Chapter 221
The altar is magnificent, much higher than a majestic mountain, and together with the altar, he exudes a divine light that is indestructible, dazzling, overlooking the world.

No one responded to him, only he himself was looking at all directions, his majestic appearance exuded an aura that made the heavens tremble.This really looks like a Gedai God Lord, but now it makes people doubt his dominance.

The altar looks like it was made of divine gold. It is extremely high and majestic, exuding infinite light, and the air pressure is eternal. There are pieces of ancient wood in the surrounding fields, and there is a winding bluestone path.

One of the most loyal servant girls came along the path, trembling, knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the altar, and said: "Your Majesty, even if you are mighty, you should be careful about the ruthlessness of time, and you should make plans early."

"Are you also doubting that I can't do it?" the god shouted, his whole body was radiant, and the radiant divine ring outside his body undulated and surged down like a vast sea.

With a puff, the maid turned into a cloud of blood mist, dispersed with the wind, and disappeared.


In the distance, one after another huge statues of gods rumbled and trembled violently. They were left by the gods of the past, and they seemed to be aware of this.

An old voice came and said:

"God, the supreme ruler, you are omnipotent, but after all, you can't resist the years, even if you have the supreme weapon, you can't stop reincarnation."

His expression became even more indifferent, his eyes flickered, and he shot straight down from the shining altar, but he didn't find the target.

God's Domain was suddenly shaken, and almost everyone looked terrified. Has anyone started to challenge the majesty of God?Maybe... a new Supreme God will be born!

The four fields are silent, there is no more sound, the whole world is silent, deathly silent.

"The jumping beam clown, in my eyes, is just a chicken and a dog. He is vulnerable, if he dares to show up, he will be smashed!" God's majestic voice spread throughout the domain of God, making everyone tremble.

This majestic majesty makes people feel his strength, like an unattainable monument, standing eternally above the altar, overwhelming the world.

God's Domain fell into silence, and I don't know how long it took. God's eyes shifted to the most sacred place in God's Domain. There is an ancient mountain, where the power of life flows, and no one can approach it. If you look closely, it is heavier than the altar. fill.

This is the Ancient Life Mountain, which is the core forbidden area of ​​God's Domain. No one can set foot there. It is guarded by the Supreme Artifact on weekdays, and only God can sleep there.

On the mountain, the mist flows, the essence is like a small river, and all kinds of brilliance flow down.

On the ancient sacred mountain, there is an ancient tree of life with a rough trunk and cracked bark, like dragon scales.The branches stretched vigorously, and the branches and leaves were green and crystal clear, shining brightly, like pieces of green fairy gold cast, dazzling and dazzling.

The essence of life is so thick that it cannot be opened, making this place sacred and unparalleled. As soon as it approaches, it seems to be feathering and ascending, the pores of the whole body open, and the essence of life is poured into it.

"I still have the ancient tree of life, who can deprive me of my years?" The god roared, his gray hair was scattered, dancing wildly with the wind, his eyes became more and more menacing.

The divine light submerged him, and he couldn't see his true face. This was the only figure that was exposed, which made people understand that he was really not young.

"Your Majesty has taken the essence of the ancient tree of life and lived a second life. Even if you have it, it will have no effect." In the distance, many ancient statues shook again, and there was such a voice.

Everyone was horrified, someone was really challenging the gods, entered the domain of the gods to talk to them, did they have the strength to fight?

The majestic altar trembled, and the god flew down and landed on the statue of the god. The silver ripples spread, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and imprisoned a fuzzy figure, which turned into dust with a puff. Since then, the gods have restored tranquility .

"In any case, God has lost his absolute rule. Whether it is really entering his old age or being calculated by others, it is enough to show that there will be a big storm coming. It is important for me to protect myself."

This is a sentence that an old god said to his own people after he stepped out of the realm of the gods. It highlights the subtlety and horror of the situation, and warns and hints to those close to him.


For ten years, God's Domain was in turmoil. Some old gods who secretly took refuge in Qingyutian took advantage of Xu Yu and the others to attract God's attention, and kept fanning the flames in God's Domain, shaking God's dominance.

But at this time, the strength of the old god is not there yet.Entering the middle-aged age of the original book, he suppressed the turmoil in the God Realm with incomparable strength, and restored the God Realm to tranquility in a short period of time.

And those who fan the flames behind the scenes.I can see that now is not the time to overthrow the old gods.Temporarily died down, and continued to hide.

As the unrivaled powerhouse of the great sage, the old god has already stepped into the quasi-emperor realm with one foot.With the help of the power of faith accumulated for millions of years in the realm of the gods, it is equivalent to possessing the combat power of a quasi-emperor.

Not everyone can compete with him, even Qing Yutian, the supreme saint, has to think twice before acting.

Even Dao Yi who laid out for the Ancient Tree of Life, even if he possessed the extreme emperor soldiers, would not dare to go to the old god's back garden to snatch the Ancient Life Tree.

After all, an ancient empress like him naturally knows how terrible Zhundi is. Even the supreme sage may not be able to cause effective damage to Zhundi in his hand, unless the blood sacrifices the emperor's soldiers and makes the Jidao emperor Only when the soldiers are fully recovered can it be possible to kill Zhundi, otherwise, it is equivalent to sending equipment.

This is also the reason why Xu Yu is not currently competing with the old god.After all, he is the master of the genius doctor who has been in business for thousands of years, and the power of faith in the entire domain of God can be used at will.

However, Xu Yu believed it.In a short time, he will be able to completely suppress the old god with absolute strength.

As long as he enters the Sixth and Seventh Heaven of the Great Sage, plus the Divine Forbidden and Jiezi Mi, he can naturally fight the old god.


Xu Yu and the others who were retreating in Shenmo Ridge have rarely been in Shenmo Ridge these years.

Including Lin Chuan and Gu Xuan, they are all working hard to cultivate their own strength.

Because they know that when they break through with Xu Zhenzhen, they will go to fight against the old gods and control the entire God Realm.

In a mountain range, Xu Yi picked off the stumped roots of the human elixir and the seeds of the unicorn elixir, and watered them with the life spring liquid of Lingbao Tianzun, making them grow vigorously.

And Xu Yu took out the fragments of the good fortune jade plate, enveloped everyone there, and enlightened the Dao together.

Among the several people who were enlightened together.Lin Chuan's roots and qualifications are relatively poor, so he basically goes out to inquire about news.

As for the others, they basically only move once a year, and they are always studying their own paths and tapping their own potential.

But even so, they will wake up from time to time to share their own practice experience together.

Only Xu Yu fell into a strange state. From then on, he stood in the open space and kept waving his fists and feet, evolving his own Dao and secret techniques.

Even sometimes his primordial spirit will come out of his body.

The golden villain evolves into different shapes on Xu Yu's forehead.For a while, it changed into a sword fetus, embodying a terrifying murderous aura; for a while, it turned into a heavenly knife, as if it wanted to enforce the law on behalf of the sky.

Xu Yuyuan's mind is constantly evolving into various shapes, sometimes it is a weapon, and sometimes it may be a leaf. This is his deduction of peace and chaos.

Ever since he obtained the Supreme Sword Jue of the Immortal Era, Ping Luan Jue, he has always wanted to restore this step of supreme insight.

However, Ping Luan Jue is after all an unrivaled sword art at the level of an immortal king. With Xu Yu's current state, it is impossible to restore Ping Luan Jue.

So he can only continue to grope on the original fragments to explore his current method of cultivation of the primordial spirit and temper his own primordial spirit.

After a while, the golden villain submerged into Xu Li's sky cap. Xu Yu, who was sitting quietly on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of divine light burst out from his eyes, shooting directly at the distant mountains.

After the two rays of divine light passed by, the abdomens of the original two mountain ranges were pierced through two holes by the divine light from Xu Yu's eyes.

That's not all.Then, Xu Yi stood up.There is no one else in the valley.He swayed his own Taoism and artistic conception.Many secret arts such as Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, Immortal Immortal Seal, Dou Zhan Shengfa, etc. evolved one by one in his hands.

Many different emperor scriptures changed into many different divine powers in his body, constantly competing in his body, as if to prove that he was the strongest extreme scripture.

Since ancient times, it has been said that it is best to only practice one step in the practice of the ancient scriptures. The fellow practitioners of the scriptures seem to be very powerful, and the opportunity is against the sky, but it is also a very huge support for the human body. If no suitable solution is found, then It will definitely step into the back road of the Taoists of all ages, returning between heaven and earth.

Even Xu Yu in the original book.After stepping into the realm of a saint, it was also because of countless times of fellow practitioners that he suffered a dao injury in the enlightenment ground of Lingbao Tianzun.

Until he finally proved the Tao, smelted all the scriptures, created an ancient scripture suitable for his own practice, and completely got rid of the Tao injury.

However, Xu Yu has compiled much more ancient scriptures than Xu Yu, and several ancient and modern scriptures are relatively complete.

However, the main reason why Xu Yu was able to keep suppressing the changes of many emperor scriptures in his body was that his physique was naturally short-handed, and it was very easy to practice any scriptures, although it seemed to avoid the disadvantages brought about by practicing several ancient scriptures together. But it also limits his growth and limits his ceiling.

Now it has reached the realm of the Great Saint.If he can't deduce the ancient and modern scriptures suitable for his practice, then he will never be able to step into the quasi-emperor realm.

In order to be able to have the strength to fight in the near dark turmoil, Xu Yu desperately wants to enter the quasi-emperor realm.Only in this way can he take the lead.

But it is not so easy to enter the quasi-emperor realm, talent and talent, root and background are indispensable.

And these, Xu has these things.The Eternal Immortal Physique is comparable to the Chaos Physique, even though his EQ is not as superb as Ye Fan.

However, with the help of the good fortune jade plate, his IQ has been improved, allowing him not to be happy with things, not to be sad with himself, not to borrow external things, and to specialize in self-cultivation.

Now for Xu.The greatest gift is that you don't have your own Jidao Dijing.After all these years of Xueyu's continuous attempts, he finally created his own Emperor's Scripture.

Perhaps in a certain sense it is relatively immature, but Xu Yu believes that as long as he works hard to evolve, it will create scriptures.It can let him transcend this world step by step, achieve Taoism and become a fairy.

In Xu Yu's view, this bustling world of mortals is like a huge melting pot of heaven and earth, constantly burning every living being in the world.

And what Xu Yu wants to do is to use the melting pot of heaven and earth to smelt many emperor scriptures, and finally form his own unique scriptures.

He is not going to take the path of evolving a chaotic body, using the strengths of the major ancient scriptures as nourishment to water the scriptures he created.


Over the years, everyone has awakened and survived the calamity one after another, but he has remained the same, without a single change, as if he was sitting there.

If it wasn't for the sea-like energy in his body dormant, everyone would have stepped forward to wake him up. Sitting like this for dozens of years is rare in this realm since ancient times.

Twenty days later, under the bodhi tree, Xu Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and he stood up with a wave of unfathomable blood energy.

"Wake up, this is going to cross the catastrophe!" Lin Chuan said, he had to sigh, it really takes a lot of perseverance to sit for ten years.

However, Xu Yu didn't go to cross the catastrophe. Standing under the good fortune jade plate, he stretched his legs, stretched his arms, and began to evolve a terrible way and law. The first move made the world groan.

"What law is this?" Everyone wondered.

But they knew very well that at Xu Yu's stage, what they pursued was not only the improvement of the realm, but also the road of invincibility, to realize the unparalleled law in the world, and to be unrivaled among their peers.

Obviously, he has gained a lot in the past ten years, and he has started to create his own secret techniques and Taoism.

It is necessary to complete the secret realm of the four extremes, and his own orthodoxy also needs the secret art of protecting teachings and the way of law. Now he is walking on this path. This is the root of the invincible way, and he must have his own substantial art .

The good fortune jade plate, shaped like palm-sized dragon scales, is filled with thousands of bad luck, as if the avenue between the heaven and the earth and all things are explained to the world through it.

What's more, he is still a supreme fetish belonging to another world.Some unknown mysterious ancient methods recorded in nature.

Today, Xu Yu is also enlightened under the good fortune jade plate, and has proved the way of the present world, and the invincible fruit of participating in the law.

As soon as this secret technique came out, the heaven and earth trembled, as if an inexplicable creature was crying, and all the heavens and myriad ways fell under their feet.

Undoubtedly, this is a wild way, unparalleled in the world, but it is only a prototype. The next quarter of an hour is calm, and Xu Yu starts to make stamps, Zhongzheng is peaceful, and his temperament is completely different from just now.

"What dharma and way he wants to evolve, and why it is interrupted, I can't see through it." Everyone showed doubts and watched carefully.


The sky collapsed, Xu Yu clasped his hands together like a mountain, it was the secret technique he obtained when he was just emerging in the past, and a black mountain was formed between his hands.

This is the Baoshan seal. It seems to be able to crush the stars in the sky with one blow, and its power is many times stronger than before.If there is no golden source art color pattern and void ancient formation pattern densely covered.It is bound to shock the world and move to the wilderness.

After Xu Yu practiced Baoshan Seal, he suddenly changed again.The hands are like catching dragons, and 81 green dragons are integrated into one body.Winding around the body, it looks like the ancient Taoist priest is reopening the world.

His whole body was boiling with blood, exuding an inexplicable energy, extremely vigorous, like a real dragon joining the Tao.

The next moment, the real dragon broke, and his momentum changed again, turning into the co-lord of the human race.Unveil the king's seal, open up the world, and open up the galaxy.The brilliance between the palms and fingers.

This puzzled everyone.Xu Yu, is this the method of reviewing the past?

With a bang, his right hand was congested with blood.It was magnified many times at once, like a stele of heaven, with golden runes flashing, and it was slammed down with violent force.

It seems to overturn the sky and slaughter the world, this is the sky-shattering seal.

Xu Yu continued to act, and the five-color divine light emerged from behind, and the five-handed sword cut the sky and the earth, and then the golden treasure was opened, clanging, and all kinds of golden weapons flew, fighting to break the nine heavens.

Xu Yuhua produced all kinds of methods, from what he learned in the past to what he has realized now, he kept deducing, and when the Six Paths of Reincarnation Boxing was also released, everyone changed color.Vigorous, strong and yang, in line with Xu Yu's golden blood, very suitable for his way.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist turns into six ancient universes, evolves all things, covers all spirits in the universe, and is terrifying and boundless.

"He is evolving all laws, what kind of path is he going to take, and what kind of law is he creating?"

"This is obviously to smelt all the ancient arts into one furnace and create our own great art."

Xu Yu's temperament changed drastically again, he was so domineering, like a god of war, opening and closing, even the golden blood exploded, almost crazy.

Everyone was stunned, especially Jin Yang, who exclaimed in surprise: "Could it be possessed by a person of the heaven's bloodline?
This is Ba Quan, Xu Yu got it from Ba Wang Cang Tian Ba ​​Xue that day, and now it has evolved, it is obvious that it has obtained the true meaning, it is not weaker than the Ba body of that day, and even better.

He is domineering and unparalleled in the world, and he has a crazy energy in his whole body, as if he is going to sweep the three thousand worlds and fight in nine days and ten places.

In the end, Xu Yu calmed down again, evolved the secret technique, dismantled the ancient technique, and refined the true meaning.Just now it was like a big river rushing, but now it is like a sea of ​​tranquility, filled with energy and surging waves, calm and majestic.

Under the jade plate of good fortune, a person constantly evolves his own way and law, from Baoshanyin to Yuanmagnetic magical art to Liudao reincarnation boxing, turning into the most original runes.

One technique and one rune, he decomposes, unfolds, condenses his own method, and comprehends his own way. This is to create a more terrifying grand technique.

Xu Yu's movements are getting slower and slower, but also more and more complicated, with complicated trajectories. Although the speed is very slow, it makes people dazzled and can't keep up with the rhythm.

It was a kind of Dao pulsating, a kind of vigorous atmosphere, and also a kind of abyss-like unfathomable, all in the movement of his hands.


As soon as he exerted a little force, the tempo sped up a little, and the sky that was smashed on the spot collapsed, causing the silver moon hanging in the sky to tremble and almost fell down.

Everyone was horrified, there were all kinds of magic circles laid here, some runes from the origin technique to the big void circle were actually pierced through, it was amazing to have such power.

"This is a secret method, which combines Fantian Seal, Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist, Five-color Divine Light, Golden God Cang, Baquan, etc. No, he is transcending, this is the nirvana of boxing, and it has nothing to do with those ancient techniques. He created I have mastered my own great skill!" Jin Yang said to himself.

"He is still in the process of perfecting. It seems that the power is a bit too much. It is the most suitable technique for him!" Yuan Yang's eyes were sharp, and he saw the horror in it, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

Xu Yu's fist has no fixed formula, he does whatever he wants, pushes it with his heart, sometimes it becomes firm, sometimes it becomes soft, and sometimes it becomes neutral, peaceful and upright.

The endless radiance dao rhyme sprinkled from the good luck jade butterfly, like a dao talisman shimmering and shining, and the sound of chanting sutras, it is very peaceful.

Arrived later.Xu Yu's secret technique gradually became clear, and evolved into a peerless boxing technique, which is invincible to me.Swallow ten thousand miles.

He is like a heavenly emperor, every time he stretches his arms, it seems to be pushing the stars in the sky.Rumble loudly, stunning the world.

"It's not perfect yet, it's still reaching perfection." Guxuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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