Chapter 199 Heavenly Soldier Ancient Star
The ancient star of Heavenly Soldiers was transformed from the head of Lingbao Tianzun, one of the nine great celestial beings in the age of mythology. The traces of the Dao on the entire ancient star are very sufficient.

Otherwise, Emperor Zun would not regard the Ancient Heavenly Soldiers as a place to train troops, and the Golden Crow would not have chosen to be nirvana here.

The purpose of Xu Yu's coming to Tianbing Ancient Star was very simple, just to see the Golden Crow Emperor who was still undergoing transformation.

At the same time, I also want to find some traces about the ancient heaven.In the original book, the Heavenly Soldiers Ancient Star is a formation spread from the Heavenly Court.

The ancient star of Tianbing is very special. It is very smooth to realize Taoism here. If things go on like this, it will have great benefits over time, and the Taoism will definitely increase sharply.

After Xu Yu arrived for a few days, he discovered many mysterious places, such as the imprint of the Dao artificially engraved by humans in the heaven and the earth, and there are also traces of Godlessness left over from eternity.

He knew that the imprint of the Dao that was artificially engraved was mostly done by Emperor Zun. After all, the reason why this ancient star is called Tianbing Ancient Star is because it used to be the place where the ancient heavenly court raised and trained soldiers.

Among them, the emperor's mark from the ages ago is naturally left by Lingbao Tianzun, one of the nine heavenly gods in the age of mythology. After all, this ancient star evolved from his head.

The Celestial Soldiers Ancient Star has been able to prosper up to now and has never declined, which has a lot to do with the Supreme Dao Mark here, which is also the reason why this star can have several great births.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged in the sky, as if he had transformed into a Tao, his figure was blurred and hazy, blending with the chaotic energy, capturing the supreme trace.

After a long time, he couldn't help but marvel: "The unfathomable and unfathomable Dao mark has been imprinted in this universe and turned into an immortal mark."

Standing on the top of the sky, Xu Yu looked at the entire ancient star. This ancient star was not so regular, it was shaped like a head, connected with other nearby stars, like a huge corpse across the star field.

"It's really a whale falling, and all things are born. The several great gods evolved from the corpse of Lingbao Tianzun really left endless good fortune for future generations!"

Xu Yu knew that not only the head of Lingbao Tianzun's body had been turned into an ancient star of heavenly soldiers, but also other parts had been turned into divine soil, hidden in the universe.

And as the head of a Celestial Venerable, the place against heaven and nature is undoubtedly the secret place of Xiantai, which is also the main purpose of Lu Chen's coming here.

Although the future Golden Crow Great Emperor had already made it there first, there was no way to drive him away. As a "prophet", Xu Yu knew the state of the old Golden Crow, so he naturally had some plans.

The prehistoric mountains, this is an ancient land, with cliffs and towering ancient trees, you can see it everywhere. The mountains here are majestic and magnificent.

Xu Yu took Lin Chuan to inquire about the ancient star, and soon found this place. After all, this place is not a hidden place.

The mountains are majestic, and many giant mountains tower into the sky, tens of thousands of feet, surrounded by chaotic energy, like a land of primordial beginning, there is the sound of the roar of the avenue.

"It is really a peerless sacred land, and it must be twice the result with half the effort for practitioners. No wonder the heavenly soldiers and ancient stars have flourished so far, and the saints are endless, and even the great saints appear from time to time." Feeling the environment here, Lin Chuan was amazed again and again.

The skull is an ancient star, and the Great Desolate Mountain is where the frontal bone is, corresponding to the position of the human body's Xiantai, and it is an extremely important place.

This area is very vast and incomparably vast. There are all kinds of powerful alien beasts living in it. It belongs to the territory of the monster clan. Human monks on the ancient star rarely come here.

Rumor has it that one of the three great sages on the ancient star of Heavenly Soldiers, Great Sage Fire Crow, lived in seclusion in this prehistoric mountain. He was the strongest of the monster race, and could overlook the entire star field.

This great sage appeared more than 2000 years ago. He acted very low-key. He has not been born once in hundreds of years. He basically has no intersection with other forces on the ancient planet. He is suspected to have come from outside the territory. And less.

After Xu Yu heard the information, he naturally knew the reason why the Great Sage Fire Crow was not born, and everything was to protect their Golden Crow "His Majesty" who was in Nirvana!
Now that he has been in Tianbing Ancient Star for more than 2000 years, presumably the old Zhun Emperor of the Golden Crow has succeeded in prostitution, lived out his second life, and is waiting for the ultimate leap to enlightenment.

In the prehistoric mountains, Xu Yu observed the trend of mountains, rivers and terrains with Yuantian divine technique, and soon discovered some abnormalities.

The direction of the underground mountains is like the wall of a blood vessel. Although it has long been petrified and turned into mud, there are still veins to be found.

After careful deduction and measurement, he used Origin Technique to calculate where the core area of ​​Sendai was, and vaguely sensed that there was a strong vitality inside, full of powerful power.

"Brother, have you found the location of the Secret Realm of Sendai?" Seeing this, Lin Chuan couldn't help asking, he was full of expectations for the Sendai of a mythical deity, and there must be a shocking fortune in it.

"We found it, but we can't go in yet. A powerful existence has stepped there first!" Although Xu Yu had confirmed the location, he didn't dare to rush in, after all, there was a statue inside.

Protected by the Great Sage Fire Crow, it is extremely dangerous even if he faces it with the emperor's soldiers.

But he knew the state of that Emperor Jinwu Zhun, and the purpose of this trip was not to challenge the opponent head-on, but to scare away the Great Sage Fire Crow.


A puff of blue smoke rose from Xu Yu's head, and then he transformed into a Dao body with the same aura and realm as his main body, which was exactly his body of the Five Elements Dao
Next, Xu Yu also handed over the Yuanshi Seal of the Emperor of the Extreme Dao to the Dao body. Since he was going to face an invincible saint, he must have considerable strength.What's the use if the other party destroys himself with a snap of his fingers.

"Let's get out of here first!" For safety's sake, Xu Yu took Lin Chuan away from the prehistoric mountains for a while and crossed a million miles away to wait.

Afterwards, the Dao body made some deployments, opened a domain gate, and led to the stratum of the Great Desolate Mountain.

This place is incomparably vast and completely empty, which is where Lingbao Tianzun's Xiantai secret realm is located.

When Xu Yudao walked out of the domain gate, he suddenly felt a burst of blazing heat, a huge and incomparably high platform, like a continent floating in the void,
Dazzling, with fairy fire beating, burning blazingly.A powerful wave of life came from above, shocking people's hearts, making people feel as if they were about to suffocate.

It was a huge fire crow, as big as a mountain, with black feathers flickering all over its body, standing in the flames, as if it had fallen into a deep sleep.

Great Sage Fire Crow!

And in front of it, there is also a golden divine egg, shining with brilliance, exuding a mysterious supreme aura, as if a supreme being is reborn in nirvana inside.


Suddenly, a pair of terrifying eyes opened and shot from the huge immortal platform, like two bolts of lightning, pierced the sky, and the Great Sage Fire Crow revived.

At this moment, Xu Yu felt great pressure, the blood in his body was boiling, and the blood was surging. It was an existence that he was now invincible.


With a face in the sky, he activated a trace of the energy of Yuan Shiyin, and strands of bright black light containing extreme immortal brilliance radiated, completely smashing the pervading coercion of the great sage of the fire crow.

Great Sage Huo Crow stared at him suddenly, showing a dignified look, and stared lovingly at the young man of the human race who broke into this place, not expecting that the other party had an emperor soldier on his side.

However, although Xu Yu aroused the aura of the extreme way, he did not take any further actions. Instead, he folded his hands and retreated, pretending to have stumbled into this place by mistake.

Seeing this, Xu Yu immediately said: "It turns out that the senior is meditating here, and the junior left just because of the disturbance!
He has operated the Xingzi secret to the extreme.Turning around without looking back, he went away in an instant, and then directly tore open the space, leaving this underground world.

Great Sage Fire Crow's eyes were like lightning, and he wanted to do something, but he didn't do anything in the end.

The few traces of extreme aura emitted by the other party are likely to be carrying imperial soldiers on him, which makes him very jealous, and he is guarding the body of "Your Majesty" Nirvana, and he is unwilling to leave for half a step.

The divine fire danced on the Xiantai, the azure lights were dazzling, the Great Sage Fire Crow lived on the edge, and in the center was a crystal clear golden divine egg, soaked in a mysterious liquid.

"A sage with emperor soldiers found this place. For His Majesty's safety, we can't stay here anymore!"

Turkey Great Sage thought for a while, then waved his hand and opened a pattern to teleport away.

In the golden egg is the old quasi-emperor of the Golden Crow tribe on the Huosang star, who is at the critical moment of rebirth in the second life of Nirvana. As the guardian, the great sage Huo Ya will absolutely not allow any accidents.

So, after Xu Yu discovered them, he resolutely left the fairy platform transformed into Lingbao Tianzun without too much hesitation.

On the other side, Xu Yu's dao body came to the surface, running the Xing Zi secret to run, the void twisted and twisted, and soon merged with the main body.

After learning about the situation in the secret place of Sendai, he didn't act rashly immediately. After waiting for a month, he took another action.

He left imprints on mountains and rivers, changing the world with Yuantian Divine Art, conducting deduction, and wanted to check again whether the Great Sage of Turkey had left.

After many years of inheritance of Yuantian Divine Art, although Xu Yu has not reached the realm of Yuantian Master, but the use of the power of mountains and rivers, coupled with his innate divine eyes, can be said to have reached the level of penetrating heaven and earth.

One after another special texts are shining on the mountains, appearing in rivers and rivers, corresponding to the sun, moon and stars at the top, and meeting with the Nine Nether Springs at the bottom, mobilizing immeasurable mighty power.

A vast pattern of Yuantian formed, covering the sky and covering the earth, covering the center of a vast mountain range, turning it into a mysterious ancient mirror.

"The mountains and rivers are transparent and lead directly to the underground world. Brother's methods are really unpredictable!" Lin Chuan was shocked, and opened his eyes to carefully observe the wonders of the deep underground veins.

Looming indistinctly, I saw a vast and mysterious high platform standing in the underground space, dancing with Bancan's flames, but the Great Sage Fire Raven and the golden egg had disappeared and were nowhere to be found.

"Sure enough, Great Sage Fire Crow was startled away. In order for the Golden Crow in Nirvana to not have any accidents, he is really steady!" Seeing that Great Sage Fire Crow had disappeared, Xu Yu's eyes showed a bit of joy. His goal was achieved. up.

It is a pity that after the fall of Lingbao Tianzun, the panty liquid left on the Xiantai must be shocking, and it probably had some incredible magical effect, but the remaining bit was also taken away by the Great Sage Fire Crow.

The Great Sage Fire Crow left with the Emperor Jinwu in Nirvana, and Xu Yu came to the underground space formed by the immortal platform of Lingbao Tianzun.

That Fangxiantai is like a continent, suspended in the void, although millions of years have passed since the fall of Lingbao Tianzun, but there is still a kind of supreme dao charm here.

"I didn't expect that we could see the Xiantai of a Celestial Venerable!" Lin Chuan couldn't help exclaiming as he felt the mysterious and vast aura.

The Tianzun in the age of mythology, the ancient emperor in the ancient era, and the great emperor in the ancient era all existed in the nine heavens and ten lands. Since ancient times, even if they have fallen, almost no one can see their bodies.

Now it is a miracle to be able to directly investigate the Sendai of an ancient Tianzun.

"Unfortunately, the greatest good fortune here has been taken first!" Xu Yu said with some regret.

Although the mysterious Xiantai liquid has been absorbed by the Golden Crow Great Emperor, this place is still the supreme treasure between heaven and earth, containing the traces of the Dao left by a celestial being.

Xu Yu asked Lin Chuan to protect the Dharma, while he entered the most central retreat of "Sendai" to practice.

Sitting cross-legged on the vast "Xiantai", the celestial golden tripod floated up and down on its head, and hundreds of millions of colorful celestial lights hung from the tripod, covering Xu Yu's whole body.

At the same time, his Yuan Pai took shape.Blending with the crystal-clear fairy pagoda, you can understand the profound meaning of the final board of moving the god mark and driving the gold, capture the godless charm left by Lingbao Tianzun, and feel its way and law.

"Sure enough, even with the passage of time, tens of thousands of years have passed, the imprint of the Dao of Lingbao Tianzun is still immortal!"

With the help of the good luck jade plate, Xu Yu's soul began to try to capture the Tao and Dharma left behind by the ancient Tianzun.


A great coercion, the coercion of nine heavens and ten places, the supreme will manifested, rushed into the depths of his soul, and almost wiped out the shadow god.

This is the immortal platform of Lingbao Tianzun. Naturally, the indelible brand and supreme will of that ancient Tianzun remain, and not everyone can easily touch it.

In the past, in Zhongzhou Huaxian Pond, a killing thought left by the Qing Emperor, after tens of thousands of years, can still raise his hand to kill a holy spirit in the quasi-emperor realm. It can be seen that the Dadi, Gu Ting, and Tianzun are witnesses. has reached unimaginable heights.

Of course, the indelible brand left by Lingbao Tianzun is different from Qingdi's killing intent. It does not contain any killing intent, but only the self-contained supreme principles, which had a huge impact on Xu Yu, making his spirit and soul unable to breathe. The shock stopped.


The place between his brows exuded a bright golden glow, and he was running the "Xiaoping Luanjue", a supreme secret art that specializes in cultivating the soul, helping him to stabilize the turbulent primordial spirit.

At the same time, Xu Yu was constantly urging the good fortune jade plate, finally withstood the impact of the indestructible brand, and began to understand Gu Tianzun's Dharma and Tao in detail.


I don't know how long it has passed, the fairy golden tripod made of four kinds of extreme materials trembled, and the divine mansion in it flowed with radiance, filled with purple flowers, and the entire "Xiantai" space illuminated was crystal clear.

The holy cauldron made of fairy gold came back to life completely. A god filled with holy power sat cross-legged in the cauldron and chanted scriptures, like the voice of the heavenly dao, every word was manifested, they were like metal casting,— floating in the tripod.

"The Lingbao ancient scripture created by Lingbao Tianzun contains the "group" word secret among the nine secrets.
In Xu Yu's indelible imprint, the ancient scriptures of Lingbao Tianzun were captured, especially the "group" character secret, which is the supreme magic in terms of magic circle, talisman compilation, and dao pattern.

Although he has already obtained the secret of the word "group", he has seen different understandings and understandings of the secret of the word "group" from the imprint left by Lingbao Tianzun.

Its supreme embodiment is the Zhuxian sword array scattered in the universe. The four emperor swords plus the Zhuxian array map are the existences that have killed real immortals in ancient legends. It is said that they cannot be broken without the four supreme beings.

In addition to capturing the Dharma left by Lingbao Tianzun, Xu Yu is also comprehending the thoughts of Tianzun, calmly enlightening the Tao, and cultivating his own Dharma.

(End of this chapter)

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