Chapter 196
This area is full of flying sand and rocks, lightning and thunder.

There is the sound of gods crying and ghosts crying, and even the corpses of gods and spirits can be seen emerging, and there are many visions.

God has a feeling, and all kinds of wonders come down.Xu Yu was as quiet as a rock, crystal clear all over, with a kind of majesty, exuding holy brilliance, one by one ancient characters jumped out of the Five Great Secret Realms, circling around him.

Every word was cast like divine gold, dazzling and dazzling, imprinted in the void, turned into a shout, and the sky rumbled in shock.

Chan singing, sacrificial sound, magic drink, god roar and other ancient sounds are intertwined in the past, present and future, across the universe and condensed together.

Xu Yu sat on the bluestone, densely packed with ancient characters, sprinkled with immortal splendor, setting him off as an extraordinary and refined person, as if he had broken through time and space from the past, the present, and the future.

One dust and one world, endless dust, connected with one door after another, there are thousands of worlds in the world.

The same is true of the human body, which contains endless doors. During the process of cultivation, monks open door after door to release their true nature.

Xu Yu is creating the Tao and releasing himself!
"The human body is one, transforming into two qi. The Tao of the extreme, pure and undivided qi. Everything in the world comes from this. The way stands in one, creates the world, and transforms into all things..."

In Xu Yu's body, all kinds of divine voices merged into one, and finally a majestic voice resounded, extremely grand, like a god and demon chanting scriptures, solemn and sacred.

He is creating his own way, stepping out of his own way, at this moment, see the blue sky through the clouds and mists!Anyone who wants to go out of his own way cannot do it overnight, but only step by step.

Advance, gradually perfect, perfect.

Xu Yu is still a sage now, not a great emperor, so it is naturally difficult to create an emperor's trace and directly create a fairy scripture, that is unrealistic.

However, based on his state at this time, he created the first secret realm—the scriptures of Lunhai, which is equivalent to an ancient scripture.

There are five secret realms in the human body, Lunhai, Taoist Palace, Siji, Hualong, and Xiantai. He created the first volume of scriptures, which is enough to shock the world!

If it spreads out, it will definitely shake the entire ancient star, just a sage, who has started to create the Tao, and created one-fifth of the scriptures.

It can be said that this is considered a miracle, and it is an immortal feat for future generations.

If it is proven that Xu Yu's method is suitable for the cultivation of the human race, and is mysterious enough, he can leave a great name in the history of human cultivation, and coexist with the Tao he created to live forever.

No one knew that in this peaceful place, Xu Yu was creating the Dao, exuding celestial brilliance, sacred and majestic, some ancient beasts and savage birds passed by, all trembling, couldn't help kneeling down, and worshiped here.

An immortal feat, since ancient times, few people have created earth-shattering Taoism in this realm.

Xu Yu has been enlightened for many years, and after such a long period of accumulation, he has firmly taken a crucial step.

The first secret realm of the human body, Lunhai, is the collective name of the wheel of life and the sea of ​​suffering. In the traditional method, it is divided into four small realms: the sea of ​​bitterness, the spring of life, the bridge of God, and the other shore.

Xu Yulu raised hundreds of scriptures, broke common sense, walked his own way, and combined Taoist scriptures, Sun Immortal Scriptures, and Yuanshi Immortal Scriptures to create a Lunhai scripture volume divided into twelve realms.

This kind of way is quite different from the traditional method. It is a unique way. It has the essence of specializing in a secret realm and the complexity of the emperor's scriptures. It can be called a holy book.

If you want to create the first secret realm, you must fully understand this secret realm. Lunhai divides the wheel of life and the sea of ​​suffering, which is the opposite of death and life.

Time is ruthless, and it will always carve marks on everything. Trees have annual rings, and humans also have life rings in their bodies. They are the same thing.

If you want to live for a long time, wipe it frequently and wipe off the traces. It may be a way, but the wheel of life will eventually dry up, and at that time, a person will pass away.

The sea of ​​bitterness is a kind of opposite meaning of death, which is born relative to each other and covers the wheel of life. Many monks practice to refine it to reveal the wheel of life.

Thus, it is possible to open up the sea of ​​bitterness, let the spring of life gush out, build a bridge of magic, escape from this secret place, lead to the other side, and reach the second secret place of the human body.

These steps, in general, are four small realms in the traditional sense: the sea of ​​bitterness, the spring of life, the bridge of the gods, and the other side.

Xu Yu's method is no longer refining the sea of ​​suffering, building the divine way, and escaping from this world, but to evolve to his heart's content.

"The human body is one, with a pure and undivided spirit. Everything in the world comes from this." The dead self, the true self, and the Tao self chanted scriptures and jointly explained his way. This is his understanding of the secret land of Lunhai.

Xu Yu regards Lunhai as the place where all things are born!
He wants to turn Lunhai into the origin of the human body, thereby creating scriptures and meanings, evolving the immortal avenue, and blazing a unique path.

There are no longer the four small realms of Kuhai, Mingquan, Shenqiao, and the other shore. He regards Lunhai as a whole and an origin.

Lunhai is located under the navel, and is also the best part of the golden section line of the human body. It is naturally in harmony with the Tao and is the carrier.

Dao produces one, and the human body is one.One life is two, two are the wheel of life and the sea of ​​suffering, standing opposite each other, co-existing with each other.

Before the heaven and the earth were divided, the vitality was mixed into one, which was for the Tao.Open up the world, evolve Tai Chi, generate yin and yang, breed two qi, and interact with each other.

This is the sea of ​​wheels that Xu Yu wants to evolve. Different from the previous method, he will promote a different way.

After constant attempts, Xu Yu finally created his own fairy scripture of Lunhai Secret Realm.

Just when Xu Yu created the Immortal Scripture of the Wheel Transformation Secret Realm, the area where he was located suddenly thundered and thundered, the void continued to split, and a strange rain of blood fell.

This morning, many mysterious and numb figures appeared again, like phantoms of ancient ancestors floating beside him, singing blessings for him.

Even Lin Chuan, who was enlightening in the distance, felt the movement from Xu Yu's side.He stopped his enlightenment, rushed to Xu Yu's side, and saw this miraculous scene.

I don't know how long it took, all the visions around Xu Yu disappeared, and there was only one Xu Yu who was like a banished fairy, standing there silently.

"Brother, what kind of scriptures are you comprehending? There are so many visions?"

Seeing Xu Yu wake up from enlightenment, Lin Chuan couldn't wait to ask.

"This is the Lunhai scroll scripture created by myself!"

Xu Yu replied calmly after feeling his scriptures.


Hearing Xu Yu's words, Lin Chuan gasped, extremely surprised.

In ancient history, the people who created the Immortal Scriptures all became emperors, or reached the point where they could not make progress in a certain realm, and then began to sort out and perfect the scriptures they needed, thus creating an immortal inheritance.

But now Xu Yucai is only in the realm of a sage, and his practice has just started, and he has already created his own scriptures.

In a daze, Lin Chuan seemed to see the figure of a great emperor on Xu Yu's body.

Until the end of the trial, Xu Yu did not go out to look for opportunities, but kept enlightening.

Xu Yu beheaded two saint kings in succession, and made a strong appearance on the Human Race Ancient Road, turning into a storm. The news swept across the world like a torrent, rushing to the front of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, causing a big earthquake!

This is the most explosive piece of news on the Starry Sky Ancient Road except for the Chaos body. Even those who had scoffed at Xu Yu before, after hearing about his achievements, had to admit that Xu Yi is an extremely powerful arrogance.

The ancient road of the human race is opened once every ten thousand years, and this time represents a period, which may be decades or hundreds of years.

During this period, peerless talents from all major star regions can step on this bloody trial road one after another.

So far, the opening time is not too long. There are only a few people who can really shock the ancient roads of the starry sky and have imperial assets.

And now, Xu Yu, the banished immortal from the Emperor Burial Star, had beheaded the king of saints just in the initial stage of the ancient road of the human race in the second city. Such a record is absolutely amazing. .... The name of the exiled immortal resounded throughout the emperor's path of the human race, and some peerless heroes cast their gazes one after another. They understood that a rival rival was chasing after them!
Soon, the trial of the second city of the human race ended, and Xu Yu and his party went to the next dojo, leaving a legend here.

The testers are all gone, the second holy city has become deserted, and a few have not made it on the road, and have stopped since then.

They are losers, no one cares, and no one else, everyone's eyes are focused on the way forward, on those who have the hope of proving the truth.

The emperor's road is fighting for hegemony, the strong are on the way!

Xu Yu conquered and continued to move forward. With the baptism of life and death trials, he passed nine levels in a row, which took more than a year.

After crossing star fields and fighting in terrifying dojos, he not only consolidated his realm and thoroughly consolidated the foundation of sanctification, but also stepped up to another level, reaching the realm of the fifth heaven of saints.

The tenth holy city on the ancient road of the human race is a special place. It is no longer isolated in the starry sky like the previous nine holy cities, but is built on a real life source star, surrounded by The ancient star rotates like a satellite.

Standing in the city and looking down, you can see some blurred landscapes of mountains and rivers on the life star below, and there are even horrible creatures flying into the sky, and there is a terrible howling sound, shaking the starry sky.

This is the first time Xu Yu has seen the ancient star of life after he set foot on the ancient starry sky road. Although it is not as vast and boundless as the Big Dipper, it is not too small.

"The tenth level is full of dangers, but it also contains infinite opportunities." As soon as he was sent to the city, someone explained the details to many testers.

The primitive ancient star below is amazing, where one can practice by leaps and bounds. It is called the land of enlightenment, also known as the holy star, which contains countless chances and fortunes.

Many testers who came decades ago still stayed at the tenth level and did not continue on the road. It was not that they were not talented enough, but that the good fortune here was so amazing that they did not want to leave.

However, because of this, Xu Yu learned that the four-year round of the tenth level was not easy, and the opponent he faced was even stronger.

Theoretically speaking, this star field is the sphere of influence of the human race, but there is still an untouchable existence on the ancient star below. The great sage protectors on the ancient road should also treat each other with courtesy.

"The tyrannosaurus rex in the realm of the great sage, it should melt away in more than ten years!" Xu Yu thought to himself.

He set foot on the ancient starry sky road more than 30 years earlier than Ye Fan and others. According to the original trajectory and time calculation, the ancient beast may not live long.


The void trembled, the great array of the holy city was opened, and many monks rose into the outer space, and then all rushed towards the ancient life source star

Like a torrent of steel, it crushed the sky and made a huge rumbling sound, which made people tremble.

Xu Yu knew that the greatest good fortune here was the fairy liquid refined by the Dao Zun in the age of mythology with the Holy Spirit of Dzogchen.

But after he thought about it carefully, he couldn't take down the well of gods and ghosts that contained the supreme immortal liquid, even if he had the seal of Yuan Shi, the emperor of the extreme way, in his hand.

I remember that in the original trajectory, many great sages from the Holy Spirit Clan and the evil gods of the foreign race joined forces to use the Supreme Emperor Soldiers of the Light Clan to refine the God Pot, and it took several years of attacking to get the treasure inside. ·.Xu Yu is just a strong sage now, so there is no need to think about the fairy treasure in the well of gods and ghosts.

"Then go and have a look at the cave that the Demon Emperor left behind!"

He and Lin Chuan turned into Liuguang, looking for the mysterious place.

A large peaceful lake, filled with mist, it is difficult to see the edge at a glance, and the radius is thousands of miles wide.

Here lives a powerful holy beast - Nine-Tailed Crocodile Dragon. Part of the blood of a real dragon flows in its body. Its strength is so terrifying that ordinary saints dare not approach it. It can be said that it has a bad reputation.


The surface of the water exploded and the waves surged. A giant crocodile with a length of thousands of feet floated up and lay across the sky. It looked like a crocodile, with nine tails and a dragon head. foggy.

The Nine-Tailed Crocodile Dragon appeared. It is the overlord of this area. It is different from ordinary beast cultivators, and its strength is very powerful.

In the past years, it killed many saints and holy beasts before it seized this great lake and obtained the ancient inheritance in it, which made many saintly powerhouses fearful.

But today, it was a little terrified, and felt a faint chill all over. Looking at the young man in front of him, his eyes were full of solemnity, and the other party gave it great pressure.

"I don't know fellow daoist, why did you break into my cave?" Nine-tailed crocodile dragon asked in a deep voice.

Lin Chuan said: "My elder brother has taken a fancy to this place, if you don't want to perish, just let it go!
"A strong man of the human race, I don't think there is anything you need here!" The Nine-Tailed Crocodile Dragon looked solemn, faintly feeling that the strong man of the human race was terrifying, and did not dare to be too presumptuous.

"There is something I'm interested in in your water mansion, but you don't know about it!" Xu Yu stepped into the void step by step, walking towards the middle of the great lake, not paying attention to the mighty Nine-Tailed Crocodile Dragon at all.

"Human strong man, you are provoking!" Nine-tailed Crocodile looked at the human youth in front of him, completely ignoring its existence, and rushed straight into the water mansion.Although it is very jealous of the other party, it also feels very angry.

"You don't agree?" Xu Yu stepped on the water of the big lake, turned his head to look at the nine-tailed crocodile calmly, and asked lightly.

The Nine-Tailed Crocodile was seen to be frightened, a little restless, and wanted to make a move, but was afraid.

Although it doesn't know the strength of this strong human race, it can feel how strong Lin Chuan is next to it, and it will definitely not be weaker than itself.

The person in front of him must be even more terrifying. If he did it himself, he might be in danger of falling today.

Seeing that the Nine-Tailed Crocodile Dragon didn't make a move, Xu Yu didn't bother to pay attention to it. He stretched out his hand and pointed it out. A radiant body light shot in, a saint-level magic circle collapsed, and the soaring brilliance dispersed.


The Nine-Tailed Crocodile Dragon's expression froze, and he shattered an ancient formation with his finger. If he hit himself, he might be half-mutilated if he didn't die.

Xu Yu stepped down the waves, flying like a fairy, and the slender body seemed to contain the power that can refine the universe, which made people tremble.

"Brother, is there any good luck here?"

Lin Chuan asked curiously. It followed Xu Yu from the second pass to the tenth light. Naturally, he knew that Xu Yu was so powerful that he would not be favored by ordinary chance.

"A generation of supreme demon emperors once practiced here, so there should be some things left behind!" Xu Yu replied.

As soon as these words came out, the nine-tailed crocodile behind was shocked. This was actually the cave used by the Demon Emperor. Why didn't he know that he had occupied it for so many years!
"Demon Emperor's cave, there must be a peerless fairy left behind!" Lin Chuan was startled, his heart was full of fire, the master got it, and its benefits would certainly not be lost.

Soon, Xu Yu found the cave where the Demon Emperor lived in the lake, and found some magic tools and cultivation methods.

But this is nothing, the important thing is to condense the blood, the supreme secret technique that evolves into a real dragon, but it is somewhat incomplete.

In the deepest part of the ancient cave mansion, Xu Yu stood quietly in front of a stone wall for a moment, then slowly stretched out his raw palm and pushed a stone wall, revealing the secret of this water mansion.

I saw patches of multicolored rays shooting out, spewing out auspicious colors, passing through the water mansion and overflowing the great lake, dyeing the sky with brilliance.

At this moment, not to mention Xu Yu and Lin Chuan, and the Nine-Tailed Crocodile Dragon following far away, even other monks in the distance can know that an ancient treasure must have been born.

"The ancient scriptures of the Yaozu!" The nine-tailed crocodile dragon shouted, his eyes were red, he had guarded the treasure mountain for many years but he didn't find such a treasure in the water mansion!

Those are nine pieces of ancient heavenly jade, each of which is full of antiquity, flowing with vicissitudes of life, and filled with a peaceful mist.

The cave mansion left by the Demon Emperor is indeed hidden. If Xu Yu had not had the ability of "prophet", it would have been difficult to find this place, and many masters of the water mansion, Qi Shi, had passed by.

He stretched out his consciousness, observed the imprints left on the inside of the jade block of the Nine Schools, and memorized different methods, which were ancient archaeological methods long lost by the Yaozu.

Especially the way to purify the blood, let a monster race accumulate dragon blood, and finally transform the dragon, it is simply a way to reach the sky.

Although the method recorded in the nine pieces of heavenly jade is not the real Demon Emperor's Scripture, it is also extremely precious, especially some of its experience and deduction, which gave Xu Yu a great reference and benefited him a little.

The thought spark of the Demon Emperor is definitely a priceless treasure in the world, and it is also his real goal.

The nine-tailed crocodile dragon was angry at the sun and rounded its hooves in the back, not to mention how remorseful it was in his heart. He had occupied Jieshui Mansion for many years, but was first boarded by an outsider, which made him feel extremely unwilling.

But it also understands that if it tries to snatch it, it may lose its own life.

Xu Yu read silently for a long time, feeling the thoughts of the Demon Emperor, but it made him feel amazing and gained a lot.

"This method of purifying the blood can be regarded as the supreme orthodoxy for the demon clan. It can be brought back in the future and let the golden lion practice. Moreover, I can also use this method of purifying the blood to improve the immortal blood in my body.

Otherwise, the golden lion is not qualified to become Xu Yu's mount in the future.

Take a look too! "Xu Yu looked at the Nine-Tailed Crocodile Dragon behind him, and asked him to read the method of staying with his slaves quickly.

As for this part-time fan, Ye Fan's little monster beast, Xu Yu didn't want to accept it, let him see the method of the demon emperor's beauties, and he didn't lose the slightest bit.
Thanks buddy! "Nine crocodile

Hearing this, he was immediately overjoyed. He didn't expect that this powerful human would let him read the book left by the Demon Emperor.

Apart from the nine pieces of ancient heavenly jade, there was a wooden box around the stone table, and Xu Yu knew that it contained a flat peach pit.

The Demon Emperor Xue Yueqing, who was originally an ordinary Xuemian, was able to transform into a dragon to prove the Dao in the end, so he must have a heaven-defying chance.

In the early days, he obtained the demon god flower, one of the three most wonderful flowers in the world, and laid the foundation of the supreme foundation. Later, he took a flat peach elixir, and the fortune of sex was astonishing.

"This gravy essence is waiting for the Demon Emperor to take it, but this flat peach core is also of great value. Xu Yu took out the method left by the Demon Emperor's filter, and his mind turned, thinking that he could emulate it.

A demigod medicine was cultivated.

Although he already had a complete seed of the unicorn elixir and a rhizome of the elixir in human form, he didn't mind having another half-magic elixir.

certainly.In the future, if he proves the Dao Zhandi, he may be able to dig out the real flat peach tree in the Beidou Life Forbidden Area-Shenbo.

"Unexpectedly, there is a Yungu Mansion under this big lake, and there must be a rare Yubao!"

The Demon Emperor's Cave was about to open, and the shaping light soared into the sky, which alarmed many powerful beings nearby, and a few testers arrived first.

One of them, a handsome and imposing man, looked at Xu Yu who had just left the deep underwater mansion.

He said loudly: "Take out the Jane you got in the cave, and I will let you go."

The seven men stood in the empty garden, all exuding great arrogance, each of them stepped into the holy city, and two of them were ordinary saints.

Their strength is extraordinary and holy, and the first floor is filled with the strongest holy brilliance. They are definitely the elders among the three, which makes people feel happy.

Lin Chuan was haunted by holy intentions, and he showed a cold murderous intent, but these people hit him and his elder brother on the head. I really don't know how to write the word "death".

You must know that Zhan Chen killed two saint king powerhouses in the second city, and now in the tenth city, his strength is even more unfathomable, not above the saint king.

He's usually dependable.

"The method of purifying the veins needs a lot of blood. You give them a ride!" Xu Yu said to the Nine-tailed Crocodile.

"Fellow daoist, don't worry, look at me! The nine-tailed crocodile screamed and shook the nine heavens. It was instantly reduced to a size of several thousand feet, covering the sky and the sun, and the raging holy flames danced. The terrifying temperature caused the void to bend, and the sky collapsed." .

Lin Chuan, who had fully let go of his breath, revealed the expressions of the seven men on the opposite side, feeling a strong pressure.

"A crocodile dragon in the late stage of the saint realm!

"With such a powerful holy merchant as the seat, what kind of progress has its master reached!"

The appearance of the seven men changed dramatically, and they no longer jumped as high as they did at the beginning.

"He's an exiled immortal!" Sure enough, one of the men remembered something, imprinting on Xu Yu's expression of shock.

"What, he's an exile!"

Although Xu Yu is famous on the ancient road, almost everyone on the ancient road has heard of his name, but not many people have actually seen him.

Especially the testers, and these seven monks are the previous testers.

Xu Yu's face was calm, without any disturbance, he swept a few people's money indifferently, and said at the same time: Get lost or die!

He spoke very lightly and didn't express much, but it made the hearts of several men feel inexplicably blocked, and they felt a great fear.

"So what about being an exile, there are too many people with false names in this world!" A burly man sank his face, obviously not Xu Yu's prestige, his eyes were full of challenge.

Xu Yu shook his head slightly, and stretched out a hand directly to cover the sky and the sun. A world melted in his palm, and it was suppressed with immeasurable power, as if he wanted to grasp the whole world in his hands.

The scalps of the seven men were all numb, and they felt a peerless coercion. Before the world in their hands fell, the blood in their bodies was coagulated, making it difficult to move.

"With such strength, could it be that the Banished Immortal has already reached the level of the Saint King!"

Several people trembled, feeling like the eternal blue sky was being suppressed. They wanted Ge Jing but found that the whole world was frozen and could only show fearful expressions, being suppressed by Xu Yu with only his momentum. .

'This strong human race is too terrifying. Fortunately, it was not activated before!

The terrifying scene in front of him made the Nine-genus Crocodile's heart tingle, and he was very glad that Bai Ji did not act rashly.

"Exile Immortal, you can't kill us, we are the subordinates of Young Master Di Tian." At this time, the seven men who were suppressed and captured in the world now directly reveal their identities.

"Ditian!" Lu looked at several people abruptly, and said, "Don't say that you are at the mercy of Ertian, even if Ditian himself comes, if he offends me, he will kill him!

"Do not……"


Several people in Nazhong World let out screams, and they were all wiped out by Xu Yu in a single thought.

Xu Yu shook his hands, and the remnants of several people were used as bodies, mixed with blood and flew out. The nine-tailed dragon crocodile rushed over in an instant, devoured the remnants of several saints, and then transformed into the demon king's legacy. The method of blood purification devoured the essence of flesh and blood contained in the saint.

Many human race testers and holy beasts who came here because of the bloody light, saw this scene, they all stopped from a distance, and they didn't dare to get closer.

"Let's go!
Xu Yu didn't care about other things, and left the great lake again, looking for other chances on this primitive ancient star.

(End of this chapter)

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