Chapter 186 Road to Heaven

In the icy universe and the lonely ancient star, Xu Yu traveled across the starry sky, abandoned the prosperity, left his homeland and bid farewell to his family, he embarked on the road to be the strongest alone, without the hustle and bustle of the world, now there is only loneliness.

After the Fairyland Festival.Xu Yu decided to go to the starry sky to test the road, wanting to compete with the arrogance under the entire starry sky, and start his own invincible road. When he set foot on this world road, he didn't even bring the golden lion with him.

It's not that Xu Yu didn't want to bring the golden lion, the current golden lion's cultivation level is really too hip, it's still in the second realm of immortality, without cutting the way.

For the monks in the realm of Immortal Two, blindly stepping on the ancient road to the starry sky is not a trial, but an old birthday star who hanged himself and thinks his life will be long.

Now, he has been traveling for more than half a year, from one ancient star to another, tirelessly, repeating monotonously, and has not encountered a single creature so far.

When he walked out of the five-color altar half a year ago, he found a small altar on an ancient star. It was a formation that could only be teleported in one direction. Walking on the road, not knowing the starting point, not knowing the end point, and walking passively.

This kind of journey is extremely lonely, with no one to talk to, far away from the glitz of the world, and can only practice alone.

The vast sky, darkness and coldness are boundless, just like this, it seems to have no end.

The cold wind blows, and the withered ancient star finally has a little movement, breaking the death-like tranquility. The yellow sand is everywhere. Xu Yu looks far away, and the front is desolate.

Especially at dusk, it was dark everywhere, the sky and the earth were yellowish, extremely gloomy, and there was no sign of life.

The yellow sand filled the sky, covering the sky, his eyes widened, and when the dust flew up into the sky, some snow-white skulls appeared in the desert.

He walked over, knelt down and observed it carefully, and found that it belonged to an unknown race and had died for thousands of years. The skull was still strong and shiny.

"It seems that the real trial road is about to begin!" After discovering the creatures, Xu Yu realized in his heart that this trial road was about to officially start.

He let go of his powerful spiritual sense, searched carefully, and searched the entire ancient star. It took him half a month to find the small five-color altar that teleported in one direction on the ancient star.


With a flash of brilliance, he stepped onto the altar and said to himself in the void passage: "Looking forward to the road ahead!"

Not long after, Xu Yu rushed out of the star gate and came to a mysterious world with a heavy and oppressive aura.


A sharp claw like Hei Tianpeng grabbed it, powerful and powerful, with a little holy power, shaking the stars, Xu Yu was attacked the moment he left the star gate.

"I really won't be lonely anymore. I finally met a living being." When he encountered an enemy attack, he was not angry, but pleasantly surprised. He was really fed up with that kind of monotony and loneliness.

This is a giant beast, like a hill, hundreds of feet high, covered with blood-colored scales, even a pair of eyes are blood-colored, majestic like a bison, with a pair of dragon horns.

It sent out a spiritual wave that shook the universe, and the sound of the roar made people's souls almost shattered. This is a semi-holy ancient beast, fierce and mighty.


Xu Yu raised his hand, now he seldom used magic spells against the enemy, every time he raised his hand, once he threw his feet, the endless mighty power would crush everything, destroying everything.

It can be said that every one of his flat A's is a big move that others can't use with all their strength. At this time, he raised his hand, and it was like knocking an egg with his fingers.
Smash that claw, and then press down with a big hand, the body of the tall behemoth was immediately broken by his beating, unable to bear this great power.

"It's actually an ancient star with life. It seems that the path left by me is not the same as the Big Dipper!"

Xu Yu looked forward, the sky of the ancient star was a little dark, but there was no lack of vitality, which showed that the star had not yet died out.

"There doesn't seem to be anything special here, or am I too strong?"

Xu Yu reached out his consciousness, and after several searches, he finally found the location of the altar, but the location of the altar here is very delicate, next to it lives the same race of the semi-holy ancient beast, and there is even an ancient sage among them.

"Is this also a test?" Xu Yu said to himself, without any hesitation, he rushed straight into the altar. After a battle, he calmly suppressed the holy beast and embarked on the next journey.

In this way, Xu Yu has been away for more than four years, away from Ziwei, and walked alone along the ancient road left by Lao Tzu.

He himself didn't know where he came, and he walked through the stars, among which there were lonely asteroids, and there were also stars containing many lives, which were one of the sources of life in the universe.

There was no imaginable crisis on the way, he almost pushed it all the way.

He has seen behemoths in the starry sky, defeated the remnant saint in the stone, and fought against the holy king of the spirit race, but it is not difficult. He almost stays in the realm of forbidden gods. force

One method, and further transformation, after combining with the Myriad Transformation God Form, he does not need to be transformed into a battle armor, and he can be compared to the secrets of words. He is always in the tenfold increase of the divine art, and he is almost extremely strong.

Along the way, he left behind a legend of invincibility, which shocked many star fields, and because his record was too shocking, it has even spread to the ancient road of the human race.

Although the journey was far away, and he had been traveling in the star field for more than four years, the celestial road he walked did not have any ancient planets of life, and there were few people.

At the first pass of the ancient road, no one knew about it.Therefore, it has not yet reached the first level of the ancient road of the human race, but on the way forward, his reputation has been passed on, and he is vaguely regarded as a seed-level candidate.


In the icy universe, the darkness is boundless, the lonely traveler savors the loneliness in the silence, travels alone, forcefully breaks through one star field after another, Xu Yu's will is as firm as iron, unwavering.

"I didn't expect that my biggest enemy would be loneliness." Xu Yu said to himself.

Along the way, although he has also reached some stars of life, the time he stayed there was not long. Along the way, he spent most of his time walking silently in the cold and dark universe, accompanied by starlight.

Although the road ahead is long, Xu Yu is actually not that lonely. He has retreated quite a few times over the years, many of which are based on years.

Therefore, he regarded this situation as a different kind of spiritual experience.

Facing the cold and lonely universe, Xu Yu practiced, enlightened, and practiced while moving forward. Countless scriptures of the Great Emperor and taboo magic emerged in his heart, and they were integrated bit by bit. Ready to move, ready to come out.

Enlightenment in loneliness and practice in loneliness.

This is not only a process leading to the strongest road, but also a journey of the heart.

The soul grows in solitude, and the spirit sublimates in solitude.

In this way, Xu Yu walked all the way, and I don't know how long it will take to reach the real ancient road of the human race.

Half a year after Xu Yu left Beidou, the old man Zixu returned to the Holy Land of Zifu, and brought a piece of heart-warming news. The ruins of the Yuhua God Dynasty more than 20 years ago were discovered.

Hearing this news, everyone in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion was elated. It was a dynasty founded by a great emperor. Although I don't know what caused the downfall of the Yuhua God Dynasty, which was originally in full swing.

At the same time, all the monks in the five great jades knew the news that the ruins of the Yuhua God Dynasty had been excavated.

All the monks from the five great domains began to rush to Zhongzhou, and even the Ximo Buddha, who didn't care about world affairs, was in a hurry.They also crossed the million Qinling Mountains and rushed to Zhongzhou, not to mention other forces.

"The gods who pursue longevity have too many secrets, and the ancestral temple is their most sacred place, with endless treasures!"

In the past two days, the broken dragon veins were on the verge of breaking out, and the four gods guarding here and the Yaoguang Holy Land encountered great pressure. So many people came here, how could they all be killed.

The world cannot be peaceful, and some precious materials recorded in ancient books have been circulated. In the ancient temple, there are not only various insights from the former sages, but also the real ancient scriptures on ascension, which are also engraved on the wall. If the ancient temple is not destroyed, everything can be found.

In addition, in the past, the Yuhua God Dynasty searched all over the world, set foot outside the territory, looking for all kinds of immortal materials exclusive to the emperor, and wanted to make up a green tripod. There may be some sacred objects in the temple.

The original stones containing huangxue red gold, fairy tears green, and fairy tears green gold may still be displayed in the ancient temple. If they can be found, it will be a big earthquake and a miracle.

In the Yuhua ancient dynasty, apart from their own extreme emperor soldiers, there was also a broken and most mysterious tripod. This statement shocked the ancient people. After many inquiries, they finally learned of the broken green bronze tripod.

No one thought that all kinds of rare treasures and all kinds of insights from the former sages did not drive the ancient people crazy, but when the green copper first showed a little clue, they couldn't sit still.

Even though the great emperor of the human race manifested not long ago, and all the tribes of the ancient times trembled, but because of the broken green copper tripod, the royal family, royal family, and great clans still couldn't sit still, and many people came out!

Of course, they are still very afraid, the saints are still hidden, and they dare not have the ancestors jump out, for fear that they will really anger the supreme existence of the human race and destroy them.

That green tripod has existed since ancient times. Even the tribes of the ancient clan don't know how long it is. It often disappears as soon as it appears. Several ancient emperors have sought it out. The broken tripod has immeasurable value. It is said that it has the ability to become immortal. secret!

But one can imagine an undeveloped Yuhua Shenchao ruins, what a great fortune it contains.

"It is indeed the ruins of the Yuhua Dynasty, and it has not been developed yet. The four immortal dynasties in Zhongzhou and the Holy Land of Yaoguang occupy it. They don't plan to let other people share a share with them!"

While everyone was excited, the old man Zixu revealed another piece of news, which dampened their enthusiasm.

Although the Purple Mansion Holy Land is relatively strong, there is still a certain gap between them and those real immortal forces.And Xu Yu went to the ancient starry sky road, and brought the Yuanshi seal with him.

Therefore, the Holy Land of Zifu now lost the confidence to challenge those extreme families.

Just when everyone in the Holy Land of Zifu was at a loss.Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple has changed.

The monks from the entire five domains gathered in Zhongzhou.Together they challenged the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Four Immortal Dynasties of Zhongzhou. Under such pressure, the Four Immortal Dynasties of Zhongzhou and the Yaoguang Holy Land did not dare to eat alone, and could only choose to open the ruins of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty in a targeted manner.

Finally negotiated.Except for some ancient princes, such as the Emperor of Heaven, Taoist Shencan, Huo Qizi, Sheng Huangzi, etc., as well as Ye Fan and Yaoguang Shengzi, young masters recognized by all forces, who can enter, everyone else needs to rely on themselves Only by breaking through the barrier with your own strength can you be qualified to enter the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple.

As always, the Holy Land of Zifu is cooperating with the Huanggufeng family, preparing to form an alliance to deal with various abnormal situations in the Yuhua Shenchao ruins.

But Xu Yi doesn't know about these things anymore. At this moment, he is constantly moving forward in the boundless starry sky.

In the cold universe, the darkness is endless, and there are only a few planets with life after all. Silence and tranquility are the greatest enemies of practitioners.

On a dead star, the stars are brilliant, the light is dark, and the holy light hangs down, covering a tall figure, and the golden blood is surging, covering the entire sky!
From time to time, thousands of stars flowed backwards, and from time to time, the mighty divine sound enveloped the nine heavens, all of which poured onto the figure like a god and demon, and it repeated itself, making it more powerful.

On the sky, sometimes powerful creatures passed by, but they only approached slightly, and then their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly moved away.

"My child, in the face of this situation, it's better to stay away." An old saint with deep eyes sighed softly, pulled a young man and left.

Because, the boundless starry sky is full of countless unknowns and horrors. Facing these dead places, the only way to survive is to go far away.

Not long after, a huge black crow attacked and killed the existence on the Death Star.

In the distance, there are people screaming, because this is a semi-holy existence, killing decisively, with a lot of blood on their hands.


The next moment, a ray of divine light rushed against the sky, like a majestic mountain, crushing the entire sky, and the killing intent was raging, blasting the black crow into the starry sky.

As for the body of the god and demon, he remained motionless, as if he had crushed a mosquito, he didn't take it to heart at all, and continued to practice with lowered eyes.


The next moment, the star field trembled, and the blood essence sprinkled, covering the entire sky. Every drop could penetrate the Dacheng King, which made people horrified.

In the distance, everyone gasped when they saw this scene. A demi-sage was easily wiped out like this. The one who made the move must be a peak ancient sage.

Or, as a holy king...

"Great horror, leave quickly." A semi-holy monk tremblingly said, his heart filled with anxiety.At that time, many powerful creatures stepped into the star gate one after another. Like the old saint, they were far away.
left here.

Xu Yu remained unmoved by this, his cultivation had reached a critical moment, otherwise, he would not have chosen to practice in depth on this Death Star.

Bai Yuncanggou, the vicissitudes of time, since Beidou left, five years have passed.

Along the way, with the help of the five-color altar, he crossed star gates, encountered various powerful creatures, and finally killed here.

In the past five years, the advantages of his Eternal Immortal Physique cultivation have been gradually discovered. Since he successfully cut the Dao, it seems that he has opened the shackles on the opposite side of the human body, and his cultivation speed has become extremely terrifying. With any external help, he crossed the four heavens one after another, and successfully cut the Dao to Dzogchen.

Moreover, according to the coordinates, this Death Star is the forward outpost of the first city of the human race, which is why so many creatures passed by in a few days.


On this day, the gods thundered together, the galaxy fell, and countless visions fell one after another, covering the entire Death Star and gathering it into a vast ocean of stars.

Standing in the center of the thunderstorm, Xu Yu allowed his body to be baptized by thousands of kalpas of light. He was incomparably majestic, and the lightning flashed, covering the entire star universe.


When he opened his mouth, it was a long silver river, with terrifying power, running through the entire sky, and even the Death Star under his feet trembled.

"The god-like existence, which star field is the powerhouse?" In the distance, a young man exclaimed, his heart full of exclamation.

Behind him, an old guard shook his head and sighed softly: "Let's go, these people from the big star field are here, we can't provoke them."

It was said that the expressions of the young men behind them were gloomy. Only when they came to the outside world did they know that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the sky. These evildoers of the small star field are nothing but a joke.

Half a day later, the Tao roared and the black light was vast. A tall young man walked out of the planet. He lightly held his hand, and the thunder disappeared silently behind him.

Semi-holy domain!

Just now, he broke the sanctuary barrier, but after breaking through, he voluntarily retreated and fell into the semi-sacred domain.

"Without some accumulation, we can go further in this field." Xu Yu's eyes were deep, and he scanned the sky full of stars, full of confidence.

In just five years of his journey to the starry sky, he has stepped from the fifth heaven of kings to the semi-sage, and he has never encountered any bottlenecks.

This is a lot of accumulation. Beidou's ten years of practice have allowed him to understand the current Taoism between heaven and earth. Now, it has reached the stage of eruption.

Not long after, Xu Yu confirmed his own coordinates, a star gate opened, he stepped into it, and descended to the target point.

"The first level of the human race, here I come."

(End of this chapter)

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