Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 227 Tianjiao's Arrival in God's Domain

Chapter 227 Tianjiao's Arrival in God's Domain

Forbidden land of gods and demons.

A heroic and majestic man who radiates golden light is confronting Yan Chongtian, who is second under the starry sky of God's Domain.

Both of them are rare arrogances in the world, and they are both in the realm of saint kings, but the aftermath of their confrontation is like a great saint.

Every move between the two seems to be rhythmic with the entire mountain range, especially their every move, every style trembles with the entire starry sky, full of murderous intent.

The man emitting golden light is Ye Fan, and the person who confronts him is the second Yan Chongtian under the starry sky in God's Domain.

As the first ancient holy body to break the curse of the body, since he embarked on the road of practice, he has shown his unique side. No matter how bad the situation is, he can deal with it freely and turn evil into good fortune. And in the process of fighting again and again, his strength has become stronger and stronger, and he has gradually become one of the best peerless arrogance under the entire starry sky.

Especially after entering the realm of the Saint King, the potential of his body has also been developed to the extreme by him. In addition, he has practiced several ancient scriptures, and now, like Xu Yu, he has initially created his own method. the leader.

The other one is Yan Chongtian who has the second title under the starry sky with only one defeat.

Number two under the starry sky, just relying on these words is enough to prove Yan Chongtian's strength.

Although he is only a mortal body, being able to be called the second under the starry sky is enough to prove his strength.

Of course, even now he is still called the second under the starry sky, although he was briefly suppressed when facing Xu Yu.

But Xu Yu at that time was already in the realm of the Great Saint, and there was a huge gap with him in terms of realm and combat power, so his suppression did not hinder his own invincible fame.

In addition, he was not defeated by Zixia in the battle with Zixia. Asking about the scene at that time, if the two of them really confronted each other, Zixia might be the one who lost in the end.

After all, although Zixia at that time was also in the realm of a saint king, she had insufficient years of cultivation and did not have the experience of fighting enemies like Yan Chongtian. In addition, there was a great sage Xu Yu standing beside them to deter them, so Yan at that time Chongtian didn't display his due combat power.

But now, when facing Ye Fan, who belongs to the realm of the Saint King like him, he naturally doesn't need to fight with fear like before, but has shown his invincible secret technique from the beginning.

Since Xu Yu took over Shenyu, many rules in Shen Yun have been changed.At the same time, he also forgave the Knights of the Realm of God, who were hardcore followers of the old gods, and accepted them.

He even opened up some unknown secret techniques to them, so that the people of the Knights of God's Realm sincerely supported Xu Yu, and it was precisely because of this that the spirit of fighting for the way that had been silent for thousands of years was renewed. Inspired, he is no longer the same as before, looking lifeless, and now he has changed his appearance again, becoming a young one.

A few years ago, Xu Yu issued an oracle in the deliberation to hunt down those demons from outside the territory.Born to be the leader of the Knights of God's Domain, he naturally obeyed Xu Yu's orders strictly.In these years, there were eight or nine young Tianjiao beheaded by him instead of ten.

As for those miscellaneous fish that fish in troubled waters, I don't know how many there are.

On this day, the sky was full of smoke, just like in the past, searching for those foreign monks in every corner of God's Domain, just in time to find the traces of Ye Fan and others in the Forbidden Land of Gods and Demons.

It is just a coincidence that Ye Fan and the others are like columns, after entering the domain of God.He was hunted down by the cultivators of God's Domain.

He even faced the old gods in the domain of the gods several times. If he hadn't mastered the secret of the practice, he might have been left behind by the elders of the domain of the gods.

Originally, when dealing with monks outside the territory, the gods and those gods would never take action in person.Ye Fan and the others are really too against the sky, how many teams in God's Domain have fallen into the sand in their hands.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Fan and the others receive special treatment from the elders.

During the many times of chasing and killing, Ye Fan and others were forced into the forbidden area of ​​God's Domain.At that time, Ye Fan also deeply felt that his own combat power was insufficient, so he secretly cultivated his skills in the forbidden land of gods and demons.

Originally, everything was going in a good direction, but among Ye Fan's followers, when they went out to inquire about the news, Yan Chongtian found the traces, and the current situation of two people fighting appeared.

Now that the two meet in the Forbidden Land of Gods and Demons, it must be a battle between dragons and tigers, and the two of them are inseparable for a while.

On the other side, Ye Fan's followers were also fighting frantically with other monks of the God's Domain Knights.

Today, Yan Chongtian is the leader of the Knights of God's Realm, and the monks he leads are not the four saint kings in the original book, but including himself, there are eight people in total.

The eight high-level saint kings put too much pressure on Ye Fan and the others. Now, among Ye Fan and his party, he is the only one whose fighting strength is against the sky.Able to speak soaring to the sky, one hits evenly.

But as for the others, they were at an absolute disadvantage. Even Pangbo, who had gnawed on countless coffin boards, was losing ground steadily in the hands of a monk of the Seventh Heavenly Heaven, a Saint King in the God Realm.

As for that mean-mouthed Ryoma, he provoked the only old woman among the Eight Guards Saint Kings, and was chased and killed by her crazily.

As for the other twelve Saint Kings, they faced the remaining six God's Domain Knights together.

It has to be said that although the Twelve Saint Kings under Ye Fan's mobile phone are not as good as the top young talents in the world, they can be on equal footing when facing the knights of God's Domain.

In another sea area of ​​God's Domain, the three golden snakes headed by the Golden Snake Dalang are being hunted down by Zhu Xuan and others.

Is the golden snake a lord, or is it like a column, causing a heinous blood debt in the realm of the gods?Naturally, it also attracted the attention of the God's Domain Knights.

As the elder of the Law Enforcing Hall who commanded the Knights of God's Domain, Guxuan naturally couldn't ignore the behavior of the spiritual master. Kill the Golden Snake Dalang Jun, the chief culprit who harmed God's Domain.

The bodies of the two are alien species between heaven and earth.

As a descendant of the Soaring Snake, Mr. Golden Dalang is also a descendant of a legendary beast. Although the power of his bloodline is now thin and only a trace is left, their race is still one of the most powerful races under the starry sky. Aside from the ruthless thought of abandoning their descendants every generation, there are masters, and their family is still extremely prosperous.

And the origin of Zhuxuan is mysterious, except for Xu Yu who knows his true identity, no one else knows which Xeon race Zhuxuan came from.

But what should not be underestimated is that Guxuan's background and skills are incomparable, coupled with his unique talent and supernatural powers, he can naturally rule the roost among his contemporaries.

With the law of time in one hand and the law of space in the other, coupled with his infinite divine power, he can still maintain an absolute advantage when facing the Golden Snake Da Lang.

Although the laws of space and time he mastered now are not as powerful as the strongest heirs in their ancient records, who can break space with one hand and earn time with the other. In hand, he can be invincible.

After all, since ancient times, people who master the law of time are the most difficult existences.Not only are they proficient in the Avenue of Time, but their speed is also unrivaled, which can be called the fastest in the world.

So during the whole process, the golden snake Dalang was pressed and beaten by Guxuan, as for the other golden snakes, they were helpless. They were also entangled by the saint king brought by Xu Yu, and they couldn't spare their hands to fight with him. The golden masters meet.

"It's impossible to go on like this. These cultivators in God's Domain are too powerful. Although their combat power is not as good as ours, the opponent has a large number of people, and they can form a killing array to charge us!"

During the scuffle, the golden snake Sanlang, who was gradually in a weak position, asked his elder brother for help.

After all, their few golden snakes can be said to be running amok in the midst of mystery.All the monks in the mystery hated their brothers to the core.This time, a Guxuan led a team to encircle and suppress them.

The other monks in God's Domain received the news and directly joined the God's Domain knights to besiege several golden snakes.

Except for the one-on-one duel between the Golden Snake Dalang-jun and Guxuan.Several brothers of Mr. Golden Snake Dalang were caught in the siege of the knights of God's Realm and saint kings of some races. The situation was very bad, and it was only a matter of time before they lost.

"Don't let those reptiles go!"

Suddenly, there was a huge roar from a distance, and it was the enemies that the Golden Snake Sirang had made in God's Domain chased after him.

There are many people here, including the ape clan, the crane clan, and the black leopard clan.

All of them have a hatred higher than the sky and deeper than that of the spiritual master.

Because Mr. Golden Snake Silang beheaded most of the clansmen of their several races, and used their flesh and blood to practice their magic skills.

It was also because of this that when the few of them met, their eyes immediately turned red, and they were determined not to give up until they killed each other.

And the golden Dalang and the others looked at the approaching people in the distance.In previous years, the saint had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.Originally, they were at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Jixuan and others. If those saint kings rushed over again, wouldn't they want to drink their hatred on the spot?

Seeing that the current situation was not right, Mr. Jin Snake let out an angry roar, and a corner formation map flew out of his sky spirit cap, and a corner formation pattern also flew out of the sky spirit caps of his brothers.


The four-cornered formation was fused together in a very short period of time, exuding the aura of a quasi-emperor.Seeing this scene, Zhu Xuan and the others did not choose to go up and shake it.

What actually appeared in front of them was just a quasi-land formation, but for them, it was enough to kill them thousands of times.

If they could be killed before Golden Snake Silang-lord summoned the quasi-land formation map, then Zhu Xuan and the others would no longer have to endure such dangers.

But it's too late now, the roles of both of them have changed now, although Mr. Golden Snake Dalang is not that powerful, but after all, the array in their hands is a perfect quasi-emperor weapon, this pair Orphaned people still caused a certain amount of pressure.

However, it was obvious that the Golden Snake Sirang was also full of awe towards the God's Domain. After all, after they entered the God's Domain, they had been chased and killed no less than fifty times, and even some old gods came to kill him personally.

So he didn't dare to delay time with Zhuxuan and the others again. After all, there was a genuine quasi-emperor in God's Domain. If Xu Yu was attracted, then not only their own lives would be in danger for the four brothers.

I'm afraid that even the ancestral artifact they brought with them will be forcibly suppressed.


After the quasi-emperor array frightened many monks in the God Realm, the Golden Snake Sirang and others disappeared near the temple in strips of golden light.

The Divine Realm Knights followed closely behind them, intending to completely kill the four Golden Dalangjuns.

However, the Knights of God's Realm did not find any trace of the Golden Snake Shiro group.After all, Mr. Golden Snake Sirang mastered a mysterious ancient art - Snake Speed. Naturally, they also have their own unique secret art in terms of escaping.

Ye Fan played against Yan Chongtian, and the Golden Snake Dalangjun team went up to Jixuan.

In addition, in other corners of God's Domain, there are also incidents where the Palace of Law Enforcement is chasing and killing those young supreme beings.

The few young arrogances who followed Ye Fan and the others into the realm of the gods, their ability to cause trouble is naturally not small, for example, the star eater, after stealing the secret treasure of a god elder, was hunted down by the gods all over the world .

Of course, there are also some smarter young lords, but they safely abide by the rules and regulations of the God Council, and did not provoke trouble in the interrogation.He only dared to carefully plan that in the God's Domain, there may be a place where good fortune is stored.

For example, Di Tian and Qingsi Fairy and others, they all did this, and they didn't deliberately cause trouble in God's Domain, so their current situation is much better than Ye Fan and Jin Snake Da Langjun and others.

And those great sages who wanted to pass through the God's Domain temporarily let go of their thoughts after many failed attempts, and searched for other ways to enter the God's Domain in the endless sea of ​​suffering.

After experiencing several failures, they also understood that it is impossible for the two extreme emperor weapons they possessed to be against the supreme divine weapon in the domain of the gods.

And more importantly, because God's Domain has never been invaded by monks from outside the domain.Therefore, there are still a relatively large number of great saints left in God's Domain.

It is impossible to reverse their current battle situation just by relying on the two extreme emperor soldiers, so for the time being, they can only hold back their flags and wait for other people in the same way to knock down the barrier together.

When people didn't notice it, patches of your white mist blew up in the entire sea of ​​suffering, covering the entire sea of ​​suffering, making people feel ominous when looking at it.

This is a change in the rules left in God's Domain.In other words, the peerless killing array left in God's Domain has now been activated.

The moment the Divine Realm Array was activated, all the monks in the entire Divine Realm involuntarily looked up at the sky.

Because the picture they may see next is something they will never see again in their lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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