Chapter 190 The Origin of Dao

Finally, he came to the deepest part of the Thunder Sea, with a fighting spirit, one, two, three... a total of nine stalwart figures, powerful and sacred.

However, unexpectedly, what appeared this time was not the emperor and the emperor, but an existence just like him—nine Xu Yu

"It's actually a reflection of myself."

Xu Yu said to himself, but his eyes became more and more blazing. Fighting against his own body can develop the fighting power in his body.


The battle started, and Xu Yu, who was transformed into nine lightnings, moved together, and countless secret techniques evolved, sending out the most razor-sharp attack, attacking and killing Xu Yu.


In this regard, Xu Yu could only point like a sword, and split one after another holy cuts. The killing light was so fierce that it was so dazzling that even the entire star field was turned into a vast expanse.

Half a day later, the last Xu Yu, who was transformed into lightning, disappeared. Xu Yu lost his blood and his mind was in a state of confusion. There is no doubt that this was the most tragic battle he experienced in this world.

However, the benefits he obtained are visible, and all kinds of mystic and divine techniques have been improved to a higher level, becoming more profound and thorough.

The sea of ​​thunder surged, and nine figures emerged again, and many familiar faces such as Xukong, Xihuang, Wushi, and Luangu emerged, all of them imposing and majestic.

"Okay, we meet again." Xu Yugang smiled and said bluntly that he was more willing to face the nine young emperors than himself.

Half a day later, the nine young emperors disappeared, the sea of ​​thunder roared, and the nine young emperors arrived, killing Xu Yu without saying a word.

"Very good, come again."

Xu Yu was indifferent, his whole body was full of fighting spirit. During the battle, countless human body secrets were opened, which raised his combat power to the extreme.

In the following ten days, batch after batch of emperors and emperors appeared. At the end of the battle, even the emperor and the immortal emperor reappeared.

In the end, even Emperor Zun's ancient heavenly court emerged, and Xu Yu entered it, experienced countless slaughters, suppressed countless terrifying existences, and broke through the thunder and punishment of the heavenly court.

In the middle of the sac, thousands of visions emerged, such as the death of gods, the advent of demon gods, the fall of fairy kings, the end of the world, and many other visions.

However, apart from Wuxian Xingkong and himself, no one witnessed the moment of this miracle. Although Lin Chuan was close to Leihai, his strength was too weak to peek at it.

Not long after, Xu Yu's eyes were calm, and he stood under the starry sky, like a god, looking down on the thousands of star fields, watching the ups and downs of the sky.

"It's over, the saint's catastrophe has passed. Lei Hai retreated, and Xu Yu let out a long sigh. Then, he took a light breath, and the infinite starlight sprinkled down and gathered towards him, replenishing all kinds of blood in his body.
The gate of the secret realm.

It took three full days and three nights of ingestion before Xu Yu fully replenished his holy power.He can hold the stars and hold the moon, possessing infinite power.

"The sanctification is over, it's time to deal with some grievances!" Xu Yu said, his eyes as deep as stars. The divine chain of Taoism and order surrounds him, and can connect to the heavens.

This is the power of the sage, who can travel across the stars and absorb various energies in the universe.

At this moment, Xu Yuru is like a black Kunpeng.Roaming in the boundless sea of ​​stars, you can come thousands of miles away with the snap of your fingers.

It has been a month now, and the Trial of Perishing Holy Island has long ended

At the end, the commander had already left with everyone, and he had to rely on himself if he wanted to return to the first level.

However, for Xu Yu who has been sanctified, this is not a problem. In a few breaths, he came to the Death Star and saw Lin Chuan who was waiting anxiously.

"That's great, I knew Brother Xu that you would be able to get through it!" Lin Chuan's eyes were bright, and his whole body shone with holy light, which was extraordinary.

During the time when Xu Yu crossed the catastrophe, he also successfully survived the catastrophe of his own body and became an ancient sage.

"Okay, your talent is not weak, but you are a little timid." Xu Yu patted Lin Chuan on the shoulder, shaking Lin Chuan's body, only feeling that the holy body was about to fall apart.

"Hey, big brother, you and I, together, can surely suppress the arrogance of all realms, and be invincible to the entire ancient road of the human race!" Lin Chuan grinned, and after following Xu Yu for a long time, he gradually recovered his nature.

Hearing this, Xu Yu smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, teach a boy named Di Tian for me first."

During the speech, a star gate opened, and Xu Yu stepped into it.

"Di Tian, ​​right? I'll kill the elder brother for another day."
Get rid of him, but why is the name Ditian familiar to me? "Ning Fei stepped into the star gate, a little suspicious.

The next moment, inside the star gate, Xu Yu's words almost made him fall down: "Di Tian is also a seed-level player on the road of human trials."

The first level of the human race was full of traffic and people coming and going. It has been a month and a half since the last trial. Today, all the trialists reunited in the center of the city.

On an altar, a guide appeared, his eyes swept over the crowd, and when he didn't see the person he wanted to see, his expression showed a hint of disappointment.

"The great calamity of the sage, has he really not passed?" The old man sighed slightly, he was in charge of the first hurdle and could not leave the ancient city easily.

Therefore, he was not able to check it himself. Although he sent a leader there, he has not yet returned.


Half a day later, the ancient trumpet blew, and the mighty divine sound spread throughout the entire ancient city. The void was broken, and an altar appeared, flowing with mysterious runes.

"Everyone go in, you need to kill all the way to the end before you can reach the other side of the second pass!" The reception envoy said in a deep voice, shaking everyone's blood and blood, and their faces turned pale.

"Did he really die? What a pity." Qi Lin shook his head slightly, without stopping, and followed the crowd into the altar.

The same is true of many trainees next to him. After seeing Xu Yu's terrifying feat, no one wants to compete with this young supreme.

The testers walked in one after another, and within a short time, hundreds of people had all walked in.


At this time, the sky broke open, and a stalwart figure emerged, with aura lingering in the sky, and thousands of holy lights falling down, surging and surging.

Behind him, Lin Chuan came one after another. After seeing the scene below, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he could still catch up.

"Xu came late, and he still hoped that his senior would see him cool." "Xu Yu's face was calm, he looked at the startled envoy, and nodded slightly.

"Okay, hurry up and get on the road, don't let the old man down."

The envoy patted Xu Yu's shoulder, and his expression turned pale. He could feel that the young man in front of him had undergone a transformation.

With a slight face in the void, the two fell into the star gate.Disappear.

"The source of the Tao is rare in all ages. Is this ethereal thing in the rumors really here?" Lin Chuan looked at the surrounding environment with a deep look.

This place seems to be a battlefield of gods and demons, the sky is shaken by noise and killing, blazing divine light is everywhere, battle flags cover the sky, wild beasts rumble, and the entire sky is shattering.

As soon as the two of them entered, they were stared at by a sage. It was overjoyed, like a mountain, with the devilish energy of the sky, and shot straight at the two of them.


Xu Yu's eyes were cold, and a golden divine light shot out across Cangwan, piercing through its head in an instant, and its soul was wiped out.

After surviving the saint's tribulation, he leaped four dangers and broke through to the saint's fourth heaven in one fell swoop. This was the situation that Xu Yu deliberately suppressed.

Next to him, Lin Chuan's expression changed slightly. A great demon saint was killed just like that. Is this the Young Supreme?
"The source of Tao is not far from here, follow me closely." Xu Yu took out a fairy bone, which recorded the whereabouts of the source of Tao.


With a light swipe of both hands, a piece of void was cut open, and the two figures sank into it, disappearing in this bloody battlefield.

Not long after, a few clansmen came, tall and powerful, and they were shocked when they saw the scene here.

"Qingluo Demon Sage is actually dead, is it the hands of the Divine Kingdom, or the Spirit Race, or the Nine Heavens Divine Kingdom?" a big demon said kindly, his heart was extremely cold.

There were not too many traces of fighting everywhere, that is to say, Qingluo Ancient Sage was killed with one blow.

Thinking of this, the big demons turned and left with fierce expressions.

"Quickly report to the Demon Lord, and invite many adults to come over."

Hundreds of millions of light-years away, Di Tian suddenly opened his eyes in an ancient star field. He looked indifferent and said, "My person is dead."

Next to her, Qing Shi had picturesque eyebrows, dressed in white, her cherry lips parted slightly, and asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

"One of my old servants has died. I'm afraid the news about the source of Dao will be revealed." Di Tian said,
There was no emotion on Shenwu's face.Hearing this, Qing Shixiu frowned slightly, and said:

"Who is it that is so bold?"

Ditian shook his head slightly, his eyes were liquid, and he looked majestic, and said indifferently: "It seems that I am going to embark on the ancient path of trials ahead of time. No one can touch my things
In another star city, a young man named Guhuang, holding a Tianhuang halberd, also stepped onto the five-color altar.

On the blood-colored land, the spirit of battle is surging, and the sky is shaking. Fighting is everywhere, and dead bodies can be seen everywhere, like a battlefield of gods and demons.

During the three days, the two of them passed through countless battlefields, and finally came to a scarlet mountain range.

Here, the immortal energy is rolling, the dragon veins are jumping, and the astonishing cracks are overflowing with wisps of white light, making people unable to help but breathe out.

"Is the source of Tao right here?" Lin Chuan opened his immortal eyes, full of anticipation in his heart.

The source of Tao is something in legends. If you can get a piece of it, it will definitely have infinite uses and can impact a higher level of life.

Xu Yu took out a white fairy bone, shining brightly, and said: "According to the information on this fast bone, the so-called source of Tao should be here."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's start digging!" Hearing this, Lin Chuan's eyes lit up, and no one could keep calm facing the legendary source of Dao.

"Okay, you are in charge of being vigilant, let me try." Xu Yu said.


The next moment, the holy eyes were bright, and the two divine lights reflected the heaven and the earth, circulating the aura of primordial primordial, breaking through the laws of heaven and earth, and looking straight down.

The innate divine eye can break through the origin of all things. After Bai Congxu Yu stepped into the Immortal Four Sanctuary, this divine power of destiny has once again achieved a qualitative leap.

'What a wonderful place. "Xu Yu's eyes were bright, observing the ten thousand miles of land veins, and said softly.

Below, the dragon's breath is steaming, the celestial light is bright, and all kinds of auspicious Yao's air are flowing, and the weather is extraordinary.

However, the most eye-catching thing is still a mass of white fairy origin, which is incomparably blazing, swimming rapidly and non-stop underground, exuding the most original breath between heaven and earth.

The source of Tao!
Xu Yu flickered for a while, and instantly moved extremely fast, and jumped down towards Daoyuan.


Xianyuan shook, as if he had noticed something.Immediately sped up the speed, broke through the infinite veins, submerged into the bend of the sky, and went straight to the sky.

"If you want to run, it's not that easy." Xu Yu stepped on the secret word, which made his speed go up to a higher level.

"Follow me!" He said without turning his head, and said loudly to Lin Chuan behind Ruo Ruo.

Along the way, there were bursts of immortal energy and blazing golden light, and the two long rainbows were surrounded by countless bloody battlefields, overflowing with mighty power, and I don't know how many powerful creatures were alarmed.

"That's... the legendary source of Dao?"

In the blood-colored world, there was bursts of demonic energy, and a tall and magnanimous master raised his head, extremely excited.

"Supreme Immortal Source, appeared again..." Lingguo Pure Land, a terrifying figure spoke, and immediately chased after that.

For a moment, the kingdom of nine heavens, the kingdom of gods, the kingdom of demons, the kingdom of spirits... The ancient sage Qingyou soared into the sky, with infinite starlight, chasing the two rays of light in front of him.

Even some testers of the human race were very surprised after seeing this scene on the star field, and mentioned a secret story about the ancients.

"In this battlefield of gods and demons, there are legends about the source of Dao...
Ever since, many practitioners broke into the starry sky and chased towards Xianyuan.


Ten breaths later, a golden appreciating light pierced through the Milky Way, instantly blocking the way of the source of Dao, and a pair of big hands reached forward, covering the source of Dao.

Xu Yu smashed it into the palm of his hand, bursting with immortal energy, about a foot in size, and flashing with Dao runes, making people want to get close to it.

"Is this the so-called source of Tao?"

After three breaths, Xu Yu closed his eyes, and he sighed softly, with a slight look of disappointment on his face.

The source of Dao is indeed a supreme treasure, which can help people realize Dao, build foundations and improve their bones, but it has no great effect on Xu Yu.

Now, with the potential of the Eternal Immortal Physique excavated by Xu Yu, his practice is advancing rapidly, coupled with his continuous tempering of his body, so that his body has no flaws in the current state, so the source of Tao is very important to him. not so useful.

However, it can be stored away and used later.

"It really is the source of Dao!"

At this time, an ancient sage from the Spirit Kingdom arrived. After seeing the treasure in Xu Yu's hand, he was surprised at first, and then salivated.

Human race, this place is within the scope of my spiritual kingdom, hand over the fetish, and I can let you go. "The spirit master said coldly with a gloomy expression.

"The source of Tao is a natural thing, when did it belong to your spiritual kingdom?"

The star gate opened, and the demon lord walked out of it, with black light flickering, and a terrifying devilish energy emanating from his whole body.


Immediately afterwards, the sky broke open, the starlight sprinkled, star gates opened one after another, and invincible ancient saints walked out from them, all of them were extremely powerful, with fierce eyes, and looked at Xu Yu unkindly.

The God Race, the Demon Kingdom, the Nine Heavens Kingdom, and the Spirit Kingdom all have terrifying ancient sages appearing, the holy power is mighty, and the terrifying fluctuations disperse into the sky, overwhelming all souls.

In the distance, many human race practitioners stopped walking one after another. They all looked fearful and did not dare to approach easily, so they could only wait and see from afar.

"It turned out to be him, that seed-level evildoer, he got the source of Dao!" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

"Six ancient sages, no matter how much he defies the sky, he may not be able to keep the source of dao." Someone also spoke, revealing the meaning of teasing.

"Human beings, hand over the source of Dao to my demon country, and I will keep you safe!" The demon master's eyes were cold, and he swept towards the enemies everywhere, extremely domineering.

Xu Yu's face was expressionless, he raised the Dao source in his hand, and said indifferently: "Anyone who wants to die can get it himself."

While talking, he took out the Immortal Golden Cauldron, shot the immeasurable killing light into the sky, pointed at the six ancient sages, and said coldly: "It just so happens that after breaking into the holy way, I also beheaded monks of the same realm!

"The source of Dao is mine, those who get involved will be killed without mercy!"

At this time, the sky was shattered, and a majestic voice came out. The blood was surging, and it turned out to be a huge stone man. Its head was split open, and it was hideous and terrifying.


It was full of blood, and as soon as it hit the ground, it punched a stone fist, smashing an ancient sage of the Kingdom of God into pieces, and died tragically in the void.


The stone man had a murderous intent, and shot out two divine fires from his eyes, the divine power pierced the sky, and all spirits were wiped out, instantly annihilating tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

All of a sudden, many ancient sages sucked in cold air one after another, only feeling a wave of cold air force the back of their heads, and they all retreated towards the rear.

"This is... a living Holy Spirit?"

The demon lord exclaimed in surprise, with a look of fear on his face, he strode back.

The Holy Spirit Clan has been a terrifying race recognized by the universe since ancient times, and every time it is born, it will cause a heinous blood disaster.

On the side, the spirit master's eyes were deep, and he whispered: "Look at its head, this is a statue with a lack of holy spirit, and the level of life is the same as mine, and they are all ancient sages."

However, many ancient sages did not dare to step forward. The holy spirit is invincible at the same level. It is not just for fun. The ancient sage of the kingdom of God who was killed just now is the best warning.

Human race, hand over Daoyuan, and leave you a whole corpse! "

At this time, the stone man Holy Spirit looked haughty, fixed his eyes on Xu Yu, and showed seriousness on his face.

"How dare you bark wildly in front of me with an unworthy defective product?" Xu Yu was indifferent, a surge of fighting spirit rose up, and he rushed towards the stone man Holy Spirit.

He has never been afraid of the Wuque Holy Spirit King, how could he be afraid of a Holy Spirit whose head was blown off and born early?

The golden blood was surging, and it went straight to cover the stone man. At the same time, a pair of holy fists came in an instant, carrying the supreme attack and killing magic, and went straight to the holy spirit.


In an instant, the sky swayed, blood burst out, and a stone arm shattered instantly, wisps of red blood spilled into the void, exuding a medicinal aroma.

"Lin Chuan, quickly collect the essence and blood of the holy spirit, don't waste such precious things!"

On the sky, Xu Yu opened and closed, and went straight to attack and kill the stone man Holy Spirit.

Moreover, after a short fight, he already knew that the body of the stone man Holy Spirit was against the sky, comparable to a junior saint king.

Of course, facing itself, it is still some distance away.

"Yes!" Lin Chuan said quickly, carefully collecting the blood of the holy spirit.

The blood essence of the Holy Spirit family is a rare treasure in the universe, it can regenerate a person, and it is an excellent foundation building thing.

Moreover, if the children of the clan are baptized and reborn with the blood of the Holy Spirit and mixed with medicinal baths, they will definitely become monstrous characters in the future.

At this moment, Lin Chuan's heart was agitated. In the face of an invincible Holy Spirit, Xu Yu was able to gain the upper hand. This is the demeanor of a juvenile supreme!

"I really followed the right person. In the future, I may be the witness of a new myth!"

In the distance, many testers of the human race changed their colors together and overwhelmed an invincible holy spirit. Even the young supreme beings on the way forward, few of them could do it, right?
The eyes of the middle-aged saint Qi Lin flickered, and he suddenly remembered the great catastrophe half a month ago. If he guessed correctly, at that time, it should be the young man in front of him who was going through the catastrophe of the saint.

"Who is he, and which immortal inheritance is behind him?" At this time, this idea flowed in the hearts of everyone in the human race.

It is regrettable that the Holy Spirit of the same level can only be achieved by the young emperor. Except for the oldest star fields, how can such a tyrannical young supreme be cultivated.

(End of this chapter)

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