Chapter 191
The sky trembled, and with a pair of loud bangs, the stone man's Holy Spirit exploded, blood spilled out, and even the entire sky was shaking.

"Ah, my Holy Spirit family, born to be blessed by God, how can I be inferior to the ants of the human race!" The stone man roared, his expression extremely unwilling. He is an invincible Holy Spirit, how could he be bombarded and killed by the human race like this?

"A defective product, it's really noisy!" Xu Yu's eyes were cold, his whole body was filled with golden blood, and his right fist hit the Holy Spirit's head, instantly annihilating his primordial spirit.

"Human race, you must have a terrible death!" However, at the last moment of death, the stone man's holy spirit suddenly shouted, and a golden light rushed out of his skull directly and shot at the center of Xu Yu's eyebrows.

This is a special curse of the Holy Spirit Clan. If a person who is entangled is encountered by the Holy Spirit Clan in the future, they will stare at him endlessly.


However, Xu Yu's divine eyes were bright, and a burst of flame shot out, piercing the infinite sky and annihilating the curse of the Holy Spirit family into the void.

"Is it the curse of the Holy Spirit family? So that's the case." Xu Yu looked calm and swept towards the shattered golden curse, thoughtful in his heart.

"The Tianjiao from the Zandi Star actually lost a stone man Holy Spirit!" In the distance, among the crowd of human testers, someone exclaimed.

After tens of thousands of years, Tianjiao of the Buried Emperor Star has set foot on the ancient road of trial again, and, when he appeared on the stage, he destroyed an invincible holy spirit.

"The Tianjiao who came out of the generation of Zhandixing is too ferocious." A young strong man of the human race couldn't help but said.

It's just the first level, and you have encountered such an amazing human monster, how can you not let people sigh?
"No wonder, the envoy of the first level valued him so much, he came from the Emperor Burial Star!" Qi Lin's eyes flickered, remembering the past in the first level.

"The myth of the invincibility of the Holy Spirit has been broken by the evildoers of the human race!"
He stared at the figure in the distance.Next to it, several original residents of the ancient sage level are like this. They know that it is impossible to seize the source of Dao from Xu Yu.

"Holy Spirit blood, don't let it go to waste." At this time, Xu Yu took out a jade jar and activated his divine power, and wisps of divine blood in the void flew towards him like divine chains, glittering and translucent, and sank into the jar one after another.

The essence and blood of the Holy Spirit family can boost the progress of Taoism, and can also refine medicine and baptize the foundation of Taoism for future generations. It is a rare holy thing in the world.

In the distance, many people were very enthusiastic. Looking here, even the ancient sages of the Demon Kingdom and the Ling Kingdom showed greed on their faces.

However, except for Lin Chuan, no one dared to move.

In the battle just now, Xu Yu's fighting power was too amazing, no one below the Saint King was his opponent in the arena.

"A real man is born with heaven and earth, as it should be!" Lin Chuan sighed, none of the many ancient sages here dared to fight for it.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xu Yu stepped into a star gate and disappeared on this bloody ancient battlefield.

It was still a long time before the end of the trial, and he wanted to use this time to stabilize the foundation of the Holy Way.

Leaping four small steps in a row, the holy power has increased many times, Xu Yu needs some time to properly control the mighty power brought by this realm.


Two months later, the bell rang resoundingly, resounding through several ancient battlefields, and many trial practitioners breathed a sigh of relief, because the trial here was finally over.

On a cliff in the sky, Xu Yu's eyes were suddenly stern, with deep eyes, and between opening and closing, strands of Taoism flowed out, which were more complicated than the stars in the sky.

"The second gate is open, and we should leave."

With his hands behind his back, Xu Yu looked down at the sky and whispered to himself.

His whole body glowed, and a ray of divine light flowed out from his fingertips, piercing towards the sky, breaking a skyline of hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant!


The next moment, a star gate opened, Fusheng was under Xu Yu's feet, he glanced at Lin Chuan behind him, and said, "What are you doing in a daze, let's go."

Behind him, Lin Chuan showed surprise, and with a flick of his fingers, he could break open the infinite sky. What a power it is, anyway, he couldn't do it.

At the end of the ancient battlefield, an ancient altar stood, and the human trialists came one after another, and they all set foot on this teleportation star gate.


At this time, with a loud noise, a hole in the sky was split, and thousands of strands of holy light fell down, so intense that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

The next moment, two radiant figures walked out, both with terrifying aura, Xu Yu casually glanced at everyone, and went straight into the ancient altar.

"The Chosen One of the Buried Emperor Star is here." At this moment, a divine thought flowed from the hearts of many practitioners.

"The Buried Emperor Star deserves to be the top star field in the universe, and every time people appear, they are all peerless figures!"

"The source of Dao appeared, and it was captured by the people from Buried Emperor Star!

Hundreds of millions of miles away, when many testers stepped into the second pass one after another and brought these two shocking news, the entire ancient city was almost boiling.

All of a sudden, countless powerful monks moved one after another, all representing super powers behind them, all wanting to find Xu Yu's whereabouts.

Moreover, the news is still spreading, spreading toward the depths of the ancient trial road.

It is conceivable that when those superpowers know the whereabouts of the source, they will definitely pay a huge price and return to the second level.

"If it can be exchanged for the source of Dao, I am willing to take out [-] catties of starry sky sand!" A commander-level figure said.

"A volume of the Immortal Scripture." A strong man from the ancient star field shouted. He was covered in green armor and shone with a cold light. He turned out to be a saint king.

"Great Saint Taoist Soldiers!" An old man in white opened. Someone recognized that he came from a big family in the city.

"The Profound Stone of Destiny," a maid said. She was holding an ancient god's order, which had an extraordinary origin.Afterwards, strong men emerged one after another and offered items that were hard to refuse.

"I said, it's not like the people from Buried Emperor Star didn't come at all, did they?" Someone asked.

However, not long after, the envoy of the second level appeared, and his words dispelled everyone's doubts:

"It is true that the Tianjiao from Zundi Star came to the Starry Sky Ancient Road."

He is the city lord of the second pass, so he naturally knew of Xu Yu's arrival, but he couldn't figure out Xu Yu's location.

Hearing this, many forces no longer have doubts, but some secret actions have become more frequent
At this time, in a palace, Xu Yu, who had changed his appearance, was sitting on a jade chair, sipping fairy tea and playing with the white fairy source in his palm, feeling very comfortable.

"Xiao Chuan, what's the matter, have you checked everything out?" Xu Yu asked
Lin Chuan on the side looked slightly serious, and said:

"Brother, according to my inquiries, the third level will be opened in half a month."

Hearing this, Xu Yu frowned slightly, and said, "No, how could it be so early?"

Before he set out on the road, the envoy of the first pass had reminded him that after entering the second pass, they, the trialists, would have to make a short-term cultivation, and it would take half a year at the latest before they set foot on the ancient road again.

"Could it be that some people are tempted and want to take it forcibly?" Lin Chuan frowned, looked at the source of Tao in front of him, and said.

After all, in the face of the legendary peerless fairy, no one can keep calm, and some forces may really do something wrong and cause some bloody disasters.

Hearing this, Xu Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled lightly and said:
"Then see Zhenzhang on the way to the trial. If you want to get involved, I will cut off their dog paws one by one!"

Although he doesn't need the source of Dao, he can leave it to everyone in Zifu.

Afterwards, Xu Yu's eyes flickered slightly, looked at Ning Fei aside, and said with a smile: "Anyway, there's still half a month left, so if you're idle, you'll be idle, you should do this first..."

In the first level, Ditian looked indifferently, swept towards many followers, and said coldly: "We must find the person who came from Zundi Xing, the source of Tao must be mine!"

It will take half a year at the earliest for this ancient city to open again. Who knows how much he spent to enter the customs early.

On the side, Qing Shi frowned slightly, and suddenly said: "However, some people in the second level were tempted, and they carried out the trial operation in advance."

It is possible to send some information between the ancient trial roads. As a descendant of a super star field, she naturally has many eyes.

Hearing this, Ditian's eyes narrowed slightly, and then his face returned to calm, and he said indifferently: "No matter who it is, you can't touch my things!"

In order to obtain the source of Dao, the forces behind him have spent too much effort, so he does not allow anyone to get involved.

At this time, a follower came suddenly and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, a demon god suddenly came from outside the pass, just like us, he broke in with an ancient divine order!"

Hearing this, Di Tian looked indifferent, and said:

"Who is coming?"

"It seems to be called... Ancient Desolation!
"The person who buried the Emperor Star appeared, he is in the Xuangu Starfield!"

In the vertical day, a secret message spread secretly in the Holy City. The person who spoke was a descendant of an old commander who had great prestige in the city.

The Xuangu star field is located near the second pass of the human race. It is a small star field without life but rich in minerals. With the help of the star gate in the second ancient city, you can get there very quickly.

Therefore, many forces couldn't help but went forward. Not long after, someone actually saw a man in white. His black hair was loose, his holy blood was surging, and his face was the same as in the description, but it was undoubtedly Xu Yu.

"Xu Yu, the source of Dao does not belong to you, hand it over quickly!

In the dark, a strong man said that this place is not under the jurisdiction of the envoy, and the theme here is that the strong prey on the weak.

"If you want to get the source of Dao, unless you take it away from me, it's impossible!
Xu Yu shouted coldly, his eyes were blazing, his holy body was radiant, like an indestructible god of war, his whole body was trembling, his blood pierced through the sky, shaking the entire huge death star.

"It's definitely Xu Yu. Don't say too much, just kill him!" The other person said in a deep voice. All the characteristics are in line with the identity of Xu Yu, who they harvested at a high price. It is 100% Xu Yu.

"Okay, let's go together!" In the dark, someone shouted coldly.


In an instant, all killings came together, the sky was shattered, and more than a dozen terrifying figures emerged, with awe-inspiring auras that shocked the world, overflowing with terrifying divine power, even a saint king would be extremely afraid.

"There are so many existences that are about to break into the Saint King, you really think of Xu!" The man in white smiled lightly, turned around and entered a star gate.

"Chasing after him, we can't let him run away!" A man in Tsing Yi shouted coldly, his spear pierced through the air, splitting the sky, exuding an invincible aura.

If someone sees his face clearly, they will be extremely surprised, because this is actually the former leader of the second pass, the ancestor of the Yan clan——Yan Yu!
"bang bang bang"

Afterwards, star gates opened one after another, and many terrifying ancient saints entered one after another. Most of them came from big families in the city. They were all trapped in the peak of saints for many years and urgently needed the source of Tao to enlighten them.

Not long after, a strong man in green armor arrived, who turned out to be the saint king who was about to publish a volume of fairy scriptures.

"You are not allowed to touch the things belonging to Mr. Ditian."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands, and the starlight sprinkled down. The road roared, and he forcibly opened a star road and stepped into it.

At this time, on the border of the Xuangu Starfield, on a death star, Xu Yusheng descended Zhanzhan, looked at the ancient killing formation in front of him, and showed a faint smile.

"Finally, it's all hooked."

Of course it wasn't him who swaggered through the market in the outside world.
Lord, that's just Xu Yu's spiritual body, of course outsiders can't recognize the difference.

"Brother, can this killing formation really block the attacks of many powerful enemies?" Lin Chuanshen couldn't help asking, his face was full of surprise.

You must know that those who come to attack and kill are prepared. It is a big killer like the saint Wang Bing. There may be several of them. Can the killing array in front of you really stop it?
Hearing this, Xu Yu smiled face to face, and patted him on the shoulder in fear: "If you really master this killing formation, not to mention the Great Sage, even the Emperor Zhun can't stand you!"

The Immortal Killing Formation is a quarter of the Immortal Executioner Sword Formation. Once it is completely deployed, not to mention a saint, even a quasi-emperor can kill it.

On the side, Lin Chuan's eyes widened. It is rumored that the Buried Emperor Star is the end of many emperors and emperors. Could it be that this is the incomplete emperor formation?


Not long after, the sky split open, and terrifying figures emerged one after another, the Tao roared, and bloody energy pierced through the Nine Heavens!
"Boy, hand over the source of Dao!" One person shouted, stretching out a pair of big hands, covering the sky and the sun, almost covering half of the Death Star.

On the Death Star, the young man in white with black hair loose, his whole body glowing, with a smile on his lips: "It's just a few small miscellaneous fish, there's no need to kill them!

The next moment, the banners covered the sky, the killing intent pierced through the universe, and the divine light burst out from nothingness, and the waves of holy light surged, instantly covering all the enemies.

"Everyone, I will send you to the Paradise of Elysium!" Xu Yu's eyes were cold, and he urged the killing array.

"No, it's dangerous!" The ancestor of the Yan clan trembled in his heart, as if he was being targeted by some terrifying taboo, he immediately flew upside down.

"I want to run now, it's too late!" Xu Yu let out a cold snort, arousing the surging holy power, which instantly aroused the killing formation here.


In an instant, the killing formation roared, the power shook the universe, and the endless divine light surged and surged, covering the entire ancient star and illuminating the endless starry sky!
"There is an ambush, it's been tricked!" An ancient sage in white roared, and the next moment, he was enveloped in endless killing, and his body was obliterated.

"Puff puff puff..."

The murderous aura broke through the universe, covering the endless sky, and then, like dumplings, an ancient sage fell from the sky, the holy blood spilled, and even many stars trembled!
"This killing formation is really terrifying..."

In the distance, seeing this scene, Lin Chuan couldn't help but gasped.

At this moment, he was extremely convinced that the killing formation here was undoubtedly the Incomplete Emperor Formation.

"It's a waste that a stronger old monster didn't appear." Xu Yu's eyes were burning, and he swept towards the distant sky, frowning slightly.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan's complexion changed, and he said nervously:
"Brother, are you saying that there is such a terrifying existence as the Saint King in the dark?"

"The saint king is very vigilant. He is far away from here, but he has already left." Xu Yu nodded and said in a deep voice.

During the speech, he stepped into the center of the killing array, several divine chains rushed out of the dragon's spine, held a ray of divine sense in his hands, and said softly:
"I want to know who is involved in what happened today."

During the words, his eyes were blazing, and a golden divine sense flew out, which was extremely sacred, as if flipping through a book, he obtained everything at will.

"Ah, Demon King, you are the Demon King." The divine thought sneered at first, and then begged for mercy loudly, willing to exchange his life with the supreme treasure.

Xu Yu was unmoved by this.

"Give me my life, I am willing to be a slave."

"Ah, the Lord will never let you go!"


Afterwards, one after another of the ancient holy gods came, no matter how they shouted, begged for mercy or even threatened, they couldn't change Xu Yu's will.

On the side, Lin Chuan's expression moved slightly, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Since the assassination was done, the corresponding price must be borne. The Boundless Starry Sky is so cold.

"I see……"

Not long after, Xu Yu withdrew his divine sense, showing a hint of surprise on his face. In some scenes, he saw several familiar shadows.

"Let's go, some people, we can't wait."

Afterwards, Xu Yu let out a chuckle, and with a wave of his hands, the void broke open, starlight sprinkled, a star gate opened, and the two of them entered it.

Whether it is the front road or the rear, there are several interesting monsters waiting for him.

In this regard, he still has some expectations in his heart.

The second pass, the holy city, for some reason, overnight, it suddenly became extremely solemn, the soldiers were soaring, the vegetation was cold, and even the soldiers patrolled more frequently.

Moreover, many big families in the city are all dressed in plain clothes, and their expressions are not good. If they don't know, they think they are going to rebel.

"Little friend, you have really caused a catastrophe." The city lord's mansion, with deep eyes, said helplessly to himself.

These days, I don't know how many tyrannical forces have visited, wanting to know Xu Yu's whereabouts. In the second pass, only the envoys can mobilize the complete holy city formation.

However, all the envoys chose to stay behind closed doors. He still has a bit of integrity in his heart for being the second envoy of the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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