Chapter 189 The end of the trial
Vaguely, he had a feeling that something was attracting him in the depths of Perishing Island, in the rumored area.

"It's a pity that I can't comprehend such a holy place." Lin Chuan's face moved slightly, looking at the fairy cliff behind him, showing regret.

You know, this is a Dao mark left by a quasi-emperor, and its value is immeasurable. Even the great sage who is powerful in the world will definitely be tempted.

"Let's go, let's go to the district, there are good things there." Xu Yu said, and plunged into the wild land.

For him, the first district, except this
The cliff, there is nothing to attract him.Now, he needs more insights to extend his own way, and he will take that step only if his own way is completely intact.

Moreover, Xu Yu knew that the day of sanctification was not long away.

The center of Perishing Saint Island is a restricted zone, even if the Old Sage enters, most likely he will perish. In the past, almost no living beings stopped.

Here, the black mist is heavy, the big lake is gloomy, and there are strong fluctuations churning, murderous intent, which makes people feel chills.

"It's scary, it gives me a very bad feeling here." Lin Chuan frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, as if something was watching them.

"get out!"

On the side, Xu Yu's eyes were shining brightly, and he let out a startled cry, trembling in the void, a ray of divine light pierced the sky and swept towards the distant Daze.


At the same time, a huge crocodile rushed out, like a majestic mountain, piercing the sky with massive murderous intentions, and rushed towards the two of them.


The next moment, the fighting spirit surged, and blood burst out, and the holy body of the Jiao crocodile was blasted through the waist by a fist light like a piece of paper.


The divine light flickered, a golden figure rushed out of the body, uttered a yell, and wanted to leave, but was pierced by a small golden sword, which was Xu Yu's divine sense.

"How could a holy beast be killed so easily?" Although it was not the first time Xu Yu made a move, Lin Chuan still found it hard to accept.

Because, no matter whether it is the flesh or the soul, they can look down on the real saints, and even forcibly suppress them, which is really appalling.

Afterwards, the two continued to go deeper. Along the way, they encountered several Jedi, but they were all sensed by Xu Yu in advance and left far away.

In the end, they stopped in front of a lake of blood. The lake of blood was not big, but it was about ten miles away.

Next to the blood lake, a stone tablet was extremely decayed and half of it was broken, but Xu Yu still found some information from the ancient divine script left on it.

"The bloody battlefield can evolve another self to fight with oneself." Xu Yu said with deep eyes.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan showed a strange expression, and sighed: "What a heaven-defying method, no wonder it is called the strongest trial ancient road."

Afterwards, the two went in, immersed in the endless blood, and chose to fight with themselves, which was the best way to hone themselves.


Half a day later, Xu Yu came out, his eyes were burning, blood stained his whole body, overflowing with cold killing intent, it was extremely tragic.

"It's really a good place, but it's a pity that a person can only enter once." Xu Yu stopped by the bank of the blood lake and said to himself.

In the blood lake, even if the real body is killed, it can be resurrected in the end, but it will be forcibly withdrawn.

"After you come out, you wait for me in the first district, and I will come back as soon as I go."

Not long after, Xu Yu left a spiritual thought for Lin Chuan, turned around and walked towards the outside world.

Because, he is going to look at other areas, by the way, to see where the limit of his body is.



In the tenth district, the void trembled, and a stalwart man suddenly walked out, covered in blood-colored magic chains, flowing with crystal radiance, extremely heavy.

"The so-called shackles are also a kind of training." Xu Yu looked calm, let the tens of thousands of shackles suppress his body, and strode forward.

Not every big area has what he needs, Dao Hen understands that what is left by the Great Sage and below is of no use to him at all.

Therefore, Xu Yu walked very quickly, like the ancient king Peng in mythology, shrinking his steps to an inch and striding thousands of miles, like a god who controls time.

By the side of a large lake, the cheeky saint suddenly opened his eyes. After seeing Xu Yu's figure, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"You, are you a human or a ghost?" He endured No. 30 area, in a wild mountain range, a dozen monks were walking, suddenly someone found something, and said in shock: "Look, what is that?"

In the distance, on an ancient tree in the sky, a bloody figure stood upright, surrounded by endless blood, crushing the entire sky.

Immediately afterwards, after everyone had fully seen the scene there, they all showed horror on their faces, and only felt a cold air hit their foreheads.

What red magic light, it is actually a chain of order, as heavy as a mountain, like the innate god iron casting, flashing with divine light, extremely dazzling.

"Which evildoer crossed the Great Domain and came here?" A monk in blue said in a solemn voice, as if he was facing an enemy.

You know, every time you cross a large domain, you have to bear a million catties of shackles, which is enough to grind people into blood. Only the strongest descendants of those ancient star domains can have such great power.

Ever since, everyone opened their fairy eyes one after another and looked into the distance, but when they saw the man's face, they all looked pale and their hearts were cold.

"He is, the seed-level person who was welcomed by the commander!" Someone trembled, and the words were full of panic.

If they guessed correctly, the young man should be in the first district, but why did he appear here?

"Thirty million catties of shackles, is this really something people can bear?"

A girl in blue turned pale, and said rather loudly, even if the ancient sage of the clan came, he would be crushed into a piece of dry bone, right?

At this time, someone secretly said: "Perhaps, we can attack together and take away his supreme secret technique."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions turned strange. A young man of supreme rank undoubtedly possessed a lot of forbidden divine arts.

Come to No.30 area, wearing 3000 million jin shackles, no matter how against the sky, you can't exert much divine power, right?
However, the scene at the next moment broke everyone's illusions.


The space trembled, and Xu Yu suddenly moved. With tens of millions of divine power, he pierced into the sky with a punch, and the murderous intent rolled out, instantly annihilating the wasteland of five thousand miles!

In an instant, the great lake evaporated, the mountains shattered, and the holy light swept across the sky and the earth. Seven or eight semi-holy corpses fell into the void, which was extremely terrifying.

"Where are you from?" Xu Yu asked calmly as he came to the last survivor.

"Hahaha, someone will avenge me. No one can change the outcome of your death!" the man said harshly, and suddenly chose to blew himself up.


Xu Yu didn't move, and smashed his primordial spirit with one palm, annihilating it into the void.

"Is it the followers of the seed-level players on the ancient road ahead? Do you clear the enemies that haven't grown up for them in advance?" Xu Yu said to himself, like Huang Zhong Dalu, shaking the entire sky.

From the primordial spirit of the dead monk, he still intercepted some information, and that flash of domineering purple light had boundless killing intent.

He knew that this was an assassination, an assassination aimed at the Tianjiao who hadn't fully grown up in the rear. On the ancient road ahead, some young Tianjiao had already begun to plan ahead to kill future opponents.

"Well, it's really interesting. If that's the case, then I'll play with you." Xu Yu said, the shackles all over his body clanging and roaring, extremely dazzling.There is an enemy ahead of the ancient road, he needs to speed up
Well, when his own holy body is cast, he can wipe everything away even if the ancient sages come and attack him all over the sky.


In the next moment, a golden channel metamorphoses, leading directly to the No.30 large domain, and Xu Yu takes a step forward, submerged in it.

In the distance, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help feeling a little scared. Seven or eight semi-holy figures were killed so easily.

No.30 District [-], the middle-aged sage looked at Xu Yu beside him, his face full of disbelief:

"This is No.30 District Six, how did you get in?"

Xu Yu remained unmoved, walked to the cliff, stroked the dao marks left on it, and said calmly: "I want to come, so I will come. Why, do you want to attack me?"

Hearing this, Qi Lin quickly waved his hands and said with a sneer: "Don't dare, how could it be?"

The two used to fight outside the city, and they had some grievances and grudges. He had just seen Xu Yu come to No. 30 District [-], and he was a little cautious at first.

But seeing Xu Yu with a calm face, Qi Lin suddenly felt a little afraid, and the thought in his heart was extinguished immediately.

"Don't worry, I will only stay for half a day at most, and I won't disturb your practice." As if seeing his thoughts, Xu Yu said.

The dao mark on this cliff is at least left by a great sage, and it is worth stopping for a short time.

Not long after, a ray of light entered the sky, and at the same time, a sound transmission entered Qi Lin's ears: "In the center of this island, there is a lake of blood. You can fight against yourself. You have to do what you can..."

Hearing this, Qi Lin was stunned, and then saluted Void, he knew that this was a great favor.

"Qi, thank you very much, I wish my fellow Taoists good luck!"


No. 40 District Nine, the holy light was shining brightly, piercing a sky, and a terrifying figure fell from it, piercing through a piece of land.

In the big pit, Xu Yu walked out slowly, his whole body was blazing, imprisoned by layers of blood-colored chains, the Tao exploded, and even the surrounding space was distorted.

"Boom boom boom!"

Nearly 5000 million catties of shackles were all pressed on his body, making every step extremely heavy and making dull sounds.

In the distance, savage beasts roared, fierce birds roared, and many powerful creatures retreated one after another, all frightened by this terrifying aura.

"Who is it?" In a cave, a middle-aged Taoist nun suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyes swept into the distance, extremely cold.

In front of her, a white fairy bone was floating, with bursts of fairy energy, flashing densely packed ancient runes, overflowing with mighty coercion, making it difficult for people to approach.

She has been here for three full days, and the restrictions around the fairy bone have been broken. It only takes half a day for her to get the fairy bone.

Therefore, the middle-aged nun is very vigilant, and should check carefully if there is any disturbance.

"What, it turned out to be him!" After seeing the scene in the distance, the middle-aged nun narrowed her eyes and her face was full of shock.

From the first district, across the entire Perishing Island, to the No. 40 ninth district, what a feat, even the young master behind her couldn't do it, right?

"No, Master Ditian's layout cannot be broken in my hands." Her eyes flickered, and she glanced at the fairy who was about to get her.

Gu, resolutely walked out of the cave.

"The news of the source of Tao must not be leaked, the old body can only kill you!"

With 5000 million jin of shackles on her body, it is a bit difficult to even walk, let alone fight. She believes that she will never fail.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged Taoist uttered a cold shout, with boundless killing intent, she broke through the Nine Layers of Heaven, and sent a shocking blow to Xu Yu.


A holy-level forbidden weapon exploded, flowing with taboo runes and killing intent, piercing the entire sky.Straight towards Xu Yu's eyebrows!

Xu Yu's brows itched slightly, and he raised his head suddenly, his whole body was filled with fighting spirit, and he spit out a mouthful of white fairy light, like a boundless galaxy, sweeping across the vast land.

At this moment, his black hair was like a waterfall, and his eyes were as cold as lightning. Even though he was imprisoned by thousands of willow locks, he still couldn't conceal the air of swallowing thousands of miles.


At the same time, a big hand stretched out, and the holy light surged like a real dragon, covering the sky and the sun, and smashing the holy-level forbidden weapon at once.


In Wen's room, within a radius of three thousand miles, it was wiped out as a piece of flat land, the earth sank thousands of feet, and all the mountains and mountains disappeared, leaving a bare area.

"What, why didn't you die?" The middle-aged nun asked in surprise, and immediately realized something was wrong.

You know, the forbidden weapon she was carrying was inscribed by the sage king of the clan, even the ancient sage who had been enlightened for many years would cough up blood on the spot.

And this person in front of him is just a semi-holy man, carrying tens of millions of catties of shackles, how can he escape the attack of forbidden weapons?

"not good!"

The next moment, she turned her head and left towards the rear. She was definitely not able to fight against such a top-notch juvenile supreme.

"How can there be such a reason for wanting to run after hitting someone?"

Suddenly, a cold voice rang in the ears of the middle-aged nun, and before she had time to react, her body was shattered by a beam of divine light.

As the space moved, Xu Yu walked out of nothingness, with a pair of extremely cold eyes, looking at the golden primordial spirit looking into the distance, he said to himself:
"I'm curious, where do you come from, why do you want to kill me one by one?"

The next moment, a big hand stretched forward, and it came thousands of miles away in an instant, as if holding a small chicken, and captured the soul of the Taoist nun.

Without waiting for her to react, the extremely tyrannical divine sense forcibly penetrated, like a holy sword, cutting down messages one after another.

"Ah, no, no, you can't do this. You will regret it if you offend me."

The Taoist yelled sharply, she never expected that Xu Yu's divine sense would be so terrifying that she couldn't resist at all.

Regarding this, Xu Yu's face remained unmoved, and all the information was learned by him one after another because of his powerful divine sense.

"The source of Dao, Di Tian, ​​so it turns out..."

Not long after, Xu Yu, who received a lot of information, nodded thoughtfully.

"If that's the case, then you are useless." Xu Yu waved his big hand indifferently, and silently wiped away his primordial spirit, which was scattered like smoke.

In a few flashes, he came to the cave, a white fairy bone up and down, according to the Taoist nun's memory, this should be related to the "source of Tao".

Thinking of this, Xu Yu took out the blue bone sword that had not been used for a long time, and swung it forward violently.

On the 14th, a bell rang throughout the entire Holy Island, and the time for the trial was up. If you didn't come out, you would be punished by being sealed here.

In the first area, in a boat, Xu Yu suddenly fell into a celestial body, exuding a mighty feeling as if he wanted to escape.

In half a month of practice, he went through the entire Zepeng Dao Furnace to nourish the heavens and the earth, just to cultivate his own avenue and walk out of the road of invincibility.

At this time, his spirit, energy, and spirit had reached the level of Xiefeng, sinking like a fairy, and his blood was like a sea of ​​stars.
On the side, Mrs. Lin Chuan was stunned. After coming out of the tide, he was able to reach the Shengdao Jianbai, but he couldn't compare with Xu Yu at all.

*It's time, let's get out. "Xu Yu got up, and the vision transformed, surrounded by four images, and a ring of gods accompanied the empress, as if innately holy.

"Brother Xu, when will you enter the holy way to pretend?" Lin Chuan couldn't help asking.

In Xing's point of view, for a monster like Xu Yu, the barriers of the holy way are basically unstoppable, right?
Hearing this, You Nian had deep feet, looked up at the vast starry sky, and said softly; since some people are waiting for me, then I can't let you down.

During the live speech, the Qi machine in his whole body was strong and bloody, like a real dragon rising from the white spine, rushing towards the Tianling Gai.

"To be holy, start today!

Xu Yu said word by word, and when he was asked with a flick of a finger, he was signed by endless detectives, densely packed, full of divine light, making it difficult to look directly at.

On the side, Lin Chuan's eyes were sour, and he kept crying.


outside world.Every good shadow came out of the exit, or was seriously injured, or had a good harvest.However, now everyone is talking about it, and the supervisor pointed the active topic to You Nian, discussing what he saw and heard while he was out.

"That seed-level person is really scary. I also stepped into the No.20 first district when I saw it in the rest of my server."

"What are you guys? I was in District No. 30, and I personally saw seven or eight half-sages destroyed in the Xingyi Kingdom, and their blood was extremely green." Another person said in a solemn voice.

"I saw it with my own eyes, I was in the No.40 area, and I also saw his figure.
Everyone was talking about it, even the indifferent Grand Commander in Tsing Yi, after hearing the news, had the same expression, and felt dissatisfied.
Anger is rare.

Then, as if he had reacted to something, his eyes swept over the crowd, and he found that the nun who had entered the No.40 Ninth District had disappeared.

"Shouldn't it?" The Tsing Yi commander suddenly widened his eyes. If it was really as guessed, the matter would be terrifying.

Carrying 5000 million catties of shackles.Even if he is about to enter the Saint King, he hasn't tried it yet, let alone kill the ancient sage who has been enlightened for many years.


The next moment, Qinghai was boundless, electric light was blazing, and a terrifying aura of destroying the world costume reached the land, and the whole island shook, as if it was about to be broken.

"It's not good, someone is acting as a robbery!" The commander's expression changed drastically, and he shouted.

This sea of ​​thunder is so hot that the entire Cange Island may be covered in grief. Undoubtedly, someone wants to be robbed by a saint.

"It's so powerful here, I don't believe who you are, I will definitely not let you go after I go out! The commander in Tsing Yi's eyes flashed brightly, Qiang Sheng had a battle pattern at the moment, and he was not afraid of being instantly destroyed here.

now.All he had to do was to bring the rest back safely.

"Don't resist, I'll take you away!" The commander in Tsing Yi shouted loudly, counting Zhan Wanli's star characters in shock.

The next moment, he needed the holy power of his body to circulate, a pair of big hands held everyone in the club, a star gate opened, and in an instant, sex brought everyone to the starry sky.

However, after seeing the scene in front of them, everyone opened their mouths, Xi Rong turned pale and was speechless in surprise.

Ahead, the sea of ​​thunder is vast and boundless, covering the immeasurable star altars, and even the legendary and boundless Meteor Island is just a corner of the sea of ​​thunder.

"This can't be that seed-level player who is going through the Heavenly Tribulation of the Saint King, right?" Qi Lin widened his eyes and said in shock.

On the side, the commander in blue shook his head slightly, wondering if there was any formation on the Holy Falling Island, which cut off the way forward for the holy beasts in it, so that they could not break into the realm of the holy king.

What's more, he once worshiped a sage king's catastrophe. Although that scene was terrifying, it was not even one-tenth of what is here.

"Could it be that it's really the Young Supreme?"


The sea of ​​thunder is like a leak, the waves are magnificent, immeasurable lights are born from the depths of the star universe, and the vastness is boundless, and they are coming towards Ruo Xuyu one after another.

Saint catastrophe!

Undoubtedly, this is the most terrifying punishment from heaven that Xu Yu has ever curbed. What kind of world-destroying lightning, what kind of human-shaped lightning, transformed into seas of thunder, covering a star field.

After hearing the news, a planet exploded and turned into a powerful aura.But in the sea of ​​​​empty thunder, it is like a small wave, unable to stir up any movement.

There are no living planets near Meteor Island.This is also the reason why Xu Yu was born here to become enlightened,
"Is there still a law of heaven? Is this still a heavenly movement? Even if it is the great robbery of the saint king, it is not so scary, right?" Lord Lei Haihai and Lin Chuanjing took the uniform, and their hearts were greatly shocked.

On the eve of Xu Yu's catastrophe, a star gate was opened, and he was transported away immediately, otherwise he would have become a saint.I'm afraid there is no way to get out of the vast sea of ​​thunder.

As the time flowed, Xu Yu's head was crowned with a fairy golden cauldron, and the whole body shone with a terrifying robbing light, which was extremely blazing.

At the end of the battle, his body was constantly being broken and reassembled, and so was the Xianjin Cauldron. After experiencing constant thunder and punishment, the Xianjin Profound Truth in the Xianjin Cauldron was constantly changing.

At the same time, between his brows, the word "immortal" shone brightly, and thousands of celestial lights flowed down to dissipate mysterious runes.It was branded on his body and in the Immortal Gold Cauldron that went through the tribulation with him.


The Immortal Gold Cauldron shone with bright light. Today, Xu Yu's Immortal Gold Cauldron is even more majestic. After smelting several kinds of Immortal Gold, it has become even more extraordinary. After this catastrophe, the Divine Mansion was born.

"Lianran, let's have a good fight today!" Xu Yu said in a deep voice, his eyes piercing the depths of the star field.

There is a fairy golden tripod on the top of the head, soaring to the sky in one step, as if you are familiar with the road.Walking to the deepest part of Lei Hai, he knew that there was the most powerful opponent there.

"Is the enemy this time still the young emperor and ancient emperor?" Xu Yu said to himself.

He was immortal, radiant and full of self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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