Chapter 228 Mafia One
One after another, the red spirit of order spread over the sky of God's Domain, like a spider's web, encompassing the entire God's Domain.

And each divine chain is made up of densely packed runes, and these runes are optimized by using the group of characters for bathing.

Countless sword qi can be seen gushing out into the starry sky in God's Domain.Even the world of Kuhai was shrouded in the endless murderous aura emanating from Zhu Xian's testimony, turning it into a red ocean.

Even some sword energy rushed out into the starry sky through the endless charm, causing the stars in the starry sky to shake off.

Jade is a decoration that is crossing the sea of ​​bitterness.It was also because of this that he suffered an indiscriminate disaster.The killing formation organized by Xu Yu is really too terrifying.

For those monks who are in the realm of Saint King or Great Saint, there is no pressure for a nuclear bomb to explode in front of them, making them inevitable.

Of course, there are also extremely rare modifications. Relying on their own strong strength, they can accurately judge a way out in the sand formation, and after paying an extremely heavy price, they still forcefully break through the killing formation.

For example, just like Su Lao and his party of the Guangming Clan, they also possessed the Jidao Emperor Armament themselves. When they sensed that danger was coming, they immediately used the Jidao Emperor Armament to refine the God Pot to protect themselves.

When Xu Yu was modifying the killing array in the God's Domain, he discarded some of the originally complicated runes.Instead, he used formation patterns and dao rules to replace the original runes. The most important thing was that he comprehended the killing and attacking dao rules in Zhuxian Sword Formation and used them on the killing formations in God's Domain.

In the peerless killing formation set up by Gai Shixiu, who is in the realm of Emperor Xu Yu, even if he is a quasi-emperor of the same level, there will be no return to this killing formation.His strength is much higher than Xu Yu's.

However, there are only a handful of such people under the entire starry sky.

Of course, the existence in the forbidden zone of life must be excluded. After all, the supreme beings in the forbidden zone of life were once the most outstanding figures of an era.

It can even be said that even if the supreme beings in the forbidden area of ​​life do not come, the mounts they sit on can easily break through the large formation arranged by Xu Yu.

Although the pattern is one, if it is used properly, it can even fight across the ranks.But formation patterns are formation patterns after all, just like the weapons of the ancient emperors, they can create, and of course they can also destroy.

After all, the strength of the creator is much stronger than that of the Jidao emperor.

At the same time, everyone in God's Domain raised their heads in surprise and looked at the mysterious sky.

For some high-level people in God's Domain, they naturally know that this is a peerless killing array arranged by the mind in God's Domain, which can resist the monks who are in the quasi-emperor realm.

But at the same time, they also know that this sand town will not be activated for no reason at ordinary times, and it must be used when God's Domain is facing life and death.

But now is obviously not the time. Although the domain of the gods has often been invaded by evil spirits from outside the domain these years, some great saints knocked on the gate from time to time, fighting with the monks in the domain of the gods, causing a lot of bloodshed, but it was not enough Trigger the unrivaled killing array in God's Domain.

Because the purpose of the establishment of the killing array in God's Domain is mainly to prevent quasi-emperor monks outside the domain, not to deal with those small shrimps in the realm of the Great Saint.

Obviously, the young supreme beings who have entered the realm of the gods, or those great saints, are not enough to pose a danger of destruction to the realm of the goddess.

But the killing array was triggered, and naturally a major event happened.

For a moment, the modification in God's Domain didn't know anything had happened.On the contrary, the elders of the gods acted as if they were facing a formidable enemy, thinking that a powerful quasi-emperor was invading the domain of the gods.

Even Xu Yu, who was in retreat and enlightenment in the temple, was shocked by the killing formation. He knew very well that although the killing formation he had set up could not resist the emperor, it could resist all enemies below the quasi-emperor fifth heaven. monk.

But now, the killing array in God's Domain is recovering automatically. Doesn't that mean that there are monks who surpass the quasi-emperor fifth heaven and are invading God's Domain?
However, Xu Yu thought about it for a second, how could there be so many monks above the quasi-emperor fifth heaven in this world.

What's more, even the monks of the quasi-emperor fifth heaven, they would not choose to come to God's Domain to find fault.

After all, for monks like them, the most urgent task now is to enter the fairyland when the road to immortality, which is rare in all ages, opens.

Naturally, it is impossible to go to God's Domain to cause trouble.

"I tell the gods that it was the Golden Snake Sirang who pushed the quasi-emperor's magic weapon when the Great Commander Zhuxuan was chasing and killing the Golden Snake Silang-kun, and that's why the formation pattern in the God's Domain was revived."

Just when Xu Yu was still thinking.Why does the sandberry in God's Domain recover automatically?A knight of God's Realm quickly came to him and told him the reason for the revival of the killing formation.

"The quasi-emperor's soldiers aim at the emperor's killing formation. Will such a situation really happen?"

After the Knights of God's Realm reported.The old god who had been with Xu Yu for a long time said.

They believe that although the Unrivaled Ancient Formation in God's Domain looks terrifying, the realm of the people who set it up is nothing more than quasi-emperor.

So when facing another quasi-emperor soldier, it will cause the killing array in God's Domain to recover automatically.

But Xu Yu didn't think so.With his strength as the quasi-emperor, he naturally knew very clearly that he had obtained the cultivation base of the four Lang Jun, and even if they added their ancestral artifacts, it would not be possible to fully stimulate the killing array in the God's Domain.

The person who caused this incident is at least a great sage, and he has a considerable understanding of Wenyi.

At the same time, Ye Fan, who was in Shenmo Ridge, also looked up at the sky of God's Domain, and was shocked by the peerless killing array in God's Domain.

"What an astonishing killing formation. This kind of killing formation is among the people I have ever seen. The existence that walks the furthest along with the formation is far inferior to even the supernatural Heihuang!"

Ye Fan looked solemnly at the sky of God's Domain, and he saw the shadow of Yuan Tianshu on this peerless killing formation.

"Boy Ye, you can get away with saying that. Although the black emperor's dog is indeed very unreliable, he still has a long way to go in the formation. Have you ever seen someone who can arrange a corner of the emperor?" A patterned black dog?"

At this moment, Ye Fan's mount Longma.He came to Ye Fan's side happily.The number of people who ridiculed the killing array in God's Domain was far less than that of the Black Emperor.

"No, this killing formation is really terrifying. Although it is not as exaggerated as the black emperor's corner of the Great Emperor formation pattern, it still reveals the supreme aura of the quasi-emperor."

When Ryoma was still laughing and joking, he once met at Big Dipper.The brothers and sisters of the Ji family who had seen the Black Emperor Formation also made a judgment.

The two brothers and sisters agreed that it was a killing formation in God's Domain.Although it is not comparable to the real earthquake text, it has its own uniqueness in the layout of the formation.

"I think it should be that the new god in God's Domain has obtained the inheritance of Lingbao Tianzun. That's why we were able to arrange such a terrifying killing array."

Ye Fanyi thought about it.

"You are a secret word group!"

Hearing Ye Fan's words.Ji Ziyue, who is a gardener, immediately thought of the Nine Secrets that have been passed down through the ages.

"Yes, it is the organization secret left by the Lingbao Tianzun. I have obtained part of the inheritance of the Lingbao Tianzun on the earth on the other side of the starry sky. It can be said that the organization of the Lingbao Tianzun is the most powerful in the world. Formation, even if the ages pass, no one can stand shoulder to shoulder with it."

"What's more, I also saw the shadow of Yuan Tianshu in this killing formation, and I can guess that the other party must also be a master of Yuanshu with advanced Yuanshu!"

"What's more, the layout in front of me is similar to the killing formation in Kunlun Mountains. They are all mixed with cloud origin technique in the killing formation, making the originally plain and ruthless Shazhen become terrifying. and the way of life."

Ye Fan didn't say the last sentence in front of others, but thought of it silently in his heart.

Because he found that the killing array in God's Domain was indeed too similar to the layout on Kunlun Mountain.

On the other side of God's Domain, some people did not dare to act rashly.They are Dao Yi who has disappeared for a long time. It can be said that the recovery of the killing array in God's Domain has a huge relationship with him.

The current Daoyin is located in the forbidden land of gods and demons in the domain of the gods.But it's different from Ye Fan and the others.The two of them are in opposite directions.Ye Fan's realm of gods and demons is just an unknown small valley inside, not close to the back garden of the gods, so naturally it will not trigger the peerless killing array in the realm of the gods.

Taoist doctors want to obtain the ancient tree of life, so they naturally think a little deeper.So he went to the place close to the fruit tree of life without hesitation, but at the same time this is also the core of the killing array,

It is precisely because of this that he accidentally fell into the center of the killing formation after he did not know that the formation patterns in God's Domain had changed.

This caused a collision between the Jidao Emperor Soldiers and the Zhundi Killing Formation.

Following the collision of the extreme emperor soldiers and the quasi-emperor killing formation.No, in the entire God's Domain, even the monks in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness Bridge can only exist like ants.

Don't attack them in the direction of Jidao Kamui, otherwise they will die.

While everyone in God's Domain was still in shock, a sudden burst of murderous aura directly tore open the defense above the sea of ​​bitterness and fell into the sea of ​​bitterness of Lingbao Tianzun. Where the sword energy passed, there were corpses and broken arms.

Then the red sword energy and the barrier in the sea of ​​bitterness caused a chain reaction.

I saw the current sea of ​​bitterness just above.There was a strange and ominous red mist floating everywhere.Where the red mist drifted past, those young supreme beings or saint kings all disappeared in an instant, as if they were swallowed by the red mist.

It is true that those young supreme beings were all swallowed up by the red mist.

Because those red mist are also a means of killing the peerless killing array.

Don't underestimate those red mist, those red mist look like an ordinary blood mist.

But in fact, all of them are invisible killing formations carefully transformed by Xu Yu.

Those red mist were all constructed by Xu Yu's array patterns and runes, especially Xu Yu absorbed a ray of killing intent from the Yili Zhuxian sword into the red mist, making the red mist even more terrifying.

So in the places where the red mist passed, those so-called young self-esteem had already been crushed by the sword energy carried in the red weapon, and their bodies turned into a part of the mist.

"What about those people?"

"how come?"

"Impossible, what the hell is that fog!"

The monks in the God's Domain, after seeing the place where the red mist passed, all the young supreme beings in place disappeared, and all of them looked shocked.

"No, there is something wrong with this fog!"

"Be careful, everyone, don't be in the middle of this red mist!"

"Quick, stay away from this red mist!"

"Don't come here!"

At this time, the monks who were still in the sea of ​​suffering saw the place where the red mist passed, and they were all yelling at a loss.

He has long lost his demeanor as a young supreme.

However, there are also exceptionally outstanding people who can rely on their own strength to strengthen the red mist.


I saw a saint king of the ancient clan, when facing the red mist, his whole body glowed with blood, and finally his whole body turned into a cloud state, passing through the blood mist all over the sky.

There is also a strong man who has mastered the secret art of space, drawing a piece of absolute void around him, so that those red blood mist can't get close to him.

"That is, the creature of the Yun Clan. I didn't expect that he could rely on his own innate supernatural powers to change the whole body into a molecular state, and he has never avoided the blood fog!"

"There is no mistake, he is a creature of the Yun family, a descendant of a peerless holy spirit in ancient times, transformed by a wisp of mist between heaven and earth, naturally turning his body into gas, returning to heaven and earth, and becoming the carrier of Tao. Avoided the terrifying blood mist!"

In the ancient times, the Yun family once had a peerless Holy Spirit. Although it did not become the supreme emperor, it was not far behind.

People of their race are very terrifying. They can transform themselves into gas, enter another person's body, and perform endless killing moves from other people's body, which is very difficult to deal with.

On the shore, someone recognized the ancient people who had turned into mist, and said in shock.

"The other person is a void combat body, born to control the art of space!"

Someone also recognized the Young Supreme who pierced through the void among the mahogany.

It is the void body whose name only appeared in the original book.

Of course, in the sea of ​​bitterness, there are other arrogances who are also using their innate magical powers to avoid these red fogs.

Some people even used their ancestral treasures to disperse the red mist. It can be said that the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers.

But these mahogany trees all have a characteristic, that is, the closer they are to the God's Domain, the more terrifying the murderous intent permeated in the red mist.The young supreme who broke through Hongwu before, after approaching God's Domain, entered the red mist and never appeared again.

After all, these red fogs are the masterpieces of quasi-emperors, for those saint kings or great saints with low cultivation.Absolutely crushing advantage.If you don't have special innate supernatural powers, it is basically impossible to leave the red mist area alive.

It is precisely because of this that the closer the God's Domain is, the stronger the monks will suffer heavy casualties.When some powerful saint kings saw the red mist spraying towards them, they decisively chose to break their arms to survive.

As for some strong men in the Great Sage realm, their strength is stronger, and they naturally suffer the least threat.

Although they could easily avoid these red roads, they couldn't avoid the killing sword formed by the divine sense of order in the sky above God's Domain.

As wisps of sword energy continued to bloom, those who narrowly escaped the catastrophe could not be spared.

I only saw the place where the sword energy passed by, those decorations in the sky, like dumplings, falling into the sea of ​​bitterness with a crash.

After a while, the blood on their bodies dyed the originally dark sea of ​​bitterness red.

"Don't act rashly, someone must have triggered the peerless killing array in God's Domain. If we act rashly, we will be buried for this killing array!"

Of course, there are also great sages with extraordinary insight who saw that they were not the cause of the killing array in God's Domain, so they told the people who came with her not to get on their feet.

"Senior, are you saying that the God's Domain wasn't opened by the monks in the God's Domain?"

Someone asked in surprise after hearing the great sage's words.

"Of course, the killing array in God's Domain is equipped with a trace of emperor's prestige. It must have been arranged by the Zhundi powerhouse, so his main target is the Zhundi. We are just affected by Chiyu."

"What we need to do now is not to move around, otherwise we will accidentally fall into the killing formation. I believe that the killing formation will be silent after a while."

"After all, letting us feel the horror of the Zhundi killing formation is a bit too wasteful to arrange the materials for this killing formation!"

"Wait a little longer, the sand will subside, and the person who touched the killing array will be discovered by the gods or elders of the God's Domain!"

Indeed, as the great sage said, after the God's Realm Killing Formation was inspired, several experts in the God's Realm frantically searched for intruders in the God's Domain.

Even Xu Yu opened up that terrifying consciousness to find out who triggered the killing array.

Just as Xu Yu's consciousness continued to spread, he suddenly discovered a different place, where a great sage wearing a golden armor was standing respectfully beside a young man, What do you seem to be telling her?
"It really is him, the number one mafia under the starry sky!"

When Xu Yu saw the golden armor, he recognized that it was the golden armor of Dao Yan's lineage.

Although the two haven't met each other, there are only a handful of ancient emperors in the state of armor and battle clothes throughout the ages.

In the world that shrouds the sky, there are a total of three ancient emperors whose extreme emperor soldiers are battle armors.

One is that there is no enemy in the sky and the earth for nine changes, and the emperor of ancient and modern times for ten changes.One of his polar soldiers is the nine-color battle armor.

The other is the Lord of Reincarnation who killed hundreds of millions of creatures in the dark turmoil. The battle armor he wears is a battle armor molded from feathered lapis lazuli.

The third ancient emperor who used the extreme emperor soldier in the form of a battle suit is Dao Yan, the founder of the Eternal Star Field, so even if Xu Ying has never seen Dao Yi, she can recognize it at first sight.

(End of this chapter)

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