Chapter 209 You Sing, I Come On

Upstairs in Zhenhuang Tower, all the young talents looked at Xu Yu, after all, Xu Yu was indeed a bit rampant at the moment.

Immortal, you are so rampant, do you still take so many Taoist brothers here in your eyes? "

"Everyone, if we go together, are we afraid that some of them will fail?" An ancient clan with wings stood up.

Its eyes are full of killing intent, and it wants to encourage many heavenly talents here to attack Xu Yu together.

This person's cultivation base is not bad, and he is also in the sixth heaven of the Saint King, and he is considered a small master in this area.

It obviously has a certain prestige in this city, and it has killed many challengers in the past few days, and its strength is very extraordinary.

When he stood up and shouted, many people were moved immediately, secretly thinking that with such a master leading the way, it was not impossible to fight Xu Yu.

However, not long after the voice of that ancient clan fell, Xu Yu took a step forward, and shot out two divine lights between his eyes.

The two rays of divine light twisted together, instantly turning that area into nothingness, nothing existed!

One blow once again obliterated a Lishou among the young supreme beings. Seeing this scene, the blood of everyone around him immediately cooled down after warming up.

My heart is half cold, who else can deal with Xu Yu?
There must be hundreds of young lords in this group of people, and no one dares to stand up to deal with Xu Yu!

Don't blame them though.ah.Although they are nominally known as Young Supreme.But compared with the real young supreme, there is still a big difference, otherwise, they would not be on the first floor of Zhenhuang Tower.

"It's a pity!" Qingluan muttered.

The voice was very soft, but enough to be heard by everyone around. It was a sentence that sounded a little funny, but the group of heroes only felt chills all over.

Xu Yu stepped forward with an extremely indifferent expression. He shot one after another, and terrifying sword qi popped out from his hands.

Immediately, there were five or six breaths around, either fell down, or exploded, and they were wiped out without even having time to snort!

Those were those with hatred in their eyes, or those who directly showed killing intent. Xu Yu was keenly aware of them all.

He didn't let go of any of them, he wiped them all out!This is the normal state of the emperor's battle. Now that you have embarked on it, you must have that awareness. It is not surprising to kill people at any time and be killed at any time.

To gain prestige by killing is the most effective in this kind of place, and kindness will be considered a kind of weakness instead.

"It's okay to have murderous intentions towards me, but if I realize..."

Xu Yu said with a cold expression, and suddenly struck again, a big golden hand suddenly stretched out and shocked an ancient beast to death.

"The end is death!"

He said look, and the divine light bloomed in his eyes again, and a young and strong man was obliterated without sound.

Xu Yu shot one after another, although there are many young supreme beings here, none of them is his single-handed enemy.

After he killed many people in a row, no one dared to show his killing intent anymore. Everyone was meditating silently, trying to make their state of mind peaceful, so that they would not be killed directly by the Banished Immortal who sensed the killing intent.

Some people even directly showed fear, retreating again and again, not daring to approach him.

Dozens of hundreds of saint kings are all descendants of the most powerful people of various races, but they all lowered their heads at this moment, and no one dared to look directly at the group of people.

Xu Yu and his party continued to go up, and the higher they went up the Zhenhuang Tower, the stronger the Young Supremes they met.

Everyone who walked up to the top came with Shalu, and a pile of bones had already fallen behind them.

As Xu Yu and the others walked along, they saw many corpses lying on the steps, all of them were from various powerful races, but at this moment they had already become a pile of bones on the Emperor's Road.

The Zhenhuang Tower is very high, and this height is enough for everyone who tries to climb to the top to encounter enough challenges.

Xu Yu and his party kept making moves as they climbed the stairs. Not everyone saw the scene where Xu Yu made the move downstairs, and not everyone would retreat after seeing that scene.

Zixia was also attacking, even the little white tiger was fighting, and the young supreme he met became stronger the higher he went, but even so, Xu Yu had never met anyone who could catch his move.

Later, Xu Yu didn't need to shoot anymore, the murderous gas and bloody smell that lingered on his body alone was enough to stun all the young supreme beings, and no one shot him again.

The group of them successfully arrived at the highest floor of the real floor, where there was a high platform, which looked like a ring.

Today, under such circumstances, that high platform has a new meaning, it is like a supreme altar, only a few people can climb it.

After today, among the thousands of young Supreme Beings in the Seven Golden Cities, only a few people who climbed to the high platform can still maintain this title, and the rest will lose that halo.

Everyone understands this point, only those who have climbed to that high platform are eligible to continue to fight for the emperor's road, and the rest are losers.

Naturally, there are quite a few people who are unwilling to quit the Emperor's Road. They are all the young and strongest members of the clan. They came from a star field and an ancient road. How could they give up so easily?

Therefore, the closer to the high platform, the more intense the battle and the more killings. The high platform has turned into a pool of blood, and I don't know how many young and strong men fell below.

Each of them is extremely talented, and in the future they will all transform into a great sage, overlooking a star field for thousands of years.

But now, they all have a common name - loser!
In that pool of blood, Xu Yu saw many powerful races, including the dragon race, whose ancestor had a Daoist who was the Dragon Emperor of Beidou Wanlong Nest.

Such a young supreme of the most powerful race in the universe has now fallen here. Continue to look around, and the young supreme of many well-known clans such as Qibu, Suzaku, Dwarf, and Demon Wolf all fell to the ground and fell on the high platform. Before.

Jin Yang, Zhu Xuan and the others looked very complicated when they saw this tomb. Some of these people had met them before.

No one is weaker than them, or even stronger than them, but after all, they still failed to climb the high platform and fell down.

At this moment, there are only a few figures sitting on the supreme altar. There are pure-blooded descendants of gods and demons, a holy spirit with purple gold in his hand, a pure-blooded primordial magic ape, and a tall iron-blooded ape. An ancient tree, and a pure golden worm.

It was a pure-blooded god-endowed worm, an existence that claimed to kill even gods, and such a young supreme came out of this life.

Everyone was left in admiration. It seems that all kinds of protoss can be seen here, and some ethnic groups that only exist in legends have also appeared.

This is the ancient mythical road, which has attracted many young and powerful people from all over the world. It is not surprising that any living beings appear here.

Now that he came here, Xu Yu was definitely going to climb the altar. He stepped forward with a very calm expression.

No one took action against him, and the only five people on the altar just watched Xu Yu approaching indifferently, and never tried to make a move.

They all have a general understanding of the strength of the Banished Immortal, and think that he is qualified to ascend to this altar and stand alongside them.

Zixia also stepped forward, she also walked very slowly, her complexion was flat, and her peerless beauty stood out even in this place where many beauties of all ethnic groups gathered.

There were hundreds of people who climbed to the top of the altar, but they all looked at Xu Yu and Zixia walking forward with complicated expressions at the moment, neither making a move nor daring to make a move.

The holy spirit on the altar was holding the purple gold pagoda with god marks in his hands, watching Xu Yu and Zixia approaching with indifferent eyes, with a killing intent brewing in his heart.

These two human races have killed the Holy Spirit, and the young Supreme of the Holy Spirit Race can sense it. His eyes are cold, and there is a cold killing intent brewing in his heart.

There is no doubt that this holy spirit is definitely a top master of the generation. He can hold a god-scarred purple gold pagoda in his hands openly and without fear of being snatched by others, which is enough to show his strength.

When he saw Xu Yu ascending the altar, his face was indifferent, and when he saw Zixia ascending the altar, there was a wave in his eyes, as if he wanted to make a move, but he finally endured it.

But when he saw that the little white tiger behind Xu Yu was about to ascend the altar, this supreme master of the Holy Spirit couldn't bear it anymore.

He paused coldly, stood up directly, and said indifferently: "There are too many people on the altar, and a pet wants to come up?"

The other young sovereigns on the altar looked at Xu Yu and the others indifferently when they heard this, without expressing anything.

But obviously, the few of them were also dissatisfied with the little white tiger's arrival.

The White Tiger of the Holy Spirit is indeed an extremely powerful bloodline. It was well-known in the ancient times, and its ancestor was even an ancient emperor.

But among those who live here, which one is not the blood of Xeon? Which ancestor has no glorious deeds?

It's just a dream to want to ascend this altar just because of the identity of the white tiger. Even if the chaotic body comes, it has to show enough fighting power to get everyone's approval.

The little white tiger has been following Xu Yu's side all the time, and she has not shown any particularly proud achievements. Although she also made a move during the process of climbing to the top of the building just now, and killed several strong opponents neatly, it was not enough to win the favor of everyone here. recognized.

The young Supreme of the Holy Spirit lineage is in trouble, and wants to prevent the little white tiger from ascending the altar, so he dismounts Xu Yu and Zixia by the way.

Everyone here is a well-informed person, and many people recognize the identity of this Holy Spirit.

"He is the emperor's blood supreme of the lineage of the Holy Spirit, named Lingheng. He was born with the Purple Gold Pagoda of the God Mark, and received the favor of the heavens. If he hadn't been born early due to an accident, he would definitely be transformed into a generation of supreme Holy Spirit in the future!"

Hearing the name of the Holy Spirit, Xu Yu was stunned. He had heard this name from a master of the Holy Spirit when he was on the Ancient Starry Sky Road, but he never expected to see it today.

He also heard this name many times while walking on the ancient starry sky road, and it is very famous. Linghuan is considered by many people to be able to achieve consummation in the day after tomorrow, and to prove the existence of the supreme holy spirit.

Naturally, his strength is terrifying, because in a sense, he is also based in a taboo field.

He has a secret technique bestowed by the heavens, which is not weaker than the taboo technique of any great emperor. It has existed since the time he was conceived, and it has continued to evolve as he grows.

Although later he was born ahead of time, and the evolution of that heaven-given secret technique was interrupted because of this, but Linghuan had the talent of heaven, and the heavens could not evolve it, so he continued to evolve this secret technique by himself.

The Emperor Blood Supreme of the lineage of the Holy Spirit, a young strong man who stands in the taboo field to some extent, is considered to be one of the young supremes who are most likely to fight against the exiled immortals. The pace of the altar.

Xu Yu and Zixia didn't do anything, and didn't even express anything, they just stood aside and watched quietly.

After all, this step is for the little white tiger to walk by himself, it is impossible for Xu Yu to help her block this kind of provocation.

If Xu Yu makes a move now, he can block all obstacles for the little white tiger, but after all, the little white tiger didn't walk out by himself, and it would be more practical for the emperor to walk by himself.

Although Xiao Baihu is usually very low-key and rarely makes a move, her strength should never be underestimated by anyone. Anyone who underestimates her will have to pay the price.

There was a fierce light in her eyes, and her voice was cold:
"This purple gold pagoda with god marks is not bad, it can be used as a tool for me to prove the way in the future!

Ling Huan, the Supreme Emperor of the Holy Spirit Clan, had a cold look in his eyes when he heard the words, he smiled twice and said, "Very good, if you can defeat me, what if this tower is given to you?"

After all, he waved his stone arm and punched down horizontally, the whole ancient building shook, as if he had the power to open up the world, and the space around him turned into chaos.

This punch is the power of the emperor's blood holy spirit who has been pregnant for hundreds of thousands of years, and there is no more than one hand in the entire ancient building.

The little white tiger growled in a low voice, stretched out one front paw, and a trace of chaos flowed on her front paw.

The tiger's claw clenched into a fist, and collided with the punch of the imperial blood holy spirit with earth-shattering power.


There was a loud bang, and the Zhenhuang Tower was shaking. If this ancient building was not carved out of the body left by Emperor Zhun's failure to cross the catastrophe, it might not be able to withstand this terrible force.

Gu Loujian was immortal, while Little White Tiger and Holy Spirit were retreating, both of them had serious expressions on their faces.

After Linghuan threw a punch, he didn't move anymore. He looked at the little white tiger solemnly, then turned and walked to the side.

On the high platform, the rest of the people had a strange look on their faces when they saw this scene.

Linghuan recognized the little white tiger and accepted that she was listed on the altar with himself and others.

Unexpectedly, even a pet beside the Banished Immortal had such strength and could stand alongside them, which made the young supreme beings on the high platform feel quite uncomfortable.

A white light flashed across the little white tiger's body, and it transformed into a human figure, a peerless beauty with silver hair and white dress.

She has a beautiful and beautiful face, a flawless beauty, which can be called the beauty of human beings.

She was no longer the fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl she was before. She was tall and slender, and her face was like a dream.

Her long silver hair showed the blood of the white tiger, and those bright red eyes with golden eyes told the world that she also had the blood of the immortal phoenix flowing in her body, and was infected by the blood of the exile.

Such a peerless beauty suddenly appeared in front of everyone, even Zixia looked sideways, and it was hard to ignore her existence.

And the eyes of many young and strong men on and off the stage were even more strange. When the little white tiger climbed the stairs just now, no one could have imagined that this extremely powerful six-winged white tiger was actually such a beautiful woman.

The little white tiger turned into a human form not to show off her beauty, but because her front paws were convulsed by the punch just now, making it difficult to walk, so she became a human form.

Only Xu Yu, who was closest to her, could see this, and his heart sank, knowing that the little white tiger had been slightly disadvantaged in the collision just now.

"It hasn't been many years since you became a saint king and he is already a master of the late saint king. It is normal to lose to him. After another three or fifty years, you will definitely win a battle with him!" Xu Yu secretly transmitted the voice, Comfort the little white tiger.

The little white tiger walked up to him and sat down, and gave a submissive "um", she also understood this in her heart, and would not feel that she had failed because of it.

However, what made her a little discouraged was that if it was Xu Yu who was facing this scene, he would definitely be able to defeat Emperor Yezun's Blood Holy Spirit forcefully, and it was impossible for him to be at a disadvantage.

And after all, he couldn't be as heaven-defying as Xu Yu, and there was a huge gap with him, which made Xiao Baihu feel a little helpless.

Although he has long understood that there is a gap between himself and Xu Yu, but now Xiao Baihu has a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

She felt that the gap between herself and Xu Yu was getting bigger and bigger. If she didn't work hard to catch up, she would definitely be left behind completely.

"I have to work hard to create my own taboo law. Only by standing in the taboo field can I not completely fall behind him!" The little white tiger thought in his heart.

The turmoil on the high platform came to an end, and three of Xu Yu and his group ascended to the highest altar, retaining the title of Young Supreme.

While the rest of the people stayed under the altar, Zijinglongshizi and others were self-aware and did not rush up to join in the fun.

After the three of Xu Yu boarded, the young Zhijian on the altar suddenly became eight, and the eight were high above, overlooking the many heavenly talents below.

There were many people under the high platform, and they all looked at the eight people on top with complicated expressions. From this moment on, they completely failed on the Emperor's Road.

If you can't stand on that high platform, you are already a loser. No matter what excuses you make in your heart, you can't hide this fact.

No one can be reconciled to such an ending. Each of them is an existence that is invincible in a galaxy and smashed through an ancient road. Originally, they were young supremes who looked down on others.

But after arriving here, it became a foil, a foil for the eight people on the altar.

They were not reconciled, they also wanted to go up, but seeing the pile of blood and bones under the altar, their hearts were half cold.

However, it has not been used up yet, there are still many young masters climbing the stairs, some are walking fast, some are walking slowly.

Soon someone broke into the highest floor of Zhenhuang Tower, and he naturally saw the high platform in front of him.

It only takes one glance to understand the meaning of the high platform, and this young and strong man will naturally be on the stage.

However, it was not that easy to get on the stage. As he walked forward, hundreds of people under the high stage kept shooting.

soon.The young master was covered with scars, he looked at the high platform extremely unwillingly, and finally gave up silently.

Turning around and standing among the hundreds of people below, this is a person who retreated despite difficulties.

But there are more people who will not retreat despite the difficulties, and would rather die on the emperor's road than live on.

So, the next bloody scene was staged again on the top floor of Zhezhenhuang Tower.

There are very few people who can make Xu Yu and others take action, and most of the young masters who come up cannot pass the level of hundreds of people below.

Xu Yu saw Kong Xuan suppressing a person with five-color divine light, saw the purple-eyed dragon and lion swallowing a person directly, and saw the brothers and sisters of the God Race beat a person to pieces.

This is just a microcosm. As the people who climbed up from below continue to enter, people will continue to die here.

After more than a dozen people died one after another, a stubble finally came up. He repelled the obstruction of several masters with great strength, and walked to the front of the altar.

But in the end, the god-killing insect sitting on the altar shot out a golden light, piercing through the center of his brow.Broke his Sendai.

Another loser!
Next, a young and powerful man with a higher status than the sky came up, and then fell down. Occasionally, some people can go to the high platform, but it is difficult to catch the blow of the young supremes here.The god-killing insects were attacking, the iron-blooded ancient tree was also killing, and the little white tiger also attacked twice, killing a young expert each time.

After an unknown amount of time, a heavyweight expert finally walked up to the top floor of the Zhenhuang Tower.

It was a master of Buddhism, tall and muscular, as if poured with copper water.His eyes were pure gold, and his face was peaceful. Everyone who attacked him seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force, making it difficult to look up.

He grew lotuses step by step, and walked slowly but firmly towards the high platform.Many people shot at him along the way, but it was difficult to move his body.

Unexpectedly, he walked to the front of the high platform without saying a word, and was about to ascend to this high altar.

"It's him, Golden Dragon Arhat!" Someone revealed the identity of this Buddhist master in shock.

Golden Dragon Arhat, the young Supreme from the ancient star field of Amitabha, his body is a golden dragon, destined to belong to the Buddhist gate, practicing the scriptures of Amitabha Buddha, the Dharma is extremely profound.

He walked on various ancient roads, met countless enemies, and never failed to fight against others.

Since he entered the Buddhist sect, he has not killed any more. Those strong men who were defeated by him have all survived, but the strange thing is that they all worshiped the Buddhist sect in the end.

No one persecuted them, no one advised them, they either followed the golden dragon arhat on the spot, or after a long time, they seemed to have a sudden epiphany and lost their hair overnight.Worship into Buddhism.

Someone told all kinds of legends about the Golden Dragon Arhat, which immediately caused a sensation. Hundreds of people on the high platform looked at him with strange eyes.

Everyone knew that it must be strange that those who were defeated by him eventually became Buddhists, but no one could figure out what was going on.

Even if some great sages personally check it, it is difficult to find clues, and it is impossible to prove that he forced those people to enter the Buddhist gate with some force.

This kind of terrifying and weird power is the most dreadful. For a while, even the faces of the young lords on the high platform showed serious expressions.

But after all, it is impossible to sit back and watch him come here, and the pure-blooded descendant of the ancient god and demon made a move.

With just one punch, it seemed as if the sky and the earth were splitting apart in an instant, the Zhenhuang Tower was shaking, and many Tianjiao below felt a breath-taking power at the same time.

Dawei Tianlong also looked dignified, with dragon patterns flying up on his body, entwined around his fists, and he swung his fists upwards to meet the attack of God and Demon Empress Gao.


It was as if a star exploded in this place for a moment, and thousands of streams of light danced, extremely gorgeous. In those streams of light, there were countless runes circulating, densely packed, colliding, and frightening power leaked out of it.

The light dissipated, and the two took a step back.Empress Gao took a deep look at the Golden Dragon Arhat, backed away, stepped aside, and recognized the young Supreme Being of Buddhism.

The ancient iron-blooded tree made a move, and thousands of branches were like sharp thorns made of divine gold, carrying unparalleled sharp power, stabbing at the body of the Buddhist master.

Seeing this, Dawei Tianlong clasped his hands together, his body was full of rays of light, and his whole body seemed to have turned into a golden bell, with a Tianlong wrapped around the bell.

There was a sharp roar of "Ding Ding Dang Dang", and a moment later, the Iron-Blooded Ancient Tree withdrew its branches and stopped moving.
The two young sovereigns shot successively but were caught by Jin Long without any damage.

He was recognized by everyone, sat on the altar, and became another young supreme!
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(End of this chapter)

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