Chapter 225 Entering the Emperor Zhun

In the middle of the Caspian Sea, Xu Yu continued to fight for the imprints left by the ancient emperors and great emperors in this world, and the complete understanding kept gushing out, turning into a series of orderly gods and exploring towards Xu Yu, as if wanting to replace the sky Suppress Xu Yu.

"This is... a catastrophe like Saint Ye Fan."

Near the sea of ​​bitterness, Terran No.60 level, the young talents of various races and some veteran saints who have already gathered here have been constantly exploring the way to the other side.

Some of them had seen Ye Fan's catastrophe in the tomb of the demon emperor Xue Yueqing, and naturally recognized the similarity between Xu Yu's catastrophe and Ye Fan's catastrophe. .

But they didn't expect that they would actually meet God's Domain today.That is, on the other side of the other side, there are actually people crossing the Emperor Zhun Tribulation, which they did not expect before.

Many people retreated after seeing someone in the God's Domain crossing the catastrophe of Emperor Zhun, and no longer paid any attention to those who secretly encouraged them to enter the God's Domain.

"I didn't expect that there is such a character in the God's Domain. Is it the new god of the God's Domain? He is actually going through the Emperor Zhun Tribulation, Your Highness. If this happens, the matter of our ancient tree of life will be even more difficult!"

In a mysterious sea area, a white-haired saint in golden armor was talking to a young man with extraordinary martial arts.

The young man is the Daoyi who has been secretly motivating the great sages of the heavens to plan for the domain of God for the sake of the ancient tree of life.

Over the years, Daoyi has really put in a lot of effort in order to get back his father's ancient tree of life. Not only did he send someone to bring a branch of the ancient tree of life from God's Domain to the law enforcers on the starry sky trial road. Some powerful saints have already proved that there is an elixir of immortality in the other side of God's Domain, and they even publicized that there is a supreme inheritance left by Lingbao Tianzun in God's Domain, in order to retrieve the ancient tree of life with the help of the great saints of the heavens.

But his luck was really bad. When Shenyu was developing together and following his arrangement, the old god of Shenyu was beheaded by Xu Yu, and he forced Qingyutian, who was also plotting to take over Shenyu, to kill him. The Four Swords of Zhu Xian in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness were taken away, making his plans fail one after another.

"It doesn't matter, the appearance of Emperor Zhun will only attract more great saints to enter God's Domain. Although there is a slight deviation from my original plan, the final result is the same, that is, God's Domain will definitely meet many The great sage may even attract other quasi-emperors in the starry sky, this is for us to watch the tigers fight and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

After seeing the current development situation, Daoyi soon felt relieved.

Although Dao Yi's plan failed time and time again, with Xu Yu's crossing the catastrophe this time, he will naturally attract those great saints who have been inaccessible for thousands of years to the realm of the gods. The expected result was almost the same, so he naturally didn't take it to heart.

And for him, no matter whether the God of God's Domain is Lao Shen or Xu Yu, it has no influence on the final result of his plan.

His main plan was to provoke a battle between the great saints from the God's Domain and the outside world. Originally, he used the Ancient Tree of Life as a bait, but now with Xu Yu's strength, he naturally attracted many great saints outside the God's Domain.


Xu Yu has been in seclusion on the other side for more than [-] years. Ye Fan and other arrogances have also been fighting continuously for these years to reach the [-]th level of the human race. , they were dragged near the sea of ​​bitterness for ten years.

The most important thing is that Xu Yu took away the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in advance, which has changed the plot of the original work to a certain extent.

In the original book, because the Four Swords of Jade Immortals were discovered by the great sages, which attracted the competition of the great sages of the Guangming clan, and thus were guided by those who cared, so God's Domain attracted the great sages of the heavens to hold off. The sword is the main factor that causes the great sages to continuously attack the domain of the gods.

Although in this life, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian did appear in Lingbao Tianzun's bitter sea, they were taken away by Xu Yu early.

Ever since Xu Yu became a new god, the first thing he did was to collect the Four Swords of Jade Immortal from the sea of ​​bitterness, so that those young supreme beings and great sages who were constantly looking for the Four Swords of Jade Immortal in the secret realm of the sea of ​​bitterness knew that the Four Swords of Jade Immortal had been given It was taken away, so many great sages who have been looking for the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in the sea of ​​suffering over the years have basically returned without success.

Just in time, Xu Yu, who took away the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, returned to the God Realm to retreat, which caused many turmoil in the sea of ​​bitterness to intensify.

After all, the Four Swords of Zhuxian left by Lingbao Tianzun used to exist in the sea of ​​bitterness at a real price. This is something that many young Tianjiaohuo and some great sages have witnessed with their own eyes. Naturally, they would not believe that the ancient sword of Zhuxian would be separated by themselves. Although it is not impossible.

But their brains are so big, they think that the other side where God's Domain is located has been blocked from the outside world all year round.It is impossible for the people in God's Domain to take away the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, but a very low-key strongman in the vicinity of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness and in Terran No.

But is this really the case?There are quite a few young Tianjiao and some far-sighted great sages who seem to have known that the Four Swords of Jade Immortals were not taken away by them...

But I can't bear the complicated people's hearts. It can be said that it is false to search for the Four Swords of Zhuxian in the current No. 60 level of Terran, and it is true to secretly liquidate one's own grievances.

Especially some young arrogances with rare treasures. Although they can rule the roost in their respective star fields, the most important point is that the Taoism behind them can be regarded as a leader in their own star fields.

But on the road of starry sky trials, those prestigious identities have long been regarded as abandoned shoes, and no one is willing to take a look at them.

Because the young Tianjiao who can come to the Starry Sky Trial Road are basically born in some powerful orthodoxy, and naturally have treasures or inheritances that are unknown to others on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

What's more important is that those young Tianjiao with a prominent background are basically lambs to be slaughtered on the road to the starry sky trial, because no one will care about his prominent status.

After all, those who can set foot on the road of starry sky trials, which one is not a genius, has a good moral lineage, and naturally no one looks down on anyone.

What is even more serious is the law enforcement officers who have been entrenched on the Starry Sky Valley Road all year round. They are rooted in the Starry Sky Trial Road, not only relying on their own strong strength, but more importantly, they can seek to seek justice when the Starry Sky Experimental Road opens. Take away the good fortune of some young Tianjiao.


Just when many Tianjiao and the Great Sage were still thinking about the matters of the Heavenly Great Sages and God's Domain, the Heavenly Tribulation that Xu Yu went through changed.

Many Tianjiao have never seen such a catastrophe.

Only some arrogances on the ancient road of the human race have seen Ye Fan's catastrophe in the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum, and know that there is such a peerless and terrifying catastrophe.

In the crowd, Ye Fan looked at the terrifying catastrophe, and murmured in a low voice: "Never cut the way!"

"It's him, the Son of the Purple Mansion!" In the crowd, an old friend from Beidou recognized Xu Yu.

They all returned from the depths of the mythical ancient road.

I haven't heard from Xu Yu for nearly 50 years, and I saw Xu Yu again.

"It's him, the most powerful person of the human race—the immortal, I didn't expect him to have already entered the realm of the gods!" A great sage of a foreign race in the depths of the star field recognized Xu Yu, and was extremely shocked.

Back then, Xu Yu continuously beheaded the Saint King and the Great Sage on the ancient road of the human race on the ancient road of the starry sky. His divine power was peerless and shocked countless people.

Now more than 40 years have passed, and when I saw him again, Xu Yu was already crossing the tribulation of Emperor Zhun.

But Xu Yu's Quasi-Emperor Tribulation subverted countless people's inherent cognition.

In the chaotic sea of ​​thunder, the Immortal Palace Empress emerged, extremely terrifying, exuding the aura of the supreme avenue, and the sea of ​​thunder was shaking.

Xu Yu directly rushed into the Immortal Palace Emperor's Tower.

Qingdi, Wushi, Xueyueqing, Shencanhuang, Taiyang Shenghuang, Taiyin Renhuang, Fighting Shenghuang, Ruoren, Immortal Emperor, Emperor Zun...

One after another emperor's shadow appeared, the chaos was hazy, and the avenue was filled. In the boundless fairy palace in the sea of ​​thunder, the emperor trembled, blood splashed, penetrated the sea of ​​thunder, and wiped out the void and chaos.

Outsiders can't imagine the terrifying battle that Xu Yu went through, which makes people despair.

After reaching the quasi-emperor level, the Great Emperor and the ancient emperor's brand of avenues are getting closer and closer to their peak moments. Xu Yu fought against the emperors alone, and it was very difficult.

The blood and bones were smashed and shattered countless times, and then continued to be reassembled, as if they were being tempered thousands of times.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron he planned to use to prove the Dao did not know how many times it was broken, and it was reassembled and tempered by him again and again.

At the same time, during this thunder calamity, his physical body, primordial spirit, and tools for proving the Tao are all being tempered and becoming stronger and stronger.

The catastrophe lasted for ten days, and Xu Yu has been going through the catastrophe.

This thunder calamity was unprecedentedly long-lasting and powerful. If Xu Yu hadn't opened up the world of Lunhai and followed his own way, and the original source of divine power would continue to flow, Xu Yu might be in danger of falling even if he had the secret word.

In the end, Xu Yu escaped from Emperor Que Tiangong in embarrassment.

In the vast sea of ​​thunder, the brilliance of lightning is peerless, spanning two or three star fields.

After hitting the Emperor's Tower Heavenly Palace, Xu Yu condensed his Dao, punched with all his strength, and shot a celestial light that penetrated the universe, breaking through the universe.


The universe trembled, and Xu Yu's punch pierced through the endless thunder sea, completely blasting the thunder calamity away.

All the divine chains of order in the thunder calamity, the almost endless Great Emperor, and countless different phases were also completely shattered by Xu Yu at this moment.

The Xianjinding Cauldron reunited and swallowed the shattered thunder sea.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron is constantly clanging, and it is also devouring the shattered Thunder Sea, undergoing transformation.

The last power of Heavenly Tribulation was absorbed and refined by two weapons.Countless dao patterns emerged from the body of the tripod, and hundreds of millions of purple rays of light fell down, and each ray of glow could split the sea of ​​stars like a fairy sword light.

Ancient characters appeared one after another on the body of Xianjin Ding, which were the characters of Emperor, which were completely imprinted into the wall of the tripod.

Xu Yu's Taoist artifact was officially promoted to a quasi-emperor artifact, and it was shrouded in the immortal light of the gods, with immeasurable divine power.

After the robbery, Xu Yu jumped to the Second Heaven of the Zhundi Emperor!
Zhundi Tribulation dissipated, Xu Yu sat cross-legged in the starry sky and recovered, all the starlight all over the sky gathered and poured into his body.

It looked like a bottomless pit, and the starlight of several nearby star fields dimmed.

Receive the essence of heaven and earth, supplement what is needed, reshape the bones, and his body is radiant, and he is recovering quickly.

For a whole day, Xu Yu sat cross-legged in the starry sky, swallowing the energy of the heaven and earth.

At the same time, he was quietly comprehending the changes after the tribulation.

In the starry sky, countless people looked at the most divine and holy figure, silently.

The human race reproduces a supreme quasi-emperor.

After surviving the catastrophe and being officially promoted to Emperor Zhun, Xu Yu's body, soul, and even the Dao have been improved in all aspects, and his combat power is not a bit stronger than before.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron was suspended above Xu Yu's head, and the Dao sound filled the air, resounding through the sea of ​​stars.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged in the starry sky quietly to comprehend the Quasi-Emperor's Dao Fruit and the evolution of the Dao.

Many races have left and dare not stay here.There will be a big shock in the universe, and a supreme quasi-emperor will appear in the human race.

A quasi-emperor of the human race is here, and the threat to those alien races is unparalleled.

A quasi-emperor is enough to sweep away the existence of countless star fields.

So after learning that there is a quasi-emperor in the human race, the minds of many big clans have undergone major changes.

After all, Zhundi is synonymous with destruction, and he can use the word "di" after sticking it on, which means that he has supreme power and is one of the strongest people under the starry sky. How can this not make them afraid.

Xu Yu realized the end of Dao Fruit, opened his eyes, and two celestial lights bloomed, piercing the sea of ​​stars, with supreme power.


Suddenly, a bright figure ran towards Xu Yu with a scorching light in the starry sky, shouting and shouting.

It was the golden lion that Xu Yu had collected in his early years. Ever since Xu Yu set foot on the ancient starry sky road, he had never seen the golden lion again.

Now the golden lion has also grown up, and has become a real demon king. It is also a fierce existence on the road of demon clan trials, which makes many young arrogances frightened.

"That's the Tianshi King who learned from the Yaozu trial road. He is a tyrant on the Yaozu road. It can be said that he does all kinds of evil and uses everything to the extreme. He is the most unscrupulous holy beast king I have ever seen."

As the golden lion yelled, some people who had suffered from him also recognized him.

"The Tianshi King of the Yaozu can be said to be a seed-level player on the road of the Yaozu's trial, but he never thought that he would be the mount of the quasi-emperor in the God's Domain."

"However, as a quasi-emperor, he is definitely a hero. How could he charge such a shameless bastard mount? With such a shameless mount by his side, even the quasi-emperor would be depressed?"

There were also people who gloated and said that they thought that using a golden lion with no limit, no integrity, and no dignity as a holy beast king to follow Emperor Zhun would inevitably lose all face of Emperor Zhun and lose the support of the people of God's Domain.

This is mainly due to Xu Yu's keeping him in stock. Over the years, the golden lion has broken free from Xu Yu's shackles, and it can be said that it is like a fish in water.When he was still in the Big Dipper Starfield, he wrapped Duan De in a lot of unconscionable things, and his natural temperament was completely exposed. In Xu Yu's words, he was a golden lion, not only his conscience was gone, but his conscience was gone. Even chastity and chastity fell asleep for a long time.

After embarking on the trial road of the starry sky, it became even more out of control, and became a real scourge on the trial road of the monster race.

Xu Yu withdrew his aura of grandeur, returned to normal, and smiled at the golden lion.

I haven't seen him for many years, but the golden lion's cultivation has improved rapidly, and he has already stepped into the late stage of the saint king, and he is not far from the peak of the saint king.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I'm very surprised by your progress." Xu Yu said.

Even if there is no opportunity from the other side of the myth, everyone still does not lack opportunities.

In this vast universe, opportunities are never lacking.

"Congratulations to the master for becoming the quasi-emperor, the power of the gods is unmatched!"

After getting in touch with Xu Yu at close range, the nature of the golden lion was exposed, so don't lick Xu Yu's anklet like Bilian.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place of chance." Xu Yu waved his big hand, leading the golden lion to tear through the void, and headed towards the other side of the myth.

As for those who watched him cross the tribulation from a distance, Xu Yu didn't have much interest.In Xu's view, there are good and bad human law enforcers, but they can't be one type of people after all.

Those people are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years. They all have their own plans and have lost their blood.

Although the old gods in God's Domain are almost the same as their cultivation level, and they are also the same age.

But those old gods in God's Domain have one more thing than those great saints on the ancient starry sky road, and that is faith.

Under the traditional concept of God's Domain for millions of years, their loyalty to the god recognized by the supreme artifact is engraved in their bones.

Even if they have their own selfishness, they will still support the gods they believe in.

It will not be full of calculations like those great saints on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

As for those young Tianjiao, Xu Yu was even less interested.

They are now in their prime, and they have a dissatisfied attitude towards everything in the world.

They think that they are the only one in the world, and they can prove the Tao and become the emperor, so they will naturally not be willing to be subordinated to others.

There are two types of monks who come to the [-]th level of the human race, one is the real young supreme, such as Ye Fan, Dao Yi, Di Tian, ​​Jin Snake Da Langjun and others.

They all have a rock-solid Dao heart, they are rare peerless talents in the world, and they are also competitors on Xu Yucheng's path.

The other type is those followers of the real young supreme, such as Lin Chuan and others beside Xu Yu. Winning in the world, so Xu Yu and the others are even less interested in those people.

In addition to these two types of people, there is a third type of people, those who do nothing.

These people have a certain age, but they lack the will to forge ahead. They always use their thoughts in their lives to calculate and calculate, and they want to have both sides. Such people are unstable factors in any force.

People who will never pursue their own inner thoughts, nor will they be firm in their beliefs, are extremely unstable factors for any team.

The people who came to the No. 60 level of the ancient human race road were basically divided into these three types of people, and Xu Yu didn't want to have too much contact with these three types of people.

So even if someone wanted to follow him back to God's Domain, Xu Yu ignored it.

After all, Xu Yu and the others have been operating God's Domain for decades, and it has already become his base camp.

For those who have ideas about the Ancient Tree of Life and the Four Swords of Jade Immortal, it would be good if Xu Yu didn't kill them on the spot, so he wouldn't even try to recruit them.


"Welcome to my god!"

"Welcome Your Majesty to return!
Following a ray of divine light directly into the God Realm, Xu Yu landed in the God Realm, and countless divine envoys, palace masters, grand commanders, and countless creatures knelt down and shouted loudly.

At this moment, the power of God's Realm is immeasurable, the celestial light is brilliant, countless people are boiling, Xu Yu has really become a god.

"Okay, step back!" Xu Yu waved his big hand, and helped countless people who were kneeling down.

"Master, what's going on?!" The golden lion looked at Xu Yu in a daze.

In his impression, Xu Yu was a man who was unwilling to be bound by secular rights, and only wanted to practice Taoism, but he did not expect that after four or fifty years of separation, Xu Yu formed his own gang, and even became a gang the ringleader.

Why did he suddenly become a god and form a god domain.

Xu Yu explained briefly, and the golden lion knew that this was the other side of the myth.

The other side of the myth that countless people have been searching for but can't find!

Xu Yu led the crowd to the tree of life.

"The Tree of Life!"

Everyone exclaimed, their eyes lit up.

The golden lion ran away, opening its mouth to bite the branches and leaves of the ancient tree of life.


Xu Yu patted the golden lion into the ground.

If he allowed it to act recklessly like this again, Xu Yu's reputation would be ruined by him.

(End of this chapter)

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