Chapter 220 Undercurrent
However, the temple knights thought very well, but no one present was a fool.Each of them is the arrogance of the world in their own minds, and they have naturally experienced the horrors of the hearts of the world.

When they saw that the temple knights were struggling to support, they understood that most of these so-called temple knights had already sent a signal and were waiting for other temple knights to arrive.

In less than a quarter of an hour, these temple knights were all defeated, and it seemed that their lives were in danger.

Xu Yu quickly sent a voice transmission to Jixuan and the others secretly, telling them not to kill these temple knights, after all the temple knights are relatively powerful.

If Xu Yi wanted to completely rule God's Domain, it was essential to subdue these so-called Temple Knights first.

When all the notices from the temple were defeated, Zixia and Yan Chongtian were still in an inextricable fight.

It's not that Zixia's strength is weak, but Chimney Sky is really against the sky.Thousands of years ago, as the second nature under the starry sky who had only lost once in the realm of the saint king, he naturally had an unparalleled background.

His combat power was even much higher than that of Ji Xuan and the others.

Then he saw the four temple knights who followed him to attack Xu Yi.Now he has become the defeated general of Zhu Xuan and the others.Dong Dong did not lose his balance, but instead showed his incomparable strength and once suppressed Zixia.

Even as he kept waving his hands, a mysterious breath broke free from between his arms, turned into an ancient mountain, and suppressed Zixia.

"As expected of being the number two under the starry sky recognized by God's Domain, the Saint King Realm actually possesses the mighty power of a great saint."

Seeing this scene, even Jin Yang had to admit Yan Chongtian's strength.

"However, you are born at the wrong time, and you have not been able to see the real unrivaled power in this world. Naturally, there is only one way to lose. Now, my elder brother is willing to give you a chance, so that you can get rid of this prison-like prison. God's Domain, to meet the peerless genius in the vast and infinite universe."

Lin Chuan understood Xu Yu's thoughts after Xu Yu asked the Yuanyang God King and the others to stay as temple knights.Want to recruit these temple knights to serve as the cornerstone of the heaven.

So he started psychological tactics, trying to influence Chimney Sky from other aspects and restore Zixia's decline.


It seemed that he had seen the unstoppable thought, and at this moment, Yan Chongtian exploded with unparalleled aura and chased after the great sage.

In that instant, he triggered the Divine Forbidden Domain, and his combat power soared, repelling Zixia in an instant.

After repelling Zixia, they fought against Zhu Xuan, Yuan Yang and the others.

It's like a god coming down to earth.Wherever he went, no one belonged to him.Strong as Guxuan was also blown away by a palm, proud as Jin Yang, and even more bloody from the beating, forcing Ning Yi to retreat with a Sanshou.

Bringing the four wounded temple knights was about to break out.But Xu Yu couldn't let them go.


As if going back in time, Xu Yi's speed was extremely fast.In an instant, he came in front of Yan Chongtian, blocked his way, and slashed out with a palm, turning into a giant mountain holding the sky, and suppressed Yan Chongtian.

With the improvement of his cultivation over the years, Xu Yu's understanding of the secret of Xingzi became more transparent.Although he has not mastered the real law of time, but in terms of speed, it can be called the fastest in the world.

Lian Congtian fought vigorously against the mighty giants of the Western Regions.

However, in the face of absolute strength, everything is futile.In the end, Yan Chongtian and the other four envoys were all suppressed by Xu Yu.

"Now we can have a good talk. The former number two under the starry sky. I don't believe that a powerful person like you will choose to stay in God's Domain without doing anything, and give up your original intention of cultivating Taoism."

In an unknown valley, Xu Yu led Zixia and the others to set up a seven-day formation to suppress Yan Chongtian and the other four temple knights.

Xu Yu wanted to persuade Yan Chongtian to turn around through his mouth.

However, Xu Yu still underestimated their Taoism, but he never thought that these so-called temple knights would actually give up their own lives and disregard for the gods they believed in.

This made Xu Yu couldn't help but think of those predecessors and martyrs who sacrificed their heads, shed their blood, and were not afraid of sacrifice in the revolutionary era filled with gunpowder in the previous life on the Blue Star...

"Sure enough, these people in God's Domain are like followers of Amitabha Buddha, outsiders and things can't shake their hearts at all!"

Everyone saw that these so-called temple knights, for the sake of their so-called beliefs, even disregarded their own lives, which reminded them of the followers of Amitabha Buddha.

"People like them are the most troublesome, why not just kill them, why keep them? Are we going to backstab us at a critical moment?"

Jin Yang is a congenital god and demon.The blood flowing in the bones is that the weak are eliminated, and only the strong can survive in this world.

Like a temple knight, since he is willing to sacrifice his life for the illusory god.This is beyond his imagination.

"No, they haven't seen the sinister people in this world. That's why they believe in that illusory god. As long as I defeat the god of God's Domain, I will break the illusion deep in their hearts and let them truly be themselves !"

"Let them go now. After I survive a few more tribulations, I will challenge the God of God's Domain and defeat him head-on in front of all the believers of God's Mind!"

Xu Yu also admired people like the Templar Knights. They can truly disregard their own lives for their own beliefs. They can be said to be rare and innocent people.

After the Temple Knights left, Xu Yu took Zixia and the others to the forbidden land of the God Realm, Shenmo Ridge, where they decided to retreat and practice for a period of time to improve their realm.

After this incident got out, it had a great impact. The aborigines of God's Domain all knew Xu Yu's bravery. A great provocation.

"The big devil, Xu Yu, is really distressed. It's unbelievable that he escaped when the divine army was dispatched."

"Have you ever heard that who is the person who walked out of the God Realm? It is the Tianzong Sage King Chongtian who has been reclusive for many years. He is known as the second under the starry sky! Even he has not defeated that person."

"Is...this or something else, the devil can really claim to be number one in the world?"

In this battle, Xu Yu's demon name became more popular, and Zhuang An regarded him as the number one demon. It was unbelievable to them that a blasphemer could survive to this day.

However, the consequences of this battle are also horrific. Apart from Yan Chongtian, who is known as the second heavenly sage king under the starry sky, there are even more terrifying characters appearing.

A god stepped out of the realm of the gods, and his realm had reached the peak of the great sage, and he wanted to kill Xu Yu, the villain, with his own hands.

In the depths of the wilderness, there are many mountain ranges sleeping on top of each other, and tens of thousands of high cliffs.Thousands of feet above the cliff, monkeys and tigers howling.

Xu Yu and the others sensed the murderous aura of this world, so they hid themselves, entered the deepest part of a mountain ball, meditated on Taoism and comprehended ancient methods, and temporarily left the world of mortals.

This is a valley, very quiet, with almost no sound.There is a cold pond in the valley, the water quality is clear, but when looking down, it is full of varnish and bottomless.

Jin Yang was very arrogant, he dismissed Zai Hantan, and tried it himself, but he passed away as soon as he tried, and he was tragic on the spot, his arms were turning black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the pain was as sharp as a needle prick , quickly shrank back, and a thick layer of black ice formed on his feet, freezing to the bone.

This is what it is. For ordinary people, it would be frozen and shattered. Obviously, the cold pool is not ordinary.

The strange thing is that there is a magma hole in an adjacent valley, not a volcano, flush with the ground, bubbling hot liquid.

Lin Chuan tried it once, the fire was so hot that it could almost burn the Dao Slayer to death, but Xingran is not a mortal land here.

"This place is really unusual. Look at the mountain that separates the two valleys, doesn't it look like a horned dragon?" Yuan Yang commented down from midair.

"That's right, I'm going to arrange this yin and yang diagram, which is made by nature, so that the pattern can be used to the fullest, so I can rest assured to repair it." Xu Yubai said.

He took out some formations, arranged them in two valleys, carefully arranged them, and carved golden formations one after another, and this place became their home.

Then, he laid down the Yuantian Divine Formation recorded in the Yuantian Book, completely making this place disappear from the world and return to nothingness.

"You can practice here with peace of mind, endure for a period of time, and you can go to any place in the world in the future." Xu Yu said, he took out the seeds of the unicorn magic medicine and planted them in the valley.

Because of Gu Tianzun's Mingquan divine liquid, this magical medicine grows vigorously, is full of trees and green scenery, and can be used for abstinence.

"Aren't you here, are you going here?" Zixia raised an eyebrow.

"I want to go out for a while. I have the origin technique, which can change the world. It is difficult for others to recognize me. Xu Yudao, his practice is not as simple as retreating. Perfecting the scriptures needs to be done slowly, and it is impossible to say it all at once."

On that day, God's Domain was shaken violently, and an ancient and mighty divine sense swept across the world and rushed to the other side!
This kind of majestic and vast, like the sun and the moon falling, like the stars shining brightly, illuminates the world with splendor and a breath of the most holy and most godly, which makes everyone awed.

"God has manifested in the world!"

The supreme ruler of Shencheng reigns over the world, and all the tribes are the heads. Everyone is in awe and trembling.

This is a huge force of faith. The Yuanbai God Realm resonates with the statues of the gods of all races in the world, rumbling, so it sweeps the universe, and the fragrance is fragrant.

Incarnated into hundreds of millions, the power of faith he obtained disintegrated at this moment, and rushed to all parts of the world. The gods personally took action, looking for Xu Yu, and wanted to kill the devil outside the territory.

As soon as Xu Yu stepped out of the valley, he sensed the radiance of heaven and earth, and was deeply shocked. He had only seen this kind of majestic faith on Mount Sumeru!

I didn't expect the power of belief in God's Realm. Since it can be compared with the virtual three phases on the Big Dipper Star Region, God's Realm has been absorbing the faith power of all beings year after year and day after day since ancient times, and has already accumulated Wang Yangchu's sacred power of thought.

Now, the gods in this world just used what he could have, swallowed mountains and rivers, and swirled in all directions. One can imagine how terrifying it is.

Fortunately, Xu Yu was well prepared, and had already engraved the pattern of bullying the sky, covering up his aura, and was not sensed by this pure thought power.He immediately returned along the original road, rushed into the Yin-Yang Valley, and sealed off the passage with the outside world.

"What, that god came out, maybe far surpassing the Great Sage?" Fei Bo and others were shocked.

From their point of view, most of the rulers of the Divine City are just the most invincible existence of the Great Sage, who has the emperor weapon in his hands, so he can command the world and kill the Great Sage.

Now it seems that it has surpassed this effect.

"I dare not say that it must be the quasi-emperor, but most likely one foot has already stepped in, truly peerless and powerful." Xu Yu showed a dignified expression.

The outside world is turned upside down, the god has stepped out of the domain of the gods, let the power of faith he has acquired over the years spread all over the world, communicates with every citizen, and looks for readers of the gods.

"It's not right, what's wrong with the person who played the gods, so that even the gods can't sit still in the city of gods, and the ruler of the world, what is the so-called reason, shouldn't it be as simple as a wisp of incarnation being killed!
Many antiques in the ancestral lands of the major races are suspicious.

People don't believe that with the supreme dignity of God, they would go to war for a saint king, and there must be some unknown secrets.

The Jidao Emperor's Armament, that accidental modification has a real Jidao Emperor's Armament in his hand, and if it falls into the hands of a god, it may become an artifact of the God's Domain in the future.

Such news came out from the city of God, which caused an uproar, and more people on the other side were looking for Xu Yu, wanting to present it to God as a gift.

However, for several days in a row, the number one demon, Xu Yu, disappeared without a trace, as if he had disappeared from the world.

This shocked the world. God stepped out of the divine realm and used the power of faith, but failed to find the devil outside the territory. This is not in line with common sense.

However, half a month has passed, and a fact has to attract people's attention. God came out, but he still couldn't find the blasphemer.

"What's the matter? God is omnipotent, interacts with all beings, and suppresses the world. How can he not find that blasphemy?"

A month later, Xu Yu was still not found, there was no news, and he could not be found, which made everyone even more puzzled.

"What's the matter, why can't you kill him? God is supreme. If one thought moves the world, why can't even find a demon from outside the territory?

All kinds of worries appeared in the hearts of the people full of doubts.Two months later, the devil disappeared, the god returned to the realm of the gods, and a strange atmosphere appeared in the world.

"Could it be that the gods are in their old age? I heard that once the sense of gods declines, it means the time for the old gods to change."

A rumor spread all over the world, causing a great shock and panic.

The god was furious, and stepped out of the filming area again, showing immeasurable divine power, and killed the rumor-spreading family, making everyone fearful.

At the same time, he walked outside for more than ten days.Looking for the gods, but still no results, no gains.

When the god returned to the city of God, the rumors started again. Some people secretly said that the god was really old, and he might die in the next few years, and all ethnic groups should make plans to pay homage to the new god.

And, at this moment, "Xu Yu", the world's number one head, appeared again, rampant in the world, proving to people that he is still fine, God can't do anything to him.

The world was shocked, the gods came out upon hearing the news, and the mountains, rivers and willows in the ten directions trembled, but they were still in vain, and they could not wait for something to be gained.

This time, there is no need for others to spread rumors, and all ethnic groups have been shaken, thinking that God's time may really be numbered.Without the sense of the gods of the past, a new god will be born soon, and the filming has become a thing of the past

As soon as these news came out, the entire world of God's Other Shore was in turmoil, the power of faith was unstable, and the light spots sent to the city of God decreased sharply, and the most direct changes took place.

The god had a premonition of something, walked out of the domain of the gods, walked with the divine weapon, became overwhelming, and entered clan after clan, wanting to suppress the general trend and keep his luck.

However, just as the god was walking around the world, Xu Yu, the demon leader from outside the territory, appeared again. He was less than ten thousand miles away, and disappeared in a flash. Many people had seen it before, and it was spread all over the world.

"God is dying. I really don't have a long life. I don't feel any sensation within ten thousand miles. I think the real supreme god will be born soon, and I will stand with him."

"The old god is about to die. This is a change and reincarnation. His life is not long. I should consider setting up a new statue to worship."

Rumors spread everywhere, shaking the world.

Not to mention the outside world, even God's Domain is filled with a strange atmosphere. There are many people operating in secret, which is so oppressive that it makes people suffocate.

In the next ten years, the brilliance of the gods became more and more dim, because the blasphemers jumped out from time to time, not only Xu Yu, but many people appeared one after another, of course he was the most, he was still alive after ten years of carefree very good.

In fact, Xu Yu didn't go out to provoke, and kept hiding in the valley. He felt a conspiracy. Someone was targeting God. It was definitely a great turmoil and shocking terror.

Ten years can change a lot of things,
Half of the people in the world think that the gods are dying, and they are about to die, ushering in a terrible old age.

In ten years, the power of faith available to the gods has dropped to the lowest level, and it is in chaos. Many of them are distracting thoughts, like a dynasty is about to end and collapse.

Ten years is really not a short period of time, it is very important in a person's life, it may be unforgettable, it may be brilliant, it may be sad and frustrated.

The lifespan of a monk is relatively long, and ten years may be just a snap of the fingers, and there may not be any disturbances in the trajectory of life.However, the ten years on the other side seemed different to Zhuxiong.

This decade is destined to be unforgettable for God!
He is high above the sky, and he is the only one in the world, but after ten years, he is in a dire situation, and the whole world is talking about his life coming to an end, and his life will not be guaranteed.

The supreme god will be born in his place. This kind of rumor has shaken his foundation and status. The most direct and obvious is the weakening of faith and the sharp decline of divine power.

The outside world will not understand what this power of faith means to him. Once he loses it, he may really fall from the altar and lose his dominance.

However, letting him go out, showing the divine power of Gong Shen's good fortune, and sweeping the other side will not change anything.

Rumors spread all over the world, and the death of the god has taken root in people's hearts. Many people believe that he is really dying, and that he has entered his twilight years and has no power to recover.

These factors superimposed on each other, resulting in terrible consequences. The belief was impure and not in the vastness. The divine ring outside his body was no longer so bright, and it could even be described as dim.

Only when he consumes his source, will he be radiant.

Now, not to mention the outside world, some hall masters, elders, and guardians in God's Domain are shaken, thinking that he may really be entering his old age.

"My god is mighty, sweeping all the heavens and ten thousand domains and invincible, who can resist?" The god was so angry that he roared alone on the high altar, shaking the entire god's domain violently.

No one responded, and the huge God Realm was silent.

It can also be seen from this that the hearts of the people in Shenyu are unstable, and many people are silent, thinking that they have seen some clues, and they have begun to think seriously in their hearts.

"I stand on the altar, whoever fights against me, I will be the peak in the nine heavens and ten earths." The god shouted, almost crazy, because he had a premonition of something, and stared indifferently at the void high above.

(End of this chapter)

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