Chapter 226 God's Realm Opens
Not long after Xu Yu returned to God's Domain with the golden lion, the divine bridge that had been preventing monks from entering the God's Domain suddenly opened, allowing people to enter the divine bridge, cross the sea of ​​suffering, and reach the other side of God's Domain.

For a while, many young monks were scrambling to look forward to the depths of the sea of ​​suffering.But there are also some scheming monks looking at those young supreme beings, hoping to make them want to try the hidden dangers in the sea of ​​suffering first.

But I don't know if it was because of Xu Yue's arrival that the plot in the original book has changed a lot. Some monks who were exploring the way ahead were killed by mysterious ancient corpses in the sea of ​​bitterness when they crossed the sea of ​​bitterness.

Even some extremely powerful monks encountered terrifying opponents in the bitter sea and suffered heavy casualties.

Some far-sighted monks are stationed near the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, waiting for the bridge to be completely opened, but there are also some great saints who are more self-sufficient, completely unafraid of the risks in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and cross the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

Dozens of days passed like this. After some young supreme beings who were not afraid of danger and relying on their own powerful strength, and the great sages of the ancient clan paid the blood price in the sea of ​​suffering, some powerful races decided to unite and enter the domain of the gods together.

Terran No. 60, more and more monks gathered, many of whom had previously competed with Xu Yu on the starry sky trial road.

For example, Di Tian and the Great Demon God Gu Huang who entered the Human Race Trial Road together with Xu Yu also came to the No. 60 level of the Human Race.

I also saw the scene of Xuzhou crossing the catastrophe of Emperor Zhun, and I was very touched, with complicated expressions on my face.

"I really didn't expect that the monk who entered the human trial road with us at the beginning would leave us far away, and become the quasi-emperor in a single step!"

By Ditian's side, Fairy Qingshi, who often accompanied him, said with a complicated expression.

"Although I already knew his incomparable and peerless celestial beauty, I still didn't expect him to become a giant under the stars in such a short period of time!"

Even if he was as proud as Di Tian, ​​he felt a bit of embarrassment when he saw Xu Yu, the Tianjiao who had entered the human trial road with him, stepped into the quasi-emperor realm like this.

"Why is that so, we are also young supreme beings, we should use this as an example, practice hard, and strive to enter the quasi-emperor realm as soon as possible. We need to know that as long as he does not become emperor for a day, we all have a chance to catch up with him."

On the other hand, the Great Demon God, Gu Huang, did not show any discouragement after seeing Xu Yu become the quasi-Emperor, on the contrary, he aroused his warlike ambition.

"That's right, who can say clearly what will happen in the future? Since ancient times, there have been many people who practice extremely fast, but there are very few people who can successfully go to the end and prove themselves to be emperors. What, only the last laugher is the real winner."

There are also people who believe that Xu Yu's cultivation speed is so fast, the Dao foundation has not been laid at all, it is equivalent to pulling the seedlings to encourage growth, his growth potential has been exhausted, and it is impossible to have the opportunity to prove the Dao and become an emperor in the future.

"Not necessarily? You have to know that the Banished Immortal is still in the realm of the Saint King, and he can already defeat the pinnacle of the Great Sage. You would say that such a person has not a strong Dao foundation, so what kind of human Dao foundation is considered stable?"

Some people lamented that Xu Yu grew up too fast, and even surpassed some of the older generation.

"He is the Banished Immortal, the Banished Immortal who once defeated the pinnacle Great Sage at the Saint King realm on the Ancient Starry Sky Road. I heard that he is from the Buried Emperor Star, and he is an extremely terrifying person!"

Among the crowd, Mr. Golden Snake Dalang looked in the direction Xu Yu was leaving, and said thoughtfully.

"Brother, it's nothing more than a quasi-emperor. If we four brothers join forces, even if he is a quasi-emperor, he will drink hatred under our ancestral vessel!"

Beside him, the unruly Golden Snake Shiro-kun said coldly.

"Fourth brother, don't be careless. Zhundi and Dasheng are two different creatures. One is in the sky and the other is underground. Even our ancestors have not completely succeeded in entering the realm of Zhundi. We met him There is only the possibility of escaping, and it is absolutely impossible to complete a move in his hands!"

Seeing his brothers showing such hostility, Mr. Golden Dalang couldn't help scolding them.

"Brother, why do you have to be so swaying, it's just respecting the Emperor Zhun. Look at the people around, many great saints have different intentions. I'm sure that behind these great saints, there is definitely a trump card that can rival the Emperor Zhun!"

The Golden Great Dragon Lord looked back at the great saints around him, and it was as his brother said, although those great saints were not exact opponents, they still did not give up the idea of ​​entering the God Realm of the Other Side.

Generally speaking, if they are not lunatics, then they should have enough cards to deal with the quasi-emperor in the God's Domain before they dare to plan for the Ancient Tree of Life in the God's Domain.

"That's right. There are countless strange people in the world. Cultivators are naturally taller than each other. Although the Immortal of the Buried Emperor Star has stepped into the quasi-emperor realm, I believe that under the boundless starry sky, there must be other quasi-emperor seniors." .”

"Even if there are no other quasi-emperors to deal with God's Domain in the end, looking at the expressions of these great saints, there is no sense of panic at all. There must be artifacts that can rival quasi-divines, and they may be extreme emperors."

After looking back at the expressions of those great saints, the golden Dalang Lord made a preliminary judgment.

While the golden lord was secretly observing the monks in the realm of the great sage, he didn't know that the monks in the realm of the great sage were also transmitting voices secretly, discussing how to enter the realm of the gods.

"Everyone, what should we do now? A quasi-emperor suddenly appeared in the God Realm of the Other Shore. Will this affect our plan to seize the ancient tree of life and the Immortal Sword Formation!"

Near the sea of ​​bitterness on the other side, in an unknown sea area, several saints of different races were discussing how to enter the realm of the gods and face Xu Yu who had become the quasi-emperor.

During this period of time, as more and more great saints were bleeding in the sea of ​​bitterness.Even the young Supreme who is not afraid of danger needs to act carefully in the sea of ​​suffering.

"Everyone, it's time for me to make a move. This is Fellow Daoist Mi Heng from the Guangming Clan. He brought the Divine Pot of Extreme Dao Emperor Soldiers from the Guangming Clan. It can help us enter the God Realm of the Other Side!"

Just when some young supreme beings, including Ye Fan himself, were still groping in the sea of ​​suffering to enter the God's Domain, some strong groups with extreme emperor soldiers were preparing to join forces to enter the God's Domain.

"It turned out to be the Taoist brother of the Guangming clan. The Taoist brother of the Guangming clan brought the extreme emperor soldiers, but I am afraid that it will be difficult to enter the realm of the gods. He also has the killing treasure left by the Lingbao Tianzun in his hands-the Immortal Execution Sword Formation."

Calculated in this way, the strengths of the two sides are basically leveled, and the strength of the opponent's quasi-level modification is not known to be much higher than ours.A Jidao Imperial Armament does not guarantee that we can safely enter the God's Domain! "

After seeing the Great Sage of the Bright Clan.Some people were also worried that there would still be dangers in entering God's Domain. After all, time passed, and the news that Xu Yu had received the Four Swords of Jade Immortals had spread in Terran No. 60, causing many people to retreat.

As the most terrifying monk under the ancient emperor, Emperor Zhun possessed endless divine power, and it was difficult to find an opponent in the world. What's more, he also possessed the ultimate emperor's soldiers, which made the opponent's strength unpredictable.

Many of the great saints present are old figures who have lived for thousands of years.The way of nature, the difference between an extreme imperial weapon in the hands of the quasi emperor and in the hands of the great sage.Zhundi can use his unfathomable and endless divine power to completely revive the Jidao Emperor's soldiers and suppress all opponents who are also Zhundi.

"Naturally, the other party is a quasi-emperor and possesses an extreme imperial weapon, so it won't have much influence on him at all, but don't worry, I also contacted other fellow daoists, who are also other powerful clans with extreme imperial weapons. If we attack together, we will have greater confidence in attacking God's Domain!"

The great sage who spoke earlier spoke as if he had been prepared.

"If that's the case, I'll be more confident in entering the God's Domain!"

Great Sage Miheng of the Guangming Clan also spoke.

After all, among the people present, only the Great Sage of the Guangming Clan had taken practical actions to collect the Four Swords of Jade Immortals in the early years.

Although the final result is not very ideal.At that time, the great sage of the Guangming tribe who held the refining pot fell on the spot under the endless slaughter of the four pieces of Jade Immortals.

It is precisely because of this that they found out the way forward for them, and let the later great sages know that it is impossible to collect the Four Swords of Jade Immortals just by relying on an extreme emperor soldier, not to mention that there is another one in the domain of gods that has just become an earth warrior. Zhundi's Xu Yu, if he just relied on the sight of the enemy soldiers, the opponent would not have to make a move at all, and he could block those monks who invaded God's Domain just by relying on the Jade Immortal Sword Formation.

"Let's go, we will also enter the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness and head towards the God's Domain. At that time, we will join a few other Taoist friends in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness to go to the God's Domain to hold the pass and seize the Immortal Execution Sword Formation and the Ancient Tree of Life."

As the turmoil in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness intensified, many monks have entered the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness tonight, and they used their lives to light the way for the latecomers to enter the God's Domain.The people who came to Terran No.60 level later saved a lot of trouble when crossing the sea of ​​suffering.

In just a few days, thousands of monks have entered the realm of the gods, and these monks have basically reached the realm of saints or saint kings. It can be said that none of them are mediocre...

Just when countless monks were crossing the sea of ​​bitterness and entering the divine realm on the other side through the divine bridge, Xu Yu also knew that the natural barrier that had been blocking the modification outside the realm had disappeared, and the divine bridge of Lingbao Tianzun appeared in front of the eyes of the world, serving the world. Entering the realm of the gods illuminates the way forward.

Xu Yu naturally knew that those who wanted to enter the realm of the gods basically had ulterior motives, whether they wanted to seize the ancient tree of life or the sword formation of Zhuxian.

And Xu, who made a woman his base camp, naturally would not allow such a situation to happen.

You must know that in the original book, it was because of these great sages and young supreme beings that only one Yan Chongtian survived in the huge God Realm, and the others became cannon fodder for those ambitious people to achieve their goals.

Therefore, after Xu Yu learned of the appearance of Shenqiao, he arranged for the Knights of God's Domain to patrol God's Domain day and night.

At the same time, it also issued an oracle to the many elders in the God's Domain and the tribes living in the God's Domain, asking them to take the initiative to hunt and kill those young monks who invaded the God's Domain, especially those who were left alone.

Following the issuance of Xu Yu's oracle, the entire God's Domain also knew that there were demons from outside the domain who wanted to invade their God's Domain.

As a tribe that strongly supported Xu Yu, they naturally obeyed Xu Yu's orders unconditionally. What's more, if an unexpected monk entered the God's Domain, they would suffer the most damage first.

You must know that during the millions of years of history of the gods, monks from outside the domain wanted to enter the domain of the gods more than once, and tried to seize the supreme artifact in the domain of the gods.

Whenever this situation occurs, some races in God's Domain are devastated.

You must know that not everyone is like Ye Fan and the others in the modification of entering the realm of God, only thinking about enlightenment and practice.

What's more, countless killings have been caused in the domain of the gods. For example, in the original book, Mr. Shiro the Golden Snake, in order to practice the nine transformations of the rattan snake, how many ethnic groups in the domain of the gods have been wiped out?committed a heinous crime.

And there are not a few people like the Golden Snake Shiro-kun.In order to practice, some other monks will also choose to take the edge of the sword and use extremely cruel methods to improve their own cultivation, so as to achieve the transformation of their own strength.

So when people like them naturally practiced, every time their skills improved, they would commit a heinous crime.

"God, there are already many demons from outside the domain entering the domain of the gods. Although their cultivation is not very high, there are a large number of people following them, and those young grooms are not of the same mind. After entering the domain of the gods, they all talk Birds and beasts are scattered, we can rarely find their traces for a while!"

"And those young people are also extraordinary in their own strength. Even if we find their traces, we will not be able to keep them for a while!"

"As for those powerful saints, they are even more difficult to deal with. Apart from the few strong saints who have been holding back, there are also some great saints who are secretly destroying the foundation of my God's Domain. They are looking for my God's Domain. The weak point of the formation!"

In the temple, an elder at the pinnacle of the great sage was reporting to Xu Yu the traces of the young supreme beings who had entered the domain of the gods.

"Those young Supremes, we will treat them in three levels!"

"First, those monks who enter the God's Domain only want to practice and enlighten the Tao. When they do not cause substantial harm to my mystery, we don't need to spend more divine troops to pay attention to them!"

"Secondly, those cultivators who kill innocent people in the God's Domain, we must suppress them with lightning, so that people know that our God's Domain cannot be easily offended."

"Thirdly, those great saints who are mixed-blooded fishers are also some troublesome characters. As long as they don't do too badly in our God's Domain, we don't need to suppress them. After all, the great saints under the starry sky Qiu is really too much. After killing one batch, there will be another batch coming, but we still need to find one or two great saints to kill them, so as to deter those young self-esteem and secret plots with evil intentions the great sages."

"In addition to this, the elder shop is responsible for those great saints who come to knock off the gods with the emperor's soldiers. Those people must be blocked from the gods, and they cannot be allowed to enter the gods. Otherwise, the emperor's soldiers will The endless divine power emitted will immediately break through the large formation in my God's Domain, causing even greater harm to my God's Domain!"

"I'll leave the task of stopping those great sages who are shutting down the pass to you. I will also give the supreme artifact to the elders in your elder hall to use. It must be kept out of the pass like those great saints who are shutting down the pass."

"Let Elder Yan lead the Hall of Law Enforcement to search for those who have ulterior motives in the realm of the gods, and the newly formed five legions will assist the Knights and the Hall of Elders to defend against intruders. At the same time, you have to search for the rats secretly hiding in the realm of the gods!"

After understanding the current internal and external troubles God's Domain needs to face, Xu Yu will deliberate the operation of the two profiteering institutions, the Hall of Law Enforcement and the Hall of Elders.Let them defend against those who invade God's Domain.

"Yes, we will obey the oracle and kill those evil spirits and heretics who invaded my God's Domain, and keep the enemy out of the God's Domain!"

After Xu Yu's order was finished, several other elders in the shop also bowed down and replied respectfully.

Then several elders left the temple to arrange the charm conveyed by the bath, and dispatched the law enforcement knights in the God's Domain, as well as the five legions that had just been formed in the God's Domain.

Even cultivators from some races joined in, and together with the Hall of Law Enforcement, they hunted and killed those young supreme beings from outside the territory.

In addition, he also arranged for Zhuxuan, Yan Chongtian, Jinyang, Ning Yi, and Yuanyang God King to hunt down those monks who committed heinous crimes in the realm of the gods, such as the Golden Snake Sirang and others.

Following Xu Yu's oracle, all the monks in the God's Domain took action, constantly fighting with the monks outside the domain.

Some long-established saints and young supreme beings were also under the siege of the monks of the God's Domain, and they withdrew from the colorful stage of life early, leaving only a pile of dead bones, which proved that he had come to the God's Domain.

(End of this chapter)

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