Chapter 236 Evacuation from Beidou
After a while of discussion, the Holy Master of the Purple Mansion and many other elders agreed with Xu Yu's opinion and withdrew from the Big Dipper Starfield, but those who had a short lifespan really wanted to fight hard when the road to immortality opened.

As for those elders who dedicated their whole lives to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, Xu Yu did not hit them, because he knew that, like their elders, their lives were coming to an end, their relatives and friends had long since disappeared, and now becoming immortals was their only obsession.

After deciding to evacuate from the Big Dipper Star Field, the Purple Mansion Holy Land also began to act. The first thing was to find a stronghold outside the territory that could accommodate everyone in the Purple Mansion Holy Land.

At the same time, adhering to the principle that eggs cannot be put in one basket, separate the many important people in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion to avoid being lumped together in the turmoil.

Of course, these matters can only be escaped from the detection of self-esteem by relying on Xu Yu, who is the quasi-emperor, to go to the outer starry sky to find a suitable place, and arrange the pattern of bullying the sky.

Xu Yu said straightly that many major forces in the current Big Dipper Star Field are retreating to the outer space, so they dare not delay.

On the second day after the banquet, Xu Yu left Beidou alone, and went to the starry sky to find a hidden maturity suitable for opening a stronghold.

Find a deserted planet in the starry sky.Or, finding that kind of chaotic small world is the most ideal stronghold.

But it's not just Xu Yu who thinks this way, all the general forces who evacuate from Beidou have this kind of thinking. This is the lesson they have summed up with their own blood and tears for countless thousands of years.

There are even some big forces, as early as countless tens of thousands of years ago, their ancestors left a way for them to retreat.

Xu Yu's Zhifu body is naturally not comparable to those extreme forces, but now that he has the strength of quasi-emperor land, the range of choices is wider.

It took a whole two months.Xu Yu found five small worlds in the extraterritorial starry sky. Although some of the small worlds were already dilapidated, Xu Yu rearranged them with his quasi-emperor's supreme cultivation.

After laying out the pattern of deceiving the sky, Xu Yu arranged other patterns through the secret of grouping characters he had learned, so that those small worlds would not be discovered by outsiders.

After setting up those small worlds, Xu Yu returned to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, and discussed with the elders of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion the time of retreat and the plan for which characters to evacuate first.

He took Zixia away from the Holy Land of Zifu, and went to the ancient land of Yaochi to help Zixia obtain the inheritance of the Western Emperor.

In the cold and cold northern land, there is no human habitation for tens of millions of miles. If ordinary people walk here, they may not meet a single person in their entire life.

The terracotta has no boundaries, and there is no vitality. This is the current situation of the northern land. When Xu Yu and Zixia came here, they felt a kind of grand law fluctuation.

That is the direction of the restricted area in the early days, not too far from here, and an invisible force of order ripples out, which makes people feel very happy.

Standing in the sky, Xu Yu looked at the restricted area of ​​life, only to see the ancient mine was deep and deep, absorbing the essence of the ten directions, and the terrifying aura survived forever.

"This place is barren and inhabited, with little vitality. Is there anything special about it?" Looking at the endless desert and the forbidden zone of life in the distance, Zixia asked with some doubts.

"Well, that mysterious place is hidden in this area." Xu Yu said softly, spreading his powerful divine sense to sweep across this vast area, and soon found the destination, taking a mouthful of food that had been abandoned for tens of thousands of years. Furui.

This is the entrance to the old place of Yaochi, and he came here for the third time.

Waving off the covered sand and stones, an ancient dry well was exposed, slowly absorbing the essence of the world, the sun and the moon.

"Where does this... lead to?" Zixia walked to the edge of the ancient well, her beautiful eyes flickered with surprise, she never thought that this dead underground still hides unknown secrets.

"This is an entrance, one can enter the formerly abandoned place of Yao Chi."

"The hometown of Yaochi!"

There was an inexplicable catastrophe in Yaochi Holy Land.

It caused them to abandon their original residence, but tens of thousands of years have passed since the incident. Although the major forces have some records, they don't know much about it.

Xu Yu didn't say much, and took Zixia into the ancient well, descended thousands of feet before reaching the bottom, then ran towards a dark passage, and finally walked out from the bottom of a large dry lake.

They really entered the hometown of Yaochi!
This place is a sacred land isolated from the world, and the spirit of heaven and earth is extremely strong, but many plants and trees in it are dead.

There are many dead trees, thick and scary, towering into the sky, like mountains, but unfortunately there is no leaf, and they have lost their vitality for many years.

There is silence in all directions, without any sound, it is a barren land, exuding a strange atmosphere.

The attics of ancient temples appear from time to time, but many of them have collapsed and are full of traces of time.

In the central area of ​​this old place, the fairy air is hazy, and the mountains are looming. There are large intact and splendid ancient temples, standing in the clouds, sitting on the cliffs, or on the top of the mountain.

It is like a fairyland, but unfortunately there is still no vegetation, and the original waterfalls have all dried up, becoming a dead place.

"This is the old place of Yaochi, why did it become like this?" Zixia looked at the scene in front of her, her eyes could not stop being surprised, she didn't realize that the once famous sacred land had become like this now.

"All of this was done by the underworld!" Xu Yu scanned the strange and dead place.sighed.

"It is said that the underworld belongs to all spirits. Is it that force?" Zixia has also seen people from the underworld on the ancient starry sky road. Although they are powerful, in her feeling, this is just a big force, not at all. Unexpectedly, the catastrophe in Yaochi tens of thousands of years ago was caused by them.

Xu Yu reminded with a solemn expression: "The people from the underworld you met on the Starry Sky Ancient Road are just the tip of the iceberg of this faction, and their true horror is no less than Beidou's restricted life zone.

The origin of the underworld is extremely ancient. It was created by the god of the underworld in the age of mythology, the first incarnation of Wuliang Duande, to test the longevity method. Later, other supreme beings entered the master one after another.

Tens of thousands of years ago, in order to obtain the corpse of Emperor Wushi's father, that is, a deceased Dacheng Holy Body, they severely damaged the Yaochi Holy Land, obliterated part of their heritage, and turned this piece of sacred land into death.

Xu Yu explained the horror of the underworld to Zixia, and then went to the deepest part of Yaochi.

It is full of vitality, full of auspiciousness, and radiant rays of light, like a place where life begins. It is the fairy pond that was once famous all over the world.

"A real fairyland!"

Zixia came to the edge of the Immortal Pond, stretched out her hands to hold the water, and felt the rich spirit in it. This is the real Yaochi, and even the title of the Holy Land of the Yaochi is due to it.

This fairy lake was originally full of female corpses, all of them were Yaochi disciples who had lived for tens of thousands of years. Now Xu Yu cleaned them up and burned them all to ashes with the Zhiyang Divine Fire.


Xu Yu directly sacrificed the emperor's soldier Yuan Shiyin, slowly rising and falling in the sky above the two people's heads, and descending ten thousand celestial lights to protect them below.

Then, he took Zixia into the Immortal Lake, the road was unobstructed, and the ghosts that had been transformed into the fairyland had already been cleaned up, and the two of them went directly to the ninth floor of the lake.

It is dark here, and the water quality is clear. Compared with the water quality of the lake, it is many times stronger, comparable to the divine springs in the restricted areas of life.

In the past, Yaochi was famous all over the world, and many great teachers came to ask for water, which was used to refine medicine, and drinking it has magical effects, which can increase people's lifespan, and it is a treasure.

Zixia also smiled sweetly, but then said solemnly: "But there is such a strong peerless aura here, it is... the aura of the ancient emperor."

After the two entered the ninth floor fairy lake, even though they were separated by the seal of the emperor's army, they still felt the majestic aura, which made people feel very uncomfortable and depressed.

At this moment, Yuan Shiyin, who is the emperor of the extreme way, was stimulated, and part of his energy was revived, blooming a more dazzling fairy light.

"At the end of this fairy pond is the body of the Queen Mother of the West, and she exudes the terrifying aura of the Great Emperor!" Xu Yu's eyes were full of divine light, and he saw a stunning woman with disheveled hair in the lake dozens of miles away. where to sit.

That was the supreme female empress of the past generation—the Queen Mother of the West, the founder of the Yaochi Holy Land, and the biological mother of the Great Emperor Wushi. Although the ages have passed, she still exudes the power of suppressing the great way of heaven and earth.


Zi Zhen exclaimed, the beautiful descendant was full of shocking eyes, he never thought that the body of an ancient emperor would be here.

Throughout the ages, no one has ever seen their corpses after the death of the emperor who reigned in the world, because they either transformed into the heavens and the earth, or buried themselves in the nine heavens, exiled in the dark void forever.

Even the emperor's sons, such as the Holy Prince and Ji Zi, have never seen each other again after their father died.

The emperor's corpse has always existed in legends.

"The Queen Mother of the West proved the Dao and became the emperor for the congenital Dao fetus, and she is of the same origin as you. Being close to her body will definitely give you extraordinary gains. It should not be difficult to quickly break through to the realm of the Great Sage."

Xu Yu held Zixia's delicate hand and said softly.

The primordial spirit of the Queen Mother of the West has disappeared, leaving only the immortal emperor body, but this place is still permeated with her supreme avenue.

Under the protection of Yuan Shiyin, the two traveled tens of miles, and came to the end of the fairy pond. The majestic emperor's power almost shattered the body and spirit.

I saw a small pool isolated from the fairy lake, most of it was in the rock wall, and the square garden was about ten feet long, covered with a light curtain. The pool there was crystal clear and the water quality was stronger, it could be called a real fairy spring.

And a woman with disheveled hair, covering her true face, sat cross-legged in the small fairy pond.

"I feel the breath of the same origin, it is really the remains of the Queen Mother of the West." Zixia looked at the woman with disheveled hair in shock, and could feel that the other party was also a congenital fetus.

After changing several positions, the two also found another corpse, which was blocked by the corpse of Queen Mother Xi.

Xu Yu knew that it was the father of Emperor Wushi, who was once one of the nine invincible holy bodies. He was cursed by the underworld in his later years and wanted to control his corpse.

Because of the curse cast by the same supreme figure, even the Queen Mother of the West could not undo it. In the end, she reluctantly ended her husband's life.

The peerless figure who is often invincible for nine days and ten places, but also ended up like this in his later years, which makes people sigh.

"Let's retreat first." After observing the remains of Queen Mother Xi and Dacheng Holy Body, Xu Yu took Zixia and retreated tens of miles away again. Only then did the oppressive majestic imperial power weaken a lot.

He gave Zixia the seal of Yuanshi, and said: "You use the emperor's soldiers to protect the body, and slowly approach the body of the Queen Mother of the West, and feel her supreme imperial way. I believe it will not take long, and you will be able to go further!"

Although Zixia is a congenital dao fetus and has the same origin as the emperor's corpse, the murderous intent of the emperor's dao naturally emitted should not hurt her, just like Ye Fan can get close to the dead Dacheng holy body.

However, for the sake of safety, Xu Yu had better let her approach slowly from a distance.

"Yeah!" Zixia nodded slightly, took Yuan Shiyin into her body, exuded faint purple divine radiance, and approached Xihuang's body step by step in the lake.

Sure enough, although the majestic power of Godlessness made her feel stressed, it didn't hurt her.Instead, there was a mysterious energy linking Zizhen and Xihuang's body together.

In the end, without the protection of the emperor's soldiers, she still walked three feet away from Xihuang's body, sat cross-legged opposite him, and entered a practice retreat to understand the West Emperor's Way.

And Xu Yu didn't leave either. He also didn't use the Tianzun array and the two immortal swords, and walked forward slowly under the overwhelming pressure of the emperor's corpse.

It's just that compared to Zixia, he is extremely difficult. What is invincible under the emperor is not worth mentioning under the emperor's prestige.

But he still insists on honing himself with the help of the real Godless power.So far, both of them stayed in the Yaochi, practicing in seclusion.

There is no time to practice, time flies.

Xu Yu and Zixia retreated in the fairy pond in the hometown of Yaochi, and ten years passed quickly.

Zixia is an innate Taoist fetus, with the same physique as the Queen Mother of the West. After ten years of enlightenment in the face of the emperor's corpse, she has obtained the complete inheritance of the Supreme Empress.

After realizing the Dao and Dharma, his self-cultivation has advanced rapidly, not only breaking through to the level of the Great Sage realm, but also stepping into the third heaven.

In the past ten years, Xu Yu has sharpened himself with the real imperial prestige, and he has also gained a lot. Yes, his realm of quasi-sixth heaven has become more perfect, and his aura has become deeper, and he is about to step into the peak realm.

"Unexpectedly, the empress of the generation of the Queen Mother of the West, who has been astonishing for thousands of years, stepped on the pinnacle of the Dao as a woman, and half her life was also miserable!

There was sadness and sigh in Zixia's eyes. Over the years, she felt the way and law of the Empress, and she also saw the desolate old age of the Emperor Xi, who was forced to end her husband's life by herself.

The curse of the lineage of the holy body of the human race was cast by the supreme being in the underworld, combined with the immortal weapon Tongtian Mingbao left behind by Ming, to control his body in his later years and want to use it for them.

As strong as the Queen Mother of the West, she couldn't lift the curse of the holy body in her later years, so she could only reluctantly end the life of Wu Shi's father with her own hands to prevent him from falling into the underworld.

Later, the Great Emperor Wushi rose powerfully, ruled the nine heavens and ten places, pushed everything from the past to the present, and wanted to eradicate this hidden danger.

As a result, the underworld couldn't resist his invincible power, and directly used the fairy weapon Tongtian Mingbao to hide the entire underworld, so that Emperor Wushi couldn't find their traces.

This terrible Eucharist curse lasted until Ye Fan's second life, before he completely solved this hidden danger.

"At the end of reincarnation, the underworld is where all spirits belong. Is it true?" Zixia couldn't help whispering as she looked at the corpse of the Western Emperor in the fairy pond in the distance.

She has seen many experiences of the Western Emperor during his lifetime, and she has understood the horror of the underworld. It is a terrifying force that spans the age of mythology, the ancient era, and the ancient era, and has continued to the current world. It is not inferior to Beidou's seven forbidden life zones.

Hearing this, Xu Yu raised her jade hand, comforted her with sharp eyes, "Don't think too much, what hell, what reincarnation, what restricted area, I will wipe them all out in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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