Chapter 205

In the dark universe, there is no longer the turbulence just now, and the ripples of the fight between the several great saints have long been smoothed out by the deep starry sky.

Even the supreme power of the Jidao Emperor Soldiers has now quieted down, leaving only a mass of this burning body.

It was the quasi-emperor body of the quasi-emperor Yuanming, who was ignited by the extreme divine power in the seal of Yuanshi, and his whole body exploded and fell apart.

After Yuan Ming's death, there was only a pile of flesh and blood in the universe, exuding the slightest power.

But Xu Yu on the other side didn't relax, he was still on guard, he was worried that the saints who had left just now would return.

Now, his divine power is on the verge of being exhausted, and he can no longer activate the Jidao Emperor Armament again?
If the three great sages who left just now go back, then he will become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with no power to resist.

Fortunately, until Xu Yu breathed out the energy in the universe, his divine power recovered, and the three great sages who left before did not return.

However, Xu Yu still did not.Rush to action, but sit cross-legged in the cosmic starry sky.Keep reminiscing about this battle.

Although in this battle, he relied on the Jidao Emperor's soldiers to win the final victory, but he also benefited a lot from this battle.

Especially every time he confronted Yuan Ming, the quasi-emperor, he felt that he was facing a prehistoric beast. If Yuan Ming was standing there, he would not have been able to hurt He doesn't.

Moreover, with the continuous movement of the digital saints, his barriers of the great saints were loosened even more.

Xu wanted to maximize the processing of the Emperor Zhun's flesh and blood left behind by Yuan Ming. In Xu Yu's mind, there was an ancient and bloody practice method, which used the "holy sacrifice" method to seize the power of heaven and earth. The good fortune of the world to sacrifice to oneself.

Simply put, it is eating people.Just like a person who practices Immortal Heaven Art, he uses those who practice Heaven Swallowing Devil Art as his own nourishment.

Devour when the nutrients become fat, seize the good fortune of others, and realize the qualitative change of one's own strength.

The method of practice recorded in Xu Yu's mind did not come from the current world.It was a fantasy novel he saw when he was living in Blue Star.

The article records the practice method of mutual devouring between modifications.

What Xu Yu has to do now is to use the blood and flesh of Emperor Zhun left behind by Yuan Ming as his nourishment and furnace fire, coupled with the True Phoenix Art he practiced, to allow his body and soul to undergo a transformation at the level of the gods. So break through the realm of the great sage.

This way of practice is against the harmony of heaven, and it is easy to be jealous of heaven.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to treat Lin Chuan. After all, Lin Chuan was seriously injured in this battle. If he does not receive proper treatment, the rest of his life will basically be wasted.

Xu Yu waved his hand, and used the fairy golden cauldron to take away the blood and flesh of Emperor Zhun left by Yuan Ming.

At the same time, he took Lin Chuan with him, intending to find a secluded place to treat him.


Xu Yu came to the top of the Yuan Star Realm, found a valley near the Shiwanda Mountain in the south, and laid down the pattern of bullying the sky.

"Brother, what about them?"

Lin Chuan spoke with difficulty.

"Don't worry, you're fine now!"

While comforting Lin Chuan, Xu Yu took out the immortal liquid from his body and gave it to him.

Although the fairy liquid can only be used once in a lifetime, it is for those who need to reshape their roots, and the current situation of Lin Chuan is not to rebuild their roots at all, but to rely on the medicinal effects of the fairy liquid. To melt away the wounds left on his body.

Facts have proved that Xu Yu's guess is not wrong. The fairy liquid really has a huge healing effect on people who have been injured by the Tao. It is wrapped inside like a cicada chrysalis, like a silkworm chrysalis.Let him transform inside.

Next to him, Xu Yu took out the flesh and blood of Emperor Zhun left by Yuan Ming, ignited it with Dao Fire, and absorbed the divine power contained in his flesh and blood.

The true phoenix treasure technique comes from the legendary innate treasure technique of the ancient real phoenix family. Its profound meaning is to carry out the phoenix, the phoenix nirvana, and the rebirth of the ashes.

It can be said that the True Phoenix Treasure Art is equivalent to a longevity art in the world of Shrouding the Sky. Why?Then you need to refer to the old bacon of the Immortal Emperor.

Relying on the true phoenix technique, the Immortal Emperor has lived from the early days of ancient times to the present, spanning millions of years.

However, the use of the True Phoenix Treasure Art also requires a huge price, that is, it needs to devour the flesh and blood of powerful creatures.

Some ancient emperors and great emperors whose causes of death were unknown in history, such as Taihuang, Douzhan Shenghuang, etc., were persecuted by the Immortal Emperor in their later years.

All because the real Huang Bao used by the Immortal Emperor needs to devour the flesh and blood of a strong man of the same level for him to transform.

And now Xu Yu also wants to refer to this supreme secret technique to devour the flesh and blood essence of a quasi-emperor to develop the potential in his body, and he must use this to enter the realm of the great sage.


Half a year passed in a flash.Xu Yu has been absorbing the quasi-emperor power left in Yuan Ming's body, and now his aura is getting more and more mysterious, and even his strength has already entered the realm of the great saint.

However, before completing the deep transformation, Xu Yu had to keep suppressing his own state. It was when his soul and body reached the peak state that he began to cross the catastrophe.

But Ning Chuan had already recovered.With the help of Xianye.He got rid of the mortal situation and healed his wounds.

And after this period of enlightenment and painstaking practice, his strength has undergone a deep transformation, but he has not crossed the catastrophe and entered the next realm.

This is because according to Xu Yu's entrustment, he took this rare opportunity to let him settle down in the realm of the saint king again, in order to soar into the sky in the future.

In this way, another half month passed, and in the valley, in a blood-colored furnace, a creature could be vaguely seen sitting in it.It is constantly absorbing the red rosy clouds.

Chixia is exactly the essence of Emperor Zhun's flesh and blood left in Yuan Ming's body, extracted from the body by Xu Yu in a special way, and turned into red energy.

That person was Xu Yu.For more than half a year, he has been continuously absorbing the divine power left by Yuan Ming's physical strength.

At the same time, with the help of his True Phoenix Treasure Technique, he wanted to optimize his physique, and now he has reached the final critical moment. As long as he completes the transformation, he can soar into the sky and break through the realm of the Saint King Barriers, enter the realm of the Great Sage.

Finally, the red clouds that filled the valley.They flocked to Xu Yu within the range visible to the naked eye, and gradually only a layer of scarlet clouds shrouded Xu Yu's body was left with courage.


Xu, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened them, as if two rays of divine light shot out from his eyes, turning into a bolt of lightning, directly piercing through the two mountains in the distance, like a laser weapon.

In the end, the scarlet clouds on Xu Yu's body turned into strands of flames and burned up.

And Xu Yu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, also stood up, breathed a long sigh of relief, exuding an invincible aura, even if he had no intention of doing anything, just standing there caused panic among the fierce beasts near the valley, as if It's like a big murderer is about to appear.

While the beasts among the mountains were still restless, Xu Yu also changed into another set of clothes, came near Linchuan, and looked up at the boundless starry sky.

He knew that his catastrophe was coming soon, and he had to leave here quickly and go to the starry sky to overcome the catastrophe.

"Brother, you are finally out!" Lin Chuan's surprised voice came.

After several months of recuperation, Lin Chuan's injuries have already recovered.

"Congratulations, brother Lin, for surviving a catastrophe, and his strength has improved a level!"

Xu Yu also wished sincerely. Just when Xu Yu was about to say something, his face suddenly changed, and he said to Lin Chuan:

"I was captured by Heavenly Tribulation, I must go to the starry sky to cross the catastrophe immediately, be careful yourself!"

After saying that, Xu Yu disappeared in place, turned into a streamer, and went to the depths of the universe.


In the originally silent cosmic starry sky, there was a sudden explosion of sky thunder.

This is an incomparable fluctuation, which shocked the world, and made all the living beings in the Yuanming Starfield tremble. That kind of power is really like a catastrophe of quasi-emperor series, with the power to destroy everything.

Of course, because some people have seen Zhundi's catastrophe, this is just a guess, but no great sage has ever made such a big commotion.

[boom! "

Welding thunder, countless thunder and lightning densely intertwined in the universe, turned into dragon snakes, swayed their tails there, and chopped towards Xu Yu's body.

A streak of blazing electricity streaked across the originally dark starry sky, illuminating eternity, and Xu Yu was fighting against the divine punishment.

Obviously, this time the catastrophe is different from the past. It seems that the momentum is not huge, but the power has suddenly increased by an unknown number of times. Even Xu Yu was split to pieces, and Xeon's treasure body can not only prevent this Heaven and Earth Tribulation.

As we all know, the stronger the person who overcomes the catastrophe, the more he defies the sky, the more terrifying the power of the catastrophe, and with Xu Yu's all-encompassing scriptures and terrifying combat power against the sky, how will his great holy catastrophe soar? To what extent, no one can tell.

Accompanied by the chaotic thunder, one after another the ancient great emperors carried their imperial weapons, their bodies were full of divine light, surging down the terrifying aura that crushed the galaxy and overwhelmed thousands of paths.

The appearance of a total of forty great emperors made everyone on the ancient star of Yuanming tremble.

"Is that... the incarnation of God?"

The people on the ancient star of Yuanming were extremely shocked. Even though they were separated by endless distances, they trembled. Every hair stood on end. How could those figures be so real? Every one of them looked majestic and looked down on the world, as if they had a real life Fluctuating, incomparably frightening.

Every figure has an invincible posture in the sky and the earth. It really hits the nine worlds and the nine secluded. Everyone's scalp is numb, and even their souls are trembling involuntarily, wanting to kneel down.

"Is this someone about to become enlightened?"

A monk who didn't know the truth said tremblingly.

Outside the territory, lightning and thunder rumbled, violent thunder destroyed the world, Xu Yu went crazy in the chaotic sea of ​​thunder, and all the taboos came out. He fought against the emperors, and the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and the starry sky collapsed. In that area, many stars disappeared directly. The blow turned into cosmic dust and turned into fly ash, forcing him to go far away from the star field, away from the star field of life.

Because this is really destroying the world, a huge catastrophe, plus 49 great emperors who have stepped into the gods, what can't be erased?
Even Xu Yu was in danger several times, because after reaching the Great Sacred Realm, these great emperors became more and more powerful. They were all taboo domains plus divine prohibition, and double taboos added to their bodies.

All kinds of heaven-defying laws, terrifying ways, and the taboo fields of the 49 great emperors seem to cover the universe and the world. They are powerful and shocking, blooming wantonly in the barren galaxy, collapsing the sky and destroying the earth.

If it wasn't for the addition of Xu Yu's Wan Dao law, it would be even more against the sky, and it would be really dangerous after the combat power broke through to a new level.

However, after all, he has experienced many times, and after he can evolve his own law of ten thousand ways, he can reach the heavens and break the way.
For example, after sublimating the law of ten thousand ways in the body and the outside world, after breaking all the shackles, his combat power blessing has doubled again, reaching twenty times the combat power blessing on the Banished Immortal Palm, it is really a god blocking kill God, the emperor stops and kills the emperor, and he is invincible in the same realm in heaven and earth.

At the same time, this time Xu Yu is also sure that his Immortal Immortal Seal is indeed extremely special, as if the general trend of the universe's ascension is too terrifying, the heavens don't know whether it can't be engraved, or it can't be engraved, and it's not in his robbery at all. Appear.

Because of this, after he solved the Nine Great Tribulations born from the Heavenly Tribulation, as if the heavens and the earth felt it, another amazing catastrophe happened again.

The sea of ​​thunder churned and fell, among which were mountains, rivers, birds and beasts,

If you take a closer look, it is a lifelike world. There are real dragons, kunpeng, white tigers, soaring snakes, red birds and other mythical and legendary alien species haunting the land, all of which have the charm of fairy spirits.

Soon, Xu Yu and Xian Jinding were submerged.

This is just the beginning, and Xu Yu has encountered such an attack. Everything in the mountains and rivers has spirits. Kunpeng, Soaring Snake, White Tiger, Suzaku, etc., all of them seem to be real beast gods, and they are too powerful.

Xu Yu's physical body is so strong and his combat power is against the sky, but it still caused such consequences. This kind of thunder calamity is absolutely terrifying, far beyond common sense, and that kind of fluctuation far exceeds the great realm of the Great Sacred Realm. Quasi-emperor series.

However, Xu Yu was indeed too heaven-defying. He swallowed the power of lightning and quickly recovered. Afterwards, his whole body was full of celestial light, and he powerfully killed all the fairy spirits, shattering the simulated suppression of the fairyland.

However, this is not over yet, the sea of ​​thunder is still endless, and many shocking catastrophes have evolved again. , some are gods and demons, and some are Xeon races that have disappeared before the age of mythology, etc.

In the end, this catastrophe exceeded everyone's expectations. It bombarded for nine days and nine nights, completely emptied a star field, and shattered all the stars before it stopped.

In the last violent big bang, the blazing light disappeared, all the catastrophes disappeared, and the universe was cleared.

Xu Yu's broken fairy golden cauldron was on top of his head, and his whole body was dripping with blood. His strong body was completely torn, and he stood in the dead starry sky.

As powerful as him, he was also seriously injured in the Heavenly Tribulation, which had the power of the quasi-emperor. It was an extraordinary power that crossed a large realm, and it blasted for nine days and nine nights. This is him, otherwise the same level When the young real immortal comes, he will die without life.

However, although the catastrophe was extremely cruel, after passing through, the harvest was naturally extremely great. His realm and combat power had soared to a terrifying level.

(End of this chapter)

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