Chapter 198 Obtaining Immortal Liquid
Xu Yu walked in the burial ground of gods and ghosts, dispelled the white mist, and went to the deepest point step by step. The scene he saw soon shocked him.

I saw one corpse after another on the ground, dripping with blood, as if the battle had just passed. In just a few miles, he had already seen the remains of more than a dozen ancient sages.

Some are human races, some are monster races, and there are even incomplete holy spirits...

When Xu Yu walked through this area, those corpses were all turned into fly ash and disappeared in the sound of footsteps.

This abandoned land belongs to the age of mythology. It is too long ago, at least millions of years ago. No matter what it is, it has been obliterated by time, even the so-called immortal sacred bone.

Breaking through the smog, Xu Yu led Lin Chuan forward for dozens of miles, and saw a big black river rushing, it was very magnificent, but it was silent, rushing from the depths of the burial ground of gods and ghosts.


Xu Yu was slightly surprised. This is the water of the nether world. According to legend, it originated from the underworld. It is rare in the world, but it turned into a big river here.

When he came to the shore, he felt the chill of the black river water. If it weren't for his extremely powerful physique, the ghostly water vapor would definitely directly corrode his flesh and blood.

The surrounding fields were silent, surrounded by white mist, which seemed incompatible with this dead land. Xu Yu went up the black Styx River, and saw one or two corpses floating down the bank from time to time.

The breath of death hit the face, making people feel as if they had entered the world of the underworld. After traveling for hundreds of miles, Xu Yu and Lin Chuan reached the end.

At the source of the Styx River, it was pitch black, and it turned out to be a deep pool.

It was bottomless, pitch black like ink, bursts of black water vapor rose up, and occasionally corpses even rushed up.

There is a terrifying force permeating the pool, like a source of destruction, full of a powerful breath of death.

"Presumably the ancient well where Dao Zun refined the immortal liquid is in it."

Xu Yu asked Lin Chuan to retreat to a distance, while he held a fairy golden tripod on his head, and flew high into the sky surrounded by hundreds of millions of fairy brilliance, and pointed like a sword, cutting out a hundred-foot-high divine light.


In the pool, there was a huge roar, and countless ancient capital runes rose up, and the deep pool was like a palace of the emperor of the underworld, full of death.

Although the waves rolled back, the deep pool was evaporated dry at the moment when a large amount of water splashed up. It was also at this moment that Xu Yu saw a well at the bottom of the deep pool.

On the edge of the well, there are ancient and mysterious dao marks. It seems that there is an old Taoist chanting sutras there in a trance, but they disappear in a flash, and then disappear. There are only ancient runes, sealing something .

Wisps of black air overflowed from the ancient well, and the power of the seal still exists, but it has been infinitely weakened after millions of years.

However, it is not an easy task to open it. I am afraid that even a great sage may not be able to shake the seal left by the Daoist.

"Brother, what's in this dark pool?" Lin Chuan stepped forward and asked suspiciously.

Seeing Xu Yu's behavior, he obviously knew what was in this strange place, otherwise, how could he come straight here.

"This is the Daoist in the age of mythology. He used a Dzogchen Holy Spirit to refine the fairy liquid. I just don't know if it succeeded!" Xu Yu stared at the ancient well under the deep pool, thinking about how to open it.

"What, a fairy liquid refined from a complete holy spirit!"

Lin Chuan was extremely shocked when he heard the words. The most powerful Holy Spirit exists, which is comparable to the existence of the ancient emperor. He was actually beheaded and refined into the Supreme Precious Liquid.

"Stay away, I want to open this well of gods and demons." Xu Yu told Lin Chuan to stay away from this place, and he was going to forcibly open the seal left by Dao Zun.

With his own current strength, even if Dao Zun's seal power is infinitely weakened, he cannot open it.

But if you use the Jidao Emperor Bing Yuan Shiyin.That would be very different. There is almost nothing in this world that can resist the power of the emperor's soldiers.


Xu Xuyu sacrificed the seal of Yuanshi, exuding an unparalleled aura that shook the heavens and the earth, like an ancient celestial being coming across time and space.


The black gourd trembled, bursting out billions of rays of black light, and shot directly at the pitch-black Infernal Pool. In the middle of the cloud, the water of the Infernal River in the pool was all evaporated, and the extreme immortal power suddenly bombarded the seal of the ancient well. .

Mingling trembled, and even the ancient star in Level No. 30 was shaking slightly. Many ancient beasts on the ground felt terrified, and their hairs stood on end.

The power to seal the ancient well disintegrated, the gods and demons roared, the wind blew violently, a terrifying vision of heaven and earth appeared, everything in the mountains and rivers was shaking, and the entire ancient star seemed to be about to collapse.

"what happened?"

Xu Yu opened the well of gods and demons, which alarmed the powerhouses of the entire ancient star. Even the envoy of Human City No. 30 flew into the sky, shouting, wanting to know what happened.

"Boom", "Boom"...

And in the ancient well in Mingling, after the seal was broken, there was a loud noise, as if something was about to crawl out of it, emitting an extremely terrifying aura.

"Brother, didn't you say that it is the fairy liquid refined by Daoist, why do I feel like I have opened a magic cave!" Lin Chuan looked at the ancient well from a distance, showing a look of horror.

"Although Dao Zun wanted to refine the fairy liquid back then, some accidents happened. Some of the flesh and blood of the invincible holy spirit gave birth to ghouls, and now they are probably comparable to gods and demons." Xu Yu looked at the black man. The ancient well shrouded in fog, knowing the general situation inside, did not have any surprises.


In Mingling, there seemed to be thousands of ghosts crying and howling, one after another gods roared, struggled to come out, and scolded Cang Yu angrily.


At this time, Gujing made a loud noise and trembled violently. Under Xu Yu's and Lin Chuan's dignified gazes, a pale hand touched Bing Yan'er.


Another pale hand touched the edge of the well, and then a figure jumped up, as vigorous as an ape, completely breaking away from the shackles of the ancient well.

It was an ancient man whose long battle armor had long since rotted into pieces and stuck to his body, like a piece of dilapidated fish scales.His hair is disheveled, covering his true face, and his body is majestic, like a demon king.


Cang Mang roared, like a primitive overlord roaring the mountains and mountains, the entire Nether Ridge trembled, as if it was about to collapse.

"A ghoul in the realm of a saint king!" The Yuanshi seal on Xu Yu's head was ups and downs, emitting a thousand strands of black light, protecting him and Lin Chuan.

The monster in front of him that came out of the ancient well was terrifying and powerful, but with the emperor's soldiers in his hand, he was not afraid at all.

This devil-like existence suddenly turned around, covering his face with thick hair, showing a cold gaze, fixed on Xu Yu and Lin Chuan.

And at this time, a pair of bloodless palms appeared again, and with a strong push, they rushed out of the ancient well, giving people the feeling of being gloomy, like a ghost born out of the world.

"This is a magic cave!" Lin Chuan couldn't help shouting.

Those two demons were extremely powerful, exuding an aura as powerful as a saint king, which was extremely terrifying.

Bursts of black mist gushed out from the ancient well, mixed with roaring roars, humanoid creatures crawled out one after another, their battle armors were tattered, almost weathered, from weak to powerful.

In a short quarter of an hour, more than a dozen humanoid creatures rushed out, beating their chests one by one, emitting magic light all over their bodies, and roaring to shatter everything in the river and mountain.

At the end, there were more than [-] powerful humanoid creatures standing beside the ancient well, as if they were guarding something, each with disheveled hair and twinkling eyes, sharper than lightning.

The tattered battle armor, strong body, terrifying power, exudes the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes, this is a strong man from the age of mythology, and now he has been endowed with a kind of divine power, and he has been revived!
"This is a group of devil-like existences. It's a pity that under the emperor's soldiers, everything is an ant!"

Seeing that there were no more monsters coming out of the ancient well, Xu Yu moved the Yuanshi Seal without hesitation, and the vast power of the extreme immortal power erupted, crushing the universe.


The twenty or so terrifying monsters that came out of the ancient well let out a huge roar, their bodies trembled involuntarily, and their eyes were full of fear.


The sky and the earth changed, and the hundreds of millions of immortal lights from Yuan Shi Yin swept across, and all the monsters that came out of the ancient well disappeared, and they were directly beaten into nothingness.Whether you are a god or a demon, there is no living soul under the emperor's army!
The dozens of terrifying gods and demons that came out of the ancient well were bred by the flesh and blood of the Holy Spirit of Dzogchen, so it cannot be said that they are not powerful.

It's a pity that Lu Fan directly used the extreme emperor's soldiers, even if there was an existence comparable to the great sage, he could only be reduced to ashes under the emperor's prestige.

As the continuation of the life of the ancient emperor, extreme weapons may sweep everything in the world with only a small amount of power.

Guo is afraid that he is the quasi-emperor powerhouse in the legend, facing the power of the emperor's soldiers, he can only dodge for a while.

"Brother, it seems that Daoist Master's plan to refine the immortal liquid has failed." Lin Chuan looked at the gloomy ancient well, and didn't think there would be any immortal liquid in it.

"That's not necessarily it!" Lu Fan shook his head, and walked slowly towards Gu Bing with the dark and benevolent Yuan Shi Seal on his head.

In the age of mythology, the Taoist priest beheaded an unimaginable Dzogchen saint in his later years, and wanted to refine his blood essence so that future generations would be blessed.

It's a pity, because Dao Zun didn't have much lifespan and didn't have time to refine it, so he could only seal it in seven wells.

Just like brewing wine, if it is successful, when the seal is lifted, there will be a fragrant aroma.But if it fails, it will naturally be a cloudy sky and turn into a disaster.

Judging from the current situation, Dao Zun's seal failed to turn the holy spirit into fairy liquid, but turned several ancient wells into burial grounds and raised gods and ghosts.

However, Xu Yu, as a "prophet", naturally understood the details. Although Dao Zun did not completely succeed, he still refined part of the immortal liquid.


He made a bold move, and was directly torn apart by the gloomy magic well. Some of the corpses that had not turned into gods and ghosts fell out. The moment they came into contact with the outside world, they turned into a piece of powder and disappeared completely.

The most astonishing thing is that there is a huge broken torso in it, and the aura that is not much weaker than the ancient emperor is permeating. It is very terrifying, and people can't help but worship.

"This is... the remnant body of the Dzogchen Holy Spirit?" Lin Chuan was stunned, and couldn't help but yelled.

Xu Yu looked at the crippled body. Although there was a supreme aura permeating it, it was eventually withered under the methods of the Daoist. The essence and blood had been exhausted. Part of it nourished those gods and ghosts, and part of it should be refined. Fairy liquid.

"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong!"

He has the technique of holding the sky, he can see through the dragon's veins, and he saw the crystal liquid dripping from the depths of the collapsed ancient cave.

The military word was running secretly, and with a flash of fairy light, Xu Yu absorbed a piece of mud layer, then peeled off the rotten soil layer, removed a large amount of blood mud from the stone layer, and finally found a crystal light in the center.

There are 36 drops of five-color fairy liquid in the blood mud shell, each drop is the size of the belly of a finger, does not bond with other precious liquids, and is formed in white, crystal and bright.

They are like immortal medicines refined by the ancient gods, with a strong fragrance, just a sip can strengthen the muscles and bones, and the physical body has a tendency to transform.

"Although Dao Zun did not completely succeed, he finally refined some fairy liquid! Lin Chuan stood by the side. His whole body was shaking, and he couldn't be more excited.

The fairy liquid brewed by Dao Zun was actually obtained by them. This is really a great swamp, which has taken away the great fortune of the world.

"After all, this trip was not in vain." Xu Yu's eyes also showed excitement. The fairy liquid refined by the blood of the Dzogchen Holy Spirit is definitely something that the Great Sage, and even the quasi-emperor, longed for.


At this time, the broken torso of the holy spirit suddenly exploded, turning into pieces, a piece of flame stopped, and completely disappeared in the world.

In the age of mythology, Dao Zun was so powerful and possessed supreme power. Although he misjudged and failed to turn the invincible holy spirit into immortal liquid, the seals for so many years finally made his mountain flesh collapse.

"Let's go!
In the end, Peichen took Lin Chuan and quietly left Mingling. He opened this ancient well of gods and demons a few years in advance with the emperor's soldiers, which can be regarded as saving the ancient star of life in the No.30 level.

After all, in the original timeline, a few years later, the Holy Spirit clan united with other big clans, and in order to compete for the Holy Spirit relics and fairy liquid in the seven wells of gods and demons, a section of the ancient starry sky road was directly broken.

The two ancient stars of life in the tenth city and the No.30 city were also shattered by the powerful from all sides in the fierce battle, and hundreds of millions of living beings died unexpectedly.Now, Xu Yu has taken away the immortal liquid in the ancient merger in advance, without the source of contention, the life-redeeming ancient star should not be wiped out in the battle again.

After getting the fairy liquid, he stayed in the No.30 level for two years. After all kinds of tempering, he was like a peerless heavenly sword, which was swung brilliantly and extremely sharp, hidden in the scabbard.

During this period, Xu Yu broke through once and took the immortal liquid left by Dao Zun, which made him advance by leaps and bounds, and reached the eighth heaven of the saint realm in one fell swoop.

The celestial liquid left by Dao Zun can only be taken once, for anyone, one drop is enough, and it will be invalid if it is used again.Each drop is as big as the belly of a thumb, and it radiates divine light, which can transform people. In some respects, it is more powerful than the elixir of death.

It can be said that it is truly priceless. If other people know about it, I am afraid that they will not hesitate to let them exchange all kinds of peerless secret techniques and magic weapons.

In Xu Yu's hand, there were 36 drops in total, and he treasured and put away the rest, which will be of great use in the future.

Over the years, Lin Chuan has gained huge benefits from following him. After several transformations, his strength has grown explosively. Now he has taken a drop of the fairy liquid refined by Dao Zun, which made his strength soar. sky.

In these years of battles in the starry sky, Lin Chuan followed Xu Yu to slay many saintly powerhouses, with a lot of accumulation, and now with the help of the immortal liquid, he almost caught up with Xu Yu.

If his practice speed spreads out, Ding Ran will make people stunned.

After practicing in No.30 for two years, Xu Yu continued on the road, but this time he did not follow the main road of the trial road, but set foot on a small side road to the ancient star of the heavenly soldiers.

Climb up the five-color altar, enter the space-time channel, the divine light flickers, and finally disappears from the altar.

Time decays and chaos, time and space flicker, this passage sometimes overflows with chaos, and sometimes turns into a transparent crystal wall, Xu Yu and the others have seen all kinds of weird cosmic wonders.

I don't know how long it took, the rays of light rushed into the passage, and the front gradually became brighter. It was sunlight, and they came to an ancient land.

"The life source star transformed from Lingbao Tianzun's head is really extraordinary!" Xu Yu couldn't help sighing as he felt the avenue rules of the ancient star of heavenly soldiers.

In the post-desolate ancient times, the whole universe was in the period of the end of the Dharma. For a giant ancient star like the Big Dipper, the strongest was almost the immortal.

However, according to Xu Yu's knowledge, there are three great sages in the Heavenly Soldiers Ancient Star.It can be said to be extremely prosperous, and an ancient star like Beidou is really two extremes.

"Brother, is there anything special about you coming here to this ancient star?" Lin Chuan asked with some doubts.

"A star that is constantly evolving from the head of the Heavenly Venerable, there is naturally a heaven-defying good fortune in it!

Xu Yu knew that this ancient star not only had three great saints but also the future Golden Crow Emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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