Chapter 219 Second Under the Stars


Suddenly, there was a loud roar from God's Domain.

"What's wrong? God is angry!"

Many creatures in God's Domain are puzzled.Why did their supreme god let out a roar of anger?
"Death to the blasphemer!" On this day, a loud voice came from God's Domain, shaking the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and making all living beings outside tremble.

Not long after, the decree of the god flew out, and more than a dozen people rushed to all directions with the decree of the god, announcing to the world that they wanted to punish a young man named Xu Yu, and engraved his portrait on the notice.

On this day, the world shook, and the sky was clamored.

The other side is boiling, there has been no such thing for many years, God is angry, and actually passed down such a decree, to kill a person specifically, causing the whole world to become noisy.

Whether it is God's Domain or the ancestral lands of the major races, they are all shocked and inexplicable. If the gods are angry, there will be millions of dead bodies, bleeding and drifting, and the entire mountain and river will be dyed red.

Why does this man named Xu Yu need people, and he provoked such a great wrath of God, it is really scary and incomprehensible.

Obviously, this is a blasphemer, and he is a big devil with unforgivable crimes and extreme lawlessness, otherwise he would never make God angry.

In the era of God's rule, he has always been peaceful and noble, the embodiment of compassion and holiness, without anger, anger, impatience, evil, or hatred, and possesses a clear and tolerant heart.

On this day, people in the whole world are talking about the word Xu Yu, who is hated by God, it must be extraordinary.

Not long after, some news came out one after another.Saying that Xu Yu is a big devil from outside the territory, destroying the foundation of God's Domain, and disrespecting the ruler is the biggest heresy that has appeared since God's rule.

"A few years ago, a believer went crazy, broke off the branch of the ancient tree of life, and escaped to the other side. It is said that he was tempted by this demon."

"How did I hear that it started because he destroyed a blurred incarnation of God, didn't it?"

"The god is so holy and pure, unparalleled in the world, who can destroy his incarnation, unless another god appears. It is obviously for other reasons, blasphemy, and he has done great evil, and the gods cannot forgive him.

The whole world seemed to explode. This man named Xu Yu became the focus of heated discussions and attracted the attention of all directions. Many people from the ancient land were sent out to search.

In this world, blasphemers are rare, and once they appear, they will die and turn into ashes.

"Is there really a god in the world? He commands the whole world. You have become a wanted man." Jin Yang clicked his tongue, looking gloating.

As a congenital god and devil, Jin Yang has a carefree personality, and he doesn't pay attention to the so-called gods at all. After all, he was rebellious in the past. Looking at his strength as a saint king, he dared to provoke Xu Yu, who is a great saint. , threatened to make Xu Yu his slave.

However, its nature slowly changed after it had to be suppressed to the same level as him after it was suppressed with strength.

But it is also divided into people. He is extremely noble, and I am also comparable to the Holy Spirit. To many people, he is not fake, even other people who are also Xu Yu's followers will look down on him , even they have been contested by your children many times.

That is to say, only Juxuan, who has inherited an ancient and incomparable heritage, can suppress him in terms of combat power. Even Yuan Yang, who is known as the king of gods, can only fight him in a tie, let alone Ning Yi. When he was Yang, he could only defend passively, which was far from Jin Yang.

Xu Yu ignored the gloating Jin Yang, but turned to the others and said:
"The magic liquid is quite impressive, comparable to the medicine of immortality, but it actually flowed into the huge sarcophagus. I guess there will be a big problem, and I don't know what will happen."

Lin Chuan said: "Don't think about it for now. Now that you have become a heretic in this world, there is a decree from God's Domain, and everyone in the world wants to kill you. Hurry up and think about how to solve it."

This is a headache. It may be difficult to move forward in this world. No one thought that the incarnation of faith would be cut off, and it would be understood by the body of God.

"My array pattern reaches the sky, and I am proficient in origin techniques. If I don't want to be exposed in this world, they have nothing to do with it." Xu Yu was not worried.

Lin Chuan shook his head and said, "Didn't you hear that once a blasphemer encounters a special envoy who walks out of God's Domain, he will emit a devilish aura and be recognized quickly. Obviously, they can perceive the enemy through the power of faith and make them send strange waves." Elephant, you have killed gods, and you will probably show your feet."

"As long as you don't meet the gods, it's fine, and the other angels will let them perish and go to meet the devil." Xu Yu said, he has this confidence, there is no one in the entire God's Domain except for the old god who is at the peak of the Great Sage He deserves to be treated with caution.

In the hall of God's Domain, "God" felt the danger for the first time. In the past years, he used the power of faith to suppress one existence after another who did not obey him.

But now there are foreign monks who rely on the power of the enemy emperor to break his power of faith.How can this not annoy him?

When he got angry, it hurt the envoys and goddesses who were serving him in the temple.

In front of the supreme god, the envoy could only retreat tremblingly, and convey the will of the god to the monks in the realm of the gods.

"Extreme Emperor Soldiers, no matter whose descendant you are, if you dare to blaspheme the gods, you will surely die without a place to bury you!"

After the envoy retreated, "God" said angrily.

The outside world, with the will of God began to spread.All the monks in the God's Domain knew that since the demons from outside the domain dared to blaspheme the great gods.

This is a challenge to their entire domain of God.Of course, there are also some old gods in God's Domain who are planning secretly. They have already secretly turned to Qingyutian and abandoned the current old god.

After all, the current God of God's Domain is not in the right position.

After the god's will was conveyed, the entire God's Domain was thrown into chaos.Although many old gods no longer worship the old gods today, they still need to obey the will of the gods on the surface.

It is precisely because of this that they need it.Take these people from outside the domain to muddy the water in God's Domain, and then bring Qing Yutian back.

But now in God's Domain, all the extraterritorial modifications inside are not simple characters.And it was far from the number of monks that Xu Yu had when he came to God's Domain.

After a short period of liquidation, only Xu Yu, Dao Yi, Ling Heng and others were left in an unexpected comfort.

After all, a groomer who has entered God's Domain now.There are not many real great saints, and they are basically young supreme beings who break into the realm of the gods by luck, and most of them are in the realm of saint kings.

Under Shenyu Shenlao's ruthless attack.They could only bleed at God's Domain and leave the stage sadly.

Of course, for Xu Yu and others like Peerless Talents, the liquidation of God's Domain is not difficult at all, and it is painless and painless.

Although God's Domain is very small in the vast and boundless universe, there are still many places to hide in the entire God's Domain.

Today's Xu Yu and the others are just like Xu Yu in the original book, hiding in the Forbidden Land of Gods and Demons, while consulting the Dao Mark brand in the Forbidden Land of Gods and Demons, while silently accumulating strength.

"It's just a strong man at the peak of the great sage who borrowed endless power of faith to step into the realm of quasi-emperor, and dare to call himself a god. I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

In what situation?After talking about the confidence of the mysterious old god, Xin Yan, who was born in the God's Domain, was speechless towards the "God" of the God's Domain.

You must know that the protoss in the universe are truly self-improving races in the entire nine heavens and ten lands.

Everyone has a divine body, and there is even a legendary god-king body, which is so profound and frightening.But only dare to call themselves the descendants of the gods.

Even the Yuanyang God King felt that the mysterious old god was just a frog in a well, ignorant of the vastness of the universe and extremely rampant.

In fact, God's Domain is indeed very powerful.But, it is also relative to some.For weaker star fields.

In the entire universe, there are many ancient and incomparable creatures.Life Xinyue is much stronger than Shen Yu, but no life is as lucky as the mysterious god.Before becoming enlightened, he ordered the universe, and before becoming the quasi-emperor, he was unscrupulous.

"People like God will end up ruined sooner or later!"

Even Zixia, who has always been quiet, was moved and speechless by the "God".

You know, in the Big Dipper Starfield, even the great sage would not dare to order the world, and even the Zhundi, in the Big Dipper, had to be careful, for fear of offending the supreme being in the restricted life zone.

Not to mention the extreme powers of the Supreme Single Wine Double Big Dipper Starfield in Life, none of them is a simple character, leaving aside their dusty background for many years, you and their extreme emperor soldiers alone can be invincible in the world, But even so, the extreme power on the Big Dipper Starfield is very restrained.

The reason why the mysterious old god is so crazy is because the realm of the gods is so well protected.The realm of the gods is located in the secret realm of the wheel sea of ​​the Lingbao Tianzun, and is wrapped by the supreme array pattern of the Lingbao Tianzun, which can naturally resist external harm.

It is precisely because of this that the cultivators of God's Domain have developed a arrogant and arrogant temperament.

In fact, in the original book, the final negativity of the oracle is also because many gods in the domain of the gods underestimated the powers of the universe.


On the other side, Xu Yu and the others, who had undergone a disguise, were now swaggering in every corner of God's Domain, exploring the mysteries of this land.

"Let's have a thorough understanding of this world and understand the secrets of the other side." They walked in the world on foot and saw many customs and customs.

Of course, they concealed their true faces with great magic power, and pressed their bodies with bullying patterns, so as to avoid different branding flaws due to different beliefs.

Xu Yu and the others learned a lot in the next half month. Fortunately, they have never met anyone from God's Domain, and they have been safe all the time.

On this day, the Knights of the Temple were dispatched. This is a divine army that has disappeared for thousands of years. It specializes in killing evil spirits.

However, when the army of gods appeared, the first target they chose was Xu Yu, and they wanted to get rid of the number one culprit first and kill him.

The wind blows, and the fallen leaves fall.In a mountainous area, there is a chill of autumn, which makes people feel a chill.

Xu Yu, Lin Chuan and others were intercepted. It was the first time they encountered an enemy after more than a month of tranquility, and they were not weak, but seemed extremely strong.

There was a burly figure on a huge rock, with taupe hair, exuding a terrifying aura, like a majestic sage swallowing mountains and rivers.

"The Sage King has such an extraordinary aura, and his understanding of Tao has surpassed his realm." Xu Yu's heart skipped a beat, revealing a dignified look.

Huo, this person turned around. This is a tall old man, but his body is not lacking in vitality, shining with a bronze luster, and his muscles are like dragon snakes.

His gray-brown hair and terrifying silver pupils showed that he was very old. He was a terrifying saint king, standing on the last glorious mountain of his life.

Judging by the state of his blood, in a few years, he will begin to enter his old age and will go downhill.

"It's strange that such a terrifying saint king seems to have an extraordinary understanding of Tao. Why did he stop here and not break through to the Great Saint Realm?" Xu Yu was puzzled, because this person was so extraordinary.

This old man was in the same realm as Xu Yu, in the fifth heaven of the Holy King, his power was like an abyss, unfathomable, his eyes were cold and ruthless, staring at Xu Yu and his party.

Four figures rushed towards him in the distance, each with profound mana, strong aura, blood like a vast ocean, extremely terrifying.

These four people are all saint kings, and their strength is extremely powerful. Two of them are in the sixth heaven of the saint king, and the other two are in the seventh heaven of the saint king, which is even higher than this gray-haired old man.

But they stood behind the old man with respect, and with him as the leader, they did not dare to go beyond half a step.

The five powerful men came in person, among them the gray-brown haired old man was aloof, possessing an unfathomable aura, suppressing the world, and aweing several people who were higher than him.

This is the first army of the temple, only five people were dispatched, but because of such an old man, it seems that they can wipe out all opponents.

"You are the blasphemer Xu Yu?" the old man asked.

"Who are you?" Xu Yu asked back.

"This is the Heavenly Sage King, who is rarely seen in ancient times in my God's Domain, the second under the starry sky." One of the temple knights said, showing an undisguised respect for the old man.

"What do you mean?" Lin Chuan asked.

"The Saint King Realm is invincible all over the world, and has only one defeat in his life, so he is called the second under the starry sky." One of them said proudly.

The old man stopped him and said: "When I was young, I was defeated once and then I didn't make any progress, I'm just a useless person.

Xu Yu, Jin Yang, and Lin Chuan all had warning signs in their hearts. This is definitely a terrifying character. No matter how you look at it, his spiritual realm seems to be very detached, far better than the saint kings he has seen.

"Number one devil, since you are blasphemy, don't blame me for being ruthless. In this battle, the weak bleed and die, while the strong sing."

I don't want to talk about anything else, so I have to do it.But Lin Chuan didn't want to do this, and said: "Have you been brainwashed, where are there any gods, and you have reached your level of cultivation, and you still believe in these things?

"In your eyes, what is the real god? Is it immortal and immortal?" one of them shouted.

"The number one devil, come and fight!" Behind the old man, the four knights of the temple stepped forward, ready to attack.

The gray-brown haired old man was silent, almost silent, extremely indifferent, his silver pupils flickered with ice-cold light, staring at Xu Yu, ready to fight.

In the field, a terrifying storm rose up. Before the old man moved, the void in this place was distorted, and time seemed to be frozen, shocking people's hearts.

He is clearly in the fifth heaven of the Saint King, but he has the aura of a great saint. He has a height that ordinary people cannot reach in the field of enlightenment, and he is a peerless opponent.

Xu Yu knew that the bottom line of the old man in front of him was Yan Chongtian, the second person in the realm of the Saint King 4000 years ago under the starry sky. His strength was comparable to that of the emperor's own son, but he was not good enough in front of Xu Yu. The Great Sage is a powerful man with terrifying strength.

Even other people who are also in the realm of the Great Sage, if they don't have the strength against the sky, they will still bleed the starry sky when facing Xu Yu.

Because of this, Xu Yu was unwilling to bully the small with the big, so he decided to let Zixia fight against the second under the starry sky.

Zixia's expression is dignified, and she doesn't dare to be careless. In today's world, since she realized the Tao at the ninth mouth of life spring last time, she has a more thorough understanding of the Tao, and her combat power has become incomparably tyrannical.Self-confident that there are few opponents at the same level, but he dare not be careless in the face of this old man.

This breath is very dangerous, too terrifying!

The war broke out, and Zixia met the old man Gray Fafa, and she really met a big enemy.This is clearly a person whose sunset is infinitely good and who is about to retire, but at this time he is leaping like a dragon and a tiger, vigorous and powerful, the old man slapped the palm, the sky collapsed, the avenue roared, and he was peerless and powerful.

Zixia suspects that meeting an emperor, otherwise why is it so amazing, this is a rare opponent, although the same realm, but sometimes mixed with the perception of the Great Sacred Way.

Such a blow made even Xu Yu, who was standing next to him, startled. It was too fierce and domineering. Who the hell is he who is called the second under the starry sky.

On the other side, Juxuan and Jin Yang also met their opponents, and they were also caught in the battlefield. Although there were three opponents, they were all high-level saint kings, and their blood was overwhelming.

The so-called temple knights plus the second under the starry sky are five people.

Zixia faced up to the gray-haired old man, but Ji Xuan and the others faced up to several other temple knights, and they were all on par in strength.It's just that the temple knights have been in this state for a long time, and their divine power is extremely strong, so they can't fight for a while.

Xu Yu, who was in the Great Sacred Realm, felt that there was no need to make a move, so he stood aside for them.


It was another ordinary blow, not a rare secret technique in ancient times. The gray-haired old man just pushed his palm, but it was accompanied by the sound of heavenly harmony, turning decay into magic, shocking people's hearts.

Zixia's heart was shocked, and she doubted his identity more and more. Such a person is really too powerful, and he has shown some of the Dao fruit and profound meaning of the great sage in this realm.

This is Zixia. If it were any other saint king, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to support two or three moves, and he would be smashed into meat immediately!
For a moment, following the battle between Zixia and Guxuan, the entire valley was violently turbulent.The mountain peaks engraved with the imprints of countless gods and demons continued to crumble under the divine power they collided with.

Over time, the situation on the battlefield has changed.The balance of victory began to tilt towards Zixia and the others.

Under the Zixia and the starry sky, the second Yan Chongtian was inseparable, but in other directions, Zhu Xuan and Jin Yang were slowly suppressing each other in the face of the temple knights.

Zixia's followers, as well as the Taoist couple of Yuanyang Shenwang and Lin Chuan, stood by Xu Yu's side to prevent the temple knights from escaping.

In their view, although the Templar Knights are very strong, that's all.After all, Zixia, Zhuxuan and Jinyang, they are all true young supreme beings with unfathomable strength.

There is no need for them to step forward to intervene in the battle between them.Just wave the flag and shout from the sidelines.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.It was only a matter of time before the temple knights were defeated, not to mention that there was Xu Yu who was watching covetously.

However, the Templar Knights below did not lose their footing, although their current situation was precarious.They may even be defeated at any time, but they are still working hard to persevere.

Because they knew that the aftermath of the battle here would definitely attract other temple knights, even powerhouses of the Great Sage level.After all, they are playing at home.

As time went on, the situation became worse for Xu Yu and the others, so as long as they held Xu Yu back, they could gather other temple knights to surround and kill Xu Yu and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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