Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 210 (Backup) Shenzhang Ancient Road

Chapter 210 (Backup) Myth Ancient Road
During the two years in Xingxu, Xu Yu failed to find the forbidden life zone in Xingxu's legend, but he gained several arrogances to become his followers.

More importantly, seeing Zixia who had been away for a long time, let him relieve the pain of parting for 30 years.

When they were still in the Big Dipper Starfield, Xu Yu and Zixia had already been secretly in love, but they never broke the relationship.

Now, on the ancient starry sky road, the two met again, and finally broke through this relationship and became a true Taoist couple.

The two of them continued on the road after they had warmed enough in the city of Ruins.

God's Domain is also known as the Land of the Other Side.It is an ancient land formed by Lingbao Tianzun's Lunhai secret realm.There is not only the Zhuxian incident, but also the elixir of the ancient tree of life.

Although Xu Yu wasn't sure whether he could really take away the four swords and the formation map, he still had to try after all.

As a result, this group of people disappeared from the ancient road of the human race, and they no longer entered people's field of vision.

This is a luxurious lineup, which can be called an invincible combination on the ancient road, two young supreme beings, plus several extremely powerful saint kings.

That is to say, Xu Yu and his group have three real young supreme beings. With this lineup, even if they meet the Great Sage, they can try to contend without Xu Yu's action.

The rest of the people, Jin Yang, Zhu Xuan, Yuan Yang, Lin Chuan and Ning Yi, are all masters of the sage Wang Qiba Chongtian, and it is definitely not a problem to become a great sage in the future.

It would not be difficult for them to become quasi-emperors as long as they continued to follow Xu Yu without any problems in their practice.

The strength of these few people should not be underestimated now. Putting them on the ancient road of some weaker races, they could become the No. 1 of the ancient road.

And the strength of their group is still in the process of rapid transformation, and it is constantly increasing. After a while, it will be a new world.

Time passed by in a hurry, year after year passed like this, and the traces of Xu Yu and others on the ancient road were hard to be found again.

Only occasionally, they will appear in a key city of the human race, and they will be found by the local guides.

The boring journey reappeared in Daning's life, but this time with Zixia's company, he would never feel boring again.

In the constant communication with each other, Xu Yu and Zixia are also making continuous progress, they are constantly digging the potential of their bodies, and they are chasing after each secret realm, striving to achieve perfection.

This kind of progress is very astonishing. The two young lords told each other all their experiences without reservation, knowing each other's roots, understanding the root of each other's strength, and thus making changes to themselves.

This kind of continuous communication, discussion, and walking slowly, the progress of the two of them can be described as rapid progress.

Ever since Xu Yu became a great sage, he seldom practiced penance.Because he understands that if he wants to go further in the realm of the great sage, and thus break through the quasi-emperor, he not only needs to polish his foundation in the realm of the great sage, but more importantly, he must understand the way of acting.

Only by clarifying one's own way and creating one's own method can one break through the quasi-emperor, otherwise the blind practice of penance will cause a lot of burden to oneself.

Fortunately, Xu has a good fortune jade plate, and with Zixia by her side, the two of them often capture the Dao marks in the universe and understand some methods that have been passed by the predecessors.

Xu Yu's cultivation talent was very good since he was a child, but he hadn't done deep digging. Now that he has reached the realm of the Great Sage, with the development of his body's potential, he is also assisted by the good luck jade plate.

It can allow Xu Yu to enter the state of enlightenment at any time, and comprehend the continuous error correction and calculation created by himself from ancient to modern times.

This is a very unusual situation. It stands to reason that at their level, with this level of strength, it would be extremely difficult to improve.

But the progress of the two of them has ignored this law, as if the progress has no end, they can go on forever.

In the process of exploring the universe, they have been to many places. There is an ancient star with a prosperous way and is extremely suitable for cultivation. Although it is a small living planet, there are four great saints sitting on it, which is amazing.

Similarly, the group of them has also been to an ancient star with high avenues and dry spiritual energy. It is extremely difficult to cultivate there. There are very few new Taoists in the entire ancient star, and even a master of the saint realm cannot be found.

They have traveled all over the world, met all kinds of strange races, and seen all kinds of mysterious magic methods.

I have seen a lot of great saint-level powerhouses, and Xu Yu and the others have even met people who are suspected to be quasi-emperors.With a glimpse, the group of them were amazed for a long time.

Ten years have passed in this way, Xu Yu and his group have been walking in the depths of the universe, exploring various deserted ancient roads.

For ten years, Xu Yu's realm has not made any breakthrough. He still stays in the Second Heaven of the Great Sage, and has not crossed a single catastrophe.

Zixia, on the other hand, only survived one catastrophe, jumping from the fifth heaven of the saint king to the seventh heaven of the saint king.

Among the rest of them, they have basically reached the level of the sage king from the sixth heaven to the seventh heaven.

The same is true for the two maids who are followers of Zixia. They don't need to create scriptures like Xu Yu and Zixia, they need to create methods, they have to think a lot, and they are trying to suppress their own realm.

These people, including Juxuan and Jinyang, the most important thing at this stage is to be brave and diligent, and to create Dharma, that is something that can only be considered after the great sage.

In addition to these few people, Qingluan, a girl in Tsing Yi beside Zixia, has also successfully slashed the Tao and improved her cultivation by leaps and bounds in the past ten years.

Her strength is the weakest among this group of people, and she may be the weakest on the entire ancient road.

A monk who slays the king of the Dao, there are many people with a higher realm than her in the first level of the human race, but she has already come to the depths of the ancient road.

But no one would underestimate her. Qingluan's talent has been vividly displayed in front of Xu Yu and others in these years.

Everyone knows that as long as she is given time, she will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

If you want to say who in Xu Yu's group is most likely to become the quasi-emperor only by his own strength, except for Xu Yu, Zixia, Jin Yang and Ji Xuan, it can only be Qingluan!

Jin Yang and Gu Xuan, one is congenital gods and demons trance, born with extraordinary roots.The other is from the Xeon race, with extremely powerful talents and supernatural powers.The future achievements of the two of them will definitely not be limited to Emperor Zhun.

If this girl hadn't been brought up by Zixia, I'm afraid that if she walked the ancient road alone, she would definitely become a generation of young supreme within a few hundred years, and stand side by side with other monks of the older generation.

In the constant move forward.Xu Yu once again gained the following of a holy beast with his powerful personality charm.

It was a pure-blooded white tiger with very pure blood. When Xu Yu and the others saw it for the first time, they thought they had encountered an innate demon like Jin Yang.

But after the fact understand.The white tigers they saw were not ordinary tigers at that time.

It is a powerful race inherited from the age of mythology.

It is said that there has been a Celestial Venerable in her clan, but these are all very ancient things.Even their descendants.I can't even find the source of my blood, after all, the time has passed too long.

Now that the Golden Age is coming, Xue Qianyu, as the most outstanding arrogant of the White Tiger Clan, naturally stepped on the ancient road as a well-deserved one.

However, she met people unkindly, and after a battle, she was successfully kidnapped by Xu Yu's side and became his holy favor.

It was originally intended as a mount.But after learning that she was a tigress, Xu Yu decided to keep her as a pet.

And the little white tiger was also willing to stay by Xu Yu's side. In her words, there was an aura about Xu Yu that fascinated her, making him want to get close to Xu Yu involuntarily.

Walking on various abandoned ancient roads, when Xu Yu and others occasionally went to a populated city, they would also hear various news.

Most of them are about the old people, and the God Son of the Feng Clan also came to the ancient starry sky road, and completely became famous in a certain star field.

Xu Yu heard that they went to many places of enlightenment, and explored various dangerous places that might hide ancient secrets on the ancient road.

This is while sharpening himself, while looking for various secret techniques, looking for inspiration, in order to create his own technique, hoping to also stand in the taboo field.

In addition, in the tenth level of the human race, the Holy Spirit and the human race turned against each other, and many ancient strongmen fought in the tenth level of the human race and even the No.30 level.

The fact that Xu Yu knew that it was the fairy liquid left by Daoist in the tenth pass of the human race was exposed, which attracted many strong ancient races to compete.

Among them, the Holy Spirit family worked harder. After all, the fairy liquid was refined from the bodies of the supreme masters of the Holy Spirit family, so they were naturally extraordinarily caring.

After the battles of countless strong men, the ancient starry sky road ahead was completely interrupted, and even the ancient stars inhabited by life did not know how many pieces were shattered.


After walking on the ancient golden branch road and the mythical branch road for many years, Xu Yu and others finally approached the ancient land of mythology!
The ancient road of mythology is a road that all the young supreme beings in the heavens may come to explore. Even if there is no benefit, there will be many young supreme beings of all races who choose to come here to hone themselves.

Xu Yu knew that there was Dao Yi in this life, and the future God's Domain would inevitably cause many disturbances.

In the not-too-distant future, not only will there be several imperial soldiers attacking God's Domain at the same time, but it will also cause God's Domain to fall apart.

Xu Yu's original strong target was only the Four Swords of Immortals in God's Domain, but as the number of followers around him has gradually increased recently, and in the near future, the entire universe will fall into an unprecedented dark turmoil. The Holy Land of Zifu must be unavoidable.

So along the way, Xu Yu came up with the idea of ​​becoming the master of God's Domain, and made him a foundation for him to form the Heavenly Court in the future.

Along the way, Xu Yu also met many young arrogances who were looking for the realm of the gods, looking for the legendary land on the other side.These people are mainly young testers of various ethnic groups. Their purpose of going there is only to hone themselves, and the search for opportunities is secondary.

If you want to step into the ancient mythical road, you need to collect at least ten kinds of Xeon's ancient blood and pour it on the sealed door to open it.

This is a secret that few people know, but as more and more young Supremes poured into the ancient mythical road, this news gradually spread.

Among the ten kinds of ancient blood, Xu Yu's blood meets the requirements, Zixia's innate Taoist fetus is also qualified, Jin Yang's innate Golden Crow true blood is also acceptable, and Zhu Xuan is also fine.

The little white tiger is also eligible, as are the divine blood in Qingluan and Yuan Yang's bodies, but even so, only seven kinds of ancient blood are enough.

If the blood in Ning Yi's body can be refined to meet the requirements, Xu Yu and his group alone can produce eight kinds of ancient blood, but there is no doubt that none of them will provide their own blood.

Everyone's real blood essence is very precious. If the enemy takes it for research, they may find something out of it and understand the mysteries of blood, so as to make targeted strikes.

If you encounter a place with advanced technological civilization like the Eternal Star Field, you may do even more disgusting things if you get this kind of blood.

So no one would be willing to use their own blood to go out and open the sealed ancient land. The ten kinds of Xeon ancient blood will inevitably be accompanied by the fall of some ancient bloodline experts.

Hunt powerful creatures for their blood.Refining the strongest ancient blood, this is the consensus of all the young supremes who got the news.

In fact, Xu Yu already knew the conditions needed to enter the mythical ancient land, so he had been collecting these ancient blood for a long time.

But, how difficult is it to meet these powerful ancient blood?
The universe is vast and boundless, and various races live in it, and the number of them is more than billions?
However, there are very few races that meet the requirements of Xeon ancient blood, and most of them are extinct today.

Therefore, it is very difficult to find these ancient blood.

Xu Yu and his party walked on various ancient roads for ten years, and only encountered two giant beasts that met this requirement, one was Chaos Thunder Spirit, and the other was Golden Horn Giant Beast.

Both of them are descendants of gods and demons from the age of mythology, and their ancestors had a great reputation in the age of mythology, and their strength is comparable to that of ancient gods.

However, with the passage of time, these races are finally on the verge of extinction, and the two alien beasts that Xu Yu and the others encountered are likely to be the last of these two races!

Of course, Xu Yu would not let these two alien beasts go just because of these reasons. In the universe, groups of people are extinct every day, and groups of people are born every day.

The extinction of a group is so common that it is nothing to be surprised about.

The descendants of these two gods and demons were finally hunted down by Xu Yu and others, and the blood in their bodies was extracted and refined into a blood essence the size of a fist.

Xu Yu and his party have already mastered two kinds of Xeon ancient blood, and they need eight more.

"When are we going to find it by ourselves? We still have to meet those young supreme beings and exchange the ancient blood in our hands!" Zixia said.

Xu Yu nodded and said, "Let's go to the Seven Golden Cities to have a look, there should be a lot of young Supreme Beings gathered there."

The Seven Golden Cities is an ancient city controlled by the human race. The history of that city is quite ancient. It was built in the ancient times and has survived until today.

That is the ancient land of life closest to the ancient road of mythology, so almost all the young supreme beings who want to enter the ancient road of mythology will gather there.Xu Yu and others also set off together, crossed the void, and arrived at the ancient city after experiencing some twists and turns.

The Seven Golden Cities, just as its name suggests, is a shining golden city, as if it were made of gold.

It stands in the starry sky, very dazzling, with bright light flowing on it, accompanied by a series of terrifying runes, that is an extremely powerful formation guarding this ancient city.

In fact, it can survive from ancient times to today is enough to show its horror. This ancient city is one of the few cities on the Golden Branch Road.

The owner of the city is an unfathomable great sage. The city is very huge, but there are not many residents in it.

The environment here is very harsh, and it is often attacked by various natural disasters, so not many people can survive here.

Those who can survive are masters, and every resident in the Seven Golden Cities has a good cultivation.

In addition, there is a great sage sitting here, no matter how many young lords come here, they can hold on. All the people who come here dare not be presumptuous, and they are very quiet doing their own things in the seven golden cities.

Walking into the ancient city, Xu Yu and the others looked at the surrounding city walls curiously. They were not made of some kind of divine gold, but were made of a peculiar rock as bricks.

"It is said that this ancient city was built by the ancestors of the dwarves with the help of the human race. The dwarves have unique talents in construction, so this ancient city has always been solid and immortal!" said the purple-eyed dragon lion.

"Well, I just saw a small figure passing by in a flash. The power in its body is as majestic as the ocean. I'm afraid the young supreme who is not a dwarf has come!" Xin Yan smiled lightly.

The group of them walked into the Seven Golden Cities, looking particularly eye-catching, and immediately attracted countless eyes.

After the battle ten years ago, many people knew Xu Yu's characteristics, and they naturally knew that the immortal who had been teleported on the ancient starry sky road appeared for a long time.

This city is a place where wind and cloud meet. The appearance of Xu Yu and others attracted many eyes, and almost every look carried a kind of fighting spirit.

All kinds of deeds about Xu Yu have spread throughout the universe, which naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of many young lords, who wanted to weigh Xu Yu's strength.

Especially after Lin Chuan's big mouth publicity, many people know that Xu Yu has now become a strong man in the realm of the Great Saint, and even leaped to kill a quasi-emperor.

Of course, this matter sounds very young, and many people on the Starry Sky Ancient Road just took him as a joke.What they valued more was that Xu Yu had already broken through to the realm of the great sage.

Therefore, there are many young Tianjiao who want to step on Xu Yu's position and become the most eye-catching existence in the universe.

However, even so, no one was stupid enough to fight Xu Yu in this kind of place in public.

After all, the current Xu Yunai is a genuine great saint.Going to trouble Xu Yu with their current strength is tantamount to flying moths into the flames and killing themselves.

So after seeing Xu Yu walk into the Zhenhuang Building, many people were secretly observing Xu Yu, as if thinking about something.

Many people remained calm, just staring at Xu Yu and his party with hostile eyes, already thinking about how to deal with Xu Yu after they entered the mythical ancient land.

This is the case with the battle for the top of the emperor's road. Once a certain person is too eye-catching and becomes an early bird, he will be targeted by almost all his peers.

Historically, the upper part of the Great Emperor's Road is full of bones. It is very common for one to fight against the crowd, and no one will think there is a problem.

Xu Yu's various performances have already made him the biggest obstacle on this imperial road, and almost everyone wants to move him away.

As for how to move him away, the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see wisdom, and not many people want to defeat him openly.

For this situation, Xu Yu had expected it in his heart, and he was not in a hurry at all. Instead, he regarded these challenges as a kind of training for himself.

"The whole world is an enemy, and the ancient road is filled with blood. Almost all great emperors will take this road, and now the exiled immortals have begun to have this look!" Someone exclaimed.

The city is very vast, the streets are wide, there are many palaces and attics on both sides, and there are large residential areas.

But now, most of these places are desolate, a huge city that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of monks, now there are only a few thousand people in it.

Walking on the street, Xu Yu could feel powerful auras one after another. Many figures were like gods and demons, and the power in their bodies was like a vast ocean, endless.

Many young Supreme Beings came, most of them were of different races, and Xu Yu didn't see a few familiar faces.Compared with the ancients of Beidou at this moment, they have not yet reached the ancient road of mythology.

All that can be seen are the young supreme beings of different races, descendants of gods and demons, golden giants, dwarves, and mythical creatures
Xu Yu and others found an empty palace and moved in. He immediately encountered a challenge the next day.

The person who came was naturally the strongest of a certain clan, but he didn't even make a move, and was directly smashed into pieces by a punch.

In the next few days, more than a dozen powerful young supremes of the ancient race came to challenge him one after another, but without a doubt, they were all smashed to pieces with a single punch.

In particular, two of them were very famous young supreme beings who were recognized as strong. Their deaths really shocked the crowd.

So, after killing more than a dozen people, no one dared to challenge Xu Yu anymore!

The gates of the Seven Golden Cities were wide open, and a steady stream of people approached. Everyone who came was extremely powerful, peerless among their peers.

The universe is really too big, and there are more than billions of races living in it?

And there are tens of millions of clans that can be included in the most powerful races, and each of their ancestors has produced peerless masters.

Any one of these tens of millions of races has been brilliant for a certain period of time, and is so powerful that it can break into the top [-] races in the universe.

The rise and fall of change is the ultimate principle in the world, and races like the human race that have been strong and unfailing are really a minority in the universe.

There are so many races, and each race can pull out one or more young and powerful people. It is conceivable how much water the title of young and powerful is.

Now, thousands of so-called young and supreme monks have poured into this seven golden cities in just one year.

"I think back then, I was also known as the young and supreme of the ancient road, until I met Xu Yu, a pervert with ridiculously strong combat power!" Jin Yang said shaking his head, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

The title of the so-called young supreme depreciates too much here. Many monks are invincible in their own ethnic group and on their old road, but they can't even catch a punch when they come here. sigh.

"Who isn't a young Supreme?" Gu Xuan also sighed.

If he hadn't followed Xu Yu, he would definitely be able to earn the title of Young Supreme. There are not many in the entire monster clan who can reach his level.

"It's not that the Young Supreme is worthless, it's that the universe is too big!" Yuan Yang shook his head and said with emotion.

"It should be noted that the descendants of the gods and demons we hunted before, whose ancestors claim to be able to compete with the gods, are one of the most powerful ancient blood, but do you know how many such gods and demons there are in the ancient times, and even in the ancient mythology era? "Yuan Yang had a hint of surprise in his expression.

Jin Yang's heart moved when he heard the words, he really didn't know this kind of secret very well, but Yuan Yang is the descendant of Weiyang Starfield, with ancient inheritance, he knows many secrets between heaven and earth.

He asked in a deep voice, "How many?"

"In ancient times, it was said that there were three thousand gods and demons, but you should be clear that the so-called three thousand is just a number, and the real number is far more than that!
"And the number of descendants of the gods in the age of mythology is even more difficult to count. These add up to tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of clans!" Yuan Yang sighed.

There are tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of gods and demons, each of which is known as the strongest race, and their ancestors have earth-shattering cultivation.

The universe is so big that one can imagine the number of powerful people in it. Even if only one-tenth of these groups can walk out of a young supreme, it would add up to a terrific number.

"In the age of mythology, in the golden age of the ancient times, almost every generation of these gods and demons had a master come out. The cruelty of the emperor's battle at that time was unimaginable!"

"It's a pity that most groups of gods and demons have been wiped out in the long history. Their fertility is too poor, and the blood of the group is thin, so they are easily driven to extinction!
Yuanyang's Taoist couple, Shen Yue looked with admiration, thinking back to the days of mythology, their god race is also one of those glorious races, and they are the best among them.

But in today's era, although these ethnic groups are lonely!

"We often use the term Wanling Fushi. It should be noted that this word was not casually used in the ancient mythology era. Those who can be included in the group of Wanling are those whose ancestors have produced peerless masters!" Xin Yue said.

His words seemed to bring everyone back to that ancient and prosperous era, where countless powerful groups of gods and demons stood between the heavens and the earth, and there were countless masters, which can almost be described as inexhaustible.

The cultivating civilization in this universe is actually in constant decline. The age of mythology is much more prosperous than that of the ancient times, as can be seen from the pile of fragments of the nine-turn elixir.

And the Primordial Era was far more glorious than the Desolate Ancient Era. The so-called "Desolate Ancient Desolate" is actually a representative.

In the ancient times, the heaven and the earth could naturally form the source liquid, but in the ancient times, the source liquid could only be formed barely.

Later, in the post-desolate ancient era, even the source liquid was not formed.

And in the age of ancient mythology, not to mention the divine origin liquid, the number of various spiritual treasures in the world was much more than that in the ancient times.

It is precisely because there are so many kinds of spiritual treasures that those ancient Tianzun can refine many nine-rank elixir.And in this era, if you don't gather the power of the entire universe, don't even think about refining the Nine Ranks Immortal Pill.

One thing that is certain is that the number of masters in the age of mythology is far more than that of Taikoo, and the number of masters of Taikoo is far more than that of Huanggu.

Today, it is difficult for people to imagine how glorious that distant age of mythology was. Only an ancient race like the Protoss can learn a little bit of it with the ancient books they have mastered.

Hearing their conversation, Xu Yu also sighed softly. Indeed, as Xin Yue said, it's not that the Young Sovereign is worthless, but that the universe is too big.

In the entire vast universe, from the age of mythology to the present, there have been more than one hundred masters who have proved themselves as emperors alone in the millions of years, and with the addition of various other masters who have become enlightened, the total number has casually exceeded three hundred.

There are so many masters at the supreme level, let alone ordinary quasi-emperors?
And as long as there is a quasi-emperor in the ancestors, this family can be included in the strongest group, and the strongest young generation in the family can be called the young supreme.

There are tens of millions of such ethnic groups in the entire universe. Even if not every ethnic group can pull out a young supreme, the number of young supreme is amazing enough.

The dozen or so people that Xu Yu killed with one punch were all young supreme beings of various races.

Who is not a Young Supreme?

But most of the parallel importers among these young supremes either died in the battle of the emperor's road, or lost their divine rings when they reached the ultimate emperor's pass, and became members of ordinary saints.

Of course, most of the young supreme beings couldn't even cultivate the Great Sage when the Emperor Pass was opened, and they weren't qualified to enter that grand pass.

After all, it took less than 500 years from the opening of the ancient road to the opening of the Emperor Pass, and there are indeed very few people who can become a great saint within 500 years.

Those who have this kind of talent, many of them can even go to the quasi-emperor in the end, and the word Diguan itself represents a kind of qualification.

So every time the Emperor Pass is opened, it looks like there are many people who enter it, but in fact many of them are from the older generation.

Most of the younger generation who can walk to the emperor pass within 500 years have the qualifications of quasi-emperor!
Of course, the premise is that none of these young people are eager for success, and all of them are down-to-earth.

There are not a few people like Xu Yu who have encountered more than one young supreme challenge. During this period of time, the Seven Golden Cities were full of blood.

I don't know how many young and powerful members of a family fell in this ancient city, and they are not even qualified to keep their names.

After enough people came, and enough people died, some young lords who held Xeon ancient blood gathered together to discuss the exchange of ancient blood!
Xu Yu and the others also received the invitation, and their group is definitely the most important existence among this group of young supreme beings.

Zhenyuan Building is the most famous ancient building in this ancient city. It is said that its predecessor was a quasi-emperor who failed to overcome the catastrophe.

With such a layer of legends, Zhenhuang Tower is naturally easy to be favored by monks, so since ancient times, all monks who come to this ancient city must come to Zhenqu Tower to have a look.

The younger generation in the Seven Golden Cities chose this ancient building for their party, and it was the day of the party.Here monks come in droves, and all kinds of races are dazzling.

Golden giants, dwarves, Kundong, magic dragons, devils, iron-blooded ancient trees, sky-marked god ants, dragon-blooded demonic apes...

There are countless, from the descendants of the gods in the age of mythology, to the descendants of the ancient demon gods, to the inheritors of the most powerful ancient blood...

Almost every monk's ancestors can trace a period of history, and they all had a glorious past, and each one is bigger than the other.

The arrival of Xu Yu and others attracted many eyes. Whether it was him in the famous starry sky or the charming Zixia beside him, they were the objects of attention from all races.

The eyes fell on Xu Yu and others like knives, and the sharpness could be felt even from a long distance.

There is not a single weak person here, they are all powerful and terrifying enemies, and everyone pulled out is an existence that moves the universe.

Under gazes like blades, Xu Yu and Zixia walked slowly up step by step.

"Hey, is this the exiled immortal who is famous on the ancient road in the starry sky? I don't think so. Is the title of emperor's road blocker serious? Humans are too good at bragging!"

A voice sounded from the top of the Zhenhuang Tower, shifting from left to right, as if born from nothingness, it was difficult to find out its owner.

Quite a few people suddenly showed strange looks, waiting to see the good show. As soon as the Banished Immortal appeared, some people began to shout in secret. If the Banxian didn't solve this matter, it would be a great blow to his reputation.

The eyes of Lin Chuan and others suddenly turned cold, and the light in their eyes was like a heavenly sword, sweeping back and forth on the nearby heroes without any taboo.

Their gazes were not conceited at all, they were quite high-profile, and their eyes full of cold and murderous intent scanned the surrounding heroes, treating them all as objects of suspicion.

This is a very taboo practice, no matter who is swept by such eyes, he will feel uncomfortable.

The discomfort is second to none, the key is to be glanced at by Lin Chuan and others like this, if you don't do something, your face will be lost!
Standing here are all the strongest of the younger generation, who can afford to lose face like this?

Immediately, many people's eyes became indifferent, looking at Xu Yu and his party with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Hehe, you are really arrogant. Do you want to be an enemy of all the young Supremes here?" The voice in the dark sounded again, and the words were full of agitation.

Many young lords were moved when they heard this. It would be a good result if they could unite everyone's efforts to wipe out the most threatening group of Immortals here.

Xu Yu's face was calm from beginning to end. When he heard that voice sounded again, he took a light step forward.

The next moment, the crowd in the distance suddenly exploded, and there was a scream, and then a body flew up, and suddenly exploded in the air, dripping blood and bones all over the ground!
That was not a weak person, his cultivation base was in the sixth heaven of the Saint King, he was definitely a master, but he died in front of everyone like this.

Seeing this scene, many people's blood warmed up
It cooled down in an instant, and all the killing intent in his eyes disappeared, and he lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Saint Body and his group.

"Since ancient times, there have been many bones in the emperor's road, and it is with this place.
So what if everyone is an enemy?I stand here.Do you dare to go up? "Xu Yu said with indifferent eyes and a flat voice.

 This is the revised chapter 2, the system sent it wrong just now, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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