Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 194 This life is destined to be brilliant

Chapter 194 This life is destined to be brilliant
Just when Xu Yu was still in the third level of the human race, preparing to meet Di Tian, ​​the Great Demon God and others, a piece of news came from the ancient road of the human race.

"The legendary chaos has manifested into the world."

"Xu Yu from Zundi Star has the supreme physique of Chaos Physique!"

"Even if someone proves the way before, can he still prove the chaotic body?"

"Isn't this true? Someone is deliberately spreading rumors! Since ancient times, the Chaos Body is just a legend?"

"As long as you don't die, you can decide to become a chaotic body, has it appeared?"

There is a lot of discussion everywhere on the ancient road of the human race. After all, the prestige of the chaotic body is too great.

When other people still need to fight for the throne with life and death, the chaotic body only needs to practice step by step to become the emperor. It can be said that it directly reserved the throne and became a giant mountain standing in front of countless arrogance.

It turned out to be the group of Saint Kings who chased and killed Xu Yu before. They followed the mark left by the Saint King of the Yu Clan, but in the end they only saw the corpse of the Saint King of the Yu Clan in the starry sky.

"I didn't expect that we were only a little late, and Daoist Yuyou had an accident!"

At the place where Yuyou was bleeding, a group of saint kings stood there looking at each other.

"Is the evildoer in the heart of the earth really that terrible? It's already in the human realm, killing two saint kings in succession, the combat power is really strong!"

"If he becomes the Saint King, wouldn't he be able to rival the Great Saint?"

One of the saint kings, whose whole body was covered in black mist, spoke.

Hearing this, the rest of the saint kings were speechless and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Indeed, Xu Yu's strength is indeed terrifying. They witnessed the battle of beheading Tyrant Body, and the area did not use any foreign objects.It is entirely dependent on its own strength.Deeply hurt the domineering body.

As for the truth about the death of the Saint King of the Yu Clan, they also used the past mirror to restore it, also without using any external force.

Just relying on their own absolute strength, within a short quarter of an hour, the Saint King of the Yu Clan was beheaded by Xu Yu, how could this not surprise them!

"What do you think? Is it true what Ba Ti said before he died? Is the monster from Buried Emperor Star really a Chaos Body?"

A sage king of the human race said in surprise.

If Xu Yu was still here, he would have recognized this Saint King, who was the elder of the Ancient Sage whom he killed in the second pass of the Human Race, a Saint King of the Yan Clan——Yan Zhe.

"This should be the nonsense of the overlord body in a state of desperation. The chaotic body is hard to find through the ages, and it only exists in legends. How could it appear?"

A sage king of the ancient clan said in an uncertain tone.

"I think the words about the domineering body are not groundless, and they are aimless!"

"Think about it, Xu Yu from Buried Emperor Star killed two saint kings in a short period of time, and he didn't use any ancestral artifacts, relying entirely on his own strength."

"More importantly, did you find out? When Xu Yu was fighting the Tyrant Body. Even if his realm was lower than the Tyrant Body, he was still able to physically challenge the Tyrant Body and gain the upper hand. This is incredible. It is not something that ordinary king body and god body can do!"

"So I am more inclined that Xu Yu is a chaotic body that is hard to find in ancient times, and the chaotic body has also appeared in ancient history. It does not exist in legends."

Being able to kill a Saint-King realm's super-body with the saint realm, then he is naturally not an ordinary special physique, and he has fought against saints and fellow Taoist Yuyou one after another, and his divine power has never been exhausted, which completely proves his strength. The physique must be very strong, even if it is not a chaotic body, it is also a supreme divine body that is almost the same as the chaotic body.

It is even more impossible to have the supreme divine body that is almost the same as the chaotic body, the congenital holy body.

Not to mention that the lineage of the holy body is cursed and cannot enter the secret realm of the four extremes for life, and the innate body is also hard to find.

Since the Queen Mother of the West became enlightened, there has never been a congenital holy body in this world.

As for other supreme physiques that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the chaotic body.There are no detailed records in ancient books.

"It doesn't matter whether he is a chaotic body or not. Even if he is not a chaotic body, it is still a supreme physique. We will call it a chaotic body. Let everyone on the trial road of the starry sky go to him to trouble him. If you don't believe him, he will not die. !"

Someone who was very hostile to Xu Yu spoke up.

"Yes, this is indeed a good way. We will come out to pick peaches after he has fought to the death with those young arrogances on the ancient road!"

In this way, under the deliberate publicity of several saint kings, everyone on the human race's trial road believed that Xu Yu was a chaotic body. Of course, some people were skeptical. likely to succeed.

Under their propaganda, Xu Yu's record of beating two saint kings between saints proved from the side that he is a chaotic body.

Xu Yu was completely unaware of the commotion from the outside world.

At this moment, he is concentrating on comprehending the source of Dao, intending to smelt it into a furnace of great medicine from the source of Dao.

After all, the source of Tao at this moment is a very eye-catching treasure, and it is the first time it has appeared on the ancient road of the human race.

It's not like in the original book, after Ye Fan came to Shenzu Temple to read the way, the source of Tao became a bad street.

Even if Yu wants to bring the source of dao to the people in the holy land of Zifu, the current situation does not allow it. As long as the source of dao is on him for a day, those who are interested in the source of dao will follow him all the time.Until other sources of Tao appear.

Therefore, Xu Yu can only deal with the source of Dao first, and break the minds of those who secretly covet it.

After spending a lot of natural resources and treasures, after a day of smelting, Xu Yu successfully smelted the source of Tao into a holy medicine, which can be used by monks in the realm of saints.

Naturally, Xu Yu and Lin Chuan became the first batch of people to use the holy medicine.

After taking the holy medicine, Xu Yu couldn't feel any obvious changes. After all, his foundation had been polished and solid for a long time.

Lin Chuan, on the other hand, has undergone deep changes, and his whole body has fallen into a kind of metamorphosis.

This is the source of Tao in the holy medicine recasting the foundation of Tao for him.

Xu Yu looked at Lin Chuan, who had fallen into metamorphosis, and decided not to disturb him here. Instead, after leaving behind a Taoist body, he planned to go to the city's Fangshi to buy some materials for depicting the formation.

However, as soon as he walked out of the yard, he found that the bustling and noisy street was surprisingly quiet.

Only a group of gray-haired old men were left watching Xu Yu attentively.

One after another, his eyes were like torches, scanning Xu Yu without any scruples, as if wanting to see through the secrets in his body.

A purple mist appeared on Xu Yu's body one by one, wrapping him in it and blocking their sight.

At the same time, Xu Yu felt the extraordinaryness of the people in front of him, especially the very old people in front of him, whose cultivation was unfathomable and vast.

Even Xu Yu, who was on the fourth step of the Four Immortal Saints, couldn't see through their reality. Just in case, Xu Yu activated the Yuanshi Seal in his sea of ​​suffering.

Xu Yu used the power of a sage to activate Yuanshiyin, which is no longer what he used to be. He could only simply arouse the emperor's prestige. In addition, he has been in constant communication with Yuanshiyin over the years, and now he has completely controlled it. Yuanshiyin can truly recover Yuanshiyin.

I saw the aura of the supreme being like the east sun, illuminating all things. The endless imperial power radiated from Xu Yu's body, like the rising sun looking down on the earth.

In the eyes of everyone surprised.An ancient seal emerged from Xu Yu's sea of ​​suffering, exuding immeasurable divine light, carrying the emperor's prestige to oppress them, making them kneel down involuntarily.

In the third level of the Human Race Trial Road, suddenly a vast and boundless aura of extreme dao swept across the entire star field, and all the monks in the entire star field were suppressed by Emperor Wei.

"No, this is the ultimate emperor soldier!"

"Damn it, the extreme emperor soldier brought by that bastard dared to revive openly, isn't he afraid of causing trouble?"

In an instant, countless cursing voices sounded at the third level.

"Little friend, please take back the Jidao Emperor Armament, the Great Sage and the others have no intention of hurting you!"

I saw the guide on the third floor of the Human Race's Missing Road, and now his eyes were red with anxiety, and he said loudly to Xu Yu.

It turns out that these bad old men in front of me are actually great saints, no wonder they are so unfathomable.

After hearing Jie Yinshi's loud call, Xu Yu appeases Yuan Shiyin's divine mansion and withdraws the extreme divine power.

After Yuan Shiyin returned to normal, he fell into Xu Yu's sea of ​​suffering, and in the entire star field near the third pass of the human race trial road, the boundless imperial prestige was receding like a tide.


After the ground disappeared, many people who were suppressed underground now raised their heads, panting loudly.

Even the great sage with outstanding cultivation base shook his body several times before he stood still.

"Several seniors came to my small courtyard, what's the matter? It's so motivating."

After taking back the Yuanshi Seal, Xu Yi calmly asked the people in front of him.

Hearing Xu Yu's questioning voice, the group of gray-haired old men in front of them looked at each other, not knowing where to start.

"This is not a place to talk, please invite a few seniors to follow me into the courtyard for a detailed discussion."

I saw that the support on the side was frantically playing colors.Xu Yu had no choice but to make a statement and invited several great sages of the human race into the courtyard for a detailed discussion.

"Little friend, we chose this time to confirm a rumor!"

In the small courtyard, Jie Jian explained the purpose of their trip in a simple and clear manner.It turned out that it was recently rumored that Xu Yu was a chaotic body that was hard to find in the human race, which aroused the attention of many saints who were the guardians behind the human race's trial road.

They came here this time to verify this rumor, after all, the chaotic body is too heaven-defying.

"I am not a chaotic body. I believe you have also discovered that I have nothing to do with a chaotic body."

Hearing the envoy's words, Xu Yu directly and clearly stated that he was not a chaotic body.


"You are indeed not a chaotic body, but you are also a supreme physique, comparable to a chaotic body!"

When the envoy wanted to say something more, the great sage sitting next to him waved his hand, interrupted his words, and said:
"Although you are not a chaotic body, your physique is also very strong. It reminds me of a physique that only exists in ancient books!"

The great sage sitting at the top looked at Xu Yu with a burning gaze and said.

"What kind of physique? Great Sage Jiang Lan, please explain clearly?"

Hearing the great sage Jiang Lan speak, the other great sages couldn't wait to ask.

"Eternal Immortal Physique!"

Great Sage Jiang Lan spoke word by word.

"Eternal Immortal Physique? What kind of physique is this, why have I never heard of it before!"

The other great sages next to him heard the words of the great sage Jiang Lan, and asked in surprise.

"This is a physique that only exists in ancient books. Even in ancient books, there are only a few words of records. This kind of physique is even rarer than the chaotic body. Since ancient times, it is said that only one case has appeared in the age of mythology!"

The great sage Jiang Lan is indeed well-read and knows many things recorded in ancient history, even if it is only a few words, he can still remember it clearly.

"Rare than the Chaos Body? Impossible, the Chaos Body is already hard to find in the world. Is there a physique that is rarer than him?"

However, with Dasheng Jiangnan's opening.The other great gods were also very puzzled.After all, the physique comparable to the chaotic body is only the legendary Innate Dao Embryo Holy Physique.

And Xu Yu is obviously not some kind of innate Taoist body, so he said.The Eternal Immortal Physique that Dasheng Jiangnan mentioned was comparable to the Chaos Physique, which involved their blind spots in knowledge.

"Taishang Immortal Physique! Have you heard of it?" Great Sage Jiang Lan continued.

"Is that the kind of physique with fairy blood flowing in the body?" The third pass guide asked.

Although the Supreme Immortal Physique rarely appears, it does not basically exist only in stories and rumors like the Chaos Physique.

The past generations have set foot on the starry sky, and miss the outstanding people on the road.Occasionally such a physique also occurs.That's why the third hurdle can clearly tell the origin of the Taishang's body.

"It is rumored that the source of the Taishang Immortal Physique is the Eternal Immortal Physique. In other words, the Eternal Immortal Physique and the Taisheng Immortal Physique are the same existence. It is richer and closer to immortality. It is a very immortal physique."

"Because the eternal immortal body is filled with immortal blood, its physical body has various peculiarities. It is also called the exiled immortal body, and it is also an extremely powerful physique!"

"For a long time, I thought that this kind of physique was just a fantasy of the ancients, but I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I could actually see this kind of physique in person."

Great Sage Jiang Lan's words were full of excitement.

"Although I am not a chaotic body, you may see a real chaotic body in the future."

Xu Yu spoke out the fact that there is a chaotic body in the world.

"What? A real chaotic body?"

As Xu Yu's voice fell, exclamations continued to ring out in the small courtyard.

"That's right, a genuine chaotic body. Maybe after a while, he will set foot on the ancient road to the starry sky to try it out!" Xu Yu said with certainty.

"Have you ever seen a chaotic body?" The guide couldn't help asking.

"That's right, in the star field I'm in, there is indeed a genuine chaotic body."

The chaotic body that Xu Yu mentioned is naturally the Son of Yaoguang. The Son of Yaoguang who has cultivated the Indestructible Heavenly Palace has already started the process of transforming into a chaotic body when he embarked on the road of starry sky trials.

Although it may be impossible for him to become a real chaotic body in his life.But the lack of chaotic body, after all, is also a chaotic body.

It is also a very good choice to leak his information to Xingkong Ancient Road first and cause him a little trouble. In this way, some outstanding people on Xingkong Ancient Road can be killed, and they can be saved from the murderous hands of the Son of Light.

"This is a golden age since ancient times, not only with the chaotic body. In the Big Dipper Star Field, countless ancient princes and disciples have been born, and various gods and kings have appeared. The Taiyin, the sun, the ancient holy body, and the sky demon body , Congenital Dao Embryo, these physiques that would only appear in the resplendent world have now appeared, and they are all working hard for this emperor's road!"

"In addition, there are some people who are at the peak of the quasi-emperor who are also planning to fight hard and want to spy on the realm of the emperor."

"This life is destined to be brilliant!"

"This life is destined to be crazy!"

"Similarly, this life is destined to be miserable!"

"Even if it is a chaotic body, or other supreme physique, in front of this kind of bright world, it may bleed at any time..."

In the third level of the Human Trial Road, the words Xu Yu said in the small courtyard are still echoing in the mind of the envoy.

"It's really a crazy world! So many talents gathered in this world, let's see who can have the last laugh!"

(End of this chapter)

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