Chapter 214 Six-eared Macaque

Hearing that Xu Yu planned to enter the ninth well of life spring to check, all the people present were shocked, especially Zixia's face was full of worry.

After all, the eight Life Springs in front of them are all guarded by powerful ancient corpses, and all the offenders who caught the cold were wiped out physically and mentally.

Not to mention the ninth spring of life.Although I didn't see any powerful ancient corpses here, everyone's unanimous inquiry just now knew that there were the Four Swords of Immortals left by Lingbao Tianzun.

That is the real sword of killing.Even if the ages passed.The name of Lingbao Tianzun's killing can also be called the best among all the ancient emperors and emperors, and no one can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Not to mention the supreme treasure of killing, the Immortal Jade Sword, once it is contaminated by its sword energy, it will immediately annihilate both body and spirit, and the primordial spirit will also be absorbed by Xiu Xian to the Immortal Jade Formation, turning into a brand on it.

"Forget it, I'll go down with you and have a look!"

Seeing that Xu Yu had made a decision, Zixia no longer dissuaded her, but proposed to go down with Xu Yu to have a look at the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Although her current strength is not as good as Xu Yu's, but as an innate Taoist fetus, she still has a natural advantage when facing some environments.

"No need to be like this. The four killing powers of Jade Immortal are too terrifying. The reason why I went down is because I have the imperial weapon to protect me. You don't have to worry about it!"

But Xu Yu can't let the beauty take risks, not to mention that he has the advantage of a prophet, and he knows that in front of this mouth, although the bottom is indeed dangerous, it is not fatal. With the protection of the emperor's soldiers, he is naturally safe and safe, which is more important What's more, below is an ancient cave left by Lingbao Tianzun.

The only thing Xu Yu relies on is Lunhai, which is the Lingbao Tianzun. He has obtained part of Lingbao Tianzun's inheritance - the "group" word secret, and can observe the murderous intentions near the sword formation from a distance, so as to avoid unnecessary dangers , to increase his chances of entering the cave.

Black mist curls up on the sea of ​​bitterness, containing murderous intent.Only in the center is dense and transpiration, Xiaguang soars into the sky, where there is immortal energy, bright and dazzling.

The spring of life is gurgling, like a spout of a fairy spring. The crystal liquid makes people feel like they are about to become immortals. The hair and bones of the whole body are moisturized, the body is light and agile, and the spirit is full. Sendai utters the Tao sound independently.

Xu Yu offered sacrifices to the Emperor's Soldiers of the Extreme Dao, and descended from the seal of the Yuan Dynasty, the Taoist Immortal Curtain, withstood the murderous aura emanating from the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, and approached the central fountain of life, feeling as if his bones would break apart, as if he was going to die soon. destroyed.

Under Xu Yu's urging, Yuanshiyin appeared a phantom, even though the phantom was almost transparent, Xu Yu still sensed that Xu Yun was the imprint of Yuanshi Tianzun.

At the moment when the phantom appeared, the killing intent subsided, and the feeling that Xu Yu's body was about to explode disappeared, and he was wrapped in the hazy flame, approaching the fountain of life.

Even if there has been speculation.But Xu Yuan still underestimated the power of Yuanshi Tianzun.Although many people in later generations believe that Yuanshi Tianzun is the first life of Earth Zun.

Because among all the ancient Tianzun, only the most belligerent Yuanshi Tianzun has the absolute strength of Emperor Zun.

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun created the most powerful fighting method with the most powerful offensive power, and possessed terrifying combat power.

And Emperor Zun created the secret of all characters that can increase the combat power of the human body ten times.In terms of attack methods, Emperor Zun and Yuanshi Tianzun have many similarities.

But Xu Yu believes that although there are many similarities between the two, there is one point that he can distinguish their identities.

That is the time when the two of them proved the Tao. No, the Yuanshi Tianzun was the fourth or fifth Tianzun who proved the Tao in the age of mythology.

And Emperor Zun's previous life was his first life, the last ancient Tianzun in the age of mythology, so Xu Yu concluded that the two are not the same person.


He hung the seal of Yuan Shi on his head to protect himself, and then strode into the fountain of life.

The moment he came in, his pores immediately opened, his body was full of divine power, dozens of times larger, and the divine liquid almost drowned out the light, and he seemed to be about to ascend.

In the distance, Zixia, Lin Chuan and others raised their hearts in their throats. Seeing that he went in safely and was not killed by Zhu Xian's four swords, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Yu himself also let out a sigh of relief, and signaled to them not to worry, Yuan Shiyin played a role against the sky, and the murderous intent was still there, but he did not target him.

Xu Yu didn't dare to drink the life spring of the ancient emperor. It was a good thing, but it might contain murderous intent. The light from the ghost lamp blocked the crystal liquid from outside.

The life spring was full of immortal energy, and the liquid was crystal clear, exuding a fragrance. Xu Yu dived fiercely with the seal of Yuanshi, and went into the depths to see what happened.

I saw it, and finally saw it vaguely. There are four killing swords at the bottom that are dark red. Although they are simple and natural, they reveal a peerless murderous intent!
"Could it be that I can really pick off the Four Swords?" Xu Yu's heart skipped a beat.

At this time, it was far away, although there was a murderous intent coming in through the light curtain falling from Yuan Shiyin, but it did not hurt him, which made him feel hopeful.

"Hey, is that the cave of the six-eared macaque? It was opened by an extremely powerful quasi-emperor!" Xu Yu was taken aback.

To be exact, there is a stone mirror table, polished extremely smooth, through which, one can see a cave

Hanging in the eyes of the spring of life, it should be far away from here. This is the effect of the magic circle, otherwise he would not be able to see it at all.

"It's not very far from the four killing swords, what's the connection?!"

Xu Yu watched carefully through the stone mirror platform. The cave is magnificent and magnificent, just like an ancient palace in heaven.

Majestic and intimidating, but silent.

Although a six-eared macaque entered the front, but now Xu Yu blocked his footsteps.Because he didn't know the way to enter the cave, he could only step by step, and carefully defuse the murderous intentions around him.

The stone mirror platform rotates, it is not static, but hangs in the spring of life, simple and natural, it flashes by, and the figure of the monkey disappears.

Xu Yu moved his figure, but no matter how he adjusted the angle, he couldn't see it clearly. There was a chaotic rune flashing, almost sealing the mirror stage.

"Is he alive, or is he sitting?" Xu Yu couldn't be sure. The creature that looked like a clay sculpture was like a stone sculpture, and it didn't move.

The six-eared macaque, a race against the heavens, has disappeared for tens of thousands of years. To see it today makes Xu Yu feel a little unbelievable.

Seeing this kind of creature in this place, he had a bad premonition. This is a super powerful family that can pierce the sky. If it is still alive, it will definitely be a catastrophe if it jumps out.

Xu Yu watched carefully. Although the mirror platform was blurred, he could still see some of it. The grand atmosphere of the cave manifested by it actually had some fairy charm, and the fairy spirit overflowed.

This is not like a building that originally existed in the Spring of Fate, but was moved in by later generations, because only the four fairy swords are eligible to be bred here, and it is difficult for other treasures to enter Gu Tianzun's Spring of Fate.

Xu Yu took a closer look and found something unusual. The cave seems to have been cut off from the fairy mountain and moved here, with broken marks on it.

"It's amazing, it seems that the six-eared macaque really moved here and regarded it as a treasure land of the immortal family, and practiced Taoism here."

At this time, the chaotic rune was dim, which finally made the cave a little clearer. Xu Yu hastily opened his innate sky eyes to take a closer look.

"Hey, dao talisman, divine pattern, and scriptures..."

On the inner wall of the cave, some places can be glimpsed, densely packed, engraved with various ancient inscriptions, mottled historic sites, full of the breath of time.

Xu Yu's eyes froze, and he saw some words, which belonged to the Canon of Rescuing People, which contained a strange and powerful magic power. There were also some other scriptures, but it was a pity that he could only see a scrap of them.

"This doesn't look like an outsider's mansion, but rather belongs to Lingbao Tianzun himself." Xu Yu's eyes were strange.

After thinking about it for a while, he deduced a general idea. The six-eared macaque had a great chance to obtain a cave from Lingbao Tianzun, and transported it here as a whole.

Undoubtedly, this dojo is very important, otherwise, why would it be safe to sink in Gu Tianzun's fountain of life, making the four killing swords feel the familiar aura.

"It should be sitting down." Xu Yu made such a judgment after observation. The sea of ​​suffering has been very unsettled in the past few years, and no six-eared macaque was born. He thinks it is probably a corpse.

He approached the Stone Mirror Terrace, and wanted to identify the cave through it. If he could enter, there might be a great chance.

However, as soon as it approached, a slight trembling sound was heard, and the chaotic runes flickered on the stone mirror platform, which was mysterious and unpredictable, and the cave was even more blurred.

Moreover, the four ancient swords below were murderous. Although they didn't tremble, they were terrifying, and there was obviously a murderous intent rushing over.

If there is no ghost face lamp, he will probably be torn apart. The sword of killing is mysterious and terrifying, and he will bleed and drift away at every turn, leaving millions of dead bodies.

"It seems that even with the extreme land soldiers, the cave left by Lingbao Tianzun is not so easy to enter. After all, Lingbao Tianzun is the one who has cultivated formations to the extreme since the beginning of the world. No one can stand shoulder to shoulder with him!"

Even Xu Yu, who possesses the same quality of extreme emperor soldiers, dare not be too presumptuous here. God knows whether Lingbao Tianzun has set up a peerless killing array in his own cave.

At this time, Xu Yu finally saw the four killing swords clearly. On the dark red sword body there was a scene of killing immortals. A man looked down on the world and looked down upon the gods.

Could this be Lingbao Tianzun?Xu Yu's heart was shaken, none of the four killing swords had the same pattern on the body, there were scenes of Zhu Xian, there was a sea of ​​blood destroying the universe, and there were even corpses of all spirits.

The tragic atmosphere is overwhelming, and each killing sword seems to have swallowed the blood of hundreds of millions of living beings.

Four swords represent destruction!
Moreover, Xu Yu realized that they were a whole, with only one god conceived in the four sword bodies.

Strictly speaking, this is just an imperial weapon. Only together can it be invincible. Once it is separated, its power will probably decrease sharply.

However, no one in this world can separate them. The appearance of that formation is comparable to the resurrection of an ancient emperor who personally led the killing sword.

"Possessing the four swords and the formation map may really make you invincible, but it is difficult to get them." Xu Yu frowned.

He recited the Sutra of Saving Human Beings, held a lamp with a human body and a ghost face, and sat cross-legged in the fountain of life to clear his mind, trying to communicate with the four killing swords, hoping to gain their approval.

However, the four swords are like a deep sea, unfathomably deep, and the scene of killing immortals above is bloody, as if reappearing in reality, turning into a pressure of dao marks, forcing Xu Yu to retreat.

"No, these four fairy swords are too murderous. No one can control them in today's world. You need to get the formation map to take them away." Xu Yu secretly sighed, and he did not continue to take risks.

He avoided the four swords and dived down. The bottom part should be Gu Tianzun's life roulette, which was shining brightly, and there were countless cracks on it. It was inaccessible, and there was a great pressure.

Xu Yu was really shocked. Every time he lived for a year, a crack would appear on the wheel of life, like the annual rings of a tree. After such a long time, how could it still shine and not collapse?
He had a sense of horror that Lingbao Tianzun left the scriptures for saving people because he foresaw something, and he must be a master of this way to suppress the disaster of corpses.Now, his Lunhai hasn't completely collapsed, which makes people feel inappropriate!
"Is this a means left behind to suppress Mingzun?" Xu Yu looked uncertain.

"Who can explain things like me clearly? As the most powerful person in the universe, it is obvious that the purpose of Lingbao Tianzun at that time to create Zhuxian practice was not only to suppress private goods. He also wanted to rely on This formation will fly to the immortals in one fell swoop."

Going through the ancient books, according to the sayings of the great sages, once the Emperor Casting Artifact of the Lingbao matches the formation diagram, it will fly to the immortal, but the result is not like this.

Xu Yu is convinced that Lingbao Tianzun definitely lived more than one life, and the traces on the sea are far more than 2 years, not the ancient Tianzun with a "short-lived" life.

That's why Lingbao Tianzun left this picture of the ancient town.It is more likely that he was preparing for the emperor of the underworld, the talented and gorgeous supreme celestial being who proposed the righteous way in the age of mythology, and he was worried about the return of the underworld.

Unable to get close, he had to go back and search for the fountain of life, but found nothing else.

The most weird thing is that cave, where a six-eared macaque once lived, but now he can't get in, which makes people helpless.

Xu Yu collected a tripod of life spring divine liquid, then rushed out of the water with a splash, scanned the ten directions, and saw that no one was here, he traveled thousands of miles, and came to another sea of ​​suffering.

After Xu Yu left the ninth fountain of life, he quickly returned to the sea of ​​bitterness.Found Zixia and their group.

"How is it? Is there anything to gain from the following?"

"Brother, can we collect the Four Swords of Jade Immortal?"

Seeing Xu Yu return to the sea of ​​suffering, everyone in the cost zone couldn't wait to ask Xu Yu?
They all hope that Xu Yu can collect the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!

Without the formation map of the Zhuxian sword formation, it is impossible for outsiders to collect the ten killing swords.Can only be a passerby from a distance.

The practice environment inside is comparable to the ancient times, full of aura, and there are scriptures of the ancient Tianzun in it, you can go down to practice with me.

Later, Xu Yu directly told everyone his own thoughts, and wanted to lead everyone into the ninth spring of life of Lingbao Tianzun, and conduct a closed-door practice, hoping that they could have some references in the ancient books left by Lingbao Tianzun. harvested.

"Big breasts, wouldn't this be too good? This is where Lingbao Tianzun's dojo is located. Are we desecrating Gu Tianzun's body by doing this?

Also in ancient history, there is a rumor that Lingbao Tianzun has not fallen.

Instead, he has found a unique longevity method and is undergoing an extreme transformation.

Therefore, there is an old prophecy that when the road to immortality is opened, Lingbao Tianzun will reappear in the world.Attack the road to immortality!Wouldn't it be nice for us to do this! " Lin Chuan said in charge.

"Yes, I have also heard similar rumors, saying that Lingbao Tianzun did not really fall, but was transformed between life and death!"

Even Yuan Yang said that they had heard the rumor.

"Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, even if he has made good fortune, he should die as a great emperor. You all come with me and enter the Spring of Fate to retreat together. It is a good place to practice." Xu Yu said.

He has the extreme emperor soldiers, who can protect everyone to enter together, and practice Taoism in the fountain of life of the ancient Tianzun, which is almost like cultivating in the fairyland.

They didn't need the ancient boats anymore, they went directly to the Spring of Fate, surrounded by crystal clear liquid, the fairy mist was transpiring, and the spirit was full of Taoism. From time to time, the sound of Dao Lun sounded, making people in Xiantai follow Dao Ming.

You can't drink this divine liquid directly, but you can slowly refine it and blend it into your body.

"This place is indeed suitable for enlightenment, but I don't know how long we can stay." Lin Chuan was shocked, his forehead bones glowed here, and the ancient scriptures of the Qing Emperor worked on their own. It is very special and a place for enlightenment.

Yuan Shiyin stretched out a light curtain to prevent the murderous intent from approaching the body, and protected everyone. The Duren Jing kept ringing, and the four dark red killing swords below remained motionless.

"It's such a good place, I never thought... I can refine the divine liquid to my heart's content here!" Jin Yang was so excited that he wished he could raise his head to the sky and howl.

Because this is the spring of life left by the ancient emperor, crystal clear and dazzling, every drop is a precious medicine, which can life and death human flesh and bones, unparalleled in the world.

So much... unimaginable!
The only trouble is that the sword energy contained in the divine liquid is too terrifying, and it needs to be tempered in every possible way, otherwise it may cause death.

The divine bridge is not visible, and it is impossible to enter the other side. Xu Yu intends to retreat here for a long time. When he took out two things, it made everyone else's eyes light up, showing extremely fiery eyes.

These are two seeds, one of which is no bigger than a walnut. It is a small purple unicorn less than two inches long in the source of the gods. It is lifelike and has a powerful vitality.

It has life, and it is trembling, wanting to break through the divine source and rush out, even to run away.

This is naturally the seed of the unicorn magic medicine. Xu Yu has not had the opportunity to plant it for so many years because the conditions are too harsh, and the life spring of the ancient Tianzun is simply the best soil for its growth.

The other one was the rhizome of the human-shaped elixir he cut out from the Fluctuating Stone Workshop, because it was too damaged.

Even though Xu Yu had used divine objects such as the Northern Immortal Light over the years, he hadn't fundamentally reversed the injuries that were critical to the human form's immortality, allowing him to regain a new life.

But Xu Yu didn't give up, and kept insisting on reviving the humanoid elixir. This magical medicine may not be used by Xu Yu now, but it can be passed down.

Xu Yu set up a magic circle, otherwise he was really afraid that it would escape. Every plant of immortal medicine is the only one in the world. They have spirits, they can reach the sky, and they can fly away by themselves.

The unicorn seeds that had been dormant for endless years really revived in this place, and people heard the sound of cracks and shattering of the source of God.Then the endless divine glow flew over, and it independently absorbed the essence of the crystal divine liquid, blocked the murderous aura, and continued to grow.

In just half a month, the unicorn seed was as big as a fist, and its roots became thicker and longer, grabbing more life spring liquid, and growing well.

Everyone's eyes became even hotter!

After all, this is a real miracle medicine.If it can be cultivated, his fruit can make the Sovereign Emperor live another life in the future.

In the entire universe, basically all the elixir is concentrated on the two ancient stars, the Big Dipper and the Earth.

On other ancient stars, there were some elixir originally, but later moved to the location of Beidou along with the ancient emperors in the universe.

Naturally, they were also brought to Beidou. In the long years, some elixir had already disappeared in the world.

For example, the undead medicine taken by Saint Emperor Dou Zhan and the undead medicine taken by Emperor Void have truly disappeared in this world, and no second one can be found.

Therefore, the monks on other ancient stars have only heard of the name of the immortal medicine, but they have never seen the real medicine of immortality.

Now, now Xu Yu took out the seeds of a unicorn elixir, which naturally attracted the attention of these young arrogances who followed him.

After all, in the ancient star where they were, the elixir was just a legendary elixir.

In the magic circle, the unicorn magic medicine has grown roots and a pair of leaves, the whole body is purple.

The rays of the sun are shining, the pinyin is crystal clear, and it is as high as a palm.The appearance of the unicorn is turning into a rhizome, which will end in the future

The fruit will turn into a unicorn shape, and the unicorn pattern is also on the bright purple leaves, which is mysterious.

"There is a kind of will contained in it!" Lin Chuan stared at Qilin Ancient Medicine.

Speaking of ancient magic medicine, strictly speaking, this kind of magic medicine existed as early as the age of mythology. Everyone in the world will die, and only the magic medicine of immortality can last forever.

At this time, only they can truly live forever.

"Each plant of magic medicine has its own will, otherwise it wouldn't fly to the sky and escape from the ground, choose the soil for its own survival, and it wouldn't be reborn." Xu Yu said.

Seriously speaking, the elixir of immortality is a living ancient history. Who has lived longer than them?And because he followed the ancient emperor, he must have a shocking secret.

Everyone present was naturally moved. Now that it has revived and is no longer lifeless, it is time to explore it.

However, when Xu Yu's consciousness entered the unicorn medicine, it just shivered timidly and was at a loss, without any memory of the ancient times.

"That's right, it's Nirvana, and it's cut off from the past. This is its other life, so it's impossible to remember the past." Xu Yu sighed softly, full of regret.

Otherwise, maybe the secrets of the ancient emperor, the ancient emperor, and even the age of mythology can be glimpsed from the elixir!

"The ancient medicine has been alive from the age of mythology to the present, and it has truly lived forever in the world. The ancient emperors all have a kind of fairy medicine, and with them, have you peeped into the greatest opportunity to become a fairy?"

Since ancient times, almost every great emperor has a plant of elixir, which is enough to explain a problem, they are too important, and contain the secret of longevity.

"There are rumors in the world that the elixir is related to immortals. If you see through them, you may be able to enter the realm of the immortals." The Four Great Sage Kings are not young, and their ancestors are all ancient alien species, so they know a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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