Chapter 187

The moonlight is falling, the starlight is like a waterfall, and a giant city sits quietly, with extraordinary weather, flowing with starlight and immortality, mysterious and powerful.

The giant city is grand and vast, as if it existed in ancient times, flowing the ancient history of the entire human race. A pair of thick city gates were closed, blocking the creatures from beyond the stars.

All around, raptors hang in the air, wild beasts roar, all of them are majestic in size, with their wings covering the sky, occupying one side, and emitting a trembling breath.

On it, sits a statue of human beings, all of whom have terrifying auras and extraordinary eyebrows. This is the ancient trial road of the human race, and it is the sphere of influence of the strong human race.

Here, no one is weak, even a half-holy is not enough to see, and there are even a few monks whose mounts are all holy beasts.

'What a spectacle, the origin of this city has long been unknown, only know that it is known as the first pass of the human race. "A boy in white whispered.

"Brother, do you dare to ask when this place will be switched on? At this time, a tall young man came with clear eyes and said.

Hearing this, the young man was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't expect a stranger to talk to him, then he swept towards Xu Yu's rather delicate seat, and said:

"Dare to ask this fellow Taoist, which star field are you from?"

Xu Yu didn't change his face, and said bluntly: "I come from the Milky Way."

"Galaxy Star, I haven't heard of it, it should be a small star field." Lin Chuan's expression changed, and he was no longer nervous. He was afraid of meeting monsters from those super large star fields.

Later, during the communication with Lin Chuan, Xu Yu learned some news.

It turned out that the first level of the human race was opened every six months to five years. The last time was exactly half a year ago. Now, there are only a hundred monks here, so it should wait for some days.

"Could it be that there is no other way to enter quickly?" Xu Yu frowned slightly, looking at the giant city in the distance, and whispered.

In his opinion, this group of human monks is too weak, there are not many saints, and they are all old guys over a hundred years old, without any desire to fight.

"If you really want to enter, it's not impossible." At this moment, Lin Chuan spoke suddenly, but his expression was extremely hesitant.

Hearing this, Xu Yu's complexion changed, and he said:

"Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Lin, what is the method? Seeing Xu Yu's serious appearance, Lin Chuan suddenly felt very interesting, so he replied with a smile:

"I have heard that if there is a seed-level powerhouse on the list, the time can be shortened a lot, and he will be welcomed in directly by the guide."

Hearing this, Xu Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he continued to ask, "Since this is the case, how can we quickly enter the second city?"

On the side, Lin Chuan smiled wryly in his heart. He originally thought Xu Yu was a hermit and evildoer. He said so much, so he could make friends with him.

But now it seems that Xu Yu is just like himself, a monk from the small star field, and he doesn't even know as much as himself.

However, Lin Chuan's attitude was still very good, and he replied seriously: "Only the guide will know the way to go to the second level."

"Okay, thank you." Xu Yu nodded, his eyes were suddenly extremely bright, and he looked at all the heroes in the field, and said seriously:

"Everyone, it's not that this king looks down on you, I just want to say that you are all weaklings!"

"I'm not looking down on you, you are all weak chickens!"

Yingkong shuddered, and the mighty divine voice resounded through the nine heavens, resembling Huang Zhong Dalu, which alarmed many terrifying heroes.

At that moment, a pair of eyes lit up, and the blood was so strong that it broke the entire sky, and looked directly at Xu Yu and the two with a terrifying oppressive force.

"Hmph, a demi-saint, what a big tone!" A middle-aged monk snorted coldly. He was dressed in a purple-gold battle armor, and his expression was indifferent, but his eyes were deeper than the stars.

On the other side, a middle-aged Taoist nun sneered. She was holding a blue dust whisk, and the road was hanging down, shining with a little cold light, which even the half-sage felt extremely dazzling.

A burly man with a black gold battle ax in his hand rode a three-headed lion, and his blood flow swept across, covering the entire sky.

Creatures such as Qingjiao, Pixiu, and Gu Peng screamed loudly, bursting out with terrifying fluctuations. They are all prehistoric beasts, extremely terrifying.

On it, a human monk opened his eyes, showing a terrifying aura, disdain, contempt, coldness... and many other malicious intentions.

"Brother Xu Yu, you, are you crazy?" On the side, Lin Chuan's face was pale, and his heart was full of despair.

He is just a monk from a small star field. Although he has become a demi-saint, he will definitely die if he is targeted by so many powerful enemies.

"Don't be afraid, I will destroy everything here!" Xu Yu's eyes were burning, and he pushed Lin Chuan to the distance, and shouted in surprise:
"Don't you understand, I mean, you are all weak chickens!"

With an eternal fairy body comparable to the chaotic body, how can you squat under the ancient city and wait?This is not his style, since it is so, he has no choice but to step on the shoulders of these people in front of him.

In the distance, Lin Chuan's heart trembled slightly. Xu Yu was obviously just like himself, just a demi-saint. How could he have the courage to invite hundreds of the most terrifying evildoers in each star field to fight?

What's more, even he couldn't see some of them clearly, so they must be saints.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan suddenly felt a little regretful. For no reason, he has set up so many enemies, how can he pass the next star pass?
"Boy, the ancient sages should not be humiliated, today I will let you know what is fearful holy power!" A startled shout shattered half of the starry sky.

The middle-aged monk moved, the holy way was shining brightly, his big hands covered the sky and the sun, and he pressed towards Xu Yu with majestic coercion.


The majesty of the holy power shook the entire star universe, and many evildoers backed away with fear in their eyes. Only a Taoist nun and a big man with cheeks stood in place.


The next moment, Xu Yu took a step forward, his whole body was surging with blood, and the whole sky was shattered with a single punch, the blood was falling down, and a pair of big hands were all broken.

"It's just a newcomer to the saint, so breathless, I didn't know that I thought you were a saint king!
Xu Yu snorted coldly, his eyes were extremely blazing.Like two immortal lamps.


He moved again, the holy light was infinite, like a golden roc, wandering in nothingness, attacking and killing the middle-aged monk.

"What, how is it possible?" The middle-aged cultivator stared wide-eyed. He was just a demi-saint. He thought he could suppress it easily, but now it is so difficult?
"not good!"

In the next moment, his expression changed, and his body was full of holy power. Before he could dodge in the future, he was hit by a pair of big golden hands.


In an instant, the purple gold holy armor was broken inch by inch, and the middle-aged saint spurted out a mouthful of holy blood, his chest collapsed instantly, exposing the crystal holy bone, and his whole body was almost completely pierced.

"Stop it, I admit defeat!" The middle-aged saint yelled, while desperately flying backwards, he fled towards the distant starry sky.

What a ghost, this time it was kicked on the iron plate, who is the strongest descendant from the super star field, let him meet.

"Are you admitting defeat? What a pity." The voice of the gods was mighty, and at some point, a terrifying figure appeared behind the middle-aged saint.

When he opened his mouth, it was a long silver river, running through the sky, piercing through the star gate that had just transformed.

"Don't run in a hurry, it's hard to come here, don't give up easily." Xu Yu's eyes were clear, his figure was tall, standing in front of the middle-aged monk, showing a kind smile.

Seeing this, the middle-aged monk's complexion changed slightly, and he bowed his head slightly, and said respectfully: "Brother Dao, I am not your opponent, please spare my life."

This place is outside the human race, and death is considered in vain. The gap between the two is too great, he can only accept his fate, and losing to a juvenile supreme is not a shame.

In the distance, many powerful monks retreated one after another, only feeling a cold air approaching Tianling Gai, and their hearts were full of fear.

A saint was actually defeated like this. You know, how long did it take for the two to fight each other, not even two rounds?
"Break the barrier of the holy way, this is a seed-level evildoer!" A half-holy voice exclaimed, full of shock in his heart.

Which one of the seed-level evildoers doesn't come from ancient inheritance? The background is profound, and this is not something they can provoke.

"Fellow Daoist Xu Yu, are you so monstrous?"

Lin Chuan stared wide-eyed, his delicate face full of shock.

He felt that compared with Xu Yu, those evildoers from the Great Star Territory that he had encountered were nothing like mud.

What galaxy star field, now in Lin Chuan's view, it must be fake, it's just a pseudonym, fellow Taoist Xu Yu must come from a famous super star field.

"A juvenile supreme, let me meet you."

The cheeky man looked serious, and he exchanged a look with the middle-aged Taoist nun, both showing fear. As saints, they could feel Xu Yu's terror the most.

However, looking at Xu Yu's expression, it didn't seem like he was trying to trouble them. Thinking of this, the two of them looked serious, licked their faces, and smiled and said:
"Fellow Daoist, I just got offended, I hope you don't mind."

Xu Yu shook his head slightly, passed the three saints, turned around and walked towards the gate of Xionghun City, and said softly: "This is not enough, do you want me to suppress everyone here?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the three saints froze, but they didn't dare to come forward to talk to them. They knew that this young man didn't take them seriously at all.

"The reason why he attacked us was just to open the city gate ahead of time, and he didn't want to wait." The middle-aged saint shook his head slightly, full of bitterness in his heart.

Although he was out of danger, he was extremely depressed and frustrated. Those who could get here were not amazing and talented people, but now they can only become green leaves to set off others.

"Brother Xu Yu, let's wait a little longer. Maybe I remembered wrongly, and seed-level people can't open it in advance." Lin Chuan came to Xu Yu's side and said in a trembling voice.

He felt that if he didn't say a few words, Xu Yu would really suppress and even wipe out everyone here.

Xu Yu had deep eyes, looked at the young man beside him, shook his head slightly and said, "Lin Chuan, according to your personality, you are not suitable for this ancient trial road."

Lin Chuan shook his head slightly, as if he had thought of something, and said, "I just want to become a saint and return to my hometown, or stay in a certain ancient city and be an ordinary soldier..."

Next to him, Xu Yu nodded slightly. Everyone has their own ambitions, so he won't say much, but the two of them are also destined, and when he leaves, just give him a chance.


At this time, a loud noise came from Guguan, like Huang Zhong Dalu, shaking many people's souls, their blood was surging, and their faces were pale.


Under the shocked expressions of many monks, the ancient city gate slowly opened, and a vicissitudes of life and vitality came, which shocked everyone.

"The last time it was opened, it was just half a year ago, and now it has been opened again?" The middle-aged saint widened his eyes and glanced at the people around him.

There are only more than 100 people. According to the usual practice, we should wait.

"It's really opened, can't it be a coincidence?" Lin Chuanzheng looked at Xu Yu with a calm face, his eyes wide open, and he was extremely surprised.

The next moment, a divine altar suddenly hangs out, the air of chaos hangs down, and an old man appears without breath, with a pair of eyes like a sky lantern, distorting the endless void:

"Into the customs!"


The ancient city roared, the star gate opened, and an immemorial and prehistoric aura overflowed, so powerful that it shocked the hearts of everyone outside the city.

The first level of the human race has been opened.I don't know when, a group of soldiers appeared on the gate of the city, all dressed in black gold armor, and there were many long soldiers, like

If the heavenly soldiers and generals, the momentum is vigorous.

Down below, everyone's heart skipped a beat. They knew the origins of these soldiers. They were all people who set foot on the ancient road of trials in the past, and they walked a long way.

"Switch, enter the city!" A commander said, his eyes were indifferent, and there was a murderous look all over his body, which made people dare not offend.

Hearing this, everyone's hearts moved, but they didn't dare to move. They all looked at a figure in front of them, as if they were waiting for something.

"Okay, let's go in." Xu Yu said calmly, and walked slowly towards the gate of the ancient city while speaking.

Behind him, Lin Chuan was stunned. He was convinced that the first level of the human race was indeed advanced, and it was opened for Xu Yu.

"Friend Xu Yu, wait for me."

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan's face moved slightly, and he quickly followed Xu Yu's footsteps. This is a thigh, so he must hold it tight.

Not long after, when Xu Yu and the others walked into the city gate, evildoers from many star regions took action one after another.

All of a sudden, alien beasts roared, swords clanged, and powerful figures rushed to enter. Suddenly, fighting spirit overflowed and chaos ensued.

Ahead, Lin Chuan, who saw this scene, sighed in his heart. I should kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom, which should be the meaning.

"No one is allowed to go to war!" At this moment, several soldiers shouted loudly, and the sound of the sky shook everyone.

These soldiers used to be contenders on the Ancient Starry Sky Road. Although they have retreated now, they are still not something these beginners can fight against.

Ever since, even the three saints, the middle-aged saint, the big man with the cheeks, and the Taoist nun, were extremely peaceful. If they really fought, they would definitely not be the opponents of these soldiers.

"This group of monks is really bad. There are so few saints." A soldier whispered at the city gate.

Next to him, a captain squinted his eyes slightly, looked at Xu Yu and the two below, and motioned: "Isn't there another one? That person gives me a very dangerous feeling."

Hearing this, the faces of the soldiers next to him were puzzled, and one of them couldn't help but said: "Captain, it's just a semi-saint, isn't it?"

You know, the captain is the existence of the sixth heaven of saints, with monstrous mana, that person below makes the captain so serious?

"Well, just wait and see." The captain snorted softly, and then stopped talking.

 It's the end of the month, brothers and sisters, please support me, I don't even count on rewards, monthly tickets must be voted out!

(End of this chapter)

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