Chapter 207 Goodbye Zixia
"Hahaha, this time I have already left the stage before it even started, so I won't do it."

On the ancient road, there are young Tianjiao shouting in grief and indignation, each of them is a generation of heroes in their own star field.

But came to the ancient starry road of the young Tianjiao who gathered all the hearts of the universe.They can only leave the stage dimly, and disappear for everyone.

"The ancient prophecy, the long-awaited road to immortality, will be opened this time. This is a brilliant golden age, but it is also a bloody world. Too many talents have not grown up, and the curtain has already fallen. .”

As more and more Tianjiao came to the ancient road of the human race, many ancient overlords who were optimistic in the past also encountered Waterloo in their lives. In the process of washing the sand in the big waves, they became the frustrated people on the ancient starry sky road. Only a few arrogances still sing their prestige on the ancient starry sky road.

Gradually, two completely different groups formed on the Ancient Starry Sky Road. One group relied on their own strength to break through barriers, defeating outstanding people one after another, and left brilliant records on the Ancient Starry Sky Road. Even if they are eliminated, they can still be proud of the starry sky.

The other is the frustrated ones in the Ancient Road Hegemony. Although they have been defeated on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, their background and strength are still good.

Especially the descendants of guardian envoys on the ancient road, we have too many advantages, and they are backed by an extremely powerful saint.

On the ancient starry sky road, he targeted those heroes who possessed rare treasures and emperor-level inheritance, trying to seize their good fortune and revive their strength.

Among them, many outstanding people from the Big Dipper Starfield have been targeted by some thoughtful people on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

For example, the brothers and sisters of the Ji family, Ji Ziyue and Ji Haoyue, were spotted by some interested people when they were looking for a void coffin, and they recognized that they were the descendants of the Void Emperor, so they continued to search.

What's more, it is to form an alliance with many young Tianjiao from the New Territory to target the Tianjiao from the Big Dipper Starfield.

After all, the Big Dipper Star Territory had formed an insoluble hatred with too many star domains in the previous Gulus hegemony.

The two powerful physiques of Cangtian Dominant Physique and Desolate Ancient Saint Physique are just one of them.

Strictly speaking.Ye Fan's situation is much better than that of many people in Beidou.

After all, as a desolate ancient holy body with successful cultivation, if there is no accident in the future, he will definitely grow up like the nine great saints in the ancient era, possess the strength to challenge the Great Emperor, and protect the human race for 1 years .

It is precisely because of this that after he came to the ancient starry sky road, many great sages on the ancient road will more or less take care of him, so that he will not seek revenge from other star fields that have grievances with the Buried Emperor Star.

But others are not so lucky.Even on the five stars of the Big Dipper, as a descendant of the earth, he was still hunted down on the ancient starry sky road.

A prince from the Shenzhou Dynasty, one of the four major dynasties in Zhongzhou, met another descendant of the ancient emperor of Shenzhou who fought for hegemony hundreds of thousands of years ago on the Starry Sky Road.

In the original book, there are not a few outstanding people who set foot on the ancient starry sky road from Big Dipper Xingyue, but when the fairy road in the west of the city opened, less than [-]% of the people who returned to the ancient starry sky road when they started.

Many people were deliberately targeted by people from other star fields in the ancient starry sky road, causing them to splatter the starry sky with blood and leave the stage sadly.


But all of this has nothing to do with Xu Yu. At this moment, he is conducting a trial of fighting in an ancient and dangerous star field.

Star Market, this is a place that many young talents on the ancient golden road are unwilling to approach.

There are many star fragments here, like an abandoned ruin, the burial place of stars.As the name suggests, there are continents floating in the Star Market, most of which lack vitality, which is very unusual in the dark universe.

This is a vast and mysterious ancient star field. It is said that there was an ancient emperor who fought the ultimate battle against his opponents in this place before his enlightenment.

Ruins City, the center of this star field, is located between more than a dozen imperial continents, not very far from every ancient continent.The starry sky is silent, but this city has always been lively, and there has never been a shortage of strong men. There have been too many thrilling battles over the years.

In history, the most prestigious ancient emperors and emperors have all carried out terrible battles in the land of Star Ruins.

This is also a crossing point of several other ancient trial roads.

Not only gathered the arrogance of the human race, but also the starry sky ancient roads of other races also connected here.

This is an absolutely dangerous place that anyone who is not a true arrogant of heaven can enter.

Because of the arrogance of the Star Market.Whether it is cultivation base or realm, he is still very powerful, and the last time he is also a master of the saint king realm.No matter how ordinary saints are against the sky.Most will also fail.

Of course, this is not the most dangerous place, but according to ancient legends, in the boundless void of the Star Ruins, there is a life forbidden area in the age of mythology.

But for countless tens of thousands of years, no one has found this restricted area of ​​life, and many people thought it was just a rumor.

However, Xu Yu didn't think so.Although.Many forbidden areas of life in this day world are located on the Big Dipper field.

But that was 200 million years ago, many ancient emperors and supreme beings calculated that the road to immortality would be opened in the Big Dipper Starfield, so many masters in the restricted area made a decision to move their restricted lives to the ancient heart of the Big Dipper.

But not all forbidden areas of life have been moved to the ancient star of the Big Dipper. In the original book, Ye Fan found a forbidden area of ​​life hidden in the universe when he was looking for the void mirror, but the owner there has long since left. .

So it proves that besides the ancient Big Dipper, there are still many unknown mysteries in the boundless starry sky.And Star Market is one of them.

For countless tens of thousands of years, many Tianjiao explored the star market and never returned, which increased his sense of mystery.

On this trip, Xu Yu also intends to find the Xingxu, a restricted area of ​​life.

After lingering in the Star Market for a year, Xu Yu still couldn't find the restricted area of ​​life hidden in the void, but he was arguing with many young arrogances in the City of Market.

Some young Tianjiao who are more famous among the later gold masters have also arrived at the Star Market one after another.

There is Zhang Bairen, a hero who was sealed from the chaotic ancient times, and there is also the arrogant god of the younger generation of the Protoss. There are too many heroes.
And the cultivation of these outstanding people.It has gone far beyond the starry sky and many people are being tested on the ancient road.

The lowest level of cultivation is also the level of the sage Wang Jiuchongtian.The cultivation base is higher.He has even reached the Fifth Heaven of the Great Sage, which is a bit higher than Xu Yu's realm.

At the same time, during the "friendly exchanges" during this year, Xu Yu also took over a dozen younger brothers.

There is the Yuanyang God King from the Weiyang Starfield. Just like the peerless God King Jiang Taixu on the Big Dipper, Yuanyang is also a god, but he is not from the gods.

Like Ye Fan, he is the first-generation divine body. In his own wish, his name is as good as his name, and his name is as good as his name. Yuan Yang is not only handsome, but also very powerful.

If it wasn't for Xu Yu's overall superiority in combat power and other fields, Xu Yu still wouldn't be able to convince her.

There are many benefits brought by subduing a seed-level Tianjiao and becoming one's own followers.

Just like Yuanyang Shenwang, he met a bright pearl of the Protoss on the road of trial, who was also a genius who set foot on the ancient road of the human race, and now he has become his Taoist companion.

Now, with the joining of Shenwang Yuanyang, his followers have naturally become one of Xu Yu's followers.

He is as arrogant as Yuanyang Shenwang.During this year, Xu Yu subdued four people, namely Yuan Yang, Zhu Xuan, Ning Yi, and Jin Yang.

Guxuan, a genius from the God Gu star field, is not a human race. It is said that their race can be traced back to the distant chaotic ancient times.

Through the discussion with Guxuan, Xu Yu learned that their family lived there in the past.A long time ago, there was a person with unique talents and supernatural powers.Can control time and space.

However, with the passage of time, many of their inheritances have been lost, and now there are many arrogances in their clan, it is already very good to be able to awaken a kind of innate supernatural power.

Xu Yu guessed in an instant that they were the descendants of the clan of immortal kings in the ancient age of Immortals—the Gu clan. Now it is only because of the degradation of the heaven and earth environment that it also led to the change of their innate supernatural powers.

Otherwise, they are born to be able to master the talent of time and space.

And Ning Yi came to an ordinary star field, and accidentally obtained the inheritance of an ancient emperor, thus embarking on the ancient road of starry sky.

Jin Yang, the main body is a Golden Crow, but he is not a Golden Crow on Huosang, but a congenital Golden Crow born in the sun.

The four of them, each with extraordinary strength, are known as seed-level players on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.But unfortunately, they met Xu Yu who was even more against the sky. They were impressed by Xu Yu's "noble" character and voluntarily became his followers.


Xu Yu, who had been searching for nothing for a year in the Star Market, waited until Lin Chuan and Zixia arrived.

This is a long-lost reunion after more than 30 years. When they meet again, both of them have a thousand words to tell.

She was still wearing a white dress, graceful and moving, with black hair hanging on her back, her skin was white and delicate, like a jade figure made of suet jade, and her eyes were as clear as spring water.

After many years of separation, her demeanor is even better than before, and now her name is spread everywhere on the ancient roads of the human race.

Lin Chuan, Guxuan, and Yuan Yang looked at the jade-like fairy sitting in front of them, and they all had an unreal feeling in their eyes.

From the beginning to the end, they never imagined that Xu Yu and this fairy who was famous on the ancient road were lovers.

The beauty of this piece is unreal, unlike the stunning beauty that the world can have, it makes them have a dreamlike feeling.

Xu Yu introduced the people who followed him to Zixia and the others one by one, and at the same time he also knew the identity of the girl in Tsing Yi next to Zixia.

Qingluan, it was conceived from a congenital Qingluan egg that Zixia got from the chaotic fairyland in the ninth trial of the human race.

This is a girl with extremely terrifying talent, her bloodline and physique are no less than that of Xu Yu and Zixia.

For her, breaking through the realm was as simple as drinking water, and she was already on the verge of cutting the Dao at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

This is the result of her deliberate suppression. After following Zixia on the ancient road for so many years, she has encountered various dangers and also seen various great opportunities.

If she hadn't been deliberately suppressed, she might have already rushed to the realm of the Dacheng King.

This is a rather terrifying result. This young girl's roots are simply born suitable for cultivating Taoism. From various aspects, she is a person born for cultivating Taoism.

After learning about the girl's background, Xu Yu couldn't help sighing secretly. Even though Lin Chuan, Ning Yi and others around him are currently in high realms, they are likely to be surpassed by this girl in the future.

Among the people around Xu Yu, only Gu Xuan could compare with the girl in Tsing Yi, and none of the others could.

After chatting for a while, Lin Chuan seemed to have thought of something, laughed loudly, and said: "I suddenly remembered that I met a couple of friends on the ancient star below, and now is the time to visit!"

"When did you meet?" Jin Yang didn't know why, so he looked at Lin Chuan inexplicably, and was about to question him, but was immediately interrupted by him!

"Haha, brother Jin Yang, you can go with me too!" Lin Chuan said, pulling Jin Yang up and dragging him out of the city without any explanation.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Yang and his Taoist companion communicated a few words to each other, and got up wisely, saying:
"I heard that an elder of our Protoss has come near this star field, and he is going to pay a visit!"

After saying that, he immediately turned around and left the city, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The two maids behind Zixia seemed to understand something when they saw this scene. Qing Ni got up and opened her mouth, but couldn't find any excuse for a while.

She was a little embarrassed, stomped her feet, turned and left.

So, only Zixia and Xu Yu are left here.

Seeing that everyone left in a blink of an eye, Zixia chuckled lightly and said: "Your mount is also a person who knows how to read words!
She smiled sweetly, and her beautiful eyes looked forward, with charming water waves flowing in her eyes, and a faint red glow appeared on her stunning beauty.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yu, who has guarded himself like a jade for more than 30 years, suddenly felt a fire in his heart. He took a step forward and took Zixia's hand.

Said in his ear, his voice was low and touchy, and he let out a hot breath while speaking, which immediately made Zixia's small and crystal ears turn pink.

With a soft sound, it was more like a whisper than a promise.

When she came into contact with Xu Yu's breath, she was already extremely emotional, water ripples flooded her eyes, and a layer of crystal pink appeared on her swan-like slender and elegant neck.

Her blue hair was slightly raised, her body was delicate, and she fell into Xu Yu's arms all of a sudden, her cherry-colored lips were slightly touched, plump and lustrous, as if she was waiting for something.

Xu Yu felt that the blood in his whole body was rushing rapidly, and the blood seemed to be burning with hot flames, quickly pouring into his brain.

The woman in front of her is really extremely beautiful, her beautiful forehead is shining with a luster like jade, and there is an extremely soft brilliance in her charming eyes.

His heart was extremely agitated, and there was a scorching flame burning, which made him unable to control himself.

Xu Yu lowered his head, and after an unknown amount of time, he raised it again, with a hint of endless aftertaste in his eyes!
"Didn't you say you want to take me to visit Ruins City?" Zixia said softly, she gave Xu Yu a hard look, and pinched his waist.

This is not a place to do good things, Zixia resisted, and Xu Yu also came to her senses.

Zixia rolled his eyes at him, her brows were full of tenderness.

The two were quiet for a while, tidied up, and after all the abnormalities disappeared, they left the starry sky hand in hand and headed towards Ruins City.

The aura in Ruins City is exceptionally abundant, and it is definitely a holy place for practice. The Law of the Great Dao can be easily comprehended, which is hard to imagine for those monks who live in a place far away from the Great Dao.

Walking around the ruins city, the two of them interlocked their fingers, making no secret of their relationship to outsiders.

In the eyes of outsiders, this pair of men and women is like a couple of gods and gods. The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful. There are many men and women in the world, but few can compare with these two.

After walking to a small courtyard, the two finally stopped.

Xu Yu led Zixia into a cave, where the mountains and waters were beautiful, the scenery was incomparably beautiful, there was a waterfall falling from the hill, and a clear pool was formed in the valley below, surrounded by bamboo forests, lush and luxuriant, exuding a burst of fragrance.

Xu Yu's spiritual thoughts swept away, but he didn't find any living beings around. He was overjoyed, and countless formation patterns rushed out from under his feet, covering the entire mountain forest.

Immediately, a layer of mist rose up here, making the mountains and forests look like a fairyland.

What is the purpose of bringing Zixia here.

Both of them knew it well.

I couldn't enjoy myself just now, so Xu Yu specially found such a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and no one can disturb him, and wanted to share his parting feelings with Zixia here.

Seeing that Xu Yu quickly covered the mountains and rivers with countless patterns, Zixia gave him a charming white look.

"That's why you learned group characters for this?" Zixia said softly, her face flushed.

Xu Yu smiled and remained silent, he quickly sealed the entire mountain and river with array patterns to prevent anyone from entering.

Then, with a swipe behind him, a palace quickly appeared in the forest in front of him, covered with light gauze and with a large bed.

Feeling agitated, Xu Yu pulled Zixia into his arms and bowed his head to her cherry-colored lips.

Zixia snorted and quickly fell into his arms.

Holding the jade man in his arms, Xu Yu quickly flew into the palace, and after a while, there were bursts of low-pitched singing.

Time passed quickly, and Xu Yu and Zixia continued to stay in the Ruins City for about a year after they met.

During this period of time, they communicated with each other and shared all their encounters on the ancient road.

Zixia traveled through the ancient golden branch road and obtained many rare treasures and secret techniques. The biggest gain is that she obtained two of the nine secrets.

They are Qianzimi and Zhezimi. These two secrets are not mastered by Xu Yu. The former Zimi cultivates the primordial spirit and can even predict the future, while the Zhezimi is like the magic of the real phoenix, which can quickly restore itself. injury.

These two secrets are very mysterious and very precious. After learning these two secrets from Zixia, Xu Yu has mastered eight kinds of nine secrets!
A year later, Xu Yu and others left the planet and Guan at the same time.

They continued to move forward, this time the number increased a lot, the two young supremes joined forces to explore the ancient road, and there were almost no barriers that could stop them.

Xu Yu and Zixia quickly passed through the checkpoints and came to the No. 60 level of the ancient road of the human race.

After a short rest in this No.60 city, the two began to prepare to embark on another branch of the mythical age. Xu Yu wanted to go to the sea of ​​wheels of Lingbao Tianzun through this branch road, and try to take away the four swords of Zhuxian. .

(End of this chapter)

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