Chapter 206 Ye Fan Lin Ancient Road

Under the starry sky, Xu Yu had a fairy golden tripod on his head, and he walked in the starry sky, seeming to be sighing and nostalgic.

In his previous life, he was a little transparent, and he was doing meaningless things since he was a child.

What he studied was useless books and what he did was useless things, but fortunately God gave him a chance to start over again, allowing him to come to this grotesque world of cultivating immortals, allowing him to find the ultimate goal that he can strive for all his life.

Become a fairy, and even go higher and farther, become an eternal and immortal existence, and sit and watch the ups and downs of the long river of time.

It has been more than 30 years since he left the Big Dipper Star Field and came to the Starry Sky Ancient Road.During these 30 years.He constantly explores the potential of his body and breaks through the limit.

Now he has become a great sage, overlooking a star field, but this is not the end of Xu Yu, but the beginning of his road to immortality.

Counting the time, many of Beidou's old friends will also set foot on the ancient road of starry sky. I don't know if they will be able to see Zixia.

In the rare golden age, Zixia, the innate Taoist body, will inevitably embark on the ancient road of starry sky and reappear the glory of the innate Taoist body.

However, now that Xu Yu is on the golden side road, he cannot rush back to the holy city ahead.

Moreover, Xu Yu didn't want to return to the holy city ahead. Given his current cultivation base and realm, he should all go to the emperor's son-level battlefield in the ancient starry sky road.

That's where the real arrogance competes.Although Xu Yu is only at the level of the Great Sage now.But you can also try to cross the endless star field to the emperor's child battlefield.

In this way, Lin Chuan, who has a relatively low cultivation base, has become a burden beside Xu Yu.

It happened that Zixia and others came to the ancient starry sky road.Xu Yu was going to let Lin Chuan return to the ancient road ahead.To wait to pick up Zixia.

He is ready to go to the trial road behind and continue on.

Now he, the Eternal Immortal Physique, which has the blood of the Immortal Dao, has been continuously developed and excavated, coupled with the sacrifice of the flesh and blood of Emperor Yuanming Zhun, it has reached an incredible level.

It can be said that the talent of Xu Yu's bloodline now is comparable to that of the sons and daughters of the Immortal King in the Immortal Ancient Era, not to mention becoming the Supreme Emperor in 200 years like the Huangtian Emperor, but there is absolutely no problem in becoming the Quasi-Emperor.

In addition, in the near future, the road to immortality will be opened, in order to be able to have enough strength to protect the people around him and all beings in the universe.He couldn't stop again, let alone turn around and go back to the ancient road he had crossed before.

With his current strength, it would be a waste of time to turn around and return to the ancient road.

And Xu Yu also knew that with the arrival of Ye Fan on the Starry Sky Trial Road, many people would be reduced to supporting roles for the Son of Luck, ignoring the cultivation of their own realm.

A proud man like Di Tian, ​​for the source of Dao.Actually, the saint king turned back to the ancient road of the human race to find Ye Fan. He is not an old man who is dying and needs the source of Tao to continue his life.

Not to mention a babbling child who needs the source of the Tao to change his roots. Between gains and losses, he loses the general direction of his life practice, which is inevitable.

Perhaps this is some kind of luck.During their confrontation with Ye Fan again and again, their luck was swallowed up by Ye Fan.

Otherwise, Xu Yu would never have thought of it.Except for the old enemy Hegemony who is in the same vein as the Holy Physique, other arrogances on the ancient road would actually waste their rest time to watch the Human Race Holy Physique.

It's just hopeless and stupid.

People must rely on themselves!
"Congratulations, big brother, congratulations, big brother. It has only been thirty years since I came to the ancient road, and I have reached the peak and become a great sage. I will definitely prove the way in the future!"

While Xu Yu was still thinking, Lin Chuanzhi flew out from the ancient star of Yuanming, came to his side, and congratulated loudly.

After a while of pleasantries, Xu Yu asked Lin Chuan to let him use the Shenguang Terrace to turn around the ancient road in the starry sky.Help him to meet Zixia.

And he himself really wants to go to the various dangerous places in the universe for trials.


The first level of the human race.

Entering ushered in one person and one rider. It was Ye Fan and Longma who had been fighting on the Starry Sky Ancient Road for ten years.

Just like in the original book, Ye Fan has quickly made a name for himself on the ancient road since he came to the trial road.

Instead, Lin Chuan, entrusted by Xu Yu, searched for Zixia's whereabouts in the major holy cities.

At the same time, it is also because of the revolving starry sky in Yinchuan.On the ancient road, many people knew the news that Xu Yu had broken through to the Saint King and achieved the Great Sage Status.

"Great Sage, many people have never reached the realm in their entire lives. He has entered so quickly, he is worthy of being a banishing immortal!"

There are people who are really optimistic about Xu Yu, and they sigh from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, there were also young Tianjiao who heard that Xu Yu had become a great sage, with complicated expressions on their faces.

Especially after Lin Chuan's special publicity, people on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.After learning that Xu Yu had killed a quasi-emperor, he was even more shocked.

"Worthy of being a Banished Immortal, the combat strength is really extraordinary. It is unbelievable that you can reverse the quasi-emperor just after becoming a great sage!"

"How is this possible? No matter how against the heavens he was there, there is a world of difference between the Holy Realm and the Quasi-Emperor Realm. Even a monk who has just entered the Quasi-Emperor Realm has the word Emperor in his name." , it is impossible to be beheaded by him so easily."

"This must be a rumor, nonsense."

"Fart, nonsense, you haven't seen the real strength of the Banished Immortal. Back then, when the Banished Immortal was only a monk in the realm of the Saint King, he could defeat the powerhouse at the peak of the Great Saint, and he was also from the Holy Spirit family What a brilliant record that is. There is a big difference in the realm, and the holy spirit who is only one step away from the quasi-emperor!"

"That's right, the battle strength of the Banished Immortal is indeed extraordinary. Even if you go through the entire ancient history records, you can't find a second one for such a record!"

Following Lin Chuan's "unintentional" publicity, the entire human race now knows Xu Yu's peerless cultivation and heaven-defying combat power on the road to trial.

In fact, Lin Chuan did this because he wanted Xu Yu's reputation to resound throughout the universe and attract more followers for him.

Because Xu Yu had told him a long time ago that Xu Yu wanted to create a power called Heavenly Court.

But these years, Xu Yu has been doing nothing, just caring about his own practice.Lin Chuan has always been by Xu Yu's side, and he feels that Xu Yu is too low-key, either practicing or enlightening, and has no idea of ​​recruiting people to form the Heavenly Court at all.

Now, as Xu Yu's strength continues to grow stronger, as the first step of the Heavenly Court, it is natural to plan for the development of the Heavenly Court.

Lin Chuan, he thinks he is also an old man from heaven, so he can't bother Xu Yu with anything.

So he believes that now is the time for him to play a role. As the boss, Xu Yusheng only needs to have the strength to make decisions, and then issue orders.

Things like recruiting manpower and selecting steps naturally require him, the veteran of the "Heavenly Court", to be competent.

So he played Xu Yu's sign at this time.Naturally, it is to better contact some young people who have just arrived on the ancient road.

Perhaps these people are not very conspicuous on the ancient starry sky road, but placed on their respective main stars, they are also amazing figures who overwhelm an era.

Perhaps their future will not reach the quasi-emperor realm.But becoming a saint king is a great saint, that is inevitable.

More importantly.They have just experienced varying degrees of fiasco on the road of human trials.Some people's Dao Xin has been defeated, but they are unwilling to return to their ancestral planet.

After all, when they left their ancient star, they were so high-spirited and gave advice.

But now the trial road has not yet been completed, and the curtain has come to an early date, and they dare not face Jiangdong's elders on the ancestor star.

More people chose to become soldiers on the holy cities on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

But there are also some people, although they know that the road ahead is hopeless, they still struggle on the ancient starry sky road, hoping to regain their Taoism.

And Lin Chuan's goal is also these people. In his eyes, these people are basically the same as him, and countless people on the main star are looking forward to coming to the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

But... now, the original ambitions have now become fleeting, and they have encountered too many arrogance on the ancient road.

Now they are holding a breath in their hearts, there is nowhere to release it, and they are eager to understand the path they will take in the future.

So some of them are more interested in the Heavenly Court created by Xu Yu. After all, Xu Yu has already proved his peerless combat power in the starry sky.

It has already become the first protagonist in the discussion of the major star fields on the ancient starry sky road.

It has to be said that Lin Chuan still pays attention to methods in handling affairs.In just a few months, he has already walked, more than 100 young Tianjiao.

More importantly, they chose to become Xu Yu's followers.It is to invest in whether Xu Yu can achieve supremacy in the future.

As a result, their family and ancestor star soared into the sky.


"Zi! I said, Ye boy, your rival in love is very difficult. I didn't expect to be so powerful. Why haven't I heard of his record in Beidou?"

I saw Ye Fan's zodiac sign, a scarlet horse was talking to Ye Fan half-jokingly.

"I don't know what kind of person he is. In the Big Dipper Star Region, I only met him twice. That. Every time I met, I felt that he was unfathomable. He is the young generation of the entire Big Dipper Star Region One of the two people with the thickest fog on their bodies!"

"I think his strength is also very strong!"

Ye Fan greeted the bronze spear in his hand.There was an inexplicable fighting spirit in his eyes, looking in the direction of Xu Yi, as if he had crossed endless mountains and rivers, Ye Fan looked directly at Xu Yu in the depths of the universe.

But now, Xu Yu, who was far away in the depths of his heart, was in one place at the moment.He carried out his own training and practice in the ancient and dangerous place.

And the other side.As Xu Yu expected, Zixia came to the ancient starry sky road. After fighting and evaporating along the way, Zixia also won the title of Second Emperor of the Western Emperor, Fairy Linchen.

 I got off work late tonight

(End of this chapter)

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