Chapter 215
Time flies, and three years passed by in a hurry.During this period, the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness became more and more terrifying, attracting countless masters to come.

Following the news of the ancient tree of life and the Zhuxian Sword Formation, many powerful races in the universe rushed to the human race to walk around.

This is not to blame for people being so crazy, but the ancient tree of life and the emperor's soldiers are too loud.

All the monks born in this world are extremely eager for these two things, even the ancient emperors would conduct research on the elixir of death.

Not to mention those ordinary people who did not become quasi-emperors.

But even the quasi-emperor would probably be tempted by the extreme emperor soldiers.

After all, the Jidao Emperor Armament is the continuation of the life of the ancient emperor, and naturally holds the inheritance of the ancient emperor.

If one can obtain a piece of extreme imperial weapon, then an immortal inheritance can be created.

Not to mention that these are the inheritance of Lingbao Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun is the age of mythology.The Supreme Heavenly Venerable who is already righteous, even though millions of years have passed, his prestige is still being praised by people.

That's why the leaders of countless powerful races in the universe are jealous.

There are hundreds of races and tens of thousands of monks. Of course, these are only qualified to enter the sea.As for the shore of the black ocean, that's more.

Among them, there are more Great Sages and Young Supremes than before, because people from a wider star field have arrived and want to take away the ancient tree of life.After taking away the imperial weapon, masters stepped into the ancient realm of mythology in batches.

Bloodshed is inevitable, and it is many times more tragic than before. The competition for ancient ships and the looting of the secret treasures of various clans are happening every day, and dark and tragic things are happening from time to time.

During this period, some great sages who often hunted and killed young Tianjiao had their eyes cut off by geese all the year round. When they were dealing with a junior, they met several great sages from that ancient domain.He was chased and beaten fiercely, and he was hunted and killed continuously for three years, bleeding all the way.

In the past three years, the eyes of Gu Tianzun's Fate Spring were very peaceful, and vortices of energy appeared constantly, which were the growth of two magical medicines.

The unicorn magic medicine is full of purple air, and its rhizome is powerful.Stuck in the void, absorbed the essence of the spring of life, and produced nine leaves, each of which was translucent and radiant, like a purple unicorn.

It grows to a foot high in two years.Since then, the height has never changed, but the spirit has become more vigorous.Like a piece of purple divine sea rising and falling.

It takes at least thousands of years for an elixir to mature, but the unicorn medicine has taken shape after being sprung out, and it will no longer grow wildly.

Even if this place is Gu Tianzun's fountain of life, it is impossible to mature in a few years if it provides the growth conditions most needed by the magic medicine.

Even if some years can be shortened, it should not be too exaggerated. According to their speculation, the most conservative estimate will be hundreds of years, provided that this condition remains unchanged.

The root of the human-shaped elixir remained unchanged, but Xu Bing was not discouraged, because he knew that the pig-human elixir was indeed seriously damaged, and it would be very good to bring him back from Nirvana.

The physical strength of a piece of purple jade ring Order Jade rose out, floating above his head.

It is the Jade Die of Good Fortune, with his comprehension and use of the Jade Butterfly Good Fortune has reached a deeper level over the years.

I saw Xu Yu and Zixia being shrouded in the purple light emitted by the swearing jade plate, and they were constantly sorting out and storing the scriptures they had practiced.

Zhu Xuan and Jin Yang heard that this piece of jade is the supreme treasure that Xu Yu brought since he was born. The people formed a circle around Xu Yu and Zixia, and tried their best to use the Tao rhyme emanating from the good luck jade butterfly to perform Tao enlightenment.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged under a tree and hasn't moved for three full years. He is enlightening, creating his own Dharma, and he wants to walk a different path.

Beneath the good fortune jade plate, a man closed his eyes, calm as a rock, with a special aura, and the opportunity of the avenue overflowed from his body and spread into the distance.

Zhuxuan and the others also practiced under the good luck jade plate, but they did not remain motionless for three years like him. Everyone has gained a lot. This is a pure land of enlightenment.

Finally, Xu Yu moved, and the sound of Dao Lun came out of his body, the scriptures rang out, and the sound resounded under the good fortune jade plate, there was a kind of auspicious image of attaining Tao, and all kinds of Dao lights were flying.

Xu Yu's Lunhai is exuding celestial splendor and extending outward, just like Huang Zhong Dalu roaring, this is him expanding his way and stepping his own path.

Jin Yang, Gu Xuan, Yuan Yang, etc. were shocked, and they all showed surprised expressions. The celestial brilliance transpired and spread outward, not touching the secret realm of the Dao Palace, but extending to the limbs.

The moment Xu Yu opened his eyes, two golden lightnings tore through the void, and his secret realm of Lunhai turned into a picture of a Tai Chi fairy, shining brightly like a sun.

This is the origin of all things in the human body, but now rays of light spread to the limbs, this place is the source of divine power.

One ancient character after another appeared on Xu Yu's limbs, each of which seemed to have traveled through ancient time and space, and was imprinted on the four poles of the human body, and the sound of the scriptures was endless.

At first, Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu appeared, corresponding to the four poles of their human bodies, and smelted together with them, with the power to lift up the sky and destroy the earth, and the terror was boundless.

All kinds of chaotic lightning flew and turned into ancient talismans, which were branded on his limbs. His whole body was like a god and demon, with glistening body, thick black hair, and flying wildly.

Then, they all stopped together, this wildness disappeared, the sharp light in the eyes was introverted, and the scriptures of the Great Dao emerged, engraved on the four poles of his body, densely packed, and then returned to one, there was an aura of simplicity from the Dao.

The next moment, another change occurred. Earth, fire, wind, and water corresponded to the four poles of the human body. The thunder shook the world, and the chaos was endless. This place is like a primitive ancient world.

Xu Yu's limbs trembled, the wind and thunder blew up, the scriptures resounded, and the divine sound of the Dao was endless. His limbs moved together, as if he was opening up the world, trying to prop up this ancient world.

The earth, fire, wind, and water rotated and coincided with the four poles of the human body, creating chaos and mist. He opened up this world, and it really seemed to reopen a world.

"This is his scripture. If you don't enter the Taoist palace, you have to practice the four poles first. Before you can reach perfection, you have evolved this kind of profound meaning. It's amazing!" Lin Chuan sighed in shock.

Under the good fortune jade plate, the earth, fire, wind, and water rotated, converging with the four poles of Xu Yu's body, the chaos and mist filled the air, and he opened up the ancient world.

This is a terrifying process, and the sight of the supreme Dao is awe-inspiring. In a trance, I hear the voices of sacrifice and worship from all beings, and it seems that the gods are crying.

Dao Bo shook the world, like a vast sea raging, spreading in all directions, at a glance, in front of the nine heavens and ten earths, in the sky and the earth, there is only one person who stands alone.

Under the good fortune jade plate, a figure disillusioned and took shape again, exuding immortal brilliance, various visions rose from behind, and ancient scriptures were recited in the body, the highest, the most holy and the most god.

Xu Yu is evolving his own Dao, possessing a majestic aura of swallowing mountains and rivers and looking down on the vast universe, making people unable to help but kowtow and kneel down.

"Taiji means that before the heaven and the earth are divided, the vitality is mixed into one, that is, Taichu and Taiyi..."

The scriptures are vast, like a silver waterfall falling from the nine heavens. The ancient characters bloomed in Xu Yu's body and imprinted on it.

The source of Tai Chi extends to the limbs of the human body, transforming into the four poles, so there is, Tai Chi produces the two appearances, and the two appearances give birth to the four images, surpassing the heavens.

"Tao exists forever, endless years, the universe from the infinite to Taiji, and even the metamorphosis of all things..."

Xu Yubao looks majestic, like an independent god and demon, with an immortal golden body, comprehending the Tao and the Dharma under the jade plate of good fortune, with thick black hair and eyes like lightning, expanding his body and Tao.

The golden runes on his body flickered, and one after another the ancient ones jumped and appeared, expanding from the sea of ​​wheels to the four poles. This is the process of creating all things.

"The way of heaven and earth is to create all things with the two qi of yin and yang..."

Before the heaven and the earth are divided, the vitality is mixed, which is the beginning, that is, a state of chaos.

Xu Yu was transforming, his body was resplendent, his blood energy opened up, and the surroundings were chaotic and turbulent. He opened up a world with his hands and feet.This is in line with Tao and reason.

One golden rune after another appeared.Inscribed on the surface of the body, it will shine brightly and release the immortal glow. If the gods come down, they need to be worshiped by all living beings.

During this process, the wind and thunder, lightning and thunder ripped apart the sky.Every electric glow is like a galaxy.Scary to the extreme.

This made Lin Chuan and the others gasp, Xu Yu was giving a speech, this scene was horrifying.It doesn't look like a holy king at all, but rather like an ancient supreme being preaching scriptures.

Because, there are various scriptures appearing in its body.It kept ringing, and the whole world resonated with it and trembled together.

Nurturing a hundred scriptures in a furnace, conceiving Tao to create righteousness, all kinds of scriptures and talismans resounding together, tempering one's own body and unworldly dharma, the scene is amazing.

Xu Yu directly hit the four poles from the sea of ​​wheels, did not walk through the palace, and did not go against his own way.This is a very natural process.

The ancient sages could become great saints by focusing on one secret realm. The secret realm of choice is not necessarily the sea of ​​wheels. Some people recite Taoist palace scriptures, some sit cross-legged on the fairy platform, and some practice asceticism in the world and evolve the four poles of the human body.

Everyone's way is different, and the choice is also different.

until later generations.Only then did he enter the Dao Palace from Lunhai, then to the four poles, and then enter the human body dragon, transforming into a dragon and ascending to Xiantai.

The ancient law and the modern way can't be said to be weak or strong, the difference is only the choice.What is strong is the heart and the ego.

Xu Yu's whole body is glowing, with the sea of ​​wheels as its origin.Creation of the four poles, the derivation of the invincible way, especially this secret realm.

Under the Jade Jue, three thousand figures appeared in front of and behind Xu Yu, all of them were himself, or they were like the gods in the nine heavens, or they were like the demon kings from the ancient times, or they were like the banished immortals in the fairyland...

The chanting is great!
Three thousand phantoms are either sitting cross-legged or standing in the nine heavens, and each one of them is chanting scriptures.

Three thousand phantoms of gods and demons, each with different appearances, coercing the nine heavens and frightening the ten places, all the heavens and ten thousand realms are terrified because of them.


Under the reflection of the good fortune jade plate, three thousand gods and demons recited scriptures, their voices surpassed everything, and finally merged into a great avenue, sweeping the ancient and modern, which is very rare!
What Huang Zhong Da Lu, what Buddhist Zen singing, what ancient gods chanting scriptures, what prayers to exiled immortals, what sacrifices to sentient beings, all were suppressed.

Xu Yu's eyes were deep, as deep as the sea.

"The Tao lasts forever, endless years, the universe from the infinite to the Taiji, and even the metamorphosis of all things..."

Taiji gives birth to two forms, and the two forms give birth to four images.The two qi of yin and yang nourish the four poles, turning out golden ancient talismans one after another, engraved in Xu Yu's bones and flesh and blood, mysterious and unpredictable.

The four elephants grow and support the sky and the earth. The four poles of the human body are like four pillars supporting the sky, separating the sky and the earth, giving birth to all spirits and creating all things.

At this moment, not to mention inside the Fate Spring, or in the vast black sea of ​​bitterness outside, many monks heard this magnificent chanting.

However, people can only hear a very mysterious Dao sound, and it is difficult to understand the meaning of the scriptures. In a trance, everyone is stunned, and the world seems to be shaking, in line with its pulse.

"This...someone is enlightening the Tao, creating scriptures and righteousness, comparable to the ancient sages, who is this person?"

"No, the scriptures come from the spring of life of Lingbao Tianzun, guarded by four killing swords, and no one can go there. Could it be that Lingbao Tianzun is preaching the scriptures and passing on the Dharma to future generations?"

Many people were in doubt and listened carefully.In the fountain of life, the four dark red killing swords are very peaceful, because of this kind of scriptures, they are much more peaceful, and their murderous aura is restrained, making this place even more sacred.

The so-called yin and yang can be explained in many ways.Heaven and earth, sun and moon, thunder and lightning, wind and rain, four seasons, before and after noon, as well as male and female, hardness and softness, movement and stillness, and restraint, everything is divided into yin and yang.

And in this process, all kinds of visions appeared in Lunhai, and different "yin and yang" expanded to the four poles, so many "four phenomena" were also created.

This is a kind of "Tao Transformation", a process of sublimation, self-improvement, and perfection, making the four poles of the human body extremely strong and powerful!

Sun, Taiyin, Shaoyin, Shaoyang, this four-element rotation, Xu Yu palmed the blue sky and stepped on the underworld, just like an ancient god who opened the sky.

Spring, summer, autumn, and winter alternate, the power of spring nourishes everything silently, the power of summer is blazing like fire, the power of autumn is full of chills, and the power of winter destroys everything.

When the four great spirits of Qinglong, Xuanwu, Baihu, and Suzaku appeared, it was another kind of four phenomena. Xu Yu made seals with both hands, dragons and tigers fought for hegemony, Xuanwu expanded the sea, and Suzaku crossed three thousand realms.This is a peerless attack power!

There are also four phenomena of earth, fire, geomantic omen, etc., which are opening up the world, and all kinds of terrifying scenes are hard to describe one by one.

At the last moment.Everything is circulating in the limbs, Xu Yu's golden meridians, flesh and blood, abdomen, back, internal organs, six internal organs, and even seven damages and eight benefits, all of which are shining in the body.The four poles are gradually formed, explaining everything!

The avenue roared, bones, meridians, and blood transformed and sublimated, and finally he seemed to disintegrate.A drop of blood is a big star.A bone is a star field, and the meridian is a galaxy.

He opened up the world with the four poles of the human body, and the outside world was chaotic and turbulent.And the body is like a universe, with all the stars and stars, and all things in the world.The scene is amazing.

Human beings are related to the heaven and the earth, corresponding to the sun and the moon, and the information of the body's fullness and emptiness all communicates with the heaven and the earth, and corresponds to things.

Xu Yu penetrated the secret realm of the four poles, split the sky and the earth, and opened up an ancient world, as if to transform into another universe, corresponding to the big heaven and the earth.Wrapped in chaos, the whole body is glowing.

A tripod ups and downs in the chaos, feeling his way, it is a fairy golden tripod, sublimated with him, tempered and transformed.

In the distance, Lin Chuan and the others were extremely shocked.Xu Yu's scriptures are too terrifying. Is this really an overbearing and invincible way? Is a universe evolving and being born?

"The four poles support the world and have the power to open the sky. Is this his way? It's really too strong!" Yuan Yang murmured to himself.

Under the jade plate of good fortune, Xu Yu's figure is shining brightly, without any joy or worry, creating his own way, the crystal clear bones and flesh and blood are evolving into the stars and rivers, and the horror is overwhelming.

In a trance, I heard the roar of the gods and demons, and the worship of all beings in the nine heavens and ten places!

However, at this moment an astonishing change happened, Xu Yu suddenly opened his eyes, two beams of light exploded, tearing apart the universe, it was extremely terrifying.

He stretched his limbs, shattered the galaxies in the sky, shattered one big star after another, and collapsed all the ten thousand domains, and the entire human universe collapsed.

This is a terrible disaster, the real catastrophe of the human universe. At the end of the world, the bright stars will explode one by one, the brilliant galaxy will be annihilated in pieces, and the big universe will be broken.

And Xu Yu's bones, blood, meridians, etc. were also shattered, every drop of blood penetrated the void, splitting the universe, like the lord of all things going towards self-destruction.

"What are you doing?!" Zixia exclaimed in surprise.

Lin Chuan and the others shuddered in shock, changed their colors one after another, and yelled, trying to wake up Xu Yu's primordial spirit, doing so was self-destructive, thinking that he had gone mad.

Xu Yu ignored it, and was still shaking the four poles. He broke every inch, which also meant that the human universe was completely opened up, and the heavens and myriad realms no longer existed.

"Wake up!" Lin Chuan, Zhu Xuan and others shouted together, trying to wake him up.

"I'm fine." Xu Yu only spit out these three words, his white bones, crystal flesh and other rhythms roared, began to reorganize, and became stronger.

"What's the matter?" They were puzzled and worried.

There are all kinds of avenues in the world, and personal paths are different. This is Xu Yu's choice. The universe always exists, and he doesn't want to be like it.

There are all kinds of spirits in the world, and to the extreme, most of them choose the human form, which in itself illustrates a problem.

This world does not know the past or the future. Who can say that it will always exist. If the world ends and another big universe is replaced, will this order still apply?
In this world, Xu Yu doesn't believe in the afterlife, regardless of the past, he only respects himself as invincible in this life, so he doesn't imitate the universe, only cultivates one body, this is himself.

Therefore, he broke the big star, shattered the human universe, regenerated the bones, meridians, and blood, formed only one himself, faded away those splendors, and returned to the original, which is enough for one person and one body.

All the fragments of the stars, the celestial glow of order, and the divine chain of laws were all integrated into his "one body", smelted into one furnace, and turned into the most powerful himself.

This is his Four Pole Sutra, from the beginning of the rotation of the four images, to the creation of the world, to the sublimation, and then to the return to the original, only a "human body".

On the jade plate of good fortune, thousands of leaves are shaking, and the scriptures have been resounding for thousands of years, and I don't know who they are chanting for.All the heavens join together, all scriptures appear together, sing and sing together, illuminating reincarnation.

Under the jade plate of good fortune, there is only one Xu Yu himself, letting the divine light run endlessly, and thousands of roads draw across the sky, leaving only one real body.

The good fortune jade plate seems to have carried many changes in the universe. During the bathing process, some scenes of birth and death emerged.

Crystal clear and bright, reversing the years, the passing of time in an instant, like a hundred generations passing by the fingertips in a hurry.Cultivate the Tao for a lifetime, and realize the Dharma for a lifetime.In exchange for eternal invincibility, corpses littered the field.

The persistence of moths to the flame, the last splendor of wind candles.

Realize the unparalleled dharma in the world, but it can't match the passing years.The life was extremely splendid, and it couldn't hide the mottled tears and blood of the past.Looking back, the whole world is silent, and I can't find the same year.

At this moment, Xu Yu had an illusion, as if after [-] years, he would be completely independent, with several earthen tombs, the whole world was boundless, he didn't know what he needed at the end of the day, and he was dying. Looking back on his life, there was only a sigh in the wind.

The enemy flies to ashes, the beauty rests on the grave, the old man returns to the loess, and no one will be seen again, and the old acquaintances are all gone.

This feeling was very bad, it made his heart throb, and he felt the eternal desolation. He wished he could scream up to the sky, shake off the filthy mist, and usher in a prosperous and beautiful scene.

Seemingly real and illusory, is it the mirror, the moon in the water, or the future that stands on the top of my way and looks at the corner of the other side?

A mournful song wails, disturbs the heart, mourns the autumn, and finally only the boundless bleakness remains.

How is this going?Under the good fortune jade plate, Xu Yu woke up, why did he see this corner, his body is like a rock, his heart is like still water, how can he see this scene from afar?
Xu Yu's whole body glowed, golden runes were engraved one after another on his body surface, many big stars were turned into ashes, and thousands of galaxies collapsed, leaving only this real body, which naturally melted all the Dao fruits.

The rhythm of flesh and blood, the rhythmic chorus of bones, clang like a battle song, and the endless meridians and acupoints of the whole body bloom with golden fairy glow, which is dazzling.

However, at this time, a vertical eye was opened on his forehead, and he saw reincarnation in a trance, which was the scene of the past.

"Is this the evil thought of heretics? It has never been encountered before, and it is finally coming today." Xu Yu whispered, he did not believe what he saw.

He didn't say much. He started to evolve from the secret realm of Lunhai, and then until he entered the secret realm of four poles, he evolved his own way, his own law, and his own beliefs, without being moved by the outside world.

"My way, my law, I am invincible. I don't believe in the afterlife, let alone the past, how can there be reincarnation, how can I see the scene after ten thousand years?!" He shouted.

Xu Yu stretched his limbs, split the sky and split the earth, slashed the evil thoughts in his heart, cut off all distracting thoughts, and regained his clarity.

"It's bad, it might really be a blurry future just now, but Xu Yu doesn't believe it, he firmly believes that he is invincible in this life." Ning Yi whispered.

"Could it be that we were also affected, so we saw the illusion of the demonic thoughts, and only he himself realized that it was fake, so he wanted to break it?" Jin Yang pondered, feeling bad.

"It's so weird, we can't judge,
There is no way to remind him, otherwise it will mislead him.Up to now, on the contrary, we are the first to be confused. "Yuan Yang said.

Everyone was terrified when they heard it, and they all sat cross-legged in the void, asking their hearts and seeking the truth, trying to break through the emptiness.

"You don't have to force it, this is my scene, I don't believe it, I only talk about the current world. You don't need to get stuck, look at it like a snowy moon, see it like a breeze." Xu Yu stopped drinking.

Everyone was shocked, retreated, and stood far enough away.The fountain of life gurgled and radiated with brilliance, and the four dark red killing swords quietly sank in the eyes of the spring, condensing the killing robbery.

"We don't need to delve into it, it's Xu Yu's way and scene, no matter it's true or not, it's forgotten in a blink of an eye." Lin Chuan whispered.

In the end, only Xu Yu was left under the good fortune jade plate, and everything disappeared. Xu Yu shattered all the scenes, with no thoughts in his heart, no worries.

Shenxia is introverted, calm is restored here, Xu Yu is independent, the good fortune jade plate is swaying, the purple light is cloudy, and it is rushing, like a river flowing into the distance.

"It's done, big brother has achieved complete enlightenment!" Lin Chuan said with a smile.

Jin Yang, Gu Xuan and others also gathered around to see Xu Yu's return to nature, the blazing light was restrained in his body, knowing that his three years of enlightenment had come to an end, and he had truly achieved something.

(End of this chapter)

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