Chapter 237 Returning to Zhongzhou
Zixia's beautiful eyes flashed with tenderness, and she said softly: "I believe you can do it."

"Yeah!" Xu Yu nodded, glanced at the Western Emperor and Dacheng Saint Body in the tenth-floor fairy pond, and said, "Let's go."

The trip of the two of them ended successfully, and they gained a lot. After installing some divine springs, they rushed out of the fairy lake, followed the ancient well that came in, and returned to the barren red land.


Xu Yu moved a huge stone with his hand, sealed the ancient well that entered the old place of Yaochi, covered up its tracks, and left the Northern Territory with Zixia.

"Where do we go now?"

"Central Continent."

With a flash of their figures, they disappeared in place in an instant, and they traveled hundreds of thousands of miles. It didn't take long before they entered the land of Central Continent.

The mountains are undulating, like huge real dragons dormant underground, bursts of pure aura permeate, like a fairyland of the fairyland.

Xu Yu brought Zixia to Qishi Mansion and walked straight into this mysterious academy.When the hospital was opened that year, an outstanding individual

A hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye after breaking through the level of strength and entering Qishi Mansion.

"Then...why do the two of you look familiar!"

Today's Qishi Mansion, although it has sent some outstanding people to set foot on the ancient road, it has not been closed, and there are still talents from the five domains gathered here, because this is an unprecedented golden world, which is different from the past.

As soon as Xu Yu and the two came in, they immediately attracted the attention of many people, and they all looked sideways at them.

"He is Xu Yu, the holy son of the Zifu, and Fairy Zixia, the congenital Taoist child!" Someone recognized him and exclaimed.

Immediately, there was an uproar in Qishi Mansion, many people appeared and looked in this direction, now Xu Yu's reputation is too big.

He beat all the invincible hands in the ancient roads of the human race, stepped into the quasi-emperor realm, and became the strongest group of people under the starry sky. The ancient royal family would retreat when they saw him. He is almost invincible in this period, which will naturally cause a sensation.

"This... he has achieved great fame in the starry sky, becoming the Young Supreme, and we...!"

In Qishi's mansion, there were people who were of the same generation as Xu Yu back then. After seeing his figure, they couldn't help but sigh bitterly. The two are no longer at the same level.

A group of monks who have practiced for nearly 200 years are silent. These people have experienced Xu Yu's era and witnessed how he rose.

Looking back, it's like a dream!
They are naturally outstanding people, but compared with Xu Yu, they are really the difference between Haoyue and Zhuguang.

When he was far ahead, he overwhelmed the arrogance of all parties, even the parents and children of many ancient emperors were inferior, and he was the No.1 of the younger generation. Now he is even more amazing, almost invincible in the world.

"Now, we are not even qualified to look up to him!" Someone could not help but sigh in a low voice.

In this golden world, a Tianjiao who is one or two hundred years old is naturally not that old, but some people actually have the heart to retire!
After all, a round of scorching sun radiates billions of feet of light in the sky, but they are like candlelight. No matter how hard they fight, what's the point of fighting!
Xu Yu took Zixia through Dao Qishi's mansion and entered the world of Immortal Mansion. Now that the Dao has changed, this wild and secret place is even more extraordinary, and a powerful saint-level existence has been born.

After the opening that year, this secret world has been opened to the outside world.

After the ancient peoples were born, they heard that the Immortal Emperor was buried in it, and his gods were read, and they all entered it to worship.

And in recent years, many saints from outside the territory who came to Beidou for the immortal road have also come to explore.Now, except for the deepest part of the Immortal Mansion world,

It is outside a terrifying restricted area, and other places have already been explored, and there are almost no secrets.

Dragons sing and tigers howl, divine birds spread their wings, the creatures here have become stronger and stronger over the years, and the changes in the rules of heaven and earth have made the practice environment here better than the outside world.

This small ancient world is huge, spanning tens of thousands of miles at every turn, and its territory is vast and boundless. Xu Yu and Zixia went directly to the deepest part.

This is a vast battlefield, full of evil spirits, extremely terrifying, filled with the most powerful emperor-level killing intent, even the supreme saint would not dare to set foot here.

"The Immortal Emperor!"

After Xu Yu approached this battlefield, he heard someone roaring, the voice shook the world, as if it was a shout from eternity, and it made people's hearts tremble, those indelible marks left on the battlefield.

"The Holy Emperor of Dou Zhan is worthy of the existence of Huazhan Immortal, and the Undead Emperor's sneak attack has not become a reality." He naturally knew what was going on.

Millions of years ago, this was a road to immortality, where the Immortal Emperor laid out plans to attack and fight the Holy Emperor, but failed.

But 10,000+ years ago, the Immortal Emperor made another layout to attack and kill the ancestor of the Great Xia Dynasty, the Taihuang, but he succeeded, bathing in the emperor's blood and reborn from nirvana.

"Is there any secret here?" Zixia couldn't help wondering, feeling the horror of the battlefield ahead.

"An ancient emperor once fell here, and I gathered some flesh and blood here, but because of other factors, I didn't have the opportunity to explore it deeply," Xu Yu said.

Seeing Xu Yu's arrival, all the saints felt a sense of uneasiness, they all kept their distance and gave up this fast place.


The seal of Yuanshi appeared, and immortal radiance fell down, protecting the two of them below, and then they entered the terrifying battlefield ahead and walked through it.

"What is that?" Zixia suddenly exclaimed when she came to the depths of the ancient battlefield.

I saw flames burning on a piece of scorched earth, appearing blood red, looking evil and terrifying, distorting the void.

In the flames, one after another human figures were struggling, and both Xu Yu and Xu Yu were shocked.

"That's the blood and brand left by the ancient emperor, it will last forever!" Xu Yu said.

The scorched earth in front trembled for a while, and the sky and the earth seemed to collapse. The dark red flame burned violently, became more blazing, and turned into strands of blood mist, which shocked the ages with murderous intent.

That's Emperor's Blood, which has been burnt for 10,000+ years and still hasn't dried up, it's extremely scary.

When Xu Yu was young, although he collected some of the emperor's flesh and blood in the Immortal Mansion World, after all, he did not collect all the bones of the emperor because of his low cultivation level at that time.

Now that he has quasi-ground strength, coupled with the blessing of the extreme emperor soldiers, he can easily find the rest of the emperor's flesh and blood.

The seal of Yuanshi radiated a soft light, protecting the two of them, allowing them to walk into the depths of the restricted area, avoiding those flames and immortal marks.

The dark red flame was terrifying, possessing world-shattering lethality, Yuan Shiyin was oppressed by that breath and trembled, after all, it was the emperor's blood burning, even though the energy had almost dissipated.

Xu Yu and Zixia walked through this terrifying area without any danger, and came to the deepest part of the forbidden area. They immediately felt a more terrifying aura.

"That's it." Zixia's beautiful eyes were full of shock, and she opened her eyes wide.

"A generation of human emperors has ended up like this!" Although Xu Yu already knew the situation here, he couldn't help but sigh.

In the deepest part of the forbidden area, this is a piece of scorched earth, but it is scarlet, dripping with blood, and broken bones and pieces of meat are scattered everywhere.

That kind of blood is bright red and translucent, with an immortal divine luster. Although most of the imperial essence contained in it has dissipated, it is still shocking. There is a kind of supreme coercion and peerless murderous intent spreading.

The corpse of the emperor!
The center of the entire forbidden area was filled with mournful beauty, emitting a bright red light. There were many puddles, all of which were filled with this kind of imperial blood, and there were even some blood-stained white bones and minced meat.

They exude the aura of killing gods and destroying souls, which is an invisible spiritual coercion, and the stronger the person, the deeper it will be felt.

Both Xu Yu and Zixia's blood was surging and boiling, and there was a bright brilliance between their brows, as if a huge star was pressing on it, and Xiantai felt unbearable and about to burst.

The two of them quickly stabilized their minds, restrained their strength, did not fight against that kind of mental coercion, and only protected themselves with the emperor's soldiers, and the terrifying sense of tearing disappeared.

"Is this the road to immortality? Even the ancient emperor died so tragically!" Zixia shocked.

Xu Yu's solemn expression touched him greatly. Although the Taihuang died under the surprise attack of the Immortal Emperor, he actually died tragically on the road leading to the Immortal Realm.

The piece of flesh and bones couldn't tell the real face, the torso and head were not intact, almost all of them were blown into pieces, blood dripping, blooming with a dazzling blood, very disgusting.

Only one right palm remained intact, filled with terrifying divine power, even if Zhundi was hit by it, he would surely die.

In front of the pile of flesh and bones, chaos and mist cut off the entire small world, and the road to immortality here stopped here and broke.

Xu Yu and the two circled around the broken mountains and rivers, watching the shocking flesh and bones. Although the emperor's body exploded and the essence of the emperor was almost absorbed by the immortal emperor, he was still extremely terrifying, exuding A devastating murderous intent.

Because of the brutal surprise attack and his sudden death here, the Taihuang felt extremely unwilling, and his indelible brand remained in the broken flesh and blood.

However, even if the energy of those emperor bones is about to dissipate, they are rare fairy materials in the world, with the pattern of the Great Emperor intertwined on them, which has not disappeared until now.


The void trembled, and a picture of a peerless formation appeared on Xu Yu's head, and then two blood-red fairy swords appeared, and he sacrificed the number one killing formation in ancient and modern times refined by Lingbao Tianzun.

"You are?" Zixia turned her head and asked in doubt.

"This pile of blood and bones of the emperor, although most of the energy has been dissipated, is still a supreme treasure to you." Xu Yu stared at the bones and said, "I want to melt it with the Heavenly Venerable Killing Formation." The murderous intent in it, and then use its remaining imperial blood to refine your body."

"Will this be too dangerous? The murderous intent inside is too heavy." Zixia asked with some concern.

"The sword array refined by Lingbao Tianzun is known as the number one killing array in ancient and modern times. Its killing intent is the heaviest. It should be able to absorb the killing intent of those broken flesh and blood."

Xu Yu circulated the secrets of the characters "兵" and "团" to activate the Immortal-Zhuxian Formation and the two immortal swords, covering the Taihuang's broken flesh and bones underneath, and absorbing the murderous intent emitted by them.

Zixia held the seal of Yuanshi to protect him, and it took half a year to practice before absorbing the remaining murderous intentions in the pile of emperor's flesh and blood into Zhuxian's killing array.


The two killing swords trembled, the Tianzun array rotated, and the chaotic energy surged, sucking out the remaining emperor's blood in a pile of flesh and bones, and condensed into a blood mist.

Although most of the essence of the Taihuang's corpse was absorbed by the Immortal Emperor, the remaining part of the emperor's blood is still huge for Zixia, a saint king.

The array rotated, and the immortal sword shield, which had been refined into murderous blood mist, slowly enveloped Xu Yu in it, bathed in the imperial blood, and tempered his flesh and body.

A year later, there was a huge sound of chanting scriptures in this restricted area, which was extremely mysterious, causing all kinds of terrifying anomalies between heaven and earth.

After ten years of honing under the supreme coercion of the Queen Mother of the West, and adding the emperor's blood to refine her body and absorb the divine power contained in it, Zixia finally created her own four-pole secret realm scripture.

At this moment, her whole body is crystal clear, and her body reveals
Immortal Baohui, whose physical strength has been sublimated to the utmost, has infinitely approached the realm of the Great Sage.

Xu Yu turned around and left with Zixia who was about to cross the catastrophe, rushed out of the territory, away from the ancient Big Dipper, and found a depleted star field for Zixia to cross the catastrophe.

After a terrifying catastrophe, Zixia successfully broke through the barrier of the Saint King and successfully entered the realm of the Great Saint, her strength has been greatly improved.

And the blood and bones that the Taihuang exploded in the world of Immortal Mansion also completely lost the last essence, and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Only those soils that were stained red by the emperor's blood were still burning with terrifying blood-colored flames, indicating that there was a trace of the fall of a great emperor there.

After many years of retreat, both Xu Yu and Zixia have once again set foot on a new height.

When they returned to the Holy Land of Zifu, the disciples reported on the current situation of Beidou in these years.

More and more powerful people from outside the territory came, and Beidou became more chaotic and tense.

(End of this chapter)

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