Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 224 Entering the Emperor's Tribulation

Chapter 224 Entering the Emperor's Tribulation
After Xu Yu entered the domain of the gods, he issued an oracle, and everything continued as usual.

All the clergy perform their duties, and God's Domain operates as usual.

Although there were certain deviations in the planned plan, Xu Yu still became the god of the God's Domain, and was recognized by the Jade Immortal Formation. Xu Yu's entry into the God's Domain was much easier than imagined.

At the same time, he was recognized by the Supreme Formation, and he easily subdued the Knights of God's Domain, and a peerless fierce man like Yan Chongtian, the second under the starry sky, was brought under his command.

On the basis of the original operation of Shenyu, Xu Yu opened three halls, namely the Hall of Law Enforcement, the Hall of Passing Gong, and the Hall of Elders.

The Hall of Law Enforcement is dominated by Zhu Xuan and the others and the Divine Realm Knights. They are responsible for all kinds of injustices in the Divine Realm, and are also responsible for the security management of the Divine Realm, similar to the existence of the army.

The Palace of Passing Gong is used to recruit the younger generation with better talents in the God's Domain and give them proper training. It is also used as a reserve force for the Palace of Law Enforcement. After they have reached a certain level of autobiographical palace practice, they must join Go to the army of God and serve Xu Yu.

The Hall of Elders is a hall that Xu set up for the elders of all ethnic groups, allowing them to control part of the authority. As a leader, it is impossible to blindly suppress those who take refuge in those who take refuge in themselves.

At the same time, those elder clansmen were also mixed into the Second Army of the Divine Army.

We should not cut off those people who are too deep to take refuge. For those old gods, no matter what purpose they have, as long as they don't shake the dominance of bathing.

As for some authority, it is just Xiaodaoer. In the world of prosperous cultivation, having absolute strength at any time is the basis for mastering everything.

After Xu Yu's series of reforms, God's Domain regained its vigor, and formed five main armies, which became even more powerful than when the old god was alive.

God's Domain has changed to a new main god, but it seems that nothing has changed, it's just a different god.

All the major families and forces on this ancient planet of life went to God's Domain one after another to meet the new god.

On this ancient planet, the idols of the old gods shattered, and Xu Yu's idols sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Countless powers of faith surged towards Xu Yu, but they were all rejected by Xu Yu, and Xu Yu beat them all into the Immortal Golden Cauldron.

Somewhere in the ancient land of God's Domain.

"Your Highness, what are we going to do now? We have been planning for many years, and now there is a sudden change of God in this God's Domain, and our plan has been completely disrupted." An old man said to the middle-aged man in the high position.

Qing Yutian was silent. To be honest, he didn't know what to do for a while.

All of Fen Sanshi's hard work and planning were suddenly smashed to pieces.

The supreme artifact recognizes its owner, how can he defy the sky?The power of faith was abandoned by the new god, and it was difficult to plan with it.

What's more, when Xu Yu killed the old god, he witnessed with his own eyes that even the supreme artifact turned to Xu Yu. Although he now has the support of the mysterious part of the old god, he is not as influential as the supreme artifact!

After a long silence, Qingyutian made a decision:
"Let's go, let's leave, there is no soil for our survival here, go back to our territory, I am still the supreme god!"

Everyone has arrogance, and Qingyutian is no exception.

In his ancient star, he is the supreme god, how could he submit to Xu Yu!
At the same time, in a hidden corner of God's Domain, a young man who was naturally noble was listening to the report of the old man in golden armor:
"My son, earth-shaking changes have taken place in God's Realm. The old god who was dying in the past has fallen, and now the new god in God's Realm is Xu Yu, a genius like you from the Emperor Burial Star outside the realm. He has been recognized by the Supreme Divine Artifact. Easily took over the entire domain of God."

"The Buried Emperor Star is worthy of being a star field where great emperors have gathered throughout the ages. Young Tianjiao are indeed emerging in endlessly. I always thought that people like Huo Qizi and Immortal Golden Body were already the most powerful people in the Big Dipper Star Field. But I still didn't expect that there would be someone even more monstrous than them. At such an age, he has already become a high-ranking monk of the Great Saint."

"However, in this way, it may be difficult for the tree of life to be recovered. The other party has the Supreme Divine Artifact, and in addition, he himself has a Supreme Emperor Armament, so he has no fear of my golden divine robe.

It seems that it is still necessary to get in touch with people outside the territory, and let those great saints outside the territory be the pioneers.Go to fight with God's Domain, after the two are exhausted, then we will take advantage of the fisherman. "

Daoyi listened to the changes in the realm of the gods that the guardian said.In a short period of time, he summed up the method to obtain the ancient tree of life.

That is to use the great sages from outside the domain to compete for the inheritance of the ancient tree of life and the Lingbao Tianzun. Only in this way can the water in the domain of the gods be muddied, making it easier to fish in troubled waters.

"Okay, you go down. Follow the route we came in, and pass the news that there are two supreme treasures in the God's Domain, the Extreme Emperor Armament and the Ancient Tree of Life, to the outside world, so that those great saints from the outside world will come to compete with the God's Domain."


Overnight, God's Domain changed its owner, and everything was calm.

Only one old god died.

But the dead will eventually be slowly forgotten.The old god who once ruled God's Domain for countless years is no exception.

The major commanders, elders, saintesses, and palace masters of God's Domain all chose the new god.

After successfully ruling God's Domain, Xu Yu used the Wusang talent in his organization.Countless array patterns were laid out near the God's Domain, thanks to the accumulation of the God's Domain over thousands of years, otherwise, it would have been difficult for Xu Yu to collect these materials that could be used as needed.

After arranging the pattern, Xu Yu blamed Lin Chuan and the clergy of God's Domain for everything in God's Domain, and then came to the forbidden area of ​​God's Domain.

Ancient Mountain of Life!

Only God can come here.

On the ancient mountain of life, the mist flows, the energy is like a small river, and all kinds of brilliance flow down.

On the ancient sacred mountain, there is an ancient tree of life.

The trunk of the ancient tree is rough, and the bark is cracked, like dragon scales one after another.

The branches stretch vigorously, and the branches and leaves are emerald green and glittering, shimmering and shining, like pieces of green fairy gold, brilliant and dazzling.

The essence of life is so thick that it cannot be opened, making this place sacred and unparalleled. As soon as it approaches, it seems to be feathering and ascending, the pores of the whole body open, and the essence of life is poured into it.

The Undead God Tree—the God Tree of Life!

The sacred tree of life, rooted on this sacred mountain, blooms endless divine power of life.

In this place, the energy of life is extremely strong.

It is another sacred tree that is hard to find in the world, the supreme sacred tree that can allow people to live out a second life.

This sacred tree of life belongs to Xu Yu from now on!

With the humanoid undead medicine seeds, Xu Yu already has three undead trees.

Regional guidance, someone in secret has always been obsessed with this ancient tree of life.It is also because this place is in the evolution restricted zone of the mysterious old god, so no one dares to come here to pluck the hair.

There is no need for Xu Yu to make too many arrangements here. As the only place where the five elements meet on the entire ancient planet of life, it has long been laid down by countless gods here.

Even if one is a great sage and strong man, in this endless pattern, if he accidentally steps wrong, he may fall here.

However, Xu Yu still simply arranges it, using the various terrains he obtained from Yuan Tianshu and some ancient formations in the group of characters to make the layout, which makes the killing formations that originally existed in the Five Elements Continent more cumbersome and terrifying. Yes, it can be said to be murderous every step of the way.

After doing all this, Xu Yu returned to the Heavenly Venerable Sea of ​​Misery with the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

In the boundless sea of ​​bitterness, the black water is full of lifeless and murderous aura.

Black mist curls up on the sea of ​​bitterness, containing murderous intent.

Only the center is steaming, the rays of the sun are soaring into the sky, and there is immortal energy, which is dazzling.

Since the traces of Zhu Xian's Four Swords were found in this fountain of life a few years ago.Attracted countless young arrogance and law enforcers on the trial road to try their luck here.

However, after experiencing many obstacles.Some great sages who were not prepared enough were all left here by the Zhuxian sword, turning into a wisp of dead souls on Zhuxian sword.

Even some young Tianjiao fell here in groups.

In the end, they found Master Tianji to conduct calculations and concluded that the Four Swords of Jade Immortals had not yet come into the world.

After being instructed by Master Tianji, those great sages knew that they needed to make more preparations before they could receive the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

It is precisely because of this that few young supreme beings have come here to look for the Four Swords of Jade Immortal over the years.

For those who had the idea of ​​giving it a try, the grass on the grave is more than three feet high now, so when Xu Yu returned to the Ninth Well of Life, he did not meet those people who came here to look for the Zhuxian Sword.

The nine springs of life are constantly radiating life essence, and the immortal energy is surging, like the smoke of essence energy, rushing straight to the sky.

The Fate Spring is gurgling, like a spout of a fairy spring. That kind of bright liquid makes people feel like they are about to become immortals. Looking at the ninth Fate Spring like the sea of ​​Fate, Xu Yu held the formation map and turned towards Fate. Go to the bottom of the spring.

The Dao Rune is engraved on the formation map, which is ancient and mysterious, like a deep universe, and like the Dao itself, Shen Xi descended, allowing Xu Yu to freely enter and exit in the sea of ​​suffering of the Heavenly Venerable.

The Zhuxian formation map is the key to picking the Zhuxian sword. Without the formation map of the four emperor swords, the quasi-emperor would not dare to touch them.

The moment he entered the Spring of Fate, Xu Yu immediately dilated his pores and felt the surging divine power.

The spring of life is full of immortal energy, and the liquid is crystal clear, exuding a fragrance.

Below the fountain of life, the four peerless killing swords are dark red. Although simple and natural, they reveal a peerless murderous intent!
Xu Yu approached with a formation above his head, and the four emperor swords did not burst out with terrifying killing intent, but hovered there quietly.

Not far from the Underwater Four Emperors Sword, a cave dwelling hangs in the eye of Mingquan.

The cave is magnificent and majestic, like an ancient palace in heaven, majestic and intimidating, but it is silent.

That was the cave of Lingbao Tianzun, which was acquired by the lineage of the six-eared macaque and moved here.

Xu Yu didn't take care of the cave, but urged the array to move towards the four emperor swords.

As soon as the picture of Zhu Xian's formation came out, he easily put away the four emperor swords.

The four emperor swords, combined with the formation map, is a complete godless weapon.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged on the eye of Mingquan with the formation diagram and the emperor sword above his head, and began to secretly examine the formation diagram and the four emperor swords with the word Bing.

With the formation map, Xu Yu easily picked up the four emperor swords without any danger or pressure.

If this is known to outsiders, I'm afraid they will hit their heads on the ground with jealousy.

The monkey in the cave, that is, the six-eared macaque that Xu Yu and the others met just after entering the God's Domain, looked at the scene outside and was completely speechless in shock.

It's incredible!

Those four killing swords, which no one has been able to pick up for countless years, are now easily taken away by someone, so how can she not be shocked.

The Divine Map and the Killing Sword are actually merged into one, that person is so terrifying.

The six-eared macaque was terrified, which completely overturned her cognition.

In the eyes of Mingquan, divine power and vital energy are constantly gushing out, and there are strands of immortal energy, which are extremely miraculous.

While offering sacrifices to the God Refining Picture and the Emperor Sword, Xu Yu refined the Divine Liquid of Mingquan and swallowed it into his body.

At the same time, the boundless death energy in the sea of ​​bitterness was also drawn by Xu Yu, and could not enter his body.

The divine liquid of Mingquan and the dead energy entered the sea of ​​wheels, and formed a diagram of the way of yin and yang in Xu Yulun sea.

The yin and yang diagram is running, and the chaotic air is generated, and it is hazy, and one ancient character after another is beating, just like the opening of the world.

At the same time, Xu Yu took out the human-shaped immortal medicine seed, placed it in the eyes of Mingquan, and devoured the endless life liquid.

The human-shaped undead medicine seed is gradually recovering its vitality, recovering, and began to absorb the essence of the crystal liquid to grow on its own.

On the eye of Lingbao Tianzun Mingquan, the fairy mist is transpiring, and the spirit is full of Taoism. From time to time, the sound of Daolun sounds, making people in Xiantai follow Daoming.

Xu Yu took out the Purple Gold Pagoda of Shenshen and let it sink and float on the eye of the Spring of Fate, imitating the avenue of the Lingbao Tianzun between heaven and earth.

Xu Yu will utilize what can be used to the extreme, and accumulate strength and breakthrough as soon as possible.

The human form of the immortal medicine grows, the glow is endless, and the avenue of existence and non-existence permeates, which is captured by Xu Yu.

On the Spring of Fate in the Sea of ​​Heavenly Venerable, the divine light is endless, the celestial light is bright, and the sound of the Great Dao is endless.

The avenue runes of the Jade Immortal Formation are flickering, ancient and mysterious, extremely profound, and the four dark red fairy swords are shining with fairy light.

At the same time, Xu Yu's sea of ​​wheels glowed, and a diagram of the innate yin and yang circles rotated, and ancient characters jumped out one after another, covering Xu Yu.

The spring of life is bubbling, the liquid is crystal clear, transpiring, and the fairy clouds are overflowing. This is a place that is connected with the Tao and is born to make people understand the Tao and practice the Dharma.

The sea is peaceful, but the bottom is different.While offering sacrifices to the God Map and the Emperor Sword, Xu Yu cultivated with the Life Spring Divine Liquid and Boundless Death Qi.

The human-shaped immortal medicine is also constantly absorbing the essence of the divine liquid to grow, and a kind of miraculous avenue is evolving.

Time flies, and ten years pass by in a hurry.

This sea of ​​bitterness is still calm and without waves.

And Xu Yu on the eye of the life spring under the sea has been sitting cross-legged here for ten years.

In the past ten years, the sound of the Dao in his body roared, the sound of the Dao Lun sounded, the scriptures resounded, the celestial light was shining, and the opportunities of the Dao overflowed from his body and spread into the distance.

Around him, all kinds of dao lights danced, the divine pattern dao pattern lingered on his head, and the chaotic energy descended, and the four emperor swords danced around him.

Xu Yulunhai exudes celestial splendor, extending outward, like the roar of Huang Zhong Da Lu, this is his avenue, he is interpreting his own way.

In the past ten years, many things have happened on the ancient road outside.

Ye Fan defeated his old enemy, Tyrant Body, and the reputation of Saint Body shocked the ancient roads.

The human king Xia Zhiwei defeated the peerless Tianjiao Ditian with infinite power.

The Goddess and the Great Demon God fought inseparably, and entered the depths of the ancient road all the way.The Demon Emperor's Mausoleum was opened, and the underworld was revealed. In order to compete for the opportunity for good fortune, all the great sages lost several saints.

In the turbulent meeting on the ancient road, countless young supreme powerhouses emerged, competing for the throne on the emperor's road.

In another ten years, the Tianjiao of various ancient roads began to set foot on the mythical ancient road and other legendary ancient roads that were extremely dangerous.

Xu Yu is still enlightening and cultivating, sacrificing the Emperor Sword God Picture.

The secret realm of his Lunhai turned into a picture of Taiji Immortal, shining brightly like a round sun.

This is the origin of all things in the human body, but now rays of light spread to the limbs, this place is the source of divine power.

At this moment, in Xu Yulun's sea, Dao scriptures emerged densely.

The next moment, another change occurred in his sea of ​​wheels. The original divine powers of earth, fire, wind, and water emerged, thunder shook the world, and chaos was endless. This place is like a primitive ancient world.

The entire wheel sea is glowing, like a world seed, surrounded by countless lines.

In the sea of ​​wheels, there were nine fountains of life, and the remaining sealed fountains of life were completely broken by Xu Yu with the help of the Jade Immortal Formation and the Jade Immortal Sword Formation.

The nine springs of life continuously gushed out Shenxi, and the celestial light was shining brightly.

In the sky above the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the Nine Paths God Bridge is like the sun, bursting out with blazing light, illuminating the entire Lunhai world.

In the sea of ​​wheels, the power of life and the power of death evolve, yin and yang, gods and demons...

Chaos permeates, like the seeds of the world, which is about to evolve into the world, open up the world, and the divine sounds of various avenues are endless.

Gradually, Xu Yu's wheel sea evolved towards a complete world.

With the natal wheel sea as the seed and the body as the body, evolve a real world.

Countless doors of potential in the sea of ​​wheels are opened, and mysterious power is constantly gushing out.

In the entire sea of ​​wheels, the thunder shook the world, the chaos was endless, the heavens and the earth were opened, yin and yang evolved, the sky kept rising, and the sea of ​​suffering continued to expand, endless.

Xu Yu's sea of ​​wheels has become a new world and begins to grow.

In the bitter sea of ​​Lingbao Tianzun, Xu Yu swallowed the endless death energy and life power.

Xu Yu's sea of ​​wheels is like a bottomless pit, continuously devouring the sea of ​​bitterness of Lingbao Tianzun.

The origin of countless Taos rotates, the chaos and mist fill the sky, and the world is opened up. His wheel sea has become a world.

His original divine power world.

Countless Dao sounds roared, various supreme avenues emerged, and the scene was terrifying. In a trance, I heard the sounds of all living beings offering sacrifices and worshiping, and it seemed like gods were crying.

Dao Bo shook the world, like a vast sea raging, spreading in all directions, at a glance, in front of the nine heavens and ten earths, in the sky and the earth, there is only one person who stands alone.

On the fountain of life, Xu Yu's body exudes immortal brilliance, various visions rise from behind, and ancient scriptures are recited in his body, the highest, the most holy and the most god.

Xu Yu began to evolve his Dao foundation, possessing a majestic aura of swallowing mountains and rivers and overlooking the vast universe, making people unable to help but kowtow and kneel down.

"The vast heavens, chaotic evolution, yin and yang produce two qi, and the two qi transform into Taiji. Taiji means that before the world is divided, the vitality is mixed into one, that is, Taichu and Taiyi..."

One after another, complicated Taoist characters appeared beside Xu Yu, indescribable, like a hundred thousand gods and demons roaring, interpreting different Taoism... The scriptures are so vast, like a silver waterfall falling from the nine heavens, each ancient text slowly Divine light blooms in the jade body.

"There is only one origin, the vast chaos, the eternal Tao, the endless years, the universe from the infinite to the Taiji, and even the metamorphosis of all things..."

"The way of heaven and earth is to create all things with the two qi of yin and yang.

Things..." Before the heaven and the earth were divided, the vitality was mixed, which was the beginning of the beginning, that is, a state of chaos.

At this moment, Xu Yu's sea of ​​wheels is in chaos, as if it is evolving into the heavens!

The sea of ​​bitterness turns into chaos, the fountain of life merges into one, the divine power of chaos gushes out, the divine bridge crumbles and turns into a sea of ​​stars all over the sky.Generally speaking, the realm of Lunhai is traditionally divided into four small realms: the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the Spring of Life, the Bridge of God, and the Other Shore.

Xu Yu's Tao, his method, is no longer refining the sea of ​​suffering, building a divine way, and escaping from this world!

It is to evolve as much as you want, open the door of potential in your body, and use the wheel sea as the cornerstone and seed to open up your own world.

"The human body is one, pure and undivided. Everything in the world comes from this."

The sea of ​​wheels is a whole, a world, the source of endless divine power.

From the sea of ​​wheels, the heavens are supreme!
Jingyi roared, Lunhai brilliance was magnificent, Xu Yu became more solemn and sacred, and remained motionless. The first secret realm he had cultivated before was melted away and re-melted.

The divine bridge collapsed and turned into a sea of ​​stars.

The other shore is hazy, the wheel of life is clear and bright, and the sea of ​​bitterness is chaotic and hazy, merging with each other and turning into the origin of all things.

Opening up the world, Dao begets one, one body, one life two, two begets three, turned into Taiji Liangyi, and Liangyi turned into Sixiang, and evolved from Sixiang into Bagua.

In Xu Yu's Sea of ​​Wheels, everything is in the stage of rebirth, as if all things were newly born, mysterious and unfathomable, overflowing wisps of immortal energy, lingering around Tai Chi, constantly rotating, opening up the world.

Chaos shrouded, the world evolved, in the endless chaotic sea, a chaotic vortex spewed endless chaotic divine power, the power of the beginning of all things, shaping the world.

In the entire Lunhai world, countless Taos permeate, and various origins evolve.

A world is gradually taking shape.Time is passing, Lingbao Tianzun Lunhai is collapsing.

The endless death energy and divine power of life were swallowed by Xu Yu.

This sea of ​​bitterness, which can cover several star fields, is gradually drying up and crumbling.

In the end, the entire Heavenly Venerable Wheel Sea dissipated, and the remaining divine power fulfilled Xu Yu.

A world takes shape within him.The three undead trees are rooted in the chaotic vortex of Xu Yu's Lunhai world.

The way of the world is formed by the fusion of the law of shrouding the sky and the law of the other world.

The sea of ​​wheels is the species that opens up the world and evolves into the heavens.

So far, Xu Yu's foundation of scriptures has been completed.

The Lingbao Tianzun wheel sea collapsed, and the six-eared macaque fled the sea of ​​stars in fright.

Tianjiao, who came to the mythical ancient road to find the other side of the gods, completely lost the opportunity to enter the mythical side.

Countless people don't know what happened, but no matter how many people search, they can't find the way to enter the mythical shore.

Unable to find a way to enter the other side of the myth, countless arrogances can only continue on the road, heading for the deepest part of the ancient trial road.

And when Xu Yu created the Lunhai Secret Realm, 20 years had passed inadvertently.

After Xu Yu built the Lunhai World, he returned to the other side of the myth.

Xu Yu, who returned to the other side of the myth, still chose to retreat, to understand the world's way, and to integrate the scriptures.

Ten years later, when Xu Yu left the customs, he directly attracted the endless power of faith from the highest mountain in the God Realm to refine his body.

Dao comprehension, cultivation, and realm, Xu Yu has come to the end in the realm of the great sage, and if he goes one step further, he will be the quasi-emperor.

Before entering the quasi-emperor realm, Xu Yu invoked the power of endless faith to temper his physical body once.

The power of boundless belief is like karmic fire, tempering Xu Yu's body.

The sacred mountain of God's Domain is the place where God's Domain has accumulated the power of faith for thousands of years.

If the power of faith here is completely uncovered, I am afraid it will be no less than Mount Sumeru.

The entire God Realm was trembling. The sacred mountain of the God Realm was majestic at the moment, and the ancient mountain erupted with blazing light. Xu Yu was submerged by the power of endless faith, causing his ashes to fall, and his dry body was revived.

There are countless runes flickering faintly in the blood, and then form a chain of order, intertwined together, extremely profound.

After burning his body with the karmic fire of faith, Xu Yu's physical body became stronger.

Then, he directly tore apart the sea of ​​stars in God's Domain, came to the starry sky outside the domain, and directly led the quasi-emperor robbery.


On this day, a dull sound erupted in the starry sky outside the city.

The brilliance required light to cut through the cosmic star sea, and the people on the ancient planet of God's Domain all looked up at the void star sea, feeling terrified in their hearts.

Their gods tore apart the starry sky and left, and now there is an extremely dazzling thunder burst out there, lighting up that cosmic sea of ​​stars.

This is quasi-emperor-level fluctuations, enough to disturb the world!
At first, outsiders didn't know about it, but this catastrophe was so terrifying that it lasted for several days, which was a frighteningly long time!
Chaos Xianghai penetrated this hidden star field, exposing it and appearing in front of the world.

Such a terrifying fluctuation shocked the entire ancient mythology road, and countless people thought it was the disappearing mythology, and they came here one after another.

"Heavenly Tribulation!"

"How can there be an unknown star field here? Is it the other side of the myth!"

"Is this someone crossing the Emperor Tribulation?!
"How could there be such a terrifying catastrophe in the world?"

The countless Tianjiao who rushed over looked in horror at the chaotic sea of ​​needs that could cover several star fields, and their eyes were full of shock.


The god thunder destroyed the world, the vast star field was wiped out by the sea of ​​thunder light, and the stars could no longer be seen in this place, all of which were shattered by Lei Xia. It is hard to imagine how big a thunder calamity this is.

Xu Yu's star field, far away from the land of life, is a barren star system, otherwise, there would be no living beings left, and all of them would be turned into fly ash.

Lightning is intertwined, each one is like a galaxy, the silver light is very long, across the dark universe, it is so brilliant that it is shocking.

What the world has only seen, people have never seen such a huge sea of ​​thunder covering such a vast expanse in the past, this is almost across the star field, it is incredible.

It can be said that it surpassed common sense, and an electric light shot across the sky. After leaving this area, it still destroyed one big star after another, like a flower blooming, dazzling and beautiful.

The sight left people speechless.Too violent, too terrifying, too powerful, is this really the Emperor Tribulation?
People almost doubt that this is a great emperor crossing the catastrophe!

Of course, no one has seen Di Jie, this is just people's guess.

Because at present, very few people have seen Zhun Emperor Jie, and no one has seen Emperor Jie, so I guess.

Such a big movement can only make countless people secretly guess.

Xu Yu was ups and downs in the sea of ​​thunder. Even if he was as strong as him, he was in big trouble. He was fighting for life and death, fighting for survival.

At this moment in Thunder Tribulation, all powerful backhands can no longer be used.You can only rely on yourself.

The powerful necessities kept falling down piece by piece.

The fairy golden tripod was smashed to pieces again and again in the sea of ​​thunder, but the divine paper bred inside was about to die out.

Xu Yu used the word "Bing" as a secret, and kept the gods in the weapons in order to prevent them from being wiped out by the catastrophe.

Using Thunder Tribulation, the two weapons were re-examined and forged.

This Heavenly Tribulation of the Emperor Zhun is completely different from the Heavenly Tribulation of the Great Sage he caused, and it is extremely terrifying.

This is completely like a dead end, God punishes the world and wants to wipe him out.

The thunderstorm is like the sea, and Nangong She is like a flat boat, bumping and heaving there, it will be overturned at any time, and it will be buried in the thunder of the sea.

At this moment, he was covered in blood and looked miserable.

He was fighting against the great emperor, and was fighting against the ancient emperor. He was one after another supreme, peerless and unparalleled in the world.

Xu Yu fought with that Supreme Being. He didn't know how many Supreme Beings he fought. Some of them were remembered by history, and some disappeared directly into the long river of history and were forgotten.

His body was completely crippled, bone fragments splashed, bright red blood detonated Xu Hai, and the Dao Rune flickered in the red blood, all over the sky.

The golden villain between his eyebrows also rushed out, and it was broken several times, but they were all reassembled, fighting and confronting those emperor shadows.


Xu Yu fought for several days and nights, even though he was as strong as him, with endless divine power, he was exhausted from the battle.

But he still persists, is tenacious and unyielding, and refuses to give up, because he knows that this road cannot be retreated. Once he retreats, once he closes his eyes, he will sleep forever and never wake up again.

He still has a long way to go, he wants eternal life, he wants eternal life.


A bell rang, shattered the sea of ​​thunder, and hit Xu Yu, surrounded by chaotic aura, as if stars from the sky had fallen.

It was a figure with its back to the crowd, chaotic and hazy, it was hard to see clearly.But peerless and powerful.



A man with a battle ax comes to kill him, like a great demon king, his eyes are golden, extremely blazing, murderous and terrifying.

"Chaos ancient!"

The young Emperor Chaos Gu had arrived, and he struck with an axe, destroying heaven and earth, and the ax was as bright as the sea.


A figure in white with a magic pot on his head raised his jade hand and clapped it, as if the heavens were shattered and the walls of the world collapsed, it was terrifying and peerless.

Xu Yu didn't dodge, but made a move, fighting fiercely with the young emperors.

How can we talk about being invincible, how can we talk about being invincible if we don't even dare to kill all the brands of the Great Dao!


Xu Yu Yiji smashed the giant ax that destroyed the world and smashed the brand of Dao of the Great Emperor Chaos Gu.

And the giant ax flickered coldly, and the sharp edge directly slashed into his body, breaking all his bones.The flesh and blood pulsated, and the body was almost blown to pieces.

Xu Yu didn't care about his injuries, and raised his hand to confront the Ruthless Emperor.

The sky and the earth exploded, and the sea of ​​thunder was beaten into nothingness.

Xu Yu's cracked arm was shattered, and blood rained down the sea of ​​thunder.

The body of the ruthless empress flew out.A big bell hit Xu Yu's back.

His incomparably tough body burst into pieces under repeated bombardment.

The word secret of the imperishable spiritual operator, Xu Yu reorganized and revived again.

This is a difficult battle, which makes Xu Yu hovering on the edge of life and death.

One great emperor after another appeared, and one ancient emperor after another stood upright, fighting against Xu Yu.

He had shed so much blood that the bones of the Rune of Birth were shattered.

This is a siege, even if Nangong Bao has a clone to help, they are outnumbered and struggling to kill.

The world of Lunhai continuously provided divine power, which made him inexhaustible and amazingly resilient. Coupled with the Zhezi secret and the real phoenix treasure technique, he was able to fight against the emperors and ancient emperors with difficulty.

"What a terrible punishment from heaven. I have never seen or heard of it before. A Tianjiao who came to watch the battle said with a pale face.

This kind of catastrophe completely overturned the cognition of countless Tianjiao.

The emperor's shadow in the thunder calamity, that one is the supreme existence that suppresses the eternal.

How could Tianjiao, who had made it this far, fail to recognize that it was the former emperor and emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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