Chapter 235 Returning

After Xu Yu beheaded those great saints who dared to invade God's Domain, those young supreme beings who were mysterious and caused bloodshed before became more low-key.

They were afraid of being liquidated by Xu Yu, but they were obviously overthinking it.

In Xu Yu's eyes, although those young self-esteem had a very good reputation on the road of trials, they did not arouse his interest at all.

Because he knew that in the next few decades, the worst dark turmoil in history would break out.

At that time, how many of these young arrogances in the world will be able to survive?

In addition, the realm he is in now is different from those of the young lords, and his view of everything in the world is also different. As the saying goes, seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water is the same as seeing mountains as not mountains and seeing water as water. .

After explaining the incident in God's Domain.Xu once again embarked on the journey of traveling the starry sky and looking for the fairy trail of Kunlun.

In the dark toil.The area is constantly tearing apart the space, like ancient life stars advancing one after another, and every time he reaches an ancient life star, he will stop and visit Wudao Avenue.

After all, at his level, in addition to blindly cultivating, enlightenment is also very important.

Time flies, and another 30 years have passed. During these 30 years, Xu Yu once again made a small breakthrough, pushing his own strength from the fifth heaven of quasi emperor to the sixth heaven of quasi emperor.

After reaching the realm of Emperor Zhun's sixth heaven, Xu Yu was not ready to go on to cross the catastrophe.

Instead, work hard to lay a solid foundation for yourself.Sort out his taboo areas, because he knows that he wants to go further in the next few major realms.

Now he needs to stop and settle down for a while.

As for another reason, it is not many years since the opening of Chen Xing Road, and some supreme beings in the restricted life zone have already made up their minds.

If you rush through the catastrophe, the eldest sister of the Zhundi Seventh Heaven will definitely alarm those supreme beings in the restricted area. Will not pass up such deliciousness.

After all, a strong man in the quasi-emperor realm is much stronger than the life energy of the people who devoured several ancient life stars.

It was also in this year that Ye Fan completed the cultivation on the human race trial road, reached the human race No. 80 level, and became one of the five human race monks who left their names on the crystal tablet.

Because Xu Yu had reached the quasi-emperor realm early, he was not interested in the nomination of the crystal monument at the end of Terran No. 80.

However, after Xu Yu left God's Domain, his followers, Zixia and others also embarked on their own trial road, and finally came to the No. 80 trial road of the human race, and completed the crystal monument nomination.

At this moment, Xu Yu was still looking for news about the Kunlun Immortal Bell in the endless universe.

He knew that the Kunlun Immortal Bell must be in a certain corner of the world, and it might take some clues from ancient history to have a chance to find the whereabouts of the Kunlun Immortal Bell.

You know, when the Beidou Chengxian Road was opened in the original book, the Kunlun Immortal Bell appeared once.

So he was able to confirm that the place where the Kunlun Immortal Bell was located must be related to Chengxian.Therefore, Xu Yu believed that the place where the Kunlun Immortal Bell was located must be some blessed place, or a place related to ancient immortality.

But in today's Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, the places that are ancient to the Immortals are naturally forbidden areas for life. Those places have already been explored more than once by the ancient Supreme Beings. If the Kunlun Immortal Bell existed in those places, they would have been taken away.

This added a lot of difficulty to Xu Yu's search for the Kunlun Immortal Bell.

However, Xu Yu was not discouraged. After all, before the Kunlun Immortal Bell had absolute strength, if he wanted to find this fairy artifact, he might still have to rely on the blessing of the dark luck.

After feeling that the search for the Kunlun fairy bell was fruitless, Xu Yu returned to the starry sky to meet Zixia on the road of missing.

Fortunately, when they parted at the beginning, they all left their contact information.It is precisely because of this that when Xu Yu returned to the human race's trial road, he found Zixia and others very easily, who had become the saint king of the Jiuchongtian realm.

Yes, that's right, over the years, Zixia and the others have not been in a hurry to overcome the catastrophe and improve their realm, but repeatedly polished their own foundations, tapped the potential in their bodies, and hoped that their thoughts could be more precipitated, so Over the years, Zixia and the others still haven't survived the Great Sacred Tribulation.

This is also what Xu Yu discussed with them when he left. I hope they will polish each realm well, and strive to make their five secret realms fully integrated and perfect.

In this case, there will be a lot of background when they compete for the throne in the future.

"I have been on the ancient road for many years, and I don't know what happened to Beidou!" Zixia said softly, she is a native of Beidou, she is a little homesick, and misses every plant and tree in that world.

Xu Yu raised his head when he heard the words, and said, "We have reached the end of this road, we can go back, and wait for the ultimate emperor pass to open, and then come to fight this only true road."

Zixia's heart was shocked. She walked for hundreds of years, and spent most of her youth and time on the ancient road. Now she really wants to go back and have a look.

Today's Beidou, the road to immortality is about to open, and I don't know how many unrivaled heroes it has attracted, and it will not be more peaceful than the ancient road!

Even the existences in the seven life restricted areas will be revealed, and some people who have left their names here on the Emperor's Road will rush there, and the fairy road is about to open.

In this way, the three of Xu Yu set off on the road, walking very slowly, instead of returning immediately, they entered the ancient roads of other powerful clans, and traveled across all regions of the universe for the next ten years.

The way back is still full of battles, swords and swords, blood-stained starry sky, met many enemies, from different races, exiled immortals and congenital fetuses, the name Megatron Starry Sky shocked all races!

This is destined to be an indelible period for the monks in the starry sky. The followers of Zixia and Xu Yu swallowed the galaxy, fought against enemies from all directions, ran on various ancient roads, and competed with peerless powerhouses of different races .

In the constant battles, Zixia's reputation has also resounded throughout the domains, becoming a synonym for invincibility. During this period, there were many young supreme beings of different races who jointly challenged them, all of which were names seen on the crystal tablet.

In the end, when the heroes meet, Zixia makes a strong appearance and kills everything, shaping her invincible brilliance, known as the Second Emperor of the West.

During this period, Zhuxuan and Jin Yang also achieved great fame, they were invincible, and even the most powerful people who had completely stepped into the realm of the great saints killed countless people!
And Guxuan and Jinyang have also reached infinitely close to the realm of the Great Sage, at a critical point, and may break through at any time.

"Go back to Beidou, I don't know what happened to the old friend..."

Finally, the three of them set out on their way back to the most mysterious Zandi Xing.

Xu Yu and the others have fought in the universe for a hundred years, and after countless trials and tribulations, they are finally coming back now.

The Big Dipper is very far away, and its location is relatively mysterious, but Xu Yusheng, as one of the most powerful self-respecting quasi-emperors at the time, deduced the starry sky coordinates of the Big Dipper, and it was very easy.

In addition, he obtained the secret of the word "group" created by Lingbao Tianzun, the highest secret method built for the world's magic circles, dao patterns, and symbols.

The Void-shattering Formation Platform he refined with this method is much more powerful than the Divine Light Platform rewarded by human guardians on the ancient road.

The three of them stood on the shattered void platform depicted with the word "group" and looked at the vast starry sky.

The exiled fairy Xu Yu left, and the practitioners of hundreds of ancient roads heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that a terrifying mountain had finally moved away.

The vast expanse of starry sky and the brilliant stars do not know how many secrets they contain, even the supreme emperor, the ancient emperor, cannot know all of them.

The void split open, and a formation carved with divine jade rushed out, and there were several figures standing on it, it was Xu Yu, Zixia, and Jixuan.

After many times of crossing and shuttling, and constantly correcting the coordinates, they finally reached the other side of the starry sky, and faintly felt a familiar and majestic vitality.

"finally reached!"

The Shenyu Formation once again tore apart the starry sky, and carried the three of them to the vast starry sky. This time, the crossing distance was not far away, and they could already see a group of stars in front of them, one of which exuded a huge breath of life.

"The place where I was born and raised me, I'm back!" Zixia's originally indifferent temperament was a little excited at the moment.

"That's the legendary Emperor Burying Star, where the Immortal Road was opened?" Juxuan's eyes were filled with anticipation, and he really wanted to see it right away. This mysterious ancient star that even emperors would set foot on has finally been able to see it.

The vast stars are slowly turning, as if they are pregnant with a huge fairy fetus, emitting exuberant vitality, waiting for the time to be born, which makes people feel awe.


Jin Yang's wings shook and turned into a golden streamer, like a bright sun, approaching the life star.

The golden lion landed on the Big Dipper Star Field with Xu Yu and Zixia on its back.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate's means!" With Xu Yu's current state, looking down at the ancient Big Dipper again, he truly understands Infinite Heavenly Venerate's means.

Although countless ancient emperors and great emperors agreed that Wuliang Tianzun had killed the chaotic body, and after turning Chaos into Wang Bo's body to become today's Big Dipper, he fell.

But is that really the case?Are the nine ancient gods in the age of myth really so simple?

Speaking of Yuanshi Tianzun alone, after Xu Yu obtained his inheritance, he knew that Yuanshi Tianzun had become a mortal fairy as early as the ancient times. Although his whereabouts are unknown in this world now, no one can guarantee that he will There will be a day in this world again.

In addition, there is Emperor Zun, the lord of the ancient heaven in the age of mythology. This is the most gloomy and terrifying heavenly emperor who has been in charge of the central government since ancient times, although even the people in the god organization think he has fallen.

But no one thought that he was still roaming freely between heaven and earth, unaffected by his lifespan, intending to refine today's primitive ancient world, that is, the strange world of Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and the Road to Immortality, into a true Supreme Immortal It was not until the end when Ye Fan was heading for the road to becoming immortal that Emperor Zun showed up and was beheaded by him.

Xu Yu guessed that if Emperor Zun had not fallen, he would definitely become the existence of the Immortal Emperor in the future, truly detached from above.

As for the other Heavenly Venerates, they are not ordinary characters either.

Nirvana Tianzun was sealed on Feixianxing by Emperor Zun and became a pawn in his layout.

The life and death of Lingbao Tianzun is unknown, and everyone thinks that you Bao Tianzun died long ago.

But Xu Yu would not simply think that Lingbao Tianzun, who created the organization, would leave the world so early.

After all, it has been rumored for a long time that Lingbao Tianzun was just struggling between life and death, and did not really die. As long as he reappears, he must have become a fairy at that time.

Changsheng Tianzun, who created Zhe Zimi, hibernates in the Immortal Mausoleum, becoming the master of the forbidden land of the Immortal Mausoleum, a restricted area of ​​life, quietly waiting for the opening of the road to immortality.

Xiaoyao Tianzun, who is also one of the Nine Heavenly Venerates, is also dormant in the sea of ​​​​samsara, the forbidden land of life.

Plus other hidden Tianzun.It can be said that the nine heavenly gods in the age of mythology are basically not lost, but their current state is not good. Some heavenly gods are undergoing a transformation between life and death, while others are only one step away from entering the fairyland.

It can be said that the road to immortality at that time was a shocking magic circle carefully arranged by the ancient emperors and emperors since the era of deification.

Yu had every reason to believe that, as the organizer of the great politics of the Big Dipper Starfield, Wuliang Tianzun couldn't go to this big earthquake and ignore it, so he must be observing this big formation secretly.

Or in other words, before the endless years, he had already relied on this big town to truly break into the road to immortality.

Zhongzhou, Donghuang, Ximo, Nanling, and Beiyuan are five large areas. If you look closely, you can find that they seem to have formed a huge five-color altar.

The five continents present different colors, and the plants on the surface are removed, corresponding to several colors on the five-color altar.

Xu Yu knew that this was the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable from the age of mythology, who beheaded an innate chaotic body who was about to prove the Tao, and arranged it with the evolution of his physical body, hoping to use it to lead to the legendary fairyland.

The three of them soon arrived outside the territory of the ancient Big Dipper, and as soon as they approached, they felt the murderous aura soaring into the sky, and there were powerful saints fighting fiercely.

On the battlefield outside the territory, the battle of the saints of the Big Dipper since ancient times will usually be launched here.Now that the Golden World has opened, all races have revived, and the saints from other lands have descended, this ancient battlefield has really been activated, and all kinds of remnant soldiers have broken their swords and their bones are floating.


From a distant place, there was an extremely terrifying fluctuation, which was the power fluctuation of the Great Saint level.

Lin Chuan shuddered all over and gasped for air. He encountered such a scene when he first arrived. The current Beidou is as terrifying as the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Seeing this, Xu Yu just glanced slightly into the distance, without paying too much attention.

It's just a great sage, he doesn't know how many statues he has killed!
The opening of the road to immortality has touched the nerves of countless people, and saints from outside the region came one after another, causing various conflicts, and cruel battles occurred from time to time.

"Hundred years, I'm back!" Xu Yu said to himself.

Back then, he overwhelmed all the arrogance of the younger generation, and even the relatives of the ancient emperors had to retreat when they met him. He was the real No.1.

Now that he returns, he can look down on the world and be called the ancestor.

Xu Yu and the others landed downwards, passing by some powerful aliens one after another.


Suddenly, there were seven or eight strong saints on a golden warship, including a powerful saint king, and some of them attacked Xu Yu and the three of them.

It's a pity that these people found the wrong opponent, Xu Yu just glanced at them indifferently, stretched out with one hand, covered the sky, and directly grabbed the battleship and everyone into his palm, turning them into the size of ants.


"Senior, please forgive me..."

At this time, the people on the golden warship realized that they had kicked the iron plate. Xu Yu and his group felt that the breath was not strong, and they did not expect to be called ancestors.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Xu Yu didn't say much to them at all, and directly squeezed it hard, and many strong men, including the three saint kings, immediately burst into clouds of blood mist, annihilating both body and spirit.

In the distance, there is a man with twelve pairs of wings on his back. He looks like a demon, very mighty. He is a rising powerhouse of the famous Zhengu clan in recent years. Seeing this scene, his expression changed drastically.

"It's so terrifying, raise your hand to destroy the Holy King, where did you come from the unrivaled powerhouse?
Xu Yu and the others landed on the land of the Eastern Wilderness. Looking at this magnificent mountain and river, his mind was full of thoughts, and he returned to the starting place again, which made him feel a surge of emotion and thoughts.

"The heaven and earth are full of energy, which is more prosperous than the ancient stars of life like the other side of the gods. It is really different from when we left!" Zixia is the innate dao embryo, who can be in harmony with the dao, and is the most able to perceive the dao of heaven and earth Variety.

"This is the golden world!" Xu Yu stepped on the ground and practiced the active god technique, and he could clearly feel the huge changes in the Dao. As the Dao approached, the energy gushed out and the earth's veins rolled, which was countless times stronger than before.

The depressed scene of the post-desolate ancient times is gone, and an ancient star that is full of vitality and blends with Tao has been revived.

Xu Yu, Zixia, Gu Xuan, and Jin Yang descended on the land of the Eastern Desolation, directly tore open the void, and rushed straight to the Holy Land of the Zifu in the Central Territory.

Continuous mountains, magnificent ancient buildings, tall mountain gates, floating islands rise and fall, and huge waterfalls hang down like a nine-day Milky Way. The fog is hazy and mysterious.

"Where do I come from the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion?"

Some strong men guarding the mountain gate of the Holy Land immediately spotted Xu Yu and the three of them, and asked them loudly.

In today's era, it sounds good to say that it is a glorious world, but it sounds bad to say that turmoil is approaching. Too many races have appeared, and countless strong people from outside the region have come across the region, causing great turmoil in the ancient Big Dipper.

On this land, from time to time, there are powerful saints fighting. It can be said that everyone is in danger, and they are afraid that if they are not careful, they will be wiped off the earth!

Even though the Zifu Holy Land, which has been inherited from the ancient times, has a profound foundation, it dare not be careless in the slightest. There are strong people guarding the mountain gate every day.

"Master, it's me." When Zixia saw the gate that was as high as the mountain, she couldn't help being excited. She left her hometown where she grew up for a hundred years, and now she finally came back.

She came to the mountain gate, looked at the magnificent mountains and rivers here, her hair was flying, and there were tears in her eyes.

"Saint!" The old man was shocked, a little unbelievable, and quickly rushed out of the mountain gate surrounded by purple air, followed by a large group of people.

"It's really a saint, the hope I taught is back!" another old man said in a stern voice.

Zixia, as an innate Dao fetus, is one of the top physiques in the world. She has been fully cultivated by the Holy Land of Zifu since she was a child. She is regarded by the sect as the hope for the future, and may be able to lead them to extreme glory.

It is a great miracle that such a prestigious and proud daughter of heaven has set foot on the unknown ancient road of starry sky and lost news for a hundred years, but she has come back today.

You know, the peerless arrogance who has set foot on that ancient road throughout the ages.It can be said that there are countless people, but only a few people can come back safely in the end.

"Hurry up and report to the Holy Lord, the saint I taught is back."

Someone rang an ancient bell, and the loud sound spread across the mountains, summoning all the important people in the Holy Land of Zifu.

Youyou Zhongbo broke through every place in the ancient holy religion, and a group of people appeared in a mighty manner, including men and women, old and young, all of whom were the rulers and direct descendants of the Zifu.

"The saint has returned!"

"After stepping on that ancient road, not many people can come back, and my Zifu will be prosperous!" Several elders shouted excitedly.

"Yes, my teaching will definitely be brilliant forever." Everyone was very happy.

"Zixia, did you see my holy son on the new road?" Suddenly, a senior elder asked Zixia as if he had thought of something.

"See you, he came back with me too!"

While Zixia was answering the elder's question, she looked towards Xu Yu.

At this time, the Holy Master and elders of the Fa Mansion looked back and saw Xu Yu standing on the back of a golden lion.

"It's really me who teaches the Holy Son, okay, okay, you think that the grandson I called and the Holy Maiden came back from the Starry Sky Ancient Road together, this is the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, blessed by God!"

"We met on the ancient road, and we went to the end together. Xu Yu has beaten all the invincible opponents on the ancient road, so we came back!" Zixia whispered to her master, the Lord of Zifu, The same is also said to the elders.

"What, beat the invincible hand all over the ancient road!"

Everyone in the Zifu was shocked, and everyone was stunned. This was really shocking, and it was shocking.

According to legend, the ancient road of the human race gathers all the talents of the universe, and defeats all opponents by one person, how powerful is that?

"Holy Son... what realm is he in?" one of Zixia's junior sisters asked in a low voice.

"He has crossed the realm of the great sage and became a master quasi-emperor. He is one of the few quasi-emperors in the universe under the starry sky!" Zixia replied.

Emperor Zhun...had reached such a height, which seriously shocked everyone's minds. Everyone present was petrified, tongue-tied, unable to say what they wanted to say.

They acknowledged Xu Yu's talent in the sky, but the contrast is huge. A hundred years ago, he had not been sanctified, but now he has turned the world upside down.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. A little monk in the early years has grown to this stage, which is enough to look down on the world.

After the great change of the world, although some elders have lost their way, some can even hit the realm of saints.

But compared with Xu Yu's practice speed, it's really a difference between heaven and earth, and everyone in the Purple Mansion doesn't even feel qualified to look up to him!
"That's great, God bless me in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion!"

"In the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, the expectations of countless generations have finally come true, and it is even possible that a great emperor will appear in this golden world!"

After hearing that Xu Yu was already a quasi-land, the elders of the Holy Land of Zifu yelled excitedly, like a child.

But no one made fun of him, because it was so difficult for the Holy Land of Getting Rich to cultivate a real emperor.

Thinking back to the establishment of the Zifu Holy Land, there are many outstanding disciples among the past dynasties. They are all arrogance who have the hope of becoming the quasi-emperor, and there are even very few people who have the appearance of a great emperor.

But the destiny is not in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion. Whenever the Tianjiao of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion is about to enter the quasi-emperor realm, he will be more or less disturbed by human robbery, and his success will fall short.

This is not only the reality faced by the Purple Mansion Holy Land, the Daoyi Holy Land, Dayan Holy Land, and Wanhua Holy Land are as famous as the Purple Mansion Holy Land.

Like the Purple Mansion Holy Land, they all want to cultivate extraordinary and holy people to lead their own Holy Land to glory. They have indeed cultivated some extremely powerful successors in history.

It's a pity that the battle of Emperor Road was very cruel, only one person could win the final throne, and in the end they all became the green leaves in the brilliant life of others.

Except for several other extreme forces, even the Holy Land of Shaking Light, which has the black gold tripod with the dragon pattern of the extreme emperor soldier, is the same.

Ever since Yaoguang Holy Land acquired the Dragon Gate Black Gold Cauldron, the extreme emperor soldier, two or 10,000+ years ago, in order to prove that they are the real extreme forces, they have been trying their best to train disciples, and want to make Yaoguang Holy Land a genuine extreme power. Dao forces.

After a short period of ecstasy, the elder of the Zifu Holy Land came back to his senses, looked at the person behind Xu Yu, and asked Zixia:
"they are?"

"They are all followers of senior brother!"

Zixia replied softly.

"Then what state are they in? Why can't I see through it at all?"

The Lord of the Zifu, who had already stepped into the realm of saints, suddenly said.

After a great change in the environment of the Big Dipper Starfield more than a hundred years ago.These characters of the older generation got rid of the entanglement of fate.

The accumulation of more than 2000 years has made their background and foundation very deep. After the great changes in the world and the environment, they accurately grasped the real opportunity and succeeded in one fell swoop.

In addition, Xu Yu provided some Great Emperor scriptures for the Holy Land of the Zifu before for them to study and practice, so that their realm rose like a rocket in more than a hundred years, and they reached the level of saints. realm.

There are even individual living fossils who directly reversed their own destiny and became kings of saints.

"They are all in Jiuchengtian, the saint king, only a thin line away from the realm of the great saint!"

Hearing Zixia's introduction, the Lord of Zifu and many elders were shocked. They did not expect that the strong man who was about to become a great sage would be Xu Yu's follower.

One must know that the strongest person in the Zifu Holy Land, Old Zixu, is only in this realm.

The difference is that the old man Zixu did not live a second time, coupled with the loss of his own vitality, so if there is no special opportunity in his life, it is basically impossible for him to step into the realm of the great sage.

The people in the Holy Land of Zifu originally thought that Xu Yu's becoming the quasi-emperor was the happiest thing in the Holy Land, but they didn't expect that the followers he brought would be so powerful.

Moreover, those followers are extraordinary at first glance, they are so stalwart that people have to pay attention to him.

"Go, don't stand here at the mountain gate, quickly enter the mountain gate. Tonight, my holy land needs to have a good drink and let all the disciples cheer to their heart's content!"

Today happened one after another.It caused quite a blow to the young mind of the Holy Lord of Zifu, but he didn't feel sad, but very happy.

Because he knew that the long-cherished wish of the Zifu Holy Land of all dynasties would finally be fulfilled in his hands.

Cultivate outstanding children for your own orthodoxy, and lead the Holy Land of Zifu to a better glory.

With the appearance of Xu Yu now, the stone in the heart of the Holy Lord of Zifu finally fell steadily.

After all, to make the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion stronger and more glorious is a task that countless generations of Holy Masters of the Purple Mansion have gone forward to complete.

But like the Holy Land of Zifu, no one can become the emperor in the end, not even a quasi-emperor.


On this day, the night in the Holy Land of Zifu was very lively. They ran around the Holy Land, wanting to meet Xu Yu, the legendary son.

Many elders in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion also exchanged cups with blushing faces, feeling very unhappy.

Even the old bodhi tree rooted on Zisheng Peak also ran to Zixiao Peak to ask Xu Yu.

When Xu Yu saw this old bodhi tree, he remembered what happened in that small world that he was exploring the mystery of Xuanhuang that day.

Suddenly realizing that that small world was also related to the chaos, Xu Yu wondered if the Kunlun Immortal Bell was in the world of gods.

You know, it was repeatedly confirmed by Xu Yu and the aborigines in the God Realm that day.

Only then did they know that the place connected to the forbidden land of gods and demons is probably a broken small world with independent consciousness.

And it just so happens that that dilapidated small world is suspected to have something to do with the False God Realm in the chaotic ancient times.

Back then, Xu Yu didn't have the opportunity to seriously explore the secrets of the False God Realm because of his lack of strength.

But now, Xu Yu's strength has been greatly improved, so he naturally thought of the small world in the God Realm.

I can't wait to offer it, and I will explore that small world right away, but right now is not the best time to explore that promotional world.

First of all, he needs to settle the people in the Holy Land of Zifu.In the near future, Beidou Land will become the first venue for the opening of the ancient supreme feast.

Secondly, Xu Yu had to face the group of veterans in front of him who were asking him questions.

Because these elders of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion are all people who are relatively close to Xu Yu?So I also understand.

Therefore, Xu Yu could only patiently listen to these elders telling about the happy things about Xu Yu when he was young.

Coupled with the fact that the Road to Immortality is about to open, the Big Dipper Starfield will inevitably become the battlefield of ancient supreme beings.

In order to avoid such a situation, Xu Yu discussed with the Lord of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion to move the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion outside the territory to avoid this catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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