Chapter 216 Arrive at God's Domain
Three years after Xu Yu's enlightenment, he created the four-pole secret realm, his own four-pole scripture, plus the Lunhai scroll scripture he created before.

Among the five great secret realms, he has preliminarily created the practice scriptures for the two great secret realms.

He even had his own ideas about the scriptures in the secret realm of the Dao Palace.

In the world of Shrouding the Sky, there are many scriptures about the secret realm of the Taoist Palace created by the ancient characters Dadi, and the Taoist Palace and Divine Mansion they built has only gods but no spirits.

In Xu Yu's view, the five gods in the secret realm of the Dao Palace should not only correspond to the five elements, but also should have both gods, spirits, and laws. Only in this way can his Dao Palace God's Mansion become perfect.

However, there is no rush to create scriptures in the secret realm of the Dao Palace.

Because now Xu Yu has more important things to do.

That is to go to God's Domain on the other side of the starry sky to make arrangements in advance.

Otherwise, he would miss the opportunity, not to mention mastering the entire God Realm, even the Four Swords of Jade Immortal and the Ancient Tree of Life have nothing to do with him.

It has been a long time since he enlightened in this fountain of life for three years.

After discussing with Yu Zixia and others, Xu Yu decided to find a hidden place first to survive his own catastrophe.

In the sea of ​​endless suffering, Xu chose a sparsely populated place. Although it is true that there are not many people visiting the sea of ​​suffering, just in case, Xu Yu and the others still sent seven days of texts to cover up the catastrophe.


With the sound of thunder, a dazzling thunder burst out in the void of the universe.

Mountain-sized thunderbolts danced wildly in the universe, forming a sky of thunder and lightning.

Xu Yuyi stood in the void, looking up at the formed thunder sky, standing still without any fear.

"This is... Heaven's Punishment for Extinguishing Gods!" Not far away, Shenwang Yuanyang said in surprise when he saw Lei Daotianmu condensed on the top of Xueyu's head.

"God-killing heavenly punishment is a kind of catastrophe that monks are least willing to endure. His main purpose is to target the modified primordial spirit and soul, which makes people hard to guard against."

Seeing the puzzled looks of the people around him, Shenwang Yuanyang began to explain.

"Aiming at the thunder and lightning of the cultivator's primordial spirit, this is not just a catastrophe, but a real punishment!"

Hearing Shenwang Yuanyang's explanation, Ji Xuan, who also had a considerable background, also said:
"You have to know that the Heavenly Tribulation is a kind of test from God to the monks. The power of the Heavenly Punishment is still higher than that of the Heavenly Tribulation. It is a kind of extreme negation of God against the heaven-defying creatures."

"Why is that?" Hearing this, Lin Chuan couldn't help asking.

After all, the new domain where Lin Chuan is located does not have any prominent inheritance, and he is not so clear about some secrets.

"Because God doesn't want people like them to survive the catastrophe. They don't want people like them to exist in this world."

"You have to know that the relationship between us monks and the environment of the universe is one drink at a time.

Some monks with a very strong causal relationship will transform into the heaven and earth after their fall, or they will dissolve themselves to feed back to the heaven and earth. These are all feedbacks to the heaven and earth environment.

The more powerful beings are, the more they have the greatest influence on the environment of the universe, especially those supreme beings and ancient emperors, who merged with the imprint of Tianxin in the years of their enlightenment, and suppressed all Tao together. It can be said that they have captured the strongest A powerful fortune.

Therefore, the damage they caused to the environment of heaven and earth is irreversible, which is why only one great emperor can appear in an era.

Even after sending a great emperor to fall, their souls still suppressed the entire cosmic environment. Only after their souls completely dissipated can they gather the Tianxin imprint again, giving latecomers a chance to become enlightened.

It is precisely because of this that God is unwilling to have such a creature that defies the sky to the extreme.They are too terrible, and the damage caused to the cosmic environment is very difficult to recover.

Just like the last ancient emperor Dou Zhan Shenghuang in the late ancient times, when he was in power, he fought bloody battles, and the name of Dou Zhan resounded throughout the universe.

Based on this alone, you can imagine how powerful Dou Zhan Sheng Huang was when he was alive, but it was such a strong ancient emperor who chose the way of fighting immortals at the last moment of his life.

Although he did fail.But at the same time, it also had a huge impact on the world environment at that time.Thus leading to the end of the ancient times.

Also, who is the wind at the end of the fairy road, the Wushi Great Emperor who has a sword without beginning to become empty, he is also a powerful person to the extreme, in the years of his proving, even if it is a restricted area of ​​​​life, he should be far away from him .

Basically no one is his enemy, but if you study the ancient history carefully, you will find that whether it is the Holy Emperor or the Great Emperor Wushi, they are extremely powerful people.

After proving the Tao, the environment of the whole world will undergo tremendous changes.After the failure of fighting against the Holy Emperor and transforming into a Zhanxian, the curtain of Taikoo came to an end.

And the Great Emperor Wushi sat down.Huanggu is divided into two different eras: before Huanggu and after Huanggu.Don't underestimate these two different eras. Although their names are very similar and their inheritance is in the same line, I wish their world and environment have undergone tremendous changes.

On some ancient stars, practice will become more and more difficult.After a long time, the entire ancient star will be reduced to the end of the Dharma era, and it will no longer be able to practice! "

The race that Zhuxuan belonged to can be said to have crossed the Chaotic Ancient, Ming Ancient, Mythological Age, Primordial Era, Middle Ancient Era, Ancient Era, and Desolate Ancient Era. It can be said to have a long history.

He can also clearly speak out some secrets that others do not know.


That's what they are good for.When discussing the Heavenly Tribulation, I saw that the Heavenly Tribulation has been completely brewed.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yu didn't panic at all, but decided to strike first. He opened his mouth and sucked it in, as if swallowing the entire ten-directional universe, and the thunder and lightning all over the sky disappeared.

And after Xu Yu himself devoured the thunder that filled the sky, Xu Yu's appearance changed dramatically. Every pore in his body was emitting pure white fairy light from the inside out, and subtle thunder and lightning kept rushing across Xu Yu's body. move.

However, these actions of his seemed to expose God, after he swallowed the catastrophe into his stomach.

The dim universe is filled with various colorful thunders again, and it is no longer the same as before.Today's Tianjie has shapes, such as real dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns.

There were even humanoid celestial soldiers, all of them armed with spears, formed a battle formation, and rushed towards Xu Yu.

Facing all kinds of forests rushing towards him, Xu could only bite the bullet and kill them.

In the constant rush, the various creatures transformed by these lightnings gradually dissipated.

But at the same time, several stalwart figures also appeared in that sea of ​​thunder.I didn't feel any surprise afterwards, because those businesses are old customers for him, and I have met more than once.

All are the incarnations of those young emperors.

However, Xu Yu fought against them many times in Heavenly Tribulation, and now he has accumulated rich combat experience.

Up to now, Xu Yu also no longer needs to kill those human lightning bolts like before.

But the troublesome point is that these human-shaped brand marks did not come out one after another, but nine at a time.

But now Xu Yu has initially created his own Emperor's scripture, and his combat power has undergone a qualitative transformation, so he can face it with ease, without having to be bruised all over his body like the previous tribulation.

After a fierce battle, all the lightning in those hearts dissipated, so Xu Yuyu practiced through two calamities and became a great monk of the fourth heaven of the Great Saint.

"Come on, now that I have successfully survived the catastrophe, it's time to go to the other side." Bathing with a divine light in his eyes, he said thoughtfully.

"Brother, how are we going to get through this?"

Lin Chuan couldn't help asking while looking at the mist in front of the sea of ​​bitterness, and the others also looked at Xu Yu with questioning looks.


Yuan Shiyin appeared in Xu Yu's palm, exuding immeasurable starlight.

"Although the fog in front is left by the ancient emperor, I don't believe that millions of years have passed, and the fog can still withstand the emperor's soldiers!"

Taking out the seal of Yuanshi, Xu Yu said solemnly.

The fact is also the same, relying on the extreme emperor soldiers can indeed cross the sea of ​​suffering to reach the other shore, otherwise how could the brothers and sisters of the Ji family in the original book rely on the coffin of the void earth?How about entering the other side?

"That's right. As the continuation of the life of the ancient emperor, the Jidao Emperor's Armament naturally possesses supreme power. It can definitely break through this layer of fog, allowing us to cross the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore!"

Seeing Xu Yu's decision to use the Yuanshi Seal, the Four Great Sage Kings also agreed. They firmly believed that the Yuanshi Seal could break all blockades.


Xu Yu and the others found a place where the fog was relatively thin.Driving Yuan Shiyin emitted a light curtain, wrapped them inside, and forced their way in.

The vast starry sky is pierced by a divine bridge, which straddles the two domains and leads to the other side of the gods.

It was an incredible sight!The majestic Shenqiao crosses the ancient domain, and the big stars are like dust in front of it. It is horrifying, and anyone who sees it will be horrified and shocked.

The endless cultivators struggle to cross, and in the end, the end of the sea of ​​suffering is not the "other shore" to be sought. It takes a leap into the air to see another world.

Now Xu Yu, relying on the extreme emperor soldiers, forcibly opened up a road that could lead to the other shore.


The starry sky trembled, and the huge divine bridge was a beam of light, carrying everyone close to an ancient land, and there was a surge of chaos.

Looking from a distance, there are five continents, exuding hazy brilliance, and they are the other side of the gods!

"Here, we have come to the habitation of the gods!" People exclaimed, all of them couldn't help but be shocked.

There is a continent that is extremely hot, more fiery than the sun, and emits a scorching light.The other continent is a vast ocean, where people can't stand, and it is an endless swamp.On the third continent, the metal gas surged into the sky, making a clanging sound.The fourth continent is green and full of vitality.The fifth continent, a khaki one.Thick and solid.

This is the Five Elements Continent. People are horrified. After careful observation, they find that these continents are very similar to the five internal organs of the human body, but they are vast and boundless.

The dwelling place of the gods, it turned out to be like this!Many people realized something and realized it in their hearts.Could the so-called gods be the gods conceived in Lingbao Tianzun Taoist Palace?There are five gods in the five internal organs of the human body, which should refer to them.

The five elements qi overflowed and blended together.Mixed into one, turned into chaos, so there is a mist of Hunyuan flowing.hazy.

"There is a big star above the five continents, full of life!
As the Shenqiao approached, people saw the scene here and saw the layout clearly. There was a big star hanging between the five elements, which was nourished by them and was full of vitality.

It is really an ancient planet of life, and it is extremely huge. It is expected that there are tyrannical creatures on it.Because people feel a kind of supreme avenue from a long distance.

Perhaps there has been a Zhundi, maybe even the Great Emperor, who can tell.

At this point, people doubted again, maybe the gods really existed, and here, everyone was excited and excited.

On the other side of the gods, there is an ancient star at the end.How can one calm down.


The divine bridge pierced through the sky and earth, knocking everyone down. They scattered in all directions and landed on this ancient star in different directions.

This is a vast land, but fortunately Xu Yu and the others were not separated, and they fell together in the depths of an ancient wolf forest and majestic mountains.

Now that Xu Yu, Zixia, and Lin Chuan walked out of the mountains and walked towards
The vast land is marching towards the living city. In fact, they have seen some alien creatures in the mountains, but most of them do not have any advanced skills, and their understanding of the whole big world is limited.

"Boom", "Boom"...

Suddenly, a loud sound came.

They were taken aback, because a tall figure gradually appeared on the horizon, as tall as a hundred feet, like a mountain peak, majestic and mighty.

It was a giant ape with wide-mouthed fangs, yellow hair, and a light golden brilliance. It was carrying a stone stick with a strange creature tens of feet long hanging from it. It was obviously his prey.

"The creatures in this world are too big, right?"

"Well, although he's big, his strength isn't that terrifying. He's only in the Dragon Transformation Realm, but such a big man's physical body is definitely something that few people can match."

"I'm going to ask him about the situation on this planet."

Lin Chuan jumped up, came to the giant ape, and asked it through sound transmission with his spiritual thoughts.

The giant ape was obviously aware of the strength of the visitor. He didn't underestimate him because of his small body, he answered every question, and cooperated very well, which was beyond everyone's expectations.This is an ancient source of life, the name is "the other shore", where a group of extremely powerful creatures live, and the giant ape is just the bottom of the creature.

He pointed to the distance with a stone stick, saying that there are city outlines, prosperous towns, and various ethnic groups haunt there.

"Well, it's really the other shore." Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

According to what the great ape said, there are indeed gods in this world, but he can't get close to them because they are not high enough to worship.

This astonishing news moved them immediately, thinking that there would be a terrifying existence on this ancient star.

"Have you ever heard of ancient coffins in the age of mythology?" Lin Chuan continued to ask.

"Of course I've heard that a sarcophagus has nine layers. It came to the earth decades ago, and everyone knows it." The answer of the giant ape made them stunned. They thought it was extremely secretive, and it would definitely take a lot of trouble. Never thought about it. Everybody knows!
"where is it?"

"Of course it's in God's Domain," said the giant ape.

"What, God's Domain, is there really such a place in the world?!" Everyone was stunned.

"Wait a minute, speak slowly, where is God's Domain, and what kind of place is it?" Yuanyang Shenwang asked solemnly.

"The domain of the gods is the dwelling place of the gods, the hometown of longevity, and it's in that direction." The giant ape pointed again with a big stick, pointing in one direction.

Everyone was speechless, and the giant ape answered again. There was really no suspense at all, and he knew everything.

"Do you know the ancient tree of life?" Lin Chuan asked. He had never met the Ji family brothers and sisters, so naturally he would not have any feelings for them.It is not so concerned about the nine-fold coffin in the age of mythology, it only wants to know about the ancient tree of life.

"Of course I know." The giant ape nodded honestly.

"How come you know everything!?"

The giant ape was very innocent, scratching his head with an honest look on his face, and said, "Everyone in the world knows, what's wrong with this?"

This answer makes people very speechless. Is it true that the nine-fold coffin and the ancient tree of life in the age of mythology are really known to everyone?This made them all stunned for a while.

"Where is the ancient tree of life?" Lin Chuan asked urgently, wanting to know the whereabouts of this ancient tree immediately, too many people have descended, among the great sages and young lords of all walks of life, which one is the most fuel-efficient lamp?

"It's not far from here, go straight ahead, and you will arrive at Wanli Road, in the backyard of the gods." The giant ape replied.

"The backyard of the gods, where is that?" Lin Chuan asked seriously.

"It can be regarded as the residence of the gods. It can be called a part of the fairyland, but the gods usually don't come down, and they rarely go there." The giant ape pointed ahead and told everyone that they could reach there thousands of miles away.

This distance is really nothing to everyone. When one's cultivation level reaches the saint level, the world can be turned into a close distance. With one step, the sun, the moon, the river, and the mountains will turn together.

The realm of the gods, the backyard of the gods, the place where they don't usually live, and there is an ancient tree of life... These links together are enough to shock outsiders.

Everyone has a strange look. Before coming here, everyone thought that it would be very difficult, and the other side of the gods would be full of dangers, and perhaps bloody battles would be fought to the bone.

Unexpectedly, it was just a giant ape, but it revealed almost everything they wanted to know, without any effort.

Lin Chuan and Jin Yang questioned seriously, and after knowing enough about the situation, they couldn't wait to do it immediately, and they were only more than 1 miles away, so they could arrive immediately.

Xu Yu revealed a strange expression, opened his celestial eyes, stared at the giant ape and looked at it again and again. It was indeed a creature from the Dragon Transformation Realm, not a living antique.

The mountains and rivers fly upside down, and the big rivers go far away.A group of them walked through the sky, like a frightening rainbow crossing the sky, and they arrived thousands of miles away in a short time.

When they arrived here, everyone was shocked. This place is very mysterious, and the chaotic mist is surging, separating the front, as if it is a world of its own.

Obviously.It's unusual here.As soon as it got close, it made people's hearts skip a beat, and the mountains and rivers in the mist were all engraved with avenue runes, which made people awe-inspiring.

"That giant ape didn't lie. It turned out to be true. This is definitely a secret place!" Zhu Xuan has experienced many storms and waves over the years, and he can see it at a glance.This place has an extraordinary pattern, condensed with
A rare atmosphere through the ages.

The peaks are like statues of gods.It has existed since ancient times.The mountains are like horned dragons, traversing east and west.The cliff is like a golden roc spreading its wings, soaring up to the sea of ​​clouds.The hills are like basalt dormant, stable and thick.

"That's right, I have seen the consciousness of the giant ape, and I have never lied." Lin Chuan said, although it was a bit unreasonable to do so.But if you're here for the first time, be careful.

It is really the backyard of the gods, that is, a part of the fairyland. It is too incredible. If you come to the other side of the gods, you will wait to become a fairy? " Zixia is full of doubts.

There is no doubt that there must be something special about this place, just standing outside makes people's hearts shake.I can't wait to enter a level of the mystery of good fortune.

"Not quite right." Xu Yu said.

"What's the matter, is this place dangerous?" Lin Chuan asked.

"I haven't seen it yet." Xu Yu shook his head. In fact, this place is very similar to the fairy cave.

"What's wrong?" Jin Yang asked.

"There's something wrong with that giant ape, let's go. Let's go back and have a look." Xu Yu turned back and rushed thousands of miles away.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and followed, but the land was vast, with towering giant trees, and ancient wolf forests, there was no sign of the giant ape at all.

"This is the footprint he left, and it ends here." Xu Yu said.

The hundred-foot-tall giant ape left huge and deep footprints on the ground, and when it reached this place, it stopped suddenly, as if it disappeared inexplicably.

"I've clearly searched his Sea of ​​Consciousness, so why is there still a problem." Lin Chuan hated it so much that his teeth itch.

"Even my innate sky eyes have almost failed, this giant ape is amazing!" Xu Yu's eyes shot out cold electricity, and he scanned the surroundings, looking for signs.

In the end, he picked up a golden monkey hair in the grass in the distance, it was not very long, it was much shorter than the giant ape's hair just now, and it was too bright.

"A monkey hair, what's going on?" Lin Chuan asked.

Xu Yu said in a deep voice: "The giant ape just now was transformed from a monkey hair, and it almost fooled all of us. There is a god ape, he is proficient in the way of transformation, not to mention unparalleled in the world."

"Why do I feel a little familiar?" Zhu Xuan's eyes were sharp.

"Yes, it seems familiar." Yuanyang Shenwang nodded solemnly.

"It's it!" Lin Chuan shuddered. In the depths of Gu Tianzun's life spring, there is an ancient cave, and there is a sitting six-eared macaque in it. This kind of aura is similar, and it is suspected to be him.

"No way, that old monkey has good fortune, but after tens of thousands of years, how could he survive?" Ning Yi had doubts.

"I see, it's probably the offspring of that old monkey, who was sealed into this life!" Xu Yu said.

Everyone was stunned, the six-eared macaque built the mansion in Gu Tianzun's life spring, it can be said to be shocking, his strength is beyond doubt.

Presumably with his strength, it would not be a problem to find the source of God and seal his offspring into this great world.

In Gu Tianzun's sea of ​​bitterness, he built a divine bridge to reach the other side. It can be said that the world is close to this place. If the divine bridge appears, just take a step if you want to come here.

"According to legend, the six-eared macaque is one of the strongest bloodlines in the universe. It can perceive and understand everything. In particular, the six-eared macaque can learn all kinds of dharmas by listening to the sounds of the world. It is unpredictable and the way of change is unmatched. See through." Lin Chuan said solemnly, then kept silent, and glanced around, as if he was afraid of being heard by the god monkey.

"It is said that the six-eared macaque is extinct. The most terrifying physique is missing in this world. I never thought that he still has a bloodline on the other side of the gods."

Everyone had a premonition that something was wrong, this monkey was extremely capable, if it caught on to them, it would definitely be a tough fight.

Just changing with a single monkey hair almost fooled all of them.This kind of method is not something that ordinary strong people can use.

Xu Yu looked calm, and said: "It's okay, if he is really powerful, he would have already attacked us."

Even though he said this, Zhu Xuan didn't dare to relax his vigilance, because this kind of bloodline was so strong that people had to be on guard.Especially Lin Chuan, his face was ashen. He didn't see anything wrong with the monkey just now.

Xu Yu and the others searched all over to no avail.Since the monkey hair of the six-eared macaque is in this world.Then the real body may be there, and it may be possible to encounter it in the future.

"Damn monkey, you are so cruel. He wants to lure us in, and make us die."

Lin Chuan gritted his teeth.

They learned from other creatures that the mountains and rivers were indeed related to the ancient gods.But it is by no means a backyard, but a forbidden zone that has existed since ancient times.

The current gods may not be able to enter, and for others, there is no way to get out, and there is no doubt that they will die, because it is a killing array laid down by the ancient emperor, which is still there today, and it has not been completely destroyed.

"Good monkey head, we will settle accounts with you in the future!" Gu Xuan also said.

There are extraordinary places in the mountains, ten steps and one scene.Five steps and one magic talisman, it seizes the good fortune of the world, but the killing array of the ancient emperor is arranged here, and the gods will die if they enter.

Bypassing this ancient land, they entered the truly vast land where heroes were vying for hegemony, and saw several huge ancient cities one after another, each of which was occupied by unworldly masters.

The hometown of Changsheng is called Shenyu, where the gods live.

This is after they came to this world, they learned the real and exact Qingxi. Some giant apes were wrong, but not all of them were false.

One guardian of the human race died, and two saints from other races also died.What's going on here? ! "They will receive a shocking news.

On a majestic city, a notice was posted, wanting to have three mountainous heads, all of whom are people of the great sage level.

It was only one night after they came to this world, three great sages died, which made people startled, Xu Yu and the others were all filled with joy, this world is indeed terrifying.

This is the fifth giant city on our way. The city wall is tall and tall, like black molten iron, the black light is icy and cold, and the cold golden light flickers.

The three stand-up heads are placed in a bamboo cage, resting on the majestic city gate tower, which can be shocking every day.

When Xu Yuxing went to Facheng, he saw all kinds of unknown races. Some had bird-shaped heads, some had only a single light and no fixed body, and some had only a swollen head without the back of the hands and breath.

There are all kinds of races, different, and many of them are magic weapons, like a magic knife walking in the core, giving birth to twin souls and twins, as the body of the knife.

And another ancient score, the violent cauldron, is flying in the city.

Ning Yi almost robbed these weapons out of the law.But Xu Yu stopped him and told him not to move around.
These are all the constructions of this world, and many of them were cultivated by Mr. Yuan. The holy weapon is psychic, and he has become a different kind. He can learn the law here, travel freely, and no one interferes.

Many of the new biography came out of the famous mansion of Okawa.

"It's really evil, what kind of place is this?" Zhu Xuan was troubled.

Fortunately, they also saw a lot of humanoid creatures. Xu Yu, Lin Chuan, etc. are not aliens, and they are not so eye-catching. All are strong.

"These huge cities have existed forever, and they are said to guard the habitat of the gods. They found out the news.

The back of Yecheng is close to the city of choice. The human race expander and the two alien great sages were beaten for the purpose of exploring seeds, so the tiger hangs his head on the city to make a moral report.

"Great Sage, if you say it, you will kill it. Sex is the real special fee?!" These news made them feel very bad.
Xu Yuxing went through the city to drink, did not act lightly, and called for help from many sources. The Zhou doctors in Shencheng had eight huge rules like flames, and they guarded all directions carefully.

They asked many living beings, but they didn't understand what the so-called gods were, because no one could really explain them clearly.

God’s Realm is not shaken, they ventured to inquire about the Ninefold Fingers of the Age of Mythology, and once again proved some of the words of the giant ape, which is really known to most people, but they are not in the Immortal Realm, but in a desperate place .

Crossing the world, they don't know how many millions of miles they have crossed, and they came to an ancient land that existed in the age of myths and legends, and looked into the deepest place.

"It's just a sarcophagus, and it's wide open in the deepest part of the Jedi. Is this a bad omen?
Standing on the sky, everyone looked at the front of the land, filled with zero air, the ancient wood monkey forest, Chang'an things, and death-like mourning.

In an area of ​​mountains, there is a mouth of pomegranates that is extremely large, and there is a horizontal painting of a stone mountain, which exudes a simple and unsophisticated atmosphere.
This is the Jedi that descended from beyond the border, and it has entered from no government for decades, because this Jedi has left too many terrible legends, and you must die if you take it.

" really the coffin of Emperor Void, but how did it become so huge?" Xu Yu asked.

There are thousands of valleys in shape, the air is always moist, and the giant trees of Gucha are all over the mountains. This is a prehistoric scene.But it was extremely quiet, not a single sound could be heard, it was extremely lonely.

A huge coffin with the essence of ancient spirit, the whole body is made of stone, but there is no trace of limitation, it is as high as thousands of feet, which compares with many peaks in Zhouyuan.

If you don't take a closer look, who would think it is a mouthful of goodness, it is clearly a stone ridge with no grass growing, and it is born with a kind of great aura, which makes people really awe.

"Emperor Chukong, who suppressed the turmoil and fought against the Seven Great Life Forbidden Zones, is bleeding here?" Du Bo said in a low voice.

"The cemetery of the ancient great emperor, otherwise Fei Fei felt something strange just standing here." Ye Du said after finishing.

There is no suppressing or trembling breath, the Zhengkou stone handle is so huge, there is no fear of fluctuations in and out, there is only a kind of extraordinary.

They didn't rush in when they came here, not only because the coffin was a magic tool, but more importantly, this place was a painting, and there was no way out.

Xu Yutiao became the eye of the sky, standing in the remote place, he can see thousands of miles away, but he can't see through the deepest things in the fog, as if there is a layer of shadow behind him.

Even Xu Yu's innate divine eyes are blind, he can't get to the bottom of it, and even has a murderous intent that is unmatched in ancient times, and it can't be broken even now.

It's not quite right, you can see that the mountain peaks are full of energy during the daytime, and the Ruiguang Mausoleum in Fenduan County is falling, which is a sign of great auspiciousness.How could it be called a Jedi? " Ning Yi

"Let me take a look." Xu Yu asked everyone to step back, and with all his body flowing, he used the measurement technique to inspect the mountains and rivers.

"Hey, no, they were retreated!" Xu Yu was startled, and at the moment they were thrown out, he rushed towards a kind of mysterious power, holy and pure, with a drop of light and a stream of light.

It's not a murderous intent, it's like a fairy door is opening.Although it is very strange to welcome distinguished guests into the mountain.

"It's different from what the residents said. It's clearly a piece of pure land, how can it be called a burial place?" Jin Yang looked at each other in blank dismay, not feeling any murderous intent in him.

Xu Yu was also at Le Mei, staring at Shan Jiu again and again, still letting everyone wait outside, only he walked forward alone.

In the next quarter of an hour, the power of Haochao reappeared, and the whole mountains resonated, emitting the light of Zen. The mountain peaks are moving, the sacredness is incomparable, and the courtyard lights are flying in the sky, which is completely different from the legend.

"Why is this happening? The aborigines are lying to us. It's impossible. If only one person knows this, is it true that all the people he violated are cheating?" The outside world, Lin Chuan and others did not believe it.


All the big mountains were cracked, and when the tens of thousands of mountains were repaired by Hong Yong. Lang Zhi, many cracks appeared on each mountain, which meant bright red liquid inside.

"Whose blood!"

Xu Yu and the others were shocked, how much blood was there in so many mountain peaks, and how did it form?suspicious.

'These mountains are alive, they are moving!Yuan Yang said in a deep voice.

"These Weidao are really creatures. You can see that there are huge bones on the surface of the mountain, like the bones of the mountain, stained with blood." Everyone took a breath of affection.

What kind of thing is this? How can it be compared to a fat mountain peak? It looks like a fake snake.

Each bone is very large, the most of which is hundreds of feet, or even tens of feet.There is the smallest but not enough Panada, which has a strange brilliance of life.

The mountain is alive, what kind of creature is this, is it related to the reason why they are called Jedi, they devour the creatures that enter this place?
(End of this chapter)

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