to the Holy Land of Yaochi once again, Xu Yu also came to the bottom of the Peach God Tree as the Queen Mother of the West continued to move forward.

It has been decades since the last time I came to the Peach Sacred Tree. The last time Xu Yu came to this place, he accompanied Zixia to Yaochi Holy Land to obtain the "Xi Huang Jing".

And at that time, I saw the 10-year-old Stone King in the sacred land of Yaochi.

At that time, Xu Yu still promised her to help her to be born, but there were too many things in the future, Xu Yu never had the chance to return to Yaochi and fulfill his promise.

If Queen Mother Xi hadn't called him to stop him, he might really have forgotten about this incident.

"The last time we met, you were a little cultivator in a fourth-level secret realm. I didn't expect that after more than ten years, your cultivation has surpassed mine."

In the Pantao Garden, Queen Mother Xi looked at Xu Yu with a complex expression, and couldn't help feeling that Xu Yu's celestial appearance was terrifying.

"This time, little friend, I also hope that you can do me a favor in Yaochi Holy Land, and hope to use your blood to water the stone king in my Yaochi Holy Land."

Hearing such a request from Queen Mother Xi.Originally, he had an agreement with King Stone to help him be born early.

"But don't worry, our Yaochi Holy Land won't let you do it in vain, and we are willing to pay you a medicine king to make up for your loss!"

Hearing this, Xu Yu naturally agreed. After bloodletting the Stone King, Xu Yu and the Queen Mother of the West came to the main hall to receive a medicine king.

"I've always been curious, what kind of physique is yours, little friend? The cultivation is so heaven-defying, I'm afraid it's several times stronger than the average divine physique."

After receiving the medicine from the king, Queen Mother Xi still asked something she had been wondering about.

Hearing the question from the Queen Mother of the West, Xu Yu didn't intend to answer, but said that his physique would definitely not be inferior to the Innate Dao Embryo Holy Physique of the Beginless Earth.


Hearing what Xu Yu said, Empress Xi was stunned suddenly, as if a thunderbolt sounded beside her.

"The physique that can be compared with the innate Dao Embryo Saint Physique is the Chaos Physique!"

Puzzled, Queen Mother Xi looked at Xu Yu again, but this time Xu Yu didn't answer her plan, and he knew that talking too much would lead to failure.

No wonder Queen Mother Xi thought so.After all, the only physique that can be compared with the innate Dao Embryo Saint Physique in history is the legendary Chaos Physique.

Unless Queen Mother Xi becomes his woman, he can tell her, otherwise, she will only know in the future.

"I didn't expect a chaotic body to appear this time, and many emperors and sons, Tianjiao, are destined to be bloody in this life!"

After Xu Yu left Yaochi Holy Garden.Queen Mother Xi was still muttering to herself, with an expression of disbelief.

She didn't wake up until Yun Ni, the saint of Yaochi, came to her.

"Master, what's wrong with you, what are you thinking, the people in the Holy Land of Zifu have already left Yaochi!"

The Queen Mother of the West looked at the Saintess of Yaochi very complicatedly, she seemed to have a thousand words, and finally turned into a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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