Chapter 222
In the Forbidden Land of Gods and Demons, Xu Yu kept absorbing the imprints of gods and demons that had fallen here to practice his boxing skills.

All kinds of visions and phantoms of dead gods and demons appeared beside him, seeming to bless and praise him, or to witness that Xu Yu is about to create a unique technique.

As Xu Yu walked in the valley, the jade plate of good fortune was continuously suspended above his head, exuding thousands of Taoist rhymes.

In his body, there seem to be three thousand gods and demons, and eight thousand Buddhas are constantly singing.

In the process of walking, he kept swaying the boxing techniques he had comprehended, sometimes pausing, sometimes wildly...

All of a sudden, fighting against the holy law, the secret of the line, the treasure of the true phoenix, all kinds of incomparably powerful secret arts of the ancient emperor were evolved by Xu Yu, and even the incomplete ancient sword art was releasing endless destruction and killing .

The founders of these secret arts, when creating these ancient and powerful secret arts, have evolved these secret arts to the ultimate form of a humane field.

This is true in terms of attack power, speed and other aspects.Although Xu Yu thinks that he is a talent of the heavens, he dare not say that he can surpass those pioneers who have been immersed in this secretary for a lifetime.

As these ancient and powerful secret techniques are constantly being enlightened by Xu Yu, Xu Yu's evolved boxing techniques are also more powerful, especially after being tempered by those gods and demons, a kind of invincible aura exudes from him. out.

"This kind of way, such an amazing fist, such a powerful method, is this the taboo secret technique he created?"

Zixia and other people in the forbidden land of gods and demons felt this invincible fist.Can't help sighing.

In the past ten years, Xu Yu has continuously honed his invincible boxing skills, and after arduous presentations and deduction, he finally created his own supreme technique.

At the same time, it was during these ten years that Xu Yu also perfected the scriptures that he needed to practice in the secret realm of the Dao Palace.

Now in the secret realm of the Dao Palace, he has come out with a different understanding than other ancient emperors in this ancient history.

He endowed spirituality and laws to the five divine bodies in the secret realm of the Dao Palace, and coupled with the divinity originally possessed by the Divine Mansion of the Dao Palace, his body reached the point where God, Spirit, and Law practiced together.

Through these three practitioners, Xu Yu's Five Elements Mansion can already be used as an independent life body, no different from a real person, and its combat power is not much worse than Xu Yu's.

After another half month, with the end of Xu Yu's performance, he finally came out of the state of epiphany and met everyone.

In the past ten years, many major events have occurred in God's Domain.First of all, the old god used strong means to suppress batch after batch of people who had different opinions, and stabilized his dominance.

But in the eyes of the old gods who have lived in God's Domain, this is just before the storm.Just calm.

They also know that the current Shengshenyu is like a powder keg that is about to be ignited, and it will explode as soon as it is ignited.

There are even quite a few big clans who have secretly turned to Qingyutian, wanting to support him as a new generation of gods in God's Domain.

In the dark, there is Daoyi who is planning painstakingly, the ancient tree of life in the back garden of God.

Not only that.On the periphery of Shen Yun.That is the sea of ​​bitterness that Xu Yu was in before entering God's Domain.

There have been many young talents.Even the Great Saints of many self-improving races came to the vicinity of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness in groups, wanting to cross into the God's Domain.

All of this started ten years ago when the leaves of the ancient tree of life appeared in Lingbao Tianzun's bitter sea, attracting the eyes of a large number of young sages.

In addition, God's Domain was originally on the golden branch of the human race's longing road, and it was a must-pass for the enlightened people of all ages.Coupled with Dao Yi's propaganda, countless geniuses who gathered at Terran No. 60 have heard about this place in God's Domain.

Especially after the Four Swords of Jade Immortals were on the trail and were discovered, the whole trial road went crazy.

They also recognized that this is the extreme killing emperor soldier cast by Lingbao Tianzun, one of the nine heavenly gods in the age of mythology, with its weird and unpredictable attack power.

Coupled with some people's propaganda, some people who don't know the world think that there must be his inheritance method among the soldiers killed by Lin Bao Tianzun.

So every day, countless monks, like moths to a flame, continuously pour into Lingbao Tianzun's sea of ​​suffering, but in the end, they basically never return, and even more people have not seen Lin Bao The ancient sword left by Tianzun was torn apart by the mysterious ancient corpses in it.


After Xu Yu's retreat was over.I looked at Zixia and the others.

It was found that they had made great progress in their strength during these ten years, especially Zixia had become the top master in the later stage of Saint King in one fell swoop during these ten years.

The strength of others has also reached the peak of the saint king, and they only need to accumulate for a period of time to break into the realm of the great saint.After learning about their strength, Xu had an obvious plan deep in his heart.That is to go directly to God's Domain to challenge the old god, and to completely control God's Domain before Qingyu Tian and Dao Yi's layout is completed.

Yes, you heard that right, during these ten years, Xu Yu's skill has improved by leaps and bounds, from the Fifth Heaven of the Great Sage to the Seventh Heaven of the Great Sage in one fell swoop, and his combat power has been qualitatively improved.

Coupled with his followers, their strength has grown very well in these years, and their combat power is far more than when they entered God's Domain before.

So now Xu Yu and the others are not afraid of those powerful races in God's Domain, they just need to formally defeat the old god's words as a mysterious and all-modified face.You can rule God's Domain with iron and blood.

But before that, he had to block his own catastrophe and consolidate his combat power.


Following the sound of an explosion in the sky, Xu Yu also flew to the sky after setting up the pattern of bullying the sky, preparing to survive his catastrophe.

In the forbidden land of gods and demons.Everyone escaped from the sea of ​​mud and rain in the rough waiting.Become a peerless hero who can be proud of one side.In the current bathing, basically all the catastrophes have passed, but the endless sea of ​​thunder is still flooding, and it still hasn't dissipated.

But they kept locking on Xu Yu as before.At this time, Xu Yu suddenly realized that this catastrophe was a little different from what he had imagined.

It seems that the catastrophe that has been overcome in the past is even more weird. Not to mention all kinds of strange human-shaped lightning, it is only the brand of the emperor that appeared in history.

There are also some fairy spirits who have long since disappeared in this world rushing towards Xu Yu...



Xu Yu, who is in the center of Li Hai, after the last phantom of the Great Emperor on the street, the entire Lei Hai has undergone earth-shaking changes, evolving into a doomsday battlefield.

A dark continent was evolved by the catastrophe.above.The entire land was covered with various corpses.

There is even an extremely incomplete battle flag of the immortal family, standing on a life that exudes the brilliance of immortality in his hands.

And in its high altitude, there are various powerful forests constantly colliding.

With the collision of those supreme beings, the whole world is constantly collapsing.There are also countless people densely packed, falling from the sky like dumplings.

It was as if people were in the midst of the decisive battle that destroyed heaven and earth in the last years of Immortal Ancient Times. The entire area evolved from the entire catastrophe could be seen with the naked eye on the mainland, and all of them were densely packed corpses.It can be described as a river of blood in the true sense.

Suddenly, the dissociated virtuality in the sky is constantly evolving.Among the phantoms evolved by understanding, there are dozens of extremely tyrannical auras colliding crazily.

Every collision brought endless disasters to the entire world. The stars in the sky were smashed down, and large cracks in the void continued to appear in the entire world.In the end, it completely disintegrated and became a continent with different sizes of 19 yuan cloth.

"What kind of catastrophe is this? How can it be so weird?"

Lin Chuan and others on the ground also saw the doomsday scene evolved during Xu Yu's catastrophe, and said in doubt.

"It seems to have experienced a war of annihilation, and all the people in the whole world have been killed."

Even the majestic King Yuanyang took a deep breath after seeing the doomsday-like battlefield.

With his background, people of the strongest race naturally know that some of the scenes that appear in the Heavenly Tribulation are not necessarily illusory, they may be the imprint of a certain era in the records of heaven and earth.

"Learning is not necessarily illusory, it may be a real thing that happened in history. Although there are no detailed records in our ancient history, it was neatly evolved by the catastrophe, mostly in the distant and unknown ancient age , This terrible battle really happened.”

Yuanyang Shenwang looked at the surprised people around him and explained.

"That is to say, the scene evolved in the current catastrophe may have actually existed in the story!"

After hearing the words of Yuanyang Shenwang, Lin Yu and Jin Yang couldn't help but gasped.

From their point of view, the creatures involved in this horrific world-exterminating battle must be extremely powerful, and may even involve the realm of immortality.

But in today's world, "immortal" has always been a distant and illusory legend, so they were very shocked, and at the same time they did not agree.

"No, this battle seems to have been recorded in my group!"

Suddenly, Gu Xuan's extremely serious voice came, interrupting their leisurely thoughts.

"Oh, there are records about this great battle in your group, tell me, what's going on?"

Hearing Juxuan's words, the others all turned their heads to look at Juxuan with a serious face.

"From the old immortals in my family, our race has a very long history.

Even in the chaotic ancient times, there were figures in the realm of immortality.But those words.Don't say it's me, even those old immortals in our clan think it's just a rumor.

But one thing is certain.The race I came from has a very long heritage, and it seems to be traced back to the incomparably distant and chaotic ancient times! "

Zhu Xuan didn't answer them in a hurry, but talked about the race he was from.

"In my family. There is an incomplete manuscript that records some terrible deeds in ancient times. On it. I once saw a record about the battle of destroying the world!"

"What is recorded on the ancient scroll is in the distant and ancient ancient times, maybe even longer!"

"There is a big world where you can hide in the ancient scrolls. In that world, everyone can live forever. Keep youth forever. There are even legends. Immortal figures. The whole street is extremely prosperous."

"But on a certain day, the extremely prosperous ancient world ushered in his hostile forces. An earth-shattering battle took place.

I don't know how many years that war has been fought.It may be hundreds of years, it may be thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

In short, in that great war, the heavens and the earth were shattered, and the originally bustling world was completely smashed to pieces, and the people in the whole world were drained of their last drop of blood. Some of the three words share a lot of similarities. "

"According to what you say, there used to be real immortals in our world, right?"

Hearing Zhu Xuan's words, Jin Yang, who had always been proud of getting rich, also hurriedly asked.

For a noble-born innate demon like him.They lack awe of life in the world since they were born.Like the Holy Spirit.They only want to do one thing in their life, and that is to become immortals.

The holy spirit and innate gods and demons are all known as the sons of heaven.On this day, there are many holy spirits in the world, and they are born with unparalleled strength.But lack of tolerance.

As the sons of God, it means that they have been influenced by the will of the entire universe. People of other races are very unwelcoming.This is the reason why heaven and earth unanimously selected them.Because today's will of heaven and earth regards the Holy Spirit as a citizen who can help him restore his peak years.

Therefore, these holy spirits will be blessed by heaven and earth when they are born.

"No, I'm not very sure whether there were immortals in this world. After all, the records in that ancient scroll are too absurd."

"What's more, you are also lucky to come to the human race incident from an extremely distant universe. Have you heard any news about immortals?"

Zhu Xuan first denied the messy records recorded in his own ancient scrolls, and then used the form of rhetorical questions to prove to others that there are no immortals in this world.

While they were still discussing, Xu Yu, who was in the center of the sea of ​​thunder, was locked by Tianjie and forcibly dragged into the doomsday battlefield.

After entering this ancient battlefield, Xu Yuna felt that the horse was afraid of being separated for endless years.

It seemed that he could also smell the overwhelming bloody smell.It was the unwilling resentment left by the bloodbath of the ancestors before the endless ages.

After entering the Heavenly Tribulation, Xu Yu has been very careful, after all, the Heavenly Tribulation that he is currently experiencing is very strange.

But in the end, no substantive conflict broke out, and the corpses in the catastrophe did not stand up and attack him.

But after Xu Yu observed the entire battlefield, the entire Heavenly Tribulation continued to disperse.

There were no strange things, as if Tianjie wanted to pull Xu Yu to see this doomsday scene, that is, the doomsday era.

Of course, it may also be a warning to Xu Yu that in a certain era in the future, such a world-extinction scene will appear.

But Xu Yu didn't have time to think so much now, he hurriedly sat cross-legged in the void, constantly swallowing the aura of Heavenly Tribulation to restore his divine power.

This time through the tribulation, Xu Yi gained unprecedented benefits, climbing from the fifth heaven of the great sage to the seventh heaven of the eldest saint in one fell swoop.The combat power has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The current him, even if he is facing the old students in the God's Domain, he can still believe that the old gods will be strong enough to suppress and kill the old gods without using the power of faith.

After recovering his divine power, Xu Yu returned to the realm of gods and demons.It happened to overhear the dispute between Zhu Xuan and Jin Yang and the others.

"The things recorded in your family's ancient books and burials are not necessarily false, they may be true. In the distant past, this doomsday battle did indeed take place, and the entire complete world was completely maimed. That era is known as the darkest age."

After hearing their quarrel over tree people, Xu Yu decided to tell them some secret events hidden in the long river of history.

"Brother, you mean the scenes that appeared in Tianjie just now? They all happened in the past, right?"

Seeing that Xu Yu had successfully returned to the Forbidden Land of Gods and Demons, Lin Chuan couldn't wait to ask him.

"That's right, before the endless years, there was indeed such a terrible war. Almost [-]% of the creatures in the whole world were wiped out, and the great universe that was intact at the beginning of the old year was crippled and never recovered. However, the entire environment of the world has changed drastically."

However, this battle is too long, even beyond the chaotic ancient times.An era earlier than the Chaos Ancient Era.

"In today's universe, there may not be that many people who know this ancient history. It is some sporadic records in some self-improvement races that have been passed down for a long time."

"The future world environment will become more and more difficult. I also hope that you can become stronger and have a chance to survive in the turmoil in the future. Otherwise, you will only become a pile of dry bones at the foot of other people's roads. .”

However, those histories have long been old-fashioned things.Is there no need to pursue what has happened in the past?What we need to do now is to raise our spirits, and after we have completely consolidated our realm, we will defeat the old gods and take over God's Domain.

(End of this chapter)

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