Chapter 217

Suddenly, a strange fragrance floated up, making people light and healthy, as if they were about to float up, a refreshing fragrance with a special magic power that made people intoxicated.

All the mountains were shaking, and the cracks and cracks shone brightly. From the blood and bones, drops of mysterious liquid overflowed, crystal clear and translucent.

They slid from the mountain and fell to the foot of the mountain, forming small puddles that were bright and translucent, many of which were connected together.

Needless to say, everyone knew about this divine liquid that could not go away, but the process of its birth was so unimaginable, it was surprising and puzzling.

"Take it!" Lin Chuan roared, sacrificed a magic weapon, and submerged it into Wanshan, wanting to collect this mysterious droplet.

However, its magical instrument is like a mud cow entering the sea, and it never returns, falling directly on the mountain, and then disintegrated, engulfed by the auspicious lights, and collected into the mountain.

"I used my magic weapon as nourishment. What the hell is this? Is there really such a creature as an earth dragon in the world?!"

In the mountains, all kinds of streamers are flying, and that kind of crystal clear liquid is very rare, it does not penetrate into the sand, and it does not sink into the stone crevices.All gathered at the root of the mountain, but it was just a small puddle.

As for the huge sarcophagus, it is still lying there.Always nothing changes.

"Someone is coming." Qingluan Saint said.far away.Dozens of figures flew over, each covered by a divine ring, male or female, or mighty and forceful.Or sacred and peaceful, or beautiful as a flower.Dusty and colorful.

Have you experienced layoffs?
Most of them are humanoid creatures, but some have three heads and six arms, and some have a third vertical eye.All weather is extraordinary.It is dreadful.

"It seems that the magic liquid will be generated, and it will only surge once every 1 years. The chance is rare, and it must not be missed."

These people are very powerful, but they don't dare to go deep into the Jedi, they all just watch outside.They did not find Xu Yu and the others who had already concealed themselves.

"Look, the magic liquid has already been formed. In a while, some precious liquid will be deposited and harvested once every ten thousand years. It is of great importance. Everyone must come to inspect frequently in the near future, and there is no room for loss." A man said in a deep voice. .

Xu Yu and the others nodded inwardly as they listened. This is indeed a strange place, and there is a magical liquid that is born, and it is difficult for those who are not powerful and powerful to obtain.

"You and I are all following orders. If something goes wrong, no one can afford it. God will blame you. Be careful."

The more Ning Yi and the others heard, the more surprised they were. Every ten thousand years, there would be some magical liquid, and these people belonged to a certain big force, and were responsible for collecting the precious liquid here.

"My lord, why did the magic liquid come into being, and how did it form? Isn't this a Jedi, can we go in?"

Apparently, there are new members who have joined here, who are full of curiosity about this place, and earnestly ask for advice and inquiries.

"This is the battlefield of the gods, where their blood and bones were buried. Now no one can enter except our gods, and they will be destroyed at every turn." A handsome man warned, his strength is amazing, he is a A saint king with three heads and six arms, thick black hair, and a fierce aura.

This is the blood and bones of the gods, buried here, forming a life-threatening land, and these flesh and blood contain fairy spirits, which will move the hearts of all future generations.

For some unknown reason, it seemed like a fairy cellar was formed in the end, and it seemed to be transformed into a special life form. The flesh and blood of the gods and the burial bones were automatically born into the gods and demons, which poured out every [-] years.

"These people are from God's Domain!" Through their conversation, Xu Yu and his party quickly learned something.

"My lord, a huge coffin fell from the sky decades ago and landed in this desperate land, but no one has found out what it says so far." Someone asked.

"Yeah, what happened? The ancient coffin fell from the sky. At that time, someone saw that there were a few living beings on the coffin. It was unimaginable. I don't know if they are still in this desperate land."

"Some things are too extensive and too deep for you to intervene, so it's best not to." The adult said indifferently.

In the end, he still whispered, saying:
"That is a nine-fold ancient coffin from the age of mythology. It may be an elder of the gods, so don't discuss it."

In the dark, Lin Chuan and others took a deep breath.In the age of mythology, the nine-fold coffin was buried in the nine heavens, and there were gods in it. Could it be that the origin is here?
But Xu Yu knew that Emperor Void was just a nine-fold coffin obtained from the universe, and it was impossible to know who the real owner was inside.

Of course, the nine-story coffin in the age of mythology has nothing to do with the gods of God's Domain. The nine-story coffin in the age of mythology is not something ordinary people can enjoy.

In Taoism, numbers from one to nine represent different levels of specification. One is the beginning, which represents the beginning of all things, and nine represents the extreme of number.

Therefore, the nine-story coffin in the age of mythology is only eligible to be used by the ancient emperor or the emperor of the ancient times, as well as the ancient Tianzun of the age of mythology.

Although fertility has had a slight relationship with Lingbao Tianzun since ancient times, it is not the power left by Lingbao Tianzun.

It's just that the founder of Shenyu had received part of the inheritance of Lingbao Tianzun before the endless years.

Of course, it is also possible that these races in God's Domain are the descendants of those god generals who followed Lingbao Tianzun in the age of mythology, otherwise, they would not be qualified to master the supreme treasure of killing immortal sword array.

In the long years, the strongest of these ancient gods in God's Domain is only the quasi-emperor, and many of them are even stuck in the realm of the great saint, so they are not qualified to use the nine-story coffin in the age of mythology.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Yu thought that what the envoy of God's Domain said was nothing but nonsense.

At this moment, there was a loud rumbling sound from far away.There was a blue chariot across the sky, and the carbon shattered the sky, rushed here, and burst into immortal brilliance.

"The decree of God's Domain has arrived." These people who came earlier exclaimed.

"God's decree has arrived. Recently, God has pondered and felt that the arrival of the spirits from outside the territory will disturb the peace of the four directions. Therefore, the decree has been passed down to the world. All ethnic groups will kill the evil spirits from outside the territory and protect the other shore."

Standing on the bronze chariot was a shadowy figure, passing down a method to let all the heroes of the world arrive at the devil outside the territory, and behead the invading old man.

In the dark, people like Lin Chuan, Yuan Yang, Ning Yi and others who didn't know the reality of God's Domain were all shocked.

"The trouble is serious. There will be a bloody storm in this world, but all the great saints and young supreme beings who come to this other side will be in trouble. That existence in the realm of the gods is going to kill people." Lin Chuan Surprised.

The bronze chariot is rumbling, and it is far away, and continues to convey the divine purpose to all parts of the world, demanding that those who enter the territory from outside the territory be punished

"It's a big trouble, and it's likely that there will be a man-made robbery. Fortunately, we heard it here, otherwise we might not be able to tell." Lin Chuan said, and now he is afraid to go out.

"There is a big change here, should we take it or not?" Jin Yang, the innate Golden Crow born of the sun star, dismissed the so-called decrees of the gods, staring at the small water puddles in this Jedi It's intentional.

This place is the battlefield of the gods in the past. It was born in the age of mythology. Every ten thousand years, some gods and monsters will be bred.

"It's not mature yet, but it seems that it's hard to win. There are a lot of masters here. If you are not careful, you will alarm the God Realm. It will be a big trouble if you provoke the master to deal with us." Yuan Yang is cautious. Said.

As the mountain wind blew, the leaves fluttered in the forbidden area, the forest shook, and the cracked peaks snaked in like snakes. Only a huge sarcophagus lay there motionless.

In autumn on the other side, it is colder than everyone imagined, and there is a kind of cold chill.swept across the entire land.

Within a day, the power of the gods spread throughout the world, and powerful men from all races came out to look for the devil from outside the territory, and launched a shocking massacre.

Following Xu Yu's footsteps ahead of time, many young monks who came to the other side of the gods all encountered the strong men of the gods' domain on this day, and started today's bloody battle.

This battle also alarmed the brothers and sisters of the Ji family, as well as the Holy Spirit Lingheng, etc. Even the disciple Dao Yi was forced to show himself under the third search by the powers of God's Domain. At the same time, the six-eared macaque who misled them Appeared.

It seems that they have a special way to track down the traces of outsiders like them, even Xu Yu and the others have experienced bitter battles one after another.

There are too many masters hidden in the domain of the gods. Saints and monks in the realm of saint kings can be called kings and ancestors in the outside world, but they can only be regarded as ordinary soldiers in the domain of the gods, let alone those great saints. .

The civil strife in Qingyutian has not yet broken out in the current God's Domain, so the upper and lower sides are naturally working together, and there are more great saints than hands.

This caused a lot of trouble to Xu Yu and the others. Even if they could leapfrog the ranks to fight, the people in God's Domain are indeed masters of the Jade Immortal Sword formation diagrams, proficient in various large formations, and often form five or six or more than ten people together Cheng Zhanzhen fought fiercely with Xu Yu and the others.

At this time, personal bravery is useless, and because of this, they have been embarrassed by the monks of God's Domain several times.

Because after all, no matter how powerful Xu Yu was, he still couldn't stand alone against the shocking battle formation of several Saint King's subordinates.

Xu also thought about breaking through one by one, but at that time, the battle formation formed by the monks of God's Domain would gather the main force and confront Xu Yu.

Once Xu Yu and the others were dragged back, a continuous stream of monks from God's Domain would surround them, so Xu Yu and the others fought and retreated along the way.

During the battle of the monks of God's Realm against the unexpected people, the names of Lingheng, Daoyi and others moved the world, rising from the other side like comets across the sky.

In addition, the brothers and sisters of the Ji family shook the Shenzi of the God Realm hard, and Yiren was like a big storm.

This ancient star of life is full of blood, and fierce battles occur from time to time. The aborigines have a special way to distinguish it, and the people on the other side will have a special brand.

Because all ethnic groups believe in the gods and worship the gods, they will have a brand of gods on their bodies, and once they exercise their skills, they will emit a brilliant holy light.

"The power of faith, the ruler of the city of God is collecting pure thought power, does he really want to live forever? There have been several strong men in history who have done this, and they are all incredible big shots!
The Immortal Emperor and Amitabha Buddha are both masters of this way. The former is worshiped by all races, and the latter established a religion. His followers are spread all over the world, and he has sent a large amount of pure thought power to him.

After many bloody battles, Xu Yu and the others found a secluded place, covered up the secrets with the pattern of bullying the sky, and temporarily got rid of the monks in the domain of God.


They hid outside this Jedi, quietly watching the production process of the magic liquid, which was really unbelievable.Those mountains seem to be alive.Climbing like an earth dragon, it cracks today and overflows with precious liquid.

However.They also learned from the discussions of these people who are guarding outside that this is not enough and needs a process of precipitation.At that time, Shenmobo will be considered truly mature.

They don't know that this process may take several years, or even more than ten years. When the time comes, Kao Shen will come here to drink in person, and these people are only responsible for taking care of it.

Xu Yu and the others didn't know the exact time. They were meditating outside this mountain area, sitting cross-legged on the mountain peak, looking at it every day, but they still couldn't see the success of the magic liquid.

There are indeed many puddles.Sparkling and crystal clear.It's a pity that listening to those people's discussions, it will continue, and they probably won't be able to wait.

The outside world has already been turned upside down, although most of the digital saints and young supreme beings from outside the domain are fuel-efficient lamps, they are dormant.But every now and then there will be a big game.

This is a storm, a big storm that swept across the entire ancient star.

However, the occurrence of one incident made many young supreme beings tremble, and the hearts of all the great saints trembled. A ray of divine light flew out from the domain of God, terrifying to the heavens.Killed a great sage from a foreign land, and his body and spirit were all destroyed.

No one could see clearly what kind of sharp weapon it was.Some people say that the incarnation of God came out, slaying demons and eliminating demons, to suppress and kill ten directions, and return the world to the other side.

Some people also said that it is a quasi-emperor weapon, which can kill all opponents, even if the enemy is a great sage, it can only be destroyed.

Some people even said that it was the real Emperor's soldier. After being resurrected, he traveled hundreds of thousands of miles and beheaded the great sage from a foreign land. He was fierce and powerful like a dragon leaping and a tiger leaping.

On this day, the outsiders who guarded the Jedi exclaimed, all paled in shock, pointing to the depths of the restricted area, speechless.

I saw those puddles, and many gods and demon liquids were all filled to the depths of the mountains, even if they were uphill, even if there were mountains blocking them.can also flow through.

"There are living beings in the forbidden zone, and they are doing this to attract these divine liquids, in the position of the nine-fold coffin in the age of mythology." These people shouted, but there was no way to stop them.

No one dared to go deep, and it was rumored that only gods could enter, but since that huge sarcophagus fell from the sky, the ruler of the gods' domain has never set foot in it.

Xu Yu and Zixia moved differently, transmitted sound secretly, and turned into strands of Dao Bo.The quake went to the Jedi, but there was no response.All the peaks rise together, and there are some runes on them, which can obliterate the power of the outside world.

"This is really a natural dam that intercepts and filters everything, and anyone who enters will be killed without mercy." Xu Yu sighed.

Somebody is stirring the magic liquid, obviously snatching food from the tiger's mouth, snatching the past from the hands of the gods, and there will be hemp in the future.

"You protect the Dharma for me, I want to see the truth!" Xu Yu said, he chose a place, soared into the sky, sat cross-legged in the void, opened his third eye, and looked at the mountain range in the deepest part of the mist.

The mountains and ravines sounded together, and when the two golden lights shot out from Xu Yu's eyes broke through the limit and entered the real restricted area, many mountains moved strongly, as if the solemn statues of treasures were revived one after another.

One ancient symbol after another appeared on the mountain, and after crushing these two light beams, Xu Yu's eyes were painful, and then he was horrified, that is one kind of way after another, it is simply unimaginable, and they all possess a kind of supreme majesty.

"The way of the gods!"

He suddenly understood that every mountain peak is the burial place of the gods. The most tragic battle took place here in the age of mythology, and it is said that the ancient gods have participated in it.

What a terrifying fact it would be to have so many divine remains piled up!

A rune represents a kind of gods and demons, with so many flashing at the same time, whoever came would have to hate, Xu Yu naturally felt the tremendous pressure, which was unbearable.

A stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, dripping onto the skirt of his clothes, which surprised Ning Yi, Lin Chuan and others, and hurriedly stopped him, don't force it.

"Brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that the blood is a little surging!"

"This is not so much a Jedi. It is better to say that it is a treasure. The peaks stand side by side, and each condenses into an ancient talisman. god!"

Xu Yu stared at the giant coffin, and then looked at the vast and mysterious mist area behind it, with a strange light in his eyes.

He asked Ning Yi, Lin Chuan and other guardians to open their unique innate eyes, intending to search for the runes of ancient gods and demons.

The rays of light from his eyes became even brighter, like two heavenly swords splitting the void, until he reached the deepest point, and gradually saw the scene on the other side of the sarcophagus.

The lakes there are clear, the mist is colorful, and the ancient medicine is fragrant.Dingdong of the clear springs, and even the misty glow of the ancient cave mansion, it is simply a Taoist temple for real immortals.All that's missing are birds and beasts, too peaceful,

There is no sense of movement, and it is precisely because of this that this lush and splendid land seems to lack a vitality.

Thousands of mountains shake, and the way of the gods reappears.An ancient talisman appeared on each mountain peak, obliterating Xu Yu's eyes, and reverberated with a terrifying and monstrous power, which made the heavens and all Taos resonate.

With a buzzing sound, Xu Yu's body shook violently.Blood dripped from both eyes, and the eyeballs almost shattered.This backlash is abnormally terrifying.

However, he didn't give up, his words were running secretly, his injured body was repaired, his eyes became brighter, there might be a great fortune ahead, if he couldn't find it in time, he might be the one to catch it first.

This time Xu Yu's whole body glowed, not only his eyes were terrifying, but even on the fairy platform, there was a golden villain sitting cross-legged, reciting scriptures and looking far away.

Thousands of mountains resonated, each rune blocked his sight, and his body trembled through his eyes. One can imagine what kind of crisis he would face if he encountered a real body. He deserved to be an ancient forbidden zone.

This time he broke through the limit, his eyes went deeper, and he saw a creature whose whole body seemed to be made of gold, shining brightly, like a golden fairy phoenix, whose speed was comparable to that of lightning, drawing out a brilliant light .

This is a divine bird, it is too bright and incomparably beautiful, it really seems to be a phoenix bird from the fairy world, its bright feathers draw a dazzling light.

This is the figure that Xu Yu hastily captured. There are creatures deep in the restricted area, and they are super powerful!

"Who are you?" A loud shout came from afar.

Just now, Xu Yu's eyes burst into divine light, piercing through the void, and looking at the deepest part of the Jedi, the two golden beams of light startled a group of strong men guarding here.

Zixia, Jinyang, and Guxuan are all ready to fight.But Xu Yu was happy and fearless, just now he had a quick glance, and he discovered some secrets...

(End of this chapter)

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