Chapter 195
"The evildoer of Buried Emperor Star is not the real chaotic body. The real chaotic body is someone else, who has not set foot on the ancient road of starry sky."

"That's right, after the identification of several great sages, Xu Yu of Buried Emperor Star is not a chaotic body. The real chaotic body is still in Buried Emperor Star, and has not set foot on the ancient road of starry sky."

Just a few days.The rumors about Xu Yu being a chaotic body were ruthlessly broken by the personal visit of several great sages.

However, the great sages did not gain nothing.I also got news about the real chaotic body from Xu Yu's mouth.

After Xu Yu's confirmation, in this life, there is indeed a chaotic body that will compete with countless arrogances under the starry sky for the high throne.

The chaotic body, known as the number one in the ages, appeared in this life. It is no longer a legend, and someone has confirmed it for real.

It was rumored that Xu Yu was a chaotic body.On the Starry Sky Ancient Road, countless people scoffed at it, thinking it was just a rumor.

But now, the news of the real chaotic body appears.Let the entire starry sky trial road boil.

From the ancient road of the human race, it has been spreading on the ancient road of the monster race and the trial roads of other races.

Slowly, the news spread, and the entire universe was boiling.

"Chaos body! That is truly the best physique in all ages. It is said that in the age of mythology, there was a chaotic body. When he was not yet a master, he was attacked by the ancient Tianzun, but the chaotic body was very against the sky. In order to severely injure that Ancient Heavenly Venerable who attacked him!"

The most outstanding Tianjiao in the entire universe gathered on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.Some of them have shocking origins, long inheritance, and know some deeds of the mythical era.

"Although the final result was that the chaotic body was mercilessly beheaded by Gu Tianzun, but because of the serious injury, Gu Tianzun also died soon after."

With the record of Chaos Body being found out, it really shocked many people's jaws.

"Sure enough, there is no one worthy of fame, and the chaotic body is worthy of being the number one physique in all ages, and its combat power is unparalleled in all ages."

Some people who are sincerely optimistic about the chaos body express their sincere sighs, thinking that the chaos body will definitely have the last laugh in this bright world.

"Have you noticed? In addition to the chaotic system, there are also some relatives of the ancient emperor on the Zandi Star. Have the descendants of the Yellow Emperor's blood appear in groups in this life?"

Of course, some people thought of other parents and children of the ancient emperor besides Chaos, although they were not as heaven-defying as Chaos, but after all, their physical strength was shed with the blood of zodiac figures.Possessing a terrifying inheritance, it is naturally eye-catching.

"Does this mean that their fathers are competing with other ancient emperors? It proves that the ancient emperors are stronger and weaker?"

"The Buried Emperor Star is indeed the most vicious place in the universe. It is amazing that there are so many arrogance!"

On the trial road of the human race, countless Tianjiao are discussing about the Tianjiao evildoers on the Buried Emperor Star, and those are their future enemies.

Although they haven't played against each other yet.However, the great reputation of those physiques that had survived in ancient history all showed the strength of those physiques.

The first chaotic body in the ages, Dacheng can be compared to the ancient holy body of Ban Dadi, the sun body of the sun emperor, the Taiyin body of the Taiyin emperor, and the innate Taoist embryo of the Queen Mother of the West. The supreme power of the species.

Even the ancient holy body, which has never been born with a great emperor, is extremely powerful, and it is a peak that many people can't reach on the road of human trials.

Not to mention those parents and children of the ancient emperors, they have the most suitable imperial scriptures to practice, and they also have the emperor's magic weapon to protect the way. Even the great sages have nothing to do with them. big monk.

Many Tianjiao who aspire to become emperor, seem to be gazing deeply at Zhandi Star through the endless star field, where they are the biggest obstacle on the way to success, so they can't help but not care.

"What kind of physique is Xu Yu, the enchanting Emperor Buried Star?"

Originally, Xu Yu had released information about the Chaos Body and the parent and child of the Ancient Emperor.It can divert people's attention on the starry sky trial road, but some people still think of Xu Yu.

"Suppressing and killing two saint kings in the realm of saints, and they are not ordinary saint kings, but the saint kings of the blood of the heavens, and they can still be unscathed. Then his physique is probably not ordinary, right? Or is he also the emperor's son, after all, when he faced the great sage Jiang Lan in the middle of the day, he took out the ancient emperor's soldiers!"

"Hey, naturally, Xu Yu is also a supreme physique. His physique can stand side by side with the chaotic body, and it is extremely powerful. It is one of the few top physiques in the world. The reason why the gods don't want to say it is also one aspect. Yu took the initiative to ask the Great Sage to keep him a secret, and on the other hand, he didn’t want to hurt your confidence in cultivation.” Someone replied with a sneer.

"Oh, what kind of physique can actually do it? It can stand shoulder to shoulder with the chaotic body. And it can also hit our confidence in cultivation. Could it be some kind of fairy body?"

Those who heard the reply couldn't help joking:
"I have to say. This fellow daoist's idea is really amazing, and he can actually get it on the fairy, but then again, even if Xu Yu is so evil, in front of the chaotic body, there is still something lacking, right?
In addition, there are not many physiques in this world that stand side by side with the chaotic body, and there is only the innate Taoist body of the legendary Emperor Wushi, but I don’t think there is any trace of the holy body on Xu Yu’s body, so he is naturally not an innate Taoist body. The fetal holy body, how can this stand side by side with the chaotic body! "

"Maybe, maybe what kind of fairy body is he really? Otherwise, how can he stand side by side with the chaotic body, and it is unanimously approved by several great saints!"

"You guys are right. Xu Yu of the Buried Emperor Star is indeed an immortal body. This is a kind of supreme physique that only exists in the records of ancient sites. Even the ancient emperor may not have heard of it, because this This kind of physique has only existed in some unofficial historical records! There are also a lot of people who don't know!"

"If it weren't for the great sage Jiang Lan, who has read extensively and covered a wide range of books, otherwise it would be really impossible to determine Xu Yu's physique."

"Immortal Physique, don't be joking. There are no immortals in this world. Let alone Immortal Physique. Most of them are imagined by some ancients, in order to give myself a goal to pursue on the road of cultivation!"

Yes, although we have always wanted to become immortals, but since the ages, what real immortals are there in the world?Even Emperor Zun, who created the ancient heaven, collapsed in one day.

As strong as the Great Emperor Wushi, he can only sit silently in the world of mortals; now there is no trace of the ruthless Emperor who is astonishing in talent through the ages.

Not to mention the ancient Nine Heavenly Venerates in the age of mythology. They have been famous for thousands of years, and none of them became immortals.

Not to mention other things, just talk about those ancient emperors who have amazed every era, can't they just sit in the world in the end?
As the identity of Xu Yu's Eternal Immortal Physique was exposed, more people chose not to believe it.Because his physique has never been heard of in today's ancient history for millions of years.

Even the chaotic body has appeared in the age of mythology, showing his extraordinary combat power.

However, Xu Yu's physique has no achievements in the entire ancient history, and there has never been any fairy body in the world, so many people scoff at Xu Yu's fairy body, thinking it is just Xu Yu's nonsense.

If Xu Yu heard the words of these young Tianjiao.I don't know whether I should cry or laugh. The ones who should cry are other eternal immortal bodies. In this piece of ancient history, no one has ever proved to be an emperor, and there are only a few words in some unofficial records.

What I want to laugh at is that no one has never heard of this physique, but it is indeed a genuine eternal immortal physique.

at this point.As the holder of the Eternal Immortal Physique, Xu Yu is very clear.Even if everyone in the world thinks it's a lie.

However, he is a living example after all.

"Physique doesn't mean anything. The same is true for blood. Although the parents and children of the ancient emperors have the shadow left by their fathers, there has been no case since ancient times that the heirs of the emperor's way defied the sky and became emperors.

The most important thing is to take the Chaos Body, his appearance can be said to have pre-booked the distant throne.As long as he doesn't die, he will definitely become an emperor in the future. "

There are also supreme arrogances who aspire to be emperors, and regard the chaotic body as the most important enemy. After all, the chaotic body is indeed very terrible, and there are too many praises about the chaotic body in the endless years.

As long as you don't die, you can become an emperor.Then you only need to find a quiet place to cultivate quietly, and you can achieve it in the chaos, and you can directly become the emperor if you fit all the ways, and you don't need to compete with the heroes on the ancient starry sky road.

This is indeed a very powerful enemy for them.

"There is also Xu Yu from the Emperor Burial Star. Although some people say that he has a fairy body, according to my opinion, he does not have any special physique at all, but is just extraordinary in combat power."

"I even suspect that he is the heir of the great emperor, and it is impossible to become an emperor at all. But judging from his brilliant record, his combat power is indeed very heaven-defying. Maybe some will break the rumors that the great emperor's parents and children cannot prove the Tao."

Following the news of the chaotic body, Xu Yu released it.The arrogance of all races in the universe gradually shifted their targets to the chaotic body.

And many people speculate that Xu Yu is the son of an emperor, with the blood of the ancient emperor flowing in his body.

Accompanied by the discussions on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, Xu Yu didn't want to participate in those discussions, after all, he already knew how to go on his own journey.

A few days later, the trial field of the third holy city was also opened, and the many talents who stayed in the third holy city were all gearing up.

If you want to be the champion in this trial, your arms are like the emperor's sky.Fairy Qingsi.Great Demon God Gu Huang and others even led their followers to the trial ground early.


The third holy city, majestic and majestic, the city walls are like mountains, tall and thick, exuding an atmosphere.

Xu Yu and the others only had a few days to enter the city, and before they had time to get familiar with it, they would go on the road with the monks who had stayed here for decades, and they would enter the depths of the ancient star to participate in the trial of the third holy city.

This is a dangerous trial, but also a huge opportunity and challenge.

Everyone knows that this ancient star is extremely mysterious.There are many treasures of geniuses, inscriptions on immortal scriptures, secrets of ancient emperors, magic tools left by ancestors...

On weekdays, many places are not allowed to set foot. One is that the trainees are afraid of being attacked by holy beasts. For the purpose of protecting them, entry is strictly prohibited.The second is that it involves a lot of secrets and cannot be revealed.

But this time, the envoy told them that they could do what they could, and the testers felt that they could enter some restricted areas, so they could enter without anyone blocking them.

Some powerful monks are gearing up, and many of them have stayed here for decades and have never been on the road.

It is just waiting for the rare opportunity in the past few years, preparing to find the emperor's scriptures, the ancestors of the human race, etc.

According to legend, in the past, there were invincible bloodlines such as the young emperor, human king body, holy body, etc., who once obtained extremely heaven-defying things here, and even this kind of people valued them.

These ancient deeds have been handed down, making others pay more attention to it.

In the early morning, some people set up on the bluestone and sat cross-legged on the Taoist platform, exhaling the essence of heaven and earth, and white pillars of air sprayed out from their mouths and noses, making thunder.

In the third holy city of the human race, even a child knows some methods of refining qi. There are many masters among the aborigines who have been practicing diligently.

In the third city of the human race, the streets are very dense and paved with bluestones. At this moment, the sound of horses crossing like a flash flood and a tsunami surged, spreading throughout the entire ancient road.

The morning sun was shining brightly, sprinkled over the entire city, full of vitality in the early morning, and a large number of monks set off.

Will go to the life planet below.

There are many monks stranded here, and it is conservatively estimated that there are thousands of them. All of them are extraordinary, and some are unfathomable.

Some people have never been defeated since they set foot on the ancient road of the starry sky. They can be called the king of people. They stop here and never go on the road, wanting to get a chance against the sky.

Xu Yu and Lin Chuan were in the crowd, rushing towards the square, people came and went, ancient beasts neighed, and their blood was full of energy.

The gathering of so many strong men made the square of the third city solemn and full of fighting spirit, like a gathering of millions of heroes, shocking Xuanyu.

"Be careful with everything, I won't say much else!" The person who received the mission opened the seal of the ancient domain, and groups of monks stepped up into the sky, walked out of the magic circle, and came into outer space.

A group of savage beasts, ancient birds, and a large number of strong men with towering horns, each marching towards the mysterious ancient land.

Boom down!
Like a torrent of steel, the entire sky trembled. A group of cavalry rode across the sky, rumbling and trembling, making people shudder.

It is the first conquest with the same purpose in so many years, such as a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals coming out of the room and descending on the ancient vegetables below.

The clouds and mist were surging, carrying many mounts down, and the strong fluctuations spread to all directions, and no group of people were masters.

The arrival of so many strong people from the human race, and the horse riding down the sky, naturally alarmed many powerful creatures below, all paying close attention to it, implying murderous intentions.

The mountains and rivers became clearer and clearer. The magic mountain soared into the clouds and was covered with mist. In this area, several palaces of withered bones could be seen, with evil spirits rolling upwards.

"This is the dojo of a wild fox who has practiced Taoism for thousands of years. It has devoured many invading test rulers and its power is unfathomable. So far, no one is willing to provoke it easily."

Apparently, this is a forbidden dojo. It is rumored that this guide fox is probably a holy beast king. He has practiced the ten-day, eight-desolation, and ten-thousand demon art. He is respected in this area and cannot be shaken for thousands of years.

Many monks are unwilling to solicit invitations when their realm is not in time. They avoid this forbidden area, ride their mounts, and go to a more fortunate area, deep into the mountains.

Avoiding this area, when the altitude is relatively low, the sound of monkeys and tigers roaring in the wilderness is deafening.

Below, the mountains are verdant and the ancient trees are towering. Some vines have grown for an unknown number of years. Like horned dragons, they grow side by side around the mountains and straddle several peaks.


In the depths of the mountain range, the roar of the holy beast king sounded, and all the birds trembled, not daring to appear.

Xu Yu was startled, this is indeed an ancient land of wishing, there are many powerful creatures, and some forbidden lands cannot be easily set foot.

The closer to the earth, the thicker the aura is, it almost turns into a liquid, and it penetrates into the human body autonomously. You can clearly see many old medicines growing and taking root in the rocky crevices and cliffs.

On the ground, many monks opened their doors.Enter a piece of primitive dense land and enter different areas.

This ancient star is huge, and there are no dungeons, enough for these monks to spread out. The vast land we saw just now is just a corner, and more mysterious and unknown areas are at the end of the horizon.

Xu Yu and Lin Chuan raced all the way, looking for his own enlightenment place. He focused on self-cultivation and would not waste time.

They passed through an ancient land and encountered several terrifying monster auras, but they didn't have any conflicts. Apparently, even ancient beasts were unwilling to provoke strong humans.

After traveling for more than [-] miles, screams came.The roar of beasts raged, there was a fierce battle ahead, the demonic aura was surging, and the sword aura soared into the sky, many monks were fleeing.

"The crocodile has gone mad and devoured more than a dozen stop monks." Someone escaped, and the place was in chaos, with landslides and ground cracks, and large mountains were razed to the ground.

A golden dragon crocodile stretches across the sky, hundreds of feet long, as if made of gold.

The bloody mouth opened and closed, crushing a group of monks, and the blood mist lingered.

This is a killing field, which belongs to the forbidden area of ​​a holy beast, and outsiders are not allowed to set foot in it.

It didn't take long for the place to quiet down.The dragon crocodile returned, fell into the water, and disappeared.

When Xu Yu arrived at the battlefield, the battle was over, and the few monks who fled did not look back and just left.

"Let's practice in this place." Xu Yu stopped, next to a vast and boundless lake, living in a hut dozens of miles away, very clean.

That golden dragon crocodile is very strong, and it is definitely a strong one among the ancient sages. Ordinary monks dare not approach it. With such an evil neighbor, I believe not many people come here to disturb it.

Others searched for the ancestors of the human race, the scriptures of the great emperor, mysterious ancient treasures, etc., and went to and out of many secret places that are not open on weekdays, but Xu Yu didn't care about these and concentrated on cultivating the Tao.

There is some wind in the third city, and a few people are discussing that there may be a crisis on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, and there may be a war in the near future.

All the heroes are enriching themselves and strengthening themselves.

The same is true for Xu Yu, but instead of looking for ancestral artifacts, imperial scriptures, etc., and not sparing foreign things, he cultivated his own Dao fruit.

There are rumors that there may be incredible beings such as the Holy Spirit who want to break the ancient road of the human race.

In this context, becoming stronger is the only correct choice for the tester.

In front of the hut, there are a few ancient trees and a piece of bluestone, which are very simple, with some wild herbs growing.

Lin Chuan, in this dense land where the spiritual energy is quickly turning into liquid, sprayed a mouthful of purple-flavored fire milk fruit on the left, and ate a 2-year-old Bixia grass on the right, very leisurely.

While swallowing the elixir, he cultivated his own way, enlightened and moved forward unhurriedly, with a natural face, following the way of the way, and detached as he wanted.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged on a piece of bluestone in front of the thatched hut, meditating on enlightenment, cultivating his own Dharma, ignoring worldly affairs, the sound of chanting sutras came from his body, and several secret realms glowed at once.

For so many years, the Tao in his heart has already had a direction. He is always in Mosi, and the rest is to create his own path.

The Yuanshijing, Daojing, Taiyinxianjing, Xihuangjing, Taiyangxianjing, etc., the Heavenly Kungfu of Transcending Tribulation, the Heavenly Kungfu of Nirvana, Taihuangjing, Wuliangjing, and many other emperor's scriptures have their own merits in each secret realm. Xu Yu wants to do it The most important thing is to combine these imperial scriptures, create their own fairy scriptures, and walk out of their own way.

Walking his own path cannot be achieved overnight. As early as many years ago, he was thinking about his future path, and he had a deeper understanding after becoming a saint.

Now, step by step, he has established his own way and realized his way, Xu Yu is quite afraid of gradually pulling away the clouds and mists to see the blue sky, and become clear.

Especially this year has gained the most!One by one, ancient characters jumped out one by one, and the country revolved around him, turning this place into a piece of Taoist soil.

Looking from a distance, one after another, the words of the Tao are densely covered in the void, like they are made of metal, shining brightly, full of complicated and profound meanings, setting him off like a fairy.

At this time, the Taoist scriptures, the Sun Immortal Scriptures, and the practice methods of other worlds sang together and blended together, making this chanting sound even more grand.

Xu Yuxiu has several ancient scriptures, but he does not want to follow the path of his predecessors, he wants to create his own way, and nourish a hundred scriptures in a furnace. After so many years of hard thinking, he wants to be transformed into a furnace, which will be transformed and sublimated.

For so many years, he has improved his practice, kept thinking, and understood his own way, and he didn't waste an inch of time.

Especially in this year, he consolidated himself to the holy land and tried to figure out his own path. This is a process of asking the heart and seeking the way, which is far-reaching and extremely important in terms of future achievements.

Comprehending in loneliness, calming down and searching in boredom, the fog in his heart was blown away, and his path became clearer.

For so many years, he has spent a lot of time in meditation, during which time he did not make any progress, but Xu Yu believes that these sacrifices are the most valuable, asking the heart to seek the way, this is a crucial process of accumulation and precipitation!
After cultivating all kinds of classics, he finally wants to detach himself and find his own way. After years of quiet comprehension and thinking, he has become more and more determined about his own way.

At this moment, Xu Yu looked more and more majestic, like a god and demon sitting cross-legged, with black hair loose, eyes closed and meditating, his body was as bright as divine gold, and the five secret realms bloomed with immeasurable celestial light, full of immortal aura.

In his body, it seems that there are three thousand Buddhas singing in meditation, and it seems that there are three thousand demon masters shouting angrily, revolving around him, and the avenue is roaring constantly.

The ancient scriptures that Xu Yu had practiced, as well as Lin Xunshi's cultivation method, were roaring, as if a Taoist body was chanting scriptures, which were profound and unfathomable, blended into his flesh and blood, and made his bones resonate .

In his body, it seems that there are Dao, Immortal, and I chanting sutras one after another, constantly blending, constantly merging, and all the profound meanings of the scriptures are blended together to evolve the ultimate Taoism.

His way, his way, is taking shape step by step, and will appear in the world, unique, he will create his own ancient scriptures!

For a time, there was a great storm of wind and thunder between the heavens and the earth, lightning flashes and thunder, and visions appeared frequently and frequently.

(End of this chapter)

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