Chapter 192 Want to establish heaven
In the second pass, in the center of the holy city, an ancient altar emerged, with fairy light flowing, and runes shining, reflecting a Wei'e star gate.

"The third level is open, all the testers, hurry up and get on the road!" The guide appeared with a serious expression, and a pair of extremely cold eyes, looking down at the entire ancient city.

Down below, many young evildoers felt a twinge in their hearts and sensed something was wrong, and all of them thought of the strange atmosphere in the Holy City recently.

"It is rumored that the murderous people from the Zandi Star used Dao Yuan as bait to kill many important people." Qi Lin looked terrified, and quickly sank into the star gate.

He couldn't imagine what kind of shocking conflict would happen next. There was no doubt that the realm of a saint would not be enough.

"Leave quickly, this sky is about to change" After another, many trialists left one after another and walked into the star gate.

At this time, the void moved slightly, one after the other, and two figures emerged from it. After seeing the face of the leader, there was a sensation in an instant.

"It's the murderous person from Zhandi Star, he really appeared." In the dark, someone said coldly.

"Having murdered so many of us, he still dares to show up ostentatiously, he is really unafraid!" an ancient sage said, with a fearful expression on his face.

After half a month of investigation, some things have already come to light. They have already found out that more than a dozen ancient sages were killed by quasi-emperor-level killing arrays.

It was precisely because of this that they dared to seek revenge, otherwise, they would still not be able to offend a celestial arrogance who truly possessed the fighting power of a saint king.

During the speech, Xu Yu had already walked to the altar, his eyes were extremely clear, he looked at the envoy, and sang respectfully:
"These days, thank you senior for taking care of me."

He knew that for half a month, the envoy had borne the pressure of many powerful forces, so Xu Yu respected this envoy very much.

Hearing this, the envoy was startled, then shook his head slightly, and said proudly: "Don't talk too much, hurry up and get on the road, I only hope that in the future you can really grow up and protect the human race."

"As for some troubles, I will take care of them for you!"

The reception envoy said in a deep voice, and the next moment, he slowly pushed aside Xu Yu's shoulders, swept towards the nine-story sky, and said coldly: "Some old seniors, don't enter the trial field!
"It's worthy of being the envoy of the second level, with great supernatural powers, and you still discovered it."


Above the sky, a terrifying figure emerged, with auspicious brilliance and immortal divine light, and an invincible aura covering the entire holy city.

He is Qingchuan, one of Ditian's uncles, and also Ditian's protector. He was valued by a great sage, who said that he is expected to enter the realm of the great sage within a hundred years.

As soon as this person appeared, the entire sky distorted immediately, the Tao roared, and the entire holy city, which was full of heavy light and shaking, rumbled.

At that moment, countless people changed their colors one after another, and their hearts were extremely cold. There is no doubt that this must be a saint king.

Sage kings break ancient stars with one hand and shatter stars with their feet. No matter where they go, they are people who must be respected.

In this era when the quasi-emperor is out and the great saint is hard to see, the saint king is already the top group of existences in the universe.


The receptionist's eyes were cold, and a jade tripod separated the sky and the earth, emitting a massive amount of blue light, blocking the rolling coercion.

"No matter which star field you come from, you can't break the rules of the human race!" The old man snorted coldly, he glanced at Xu Yu, and said via voice transmission:
"You enter the trial ground first. Although I can't kill this person, I can still keep him."

"Also, the source of Dao in your body is too precious, you must find a chance to dispose of it, otherwise, there must be a saint king blocking it..."

Hearing this, Xu Yu was stunned, nodded slightly, cupped his fists and said, "In that case, thank you for your kindness, senior."

The star gate of the altar is about to close, and the next time it will open is unknown. Although he is not afraid of the Saint King, he does not want to wait too long in the second city.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuzi flickered, glanced at the saint king, turned around and sank into the altar.

The human starry sky ancient road is so long, in the future, the two will always meet.

Behind him, seeing this scene, Qing Chuan's expression was gloomy, and he shouted coldly: "No one can touch my unicorn's things!"

The guide narrowed his eyes slightly, stood on the altar, and said in a deep voice: "In this case, let the younger generation handle the matter of the younger generation.

"Okay, you'll regret it!
Qing Chuan said coldly, he glanced at the envoy, turned around and sank into the starry sky, no one dared to openly attack the envoy of the human race unless it was necessary.

"Characters of the Saint King level are really terrifying. Facing such characters, I can hardly breathe..."

On an ancient battlefield, Lin Chuan's face was pale, and when he thought of the scene just now, he felt a little terrified.

On the side, Xu Yu looked calm, and said: "He just lived a few years longer than you, and you are no worse than him with single-round talent!"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan smiled and did not speak. His natural talent is not bad. He is only a hundred years old now, and he has become a saint.

Moreover, he is no better than those evildoers from the Great Star Territory. The power behind him is very shallow. It seems that there has been a great saint, but with the passage of time.

Now there is only one old saint king who is about to die in the clan.

"I hope to get a few thousand-year-old medicine kings to prolong the life of my grandfather." Lin Chuan said softly while walking.

On the side, Xu Yu listened carefully. He knew that in the boundless universe, there were only a few people who were like a juvenile supreme, and there were more people like Lin Chuan.

"Actually, I plan to create a faction, and you can become the first member of my Heavenly Court." Suddenly, Xu Yu said.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan was extremely surprised: "You actually want to form a heaven in the age of mythology!"

Heaven, just these two words are enough to crush an eternity.

For millions of years, some monks who have reached the peak of humanity have all wanted to form a heavenly court and reproduce the glory of the emperor in the age of mythology.

Among them, there are many outstanding ones among the ancient emperors and great emperors.

The Immortal Emperor who was hailed as a god by the ancient people.At the same time when he was enlightened, he reigned over the entire universe and was incomparably brilliant.But he still didn't gradually enter the heaven, but only established his immortal dynasty.

The ruthless person vigorously achieved the throne with a mortal body, and her talent has amazed the ages, overwhelming countless ancient emperors and emperors, but she formed a heavenly court.

The Great Emperor Wushi has no enemy in the sky and the earth, sweeping the three thousand worlds, and the restricted life zone is out of breath. Even the underworld chooses to hide under his power. It can be said that the human race is the strongest in millions of years. One of the great emperors, but he did not choose to establish a heaven.

Even Emperor Qing, who was tens of thousands of years ago, had thought about establishing a heavenly court, but in the end it was nothing.

Now a young man who has just set foot in the Four Immortals is actually planning to establish a heavenly court, which makes Lin Chuan horrified.

Heavenly Court, the name alone involves a great cause and effect.

Even for millions of years, there is one and only Emperor Zun who established the Heavenly Court at the end of the Age of Mythology.

But the unknown of the establishment of the Heavenly Court has always been engraved in the hearts of all races.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Lin Chuan reacted and said excitedly: "I am willing to be your first member in the Heavenly Court!"

For Lin Chuan, Xu Yu's celestial appearance can definitely become an emperor.

In his cognition, there is definitely an immortal extreme power behind Xu Yu.Experts are like clouds, geniuses are like rain.

It's just that Xu Yu wants to prove himself now.He set foot on the ancient road of starry sky, wanting to re-establish a more powerful orthodoxy than the immortal god dynasty behind him.

After Xu Yu became emperor, as the first batch of followers of the Heavenly Court, he could naturally lead the group behind him to a brighter glory.

all the time.Xu Yudu walks in the Beidou world as the magistrate's holy son.But now he has come to the ancient starry sky road.Constantly colliding with the arrogance of thousands of races.

After all, he couldn't help thinking of the idea of ​​forming a force in his heart.

"Heavenly Court!"

When he was about to form a power, the word "Heavenly Court" kept lingering in his mind, lingering, as if there was some kind of magical power, so he naturally chose to follow his subconscious mind to think about how to build a "Heavenly Court".

"By the way, this ancient battlefield is a little quiet, as if something dangerous is dormant..." Lin Chuan looked around and said casually.

The next moment, he tightened his body tightly, his eyes firmly pressed against the front, and the purple light was overwhelming, covering a demon-like existence, with a terrifying aura rushing out.

Far beyond the city of saints, who is he? " Lin Chuan said coldly, he can be sure that this person must be the saint king.

On the side, Xu Yu's black hair was disheveled, and his blood was almost boiling, piercing through the plastic space of the universe, and he was lively and lively.

"Hegemony's lineage, that Hunzhan, why didn't he come?" Xu Yu said indifferently, within a few breaths, the peerless fighting spirit broke through the universe, and a ball of force that swallowed the galaxy unfolded into the starry sky.

In an instant, he confirmed the identity of the visitor. Frost Body One's Saint King was not the Overlord Hun Zhan, because Hun Zhan had not broken into the realm of the Holy King yet.

On the side, Lin Chuan looked extremely jealous, with a domineering body.Known as the uncrowned royal family, there are few rivals in the same realm, and now there is a saint king.

"Zhang Ran sent the masters of the clan to assassinate, how humble!" He gritted his teeth, and shouted angrily under pressure.

In the distance, Hunjiang's face was stern, his body was full of energy, two beams of light shot out of the sky, and he said with a grinning smile:
"Why do I need my nephew to come? Today, I will kill you all here, Tianjiao from the Emperor Burial Star, I blame you for taking things you shouldn't have."

With the same words, a powerful aura swept across, Zhiruo Xinghe exploded, with a powerful momentum, forcing the two of them to rush forward.

"Lin Chuan, you go first, I won't be able to respond to the fight in a while!

Xu Yu snorted coldly, his whole body surged with energy and blood, isolated from the terrifying coercion on the opposite side, and pushed him into the star gate with one palm. He had just become a saint, and even the coercion of the two of them was hard to bear.

"Brother, you have to wait. I'll go to the third level, please pick up Master Envoy!" Lin Chuanbai knew that his realm was too low, so he turned around and entered the starry sky.

There is no retrograde observation of the altar on the ancient trial road, only to kill to the end, enter the next level, and ask the human race to guide you.

Regarding this, Hun Jiang's face was indifferent, staring at Xu Yu coldly with a pair of eyes, and said solemnly: "Don't wait, he will come to accompany you soon, within three moves, he will definitely die here, the blood of Tianjiao, I am
I like it very much! "

Xu Yu was subjected to cold torture in the yard, and the Golden Emperor Xian appeared on his head with five colors of brilliance, exuding shocking pressure, and said indifferently: "I usually feed the dogs with the blood of the overlord body!"


Hun Jiang shouted coldly, holding a big purple bell in his hand, making a clang sound, pushing forward violently, blasting a starry sky instantly.


Xu Yu's face was solemn, and divine voices spewed out from his mouth, reflecting the starry sky, forming a golden spear, destroying the infinite chaos.


The purple mist surged, the holy light surged, and two terrifying figures collided together, like two big stars colliding, terrifying fluctuations came out, and the endless sky was startled.

In the old department, the two fought for thousands of rounds. At the end of the selection, the golden blood wine fell, the mist filled the sky, and the destructive energy penetrated through the nine heavens, annihilating a starry sky.

You want me to bleed, very good, today I need to bathe in holy blood! "Hun Jiang looked indifferent, and he didn't expect that this sacred body would be so difficult to hit.

Xu Yu's black hair danced wildly, his holy blood boiled, and he drew a sky knife forward, his expression was full of fighting spirit: "It's just a waste that has lived a few years longer, give me five years, and I will destroy you with one hand!"

Hearing this, the color of Hunjiang Yu was gloomy, and Zilong was full of blood, holding a handful of blood-colored long hair, and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I will take your life
"I'm afraid you won't succeed, so I'll send you this trash on the road!" Xu Yu said coldly.

After a short battle, he already knew that this saint king from the Baiba lineage was not invincible, and he still had a slight advantage in terms of physical body alone.

Hun Jiang has also discovered this, but he is a saint king with unlimited divine power, so he admits that there are a hundred ways to kill a trio.

"I can't keep you, you have to die." Hun Jiang whispered, his eyes glowed with magic light, and he was attacking Xu Yu like an unrivaled demon.

Fortunately, he also came on a whim, and when he learned of the whereabouts of the Saint Body lineage, he hurried over, otherwise, if the clan's Overlord Body arrives first, he might really suffer.


Xu Yu let out a long cry, the sky shook, and thousands of stars fell down, pouring into the golden body of Bu Calamity continuously.

In the main department, the golden light is blazing everywhere, like an eternal fire, burning through the starry sky, with infinite power.

At this moment, he once again stepped into the realm of forbidden gods, the state where he has great talents and is permanent.


Suddenly, the Heavenly Knife Weaving was multiplied several times, and the peerless fighting spirit surged, and one of Hunjiang's arms was cut off at once, and purple blood was spilled, revealing Wufang Liao's nature.

"A saint-level sacrament hurts
It's my turn..." Hun Jiang whispered, his eyes were incomparably

Leng Farewell.
Said, "You have actually entered the realm of forbidden gods!
Crossing the single base of the Saint King and going against the challenge can only be explained by the realm of God Forbidden. At this moment, he finally felt the crisis.

"Catch the battle and settle it quickly, we can't drag it on any longer.

Hunjiang sipped coldly, a golden divine light was born, Zhunjian emitted infinite karma, and a new left arm was instantly reshaped.

This is the secret of the word "Zhe". In the age of cultivating words, a Dacheng Lin body killed a Holy Spirit Supreme, and obtained this joyless immortality technique.

"When it is born, then cut it off!

Let Xu Yu be cold, he rotated at high speed, and the two pairs of fighting and soldiers moved together, instantly blasting the purple clock, hundreds of millions of fragments turned against each other, and instantly chopped off Hunjiang's two arms.

Hunjiang's whole body was full of purple energy, opening up a pure land and blocking the murderous energy from the sky.

At this moment, his heart was suddenly extremely handsome, his blood and spleen were extremely fierce, and he squeezed Xu Yu tightly, as if he wanted to eat someone for a while, extremely cold: "Nine secrets, there are more than one!
Hearing the words, the mystery of the master was triggered, and the two arms reappeared, shining with divine light, strong and bright.

Xu Yu's expression was disconcerting, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and he said indifferently: "Zhou Zifan, it is really extraordinary, but, I want to see how many arms you have to chop off!
Hearing this, Hunjiang was not angry but happy, and his divine power rose to the circle, and he shouted: "Very good, I want your magic!"

Boom! "

For a moment, the entire star field was shaking, and murderous intent was boiling, sweeping across the world, and the atmosphere of chaos was pervasive, and I don't know how many people were disturbed.

On an ancient battlefield, many practitioners looked up at the starry sky, a ray of killing light overflowed, and a destructive aura erupted, destroying hundreds of thousands of miles of rivers and rivers, making people feel chilled from head to toe, and their hearts are extremely calm.

"This is the test site for the second level, how can it be so dangerous?" Someone whispered, but no one paid attention.

There is no doubt that the two saint kings must be fighting, because this one kill can wipe them all out.

"The two saint kings of the human race are too terrifying.

In the dark, there was a terrifying whisper from the holy beast king, and then, it came to the boundless space, it was afraid, this is the human race fishing again.

On the sky, the battle was still going on. Two terrifying figures attacked, and in order not to disturb others, they moved towards the edge of the trial field with a tacit understanding.

Wherever it passed, the sky was shaking, the sky was full of snow, a death star exploded on the spot, and even the stars in the sky were dimming.

Without a doubt, this was the scariest opponent Xu Yu had ever encountered. The starry sky between the two sides exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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