Chapter 238 The Bleeding Event

And Ye Fan and the others also came back from the Starry Sky Ancient Road a year ago. A few months ago, in order to rescue his disciple Huahua, he hit the Mount Sumeru in the Western Desert and stirred up a huge disturbance.

After hearing this, Xu Yu was not surprised at all.

Huahua can be regarded as part of the reincarnation of Amitabha Buddha's soul, and it can be said that it has confirmed the ultimate teaching of Buddhism to a certain extent, past life, present life, reincarnation and reincarnation!
He will be doomed in the end!
Not long after, various forces proposed to hold a grand gathering of all races to discuss a charter for the upcoming road to immortality.

"Road to Immortal!"

After Xu Yu got the news, he shook his head helplessly!
The Road to Immortality is about to appear, and more and more powerful men descend from the heavens and myriad realms, and Beidou, as the center of the swirl, is becoming more and more chaotic, with various disputes one after another, and endless battles.

According to old legends, the ancient emperor and the ancient emperor speculated that this life will be different from the past, there will be a real fairy gate leading to the fairyland, but the time is limited.

Therefore, the various ethnic groups suggest that everyone discuss together, to sort out a charter and set some rules, so as to avoid such endless chaos.

The Ten Thousand Clans Grand Meeting came into being, but this grand event was much more prosperous than the Yaochi Conference back then, involving almost hundreds of thousands of great clans from all over the universe.

Although Xu Yu knew that it was futile to discuss the road to immortality at the grand meeting of all clans held by various clans, and it was completely vain fantasy, but he still wanted to take a look and meet the powerhouses of all heavens and ten thousand realms.

The City of Darkness, a place that makes people tremble in ancient and modern times, this city is very special, and there have been many dark turmoil in history.

It is not very far from the undead mountain in the restricted area of ​​life. It has once been occupied by supreme figures such as Dacheng Holy Physique and Void Emperor.

Recently, the City of Darkness is very uneasy, because there will be a grand event held here, when the human race, the ancient race, the monster race, and the saints from outside the territory will all come.

As long as it is a sufficiently powerful race, whether it is the local forces of Beidou or the forces of the outer space, they will send people to participate.

The date of the grand event arrived, and the clouds and mist rolled over the dark city, and the waves were heavy, as if a gate of heaven and earth had opened, and there was a thunderous sound.

Naturally, the grand meeting of the monks will not be held on the ground. There is a huge sacred land sealed above the ancient city, and now it has been jointly opened by people.

It was a floating continent covered in mist and clouds, like a fairyland, flying out of the void and standing on the sea of ​​clouds.


In a celestial tower, hangs an ancient big bell, which emits a huge bell, and the sound spreads in all directions.

"The legendary bell is ringing again." The mortals discussed and looked up to the sky.

I saw streamers of light flying and shining, rushing into the ancient continent. This grand event officially began, and powerful people from all over the universe appeared on the stage one after another.


The sky and the earth shook, and a gigantic divine rat swooped down from outside the territory, with a length of tens of miles, exuding a powerful pressure all over its body.

The phoenix screamed for nine days, and a black three-legged phoenix spread its wings. Its body was burning with raging black flames. Its huge body cut through the sky and landed on the ancient continent. This is another great saint from outside the territory.

In the end, Beidou's Ji family, Jiang family, Yaochi and other extreme forces of the human race, as well as royal families such as Shencanling, Xuehuang Mountain, Huolin Cave, etc. also arrived.

All ethnic groups come together, and they must strive for the greatest benefits for their clan on the road to immortality, and set a charter and laws that all ethnic groups can abide by.

The meeting started, and countless powerful people discussed the various things that will open the era of Immortal Road, and what rules should be set.

"Everyone, do you feel that there are too many human races? The whole Beidou is full of their figures, which is much more than the total number of all races. The fairy road is opened. If the world is flying immortals, it is not necessary to use the human race as the leader. Respect?" A strong man of the foreign race said gloomily.

"That's right, the Big Dipper opened up the road to immortality, and the advantages of being so human here are too great, should we join hands and invite some of them out!" Some other strong people echoed.

The number of Beidou human race is frighteningly large, covering the five domains of the world. As long as it is suitable for living, there are basically human races.

"It's a big tone! Clear the human race out." At this time, a voice resounded through the sky and spread throughout the entire hall, making everyone feel trembling, even the great saints of all races frowned.

The person who spoke was Xu Yu. He was dressed in white clothes, heroic and handsome, his eyes were as bright as stars, and he brought Zixia to the ancient continent.

"Since someone wants to ask the human race to leave, let me see how strong he is!" He looked at the heroes of the heavens with indifferent eyes, and then looked at some strong outsiders who had spoken just now, and stretched out a big hand directly, cover Overwhelmed.


In just a split second, the front was covered with blood, and he raised his hand to wipe out all those strong men, leaving only a blood mist floating slowly in place.


Seeing this scene, countless strong men felt chills in their hearts. The young supreme who had just arrived was too strong, and he directly wiped out dozens of strong men with a wave of his hand. In one fell swoop, both body and spirit are gone.

"Some people are really asking for it!" Countless strong people suddenly became trembling, and they no longer dared to talk about inviting the human race out. Facing the extremely powerful Xu Yu, they couldn't afford to offend them.

"Young man, is it too much for you to do this? They are just talking about it, and you have killed so many strong people. Is your human race really going to be the only one?" Come out, showing a very dissatisfied look.

"Why, do you have an opinion?" Xu Yu looked over with dull eyes.

"Hmph, today I want to see what arrogance you, a descendant of the human race, have!" The great sage of the Tongtian Rat Clan had a gloomy face. He felt the contempt in the opponent's eyes and couldn't help but get angry.

As a high-ranking great sage, he respects a domain and is worshiped by all races. Even the great sages of other races have to wait politely.

However, Xu Yu's attitude towards him was so dismissive, which naturally made this foreign saint unacceptable.

"Just because you, a little ant, dare to fight against me, I don't need to take action. Zixia went to kill him and let him become the first stepping stone to be killed in your great sage realm."

As soon as Xu Yu's words fell, Zixia left his side and met the Great Sage of the Rat Clan.


The sky and the earth roared, the ancient continent trembled, and a great war broke out. All the people who came to participate in the grand gathering of all races stared closely at the two people who were confronting each other in the sky.

"Two friends, peace is the most important thing!" Suddenly, a plainly dressed old man flew high into the sky and tried to persuade him to fight. This person is the Great Sage Huntuo.

I'm going, something will happen!

The people watching the battle felt that there was a sense of isolation in their hearts. The current Shuaishen has made a big statement. As long as he persuades a fight, it will most likely be a tragedy.


Sure enough, as soon as Shuaishen Huntuo's words fell, there was a scream from the sky, and the battle was less than ten strokes, and the peak saint of the Tongtian Shenshu clan was directly blown away by Zixia.

Then with a flick of Zixia's fingers, a bright golden flame streaked across the void, completely extinguishing this alien great sage from outside the domain.

"The great sage of the Tongtian Shenshu clan is already at the peak state, and he was defeated in less than ten moves. This... is unbelievable!"

Countless powerhouses looked at each other, their eyes full of horror. In this period when Emperor Zhun was almost invisible, the Great Sage at the Peak was the most powerful man, even if he looked at the whole universe.

But today, such a great sage who is respected in one domain was beheaded in a few strokes, which is really unbelievable.

Moreover, the other party was Zixia, the Saintess of the Zifu who was much lower than him, which really shocked them.

According to the news from the Xingkong Ancient Road, Xu Yu's becoming the quasi-emperor is naturally aloof, but it made them ignore the people around Xu Yu.

They didn't expect that those people who followed Xu Yu were all so powerful.Basically, they are all real young supreme beings.

"Is this Fairy Zixia? Compared with more than a hundred years ago, her strength has undergone tremendous changes. Except for the same rank of the ancient emperor's parent-child level, no one can match him!"

"The human race has produced such an outstanding person. Could it be that she will become the second emperor of the West in the future?"

The old patriarchs of the several major royal families all had expressions of fear in their eyes. They understood that even if Taoist Shencan, Huang Xudao and others were to compete with Zixia, it would be difficult to say who would win.

Zixia passed the first love of the emperor's flesh and blood.As a result, when he spent the Great Sage's Day, his life's strength directly spanned from the early stage of the Great Sage to the third heaven of the Great Sage, and he took down the realm firmly.

In addition, she is also in the realm of forbidden gods and possesses forbidden secret techniques. She naturally has an absolute advantage in dealing with those who rely on time to climb to the realm of the Great Saint. Even if there is a small gap in the realm, it is strategic The direct control is indeed stronger than the Great Sage of the Rat Clan.

It was because with the help of the emperor's body left behind by the Western Emperor, Zixia realized her own taboo secret technique, so she was able to kill the eldest sage of the Tongtian Rat Clan in such a short period of time.


With a flash of light, Zixia flew down from the sky, with a calm expression on her face. She didn't care much about beheading a peak sage easily. Over the years, he has been fighting constantly on the ancient starry sky road, I have already developed a mentality of not being surprised when things change, and nothing can move my heart.

Now she has become a strong person in the realm of the great sage, plus she possesses various secret techniques, especially the secrets of the forbidden domain and the secret of all, which can greatly improve her combat power. In addition, plus what he has comprehended Therefore, she was not at all afraid when facing the previous great sage.

In the central area of ​​the ancient continent, there is a vast central heavenly palace, which is the place where various ethnic groups discuss.

The great saints of all races stepped in one after another, and now only the most powerful series of people can appear there.

Xu Yu and Zixia walked side by side and also entered it.Of course, for the allocation of quotas for the road to immortality,

He scoffed at it, knowing that everything was false, so he just went in casually to see how the various races would formulate rules and regulations.

Although he didn't take this grand gathering of ten thousand races seriously, the other races were completely different. They were all solemn like never before, and they would not give an inch to the possible benefits of Xianlu.

The great peacock King Ming of Buddhism brought the demon-subduing pestle, the eldest saint of the Ji family carried the void mirror, Jiang Yifei, the peerless genius of the Jiang family, carried the Hengyu Furnace, and the Taihuang Sword of the Great Xia Dynasty was also brought by an elder saint full of decay. up.

In Xu Yu's induction, the emperor soldiers and ancient emperor soldiers of the whole Big Dipper might have gathered. If any disputes arise, they will not hesitate to use extreme weapons to protect the interests of the clan.

In the central heavenly palace, he listened to the fierce quarrels and tit-for-tat debates of various ethnic groups, but he didn't say a word.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you are extremely powerful, and you have the emperor's army in hand, what do you think?" Someone suddenly asked Xu Yu.

"Opinion? No!" Xu Yu smiled faintly, got up and walked outside the Central Heavenly Palace with Zixia, and said casually: "After the road to immortality is opened, if there are places for flying immortals, I don't want any of them, and I will let you all!"

Everyone paused slightly when they heard the words, they didn't expect that he, who was so powerful when he first came, would speak like this, as if he didn't care about the so-called road to immortality at all.

In fact, what Xu Yu said is not wrong, the real road to immortality will be revealed after 1000 years. The current Beidou road to immortality is a failure, and it is impossible to enter the world of immortality.

What's more, with the strength of all the people present, I'm afraid that even the cannon fodder who entered the cracks in the fairyland are not qualified.

You know, throughout the ages, countless gods, ancient emperors and great emperors have all fallen on the road to immortality.Not to mention the great sages and sage kings that they haven't been emperors all these years.

However, Xu Yu's attitude could not change anything. After he left, there was still a heated argument in the Central Heavenly Palace, and a big quarrel broke out.

Not long after, the great sage even overturned the table, and two figures rushed out of the heavenly palace and flew into the sky. They confronted each other indifferently, and the great holy war was about to break out again.

Xu Yu glanced at it casually, just shook his head slightly, ignored the affairs in the Central Heavenly Palace, and walked towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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