Chapter 193
In the dark and empty universe, there are two god-like figures in constant confrontation.

One of them was full of purple blood, and as he opened and closed his hands and feet, the nearby star fields continued to explode.

The other person seems to be bathed in chaos like a banished immortal, with scenes of the universe collapsing and the world annihilated constantly appearing in his eyes.

Numerous chaotic airflows were drawn by Xu Yu, and it could be seen that the pores on the body in the area were constantly absorbing the chaotic essence in the chaotic airflow to replenish the body.

After all, fighting across a large realm, the consumption of appetite is also very huge, but it is precisely because of this that the Overlord made an oolong.

In the arena, Xu Yu once again entered the realm of forbidden gods, cooperating with Jiezimi, and constantly fought against Hunjiang.

Hegemony deserves to be the physique of the holy body contending for the peak, even if Hun Jiang is just an ordinary member of the hegemony lineage, his combat power will surpass countless people in this world.

In the fierce battle, with Xu Yu's continuous emergence of various divine arts, the overlord Hunjiang gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Impossible, how could this be so? I am a bully, how could I lose!" Under Xu Yu's onslaught, Hunjiang's bully was also crushed by him, causing him to be shocked and angry.

"What about the overlord body, it's not the best physique in the world, and you, a waste whose overlord body has not been fully opened, how can you be my opponent!"

Facing the embarrassing hegemony, Xu Yu couldn't help but mock.

"Even the number one chaotic body in eternity doesn't dare to say that the universe is respected, do you just rely on your physique that has never been proved? It's ridiculous!"

While disturbing the opponent's Dao Heart, Xu Yu was also constantly fighting to kill the opponent.

Hegemony is, after all, the realm of a saint king.Even though he has been defeated by Xu Yu and his body is broken, he still cannot kill him for a while, and can only obliterate him continuously.

"What kind of special physique do you have, that you can attack me as a saint king with the realm of a saint? Unfortunately, it is the legendary chaotic body?"

After being broken by Xu Yu again, the overbearing body roared frantically:

"Let me just say, you are neither the emperor's son nor the holy body. How can you be so strong physically? Even if my realm is a big realm higher than yours, I am still physically suppressed by you. In this case, even if it is the same A higher-order Eucharist can't do it either."

Xu Yu was speechless after listening to it. People who practice, how big are their brains?
He has nothing to do with the chaotic body, how can he be considered a chaotic body?

"Old guy, I have to say, you really put in so much effort to fabricate the identity of the Chaos Body Capital for me, hoping to use the arrogance of the whole universe to kill me, right?"

Xu Yugang was still wondering why the other party said he was a Chaos Body at first, but now he figured it out, he just wanted to use the reputation of the Chaos Body to make people from all over the universe target Xu Yu.

Now that the Qingdi Dao has been dispersed, countless arrogances from the heavens and worlds have stepped on the road of starry sky trials, fighting for the supreme throne.

If a chaotic body suddenly appeared, it would have pre-booked the high throne, which is unwilling to be accepted by countless arrogances under the starry sky.

However, no matter how Xu Yu denies it now, it can't change the words that Ba Ti shouted, because someone nearby must have heard Ba Ti's desperate cry.

Especially those of the older generation.They even think that Xu Yu is a chaotic body.Otherwise, how could it be possible for Xu Yu to fight against the King of the Five Immortals at the realm of the Four Immortals, and he was still in a state of absolute suppression, tearing his overlord body several times.

This kind of perverted combat power cannot be found even in ancient history.

"Brothers, if you don't take action yet, once the chaotic body grows, it will completely cut off the way forward for the arrogance of your clan."

The hegemonic body at this moment confirmed his conjecture more and more that Xu Yu was a chaotic body.

He knew that his current state was incapable of fighting against the Chaos Body, so he wanted those Saint Kings who were secretly watching the battle to fight together.

Hearing Ba Ti's roar, Xu Yu's face was also very ugly.

The main reason is that this kind of thing is not easy to verify.It is impossible for him to let those monks who are in a higher realm than him treat his body.Conduct research to verify whether it is a chaotic body.

Although he is indeed not a chaotic body, he is also an eternal immortal body that is hard to find in the world. In addition, the eternal immortal body and chaos have many similarities, so those who are hesitating in secret hear the voice of the overlord body. After a short thought, he decided to make a move.

They don't care whether Xu Yu is a chaotic body or not, what they care about is the source of Tao and various secretaries and fairy materials that belong to him.


The void exploded, and a god-like figure appeared, rushing towards Xu Yu.

Seeing other sage kings making moves, Xu Yu decisively urged the supreme secret technique recorded in the Yuanshi Immortal Scripture.

I saw endless dao rules and order runes evolving in front of him, forming a dao seal, smashing towards the hegemony with endless power that crushed the eternal blue sky.

Following Xu Yu's all-out blow, the shattered tyrant body Hunjiang was smashed to pieces by Dao Yin. At the same time, the Immortal Golden Cauldron, which was colliding with Ba Zhong in the distance, also returned in time to swallow the smashed tyrant body. Enter the tripod to suppress.

Facing the domineering holy bell, Xu Yu did not choose to dodge, because it was unnecessary, and his physical strength was beyond the power of a holy weapon.

Although Xu Yu didn't care, when the Saint King secretly saw that Xu Yu was carrying a Saint King weapon with his own body without any damage, they also thought that Xu Yu was a chaotic body.

Only the legendary chaotic body has such a body that is invincible through the ages, and everyone present was imagining for a while.

After suppressing the overlord body, Xu Yu looked at the dozen or so saints and strong men running towards him in the distance, stepping on the Xingzi secret, and driving towards another star field without looking back.

A group of saint kings were chasing after him, but they obviously underestimated the speed of Xingzimi.

In the original book, Ye Fan was hunted down by the great sage Qi Tian in the ancient starry sky road, and got rid of him by relying on the secret of Xingzi.

Now that Xu Yu and the Saint Realm are urging Xingzi Mi with all their strength, even the strongest in the Great Saint Realm cannot catch up with him in speed.

Of course, some races with extraordinary talents must be eliminated. After all, in this world, some races are born with advantages that others cannot match.

Such as the golden-winged roc, it can be called extremely fast.


In the third level of the Human Trial Road, the Holy City is resplendent and imposing.

Suddenly, a group of soldiers came out of it, all wearing black armor and holding long daggers, with an aura of shock all over their bodies, which made people feel palpitations.

"Someone broke the rules on the ancient trial road, you should be punished!" A middle-aged man shouted coldly, his expression was gloomy, and anger was shining in his eyes.

Not long ago, a message came from the altar.

It's too much for a lineage of domineering body to send a saint king to sneak into the human trial site in full view.

Among them, there must be protectors secretly protecting them, otherwise, it would be impossible for the saint king of the dominant lineage to sneak here secretly.

"Leave the customs, sway the evil!"

Qingling shouted loudly, he is the envoy of the third pass, the closed disciple of a human race protector, naturally he is not afraid of the power of the hegemony.

Besides, if the person behind him knows, he will definitely support him. You know, there are quite a few guardians who support the human race.


There was a ray of golden light in the pitch-black star field, followed by another streak of white fairy light. Behind the white fairy light, there were more than a dozen fairy lights chasing after them.

The person in front was naturally Xu Yu, and the dozen or so people behind him were the ones who were chasing him. Now that Xu Yu had moved to several ancient battlefields, Xu Yu still couldn't completely get rid of the pursuers.

The reason for it all was that the Saint King of the Yu Clan was chasing after him, pointing out the way for the Saint King who could not catch up with Xu Yu.

As time passed, the next dozen or so Saint Kings gradually couldn't keep up with the speed of the Saint Kings of the Yu Clan, and were pulled away. Finally, in the dark starry sky, only Xu Yu and the Saint Kings of the Yu Clan were left. chasing each other.

After realizing this situation.Xu Yu resolutely turned around and culled towards the masters of the Yu clan, wanting to deal with the saint king of the Yu clan before the next dozen or so saint kings.

Seeing Xu Yu turning around to kill him, the Saint King of the Yu Clan was at a loss for a while.After all, he had seen Xu Yu's fighting power.

He can confront the sage Wang Hunjiang who is of the dominant lineage head-on, and successfully kill him.You can enjoy how monstrous Xu Yu's combat power is.

And he himself, in terms of combat power, is not as good as the saint king of the hegemony lineage, and the dozen or so saint kings behind him have not kept up.So he is now in a weak position.

But after all, he is a strong man in the realm of Saint King. Even if his combat power is not particularly high, but facing Xu Yu, he has no other choice but to face Xu Yu.

"As a saint king, I have my pride, how could I die in your hands?"

At the beginning of the confrontation, the Saint King of the Yu Clan was completely at a disadvantage and was completely suppressed by Xu Yu.Constantly coughing up blood.

In the end, with the constant collisions, the Saint King of the Yu Clan was completely wiped out by Xu Yu.

After packing up the spoils of the Saint King of the Yu Clan.In order to completely get rid of the crowd of followers behind him, Xu Yu chose to go back to the place where he and Lin Chuan parted ways from another direction.


"Are we late? Has the new Tianjiao from Tibet been beheaded?" The third level of the human race, which was regarded as a stable star field by time, murmured to himself.

"I will definitely report this matter, so that the Tyrant Body lineage will be punished as it should be."


In the distance, the stars were shining and the wine was falling, and there were many visions. A sky suddenly broke open, and the golden light was shining, and thousands of celestial lights came down.

The next moment, the void exploded, and a stalwart man stepped out of it. His eyes were like the sun, his long hair danced wildly, and an unrivaled aura pierced through the galaxy, reborn like an emperor.

At that moment, many soldiers changed their colors one after another, only feeling a chill rushing to their hearts, and their figures trembled, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

As soon as he continued to induce, his eyes shrank slightly, and he took a sudden step forward, isolating the surging waves, and from the person, he felt a trace of threat.

"Brother, you are actually alive!

At this time, Lin Chuan on the side was stunned for a moment, and then he showed joy, and strode towards the distance with big strides. He was naturally very familiar with Xu Yu's breath.

"It's just a saint king, how can he kill me." Xu Yu said softly with bright eyes, the holy light fell, and a golden road stretched to the front of everyone.

"Are you the Chosen One from the Emperor Burial Star?
At this moment, the envoy suppressed the shock in his heart, turned towards Xu Yu in the distance, and couldn't help but speak

He couldn't imagine how Xu Yu survived, did he have a secret treasure that surpassed the saint-king level, or did he escape abruptly?
At the side, many soldiers showed curiosity, no one dared to imagine how Xu Yu came back safely in the face of a saint king with the blood of a domineering body.

Regarding this, Xu Yu looked indifferent, swept towards everyone in the field, and said softly: "It is so.

Then, as if seeing everyone's doubts, he casually threw out a bloody head, and said in a loud voice: "Senior Reception Envoy, the overlord's lineage forcibly broke into the ancient trial road, and I have already killed you!

The purple blood dripped down, exuding endless killing intent, like the head of a demon king, which made people feel chills.

When you see it, you make your complexion look good
"Ditian, Guhuang, Qingshi... If I'm not mistaken, they should have come back from the rear, right?" Xu Yu said with deep eyes.

On the side, Lin Chuan nodded slightly, and said: "A few days ago, these three people came from the first pass to the third pass, and they are all extraordinary people."

Afterwards, he took out some jade slips, which recorded these three seed-level figures.

Di Tian, ​​a man of gods and gods, at the peak of a saint, in the ancient land of trials that broke through to the third level, killed a holy beast king with all his might.

Gu Huang, who claimed to be the Great Demon God, held a Tianhuang Zai in his hand, and killed an existence that was about to advance to the level of a saint king in one blow.

"As for the fairy named Qingshi, she has been following Ditian around. No one has seen her make a move, but she must be extremely extraordinary." Lin Chuan said solemnly.

These days, apart from inquiring about Xu Yu's whereabouts, he has also been paying attention to these young supreme beings who came suddenly.

Afterwards, Lin Chuan continued: "These days, the followers behind them have looked for me several times, always wanting to know your whereabouts, big brother."

"Looking for me, I'm afraid you want the source of Tao? *Xu Yu's expression is indifferent, his eyes are extremely clear, showing a little interest;

"Xiao Chuan, just say that I am in the third level of the human race, and I want to see it. What are these young supreme beings?"

In the tenth level, a black shadow like a god and demon stands in the void, his black hair is scattered, and two divine lights shoot out from his eyes, penetrating the entire starry sky.

Under his feet, a purple unicorn lay on the plate, and the terrifying fluctuations overflowed, and thousands of stars were aroused accordingly. This is the existence of a holy beast king who is about to advance.


The purple savage beast roared, its armor gleamed, its terrifying power soared into the sky, and the entire Star City was in motion.

In the distance, many people were shocked. No one thought that the Overlord, who had been deep into the ancient road of the starry sky for a long time, would return here again.

"That vicious overlord has come to the tenth city. Could it be that there is a supreme treasure about to be born here?" Someone asked suspiciously.

You must know that the tenth city is a very special place. The ancient star below has never changed since ancient times.

On one side, someone also speculated: "I have heard that the source of Dao appeared on the ancient trial road, Overlord, could it be that he is looking for the source of Dao?
Not long ago, a piece of news spread to Tenth City. Some people suspected that they had learned the news about the source of Dao in the first level, but it didn't make much waves at that time.


At this time, a ray of purple divine light streaked across the void and fell into the hands of the Overlord, and his expression changed slightly in an instant.

Said to himself: "The Hun River is dead."

This is the news from an elder saint in the clan that the Hunjiang Soul Lamp has been extinguished and died on an ancient trial ground in the second pass.

"People of the Emperor Burial Star, I will wait for you here, come to die!

There was a long howl, and the shaking tenth city rumbled, as if it was about to collapse. During the execution, the divine light rose together, and I don't know how many formations were aroused.

Not long after, a piece of news spread throughout the third city.Xu Yu, Di Tian, ​​Gu Huang, and Qing Shi, the four young supreme beings from the Zhandi Star, are about to hold a grand party and invite all the monsters in the city to gather.

Xu Yu, that terrifying evildoer from Emperor Burial Star, I have personally seen him kill a saint with ease when he was a half saint! "A tester said, his heart was full of excitement.

"Xu Yu is nothing. If he meets the Great Demon God, he will be beaten until all his teeth are left."

A young ancient sage said coldly, he is a follower of the ancient wilderness.

At this time, a middle-aged saint disobeyed:

"Great Demon God, what kind of Demon God is Gu Huang, compared to Xu Yu, he is not so good.

Someone on the side nodded and said: "That's right, Xu Yu once killed more than a dozen ancient saints in the second pass pit, compared to the degree of tragedy, he is the culprit.

"Hmph, compared to Mr. Ditian, everything is false!" one of Ditian's followers said with a proud expression on his face.

Not long ago, Ditian had killed a holy beast king with his own hands, and his record was impressive. Who in the world can compete with the demon green?

All of a sudden, many people were speechless, fighting against the saint king, only the emperor has such a proud feat.

(End of this chapter)

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