Chapter 239

In the central heavenly palace, everything is so fierce, involving the hope of becoming a fairy, the great sage sat down to discuss, all the clans are fighting each other, and they have to think about their own clan.

In the face of the cruel facts, everything has to be calculated. At this moment, no one will be high-spirited, and the key is to strive for the greatest benefit for the family.

There was a fierce quarrel inside Tiangong, and there were crowds of people listening outside Tiangong, but Xu Yu was unmoved by the hope of becoming a fairy in the future, and left the inside together with Zixia to the outside world.

He is as rich as jade, aloof and outstanding, especially with the news that he has stepped into the quasi-emperor, his invincible power is fully displayed, and he is attracting attention wherever he goes.

The young women of all races looked at him with brilliant eyes and whispered to each other. If it wasn't for their inequalities in status and status, many of them would have taken the initiative to talk to him.

In addition, Zixia beside him is surrounded by fairy mist, with a slender figure, and Qiushui is a divine jade as a bone, wearing a rosy robe, ethereal like a fairy descended into the world, the two standing together are like a pair of peerless people.

On this ancient continent, clouds and mist filled the air, and the palaces and towers were arranged in it, ethereal and misty, really like a fairyland. Some relatively young masters did not enter the central heavenly palace, but stayed outside.

In a gazebo, Xu Yu found the God Son of the Feng Clan, that is, Feng Xuan's elder brother, Feng Xuan. They hadn't seen each other since they parted in the God Realm.

"Brother Feng, it's been so many years!" Xu Yu stepped forward with a smile.

"Sit down!" Seeing Xu Yu coming, Feng Xuan quickly got up to greet him, and sighed: "Time flies, and hundreds of years have passed in a blink of an eye."

Back then, Feng Xuan fell into a deep retreat after leaving the Heavenly God Realm. At that time, Xu Yu speculated that he had obtained a great inheritance in the secret realm of the Heavenly God Sword. Now it seems that he has indeed obtained the Supreme Being Inheritance, his current realm is almost the same as those top talents on Xingkong Four Years Road, and even faintly surpassed.

And Xu Yu set foot on the ancient road of starry sky, and the two have never seen each other since then, and now more than 100 years have passed.

"Back then, in the world of gods and gods, I obtained the Dao bone of a supreme figure in the chaotic ancient times. In that bone, there were infinite Tao rhymes, which seemed to be related to the immortal way. By chance, the Dao bone Blending with me gave me the opportunity to be reborn."

Feng Xuan recalled the emotion of the past. At that time, he thought that he would be taken away by the will contained in the bone, but he didn't think that the other party's purpose was to fulfill him, and wanted to find someone to accept his inheritance.

After he merged with the Dao bone, he fell into a deep sleep, and more than 200 years passed in an hour, and he woke up from the deep sleep some time ago.

After he woke up, he realized that his own strength had undergone earth-shaking changes, from the original dragon transformation to the current peak of the great saint in one fell swoop, which made people feel the impermanence of the world.

After listening to his narration, Xu Yu thought of Wang Changsheng and others in the chaotic ancient times. They all gained a part of the body of the supreme figure to greatly increase their own strength.

However, Xu Yu didn't find any strange and ominous aura in Feng Xuan's physical strength after using his innate eyes to scan continuously.

Suddenly, there was a noise not far away, and an ancient chariot slowly approached, full of the breath of time, and it could be felt that it was an ancient relic.

The chariot is old and dark, with a bit of metallic luster, and the wheels are polished with stones, which are taupe and slightly rough.

These may be nothing, but the only shocking thing is that the one pulling the cart turned out to be a stone tiger. Although its body is somewhat mutilated, the faint power it exudes still makes people feel horrified.

This is a head so powerful that it has almost reached the level of a saint king. It is only used to pull a cart. How can it not be shocking!

As soon as this old ancient car entered the ancient continent, it caused a sensation, and many people focused their attention on it, causing a commotion.

"Using the Holy Spirit as the chariot, what is the origin of the people inside?"

"Even the Great Sage can't do it!"

The darlings bred by the Holy Spirit for heaven and earth are extremely noble in status. The Great Sage may be able to kill them, but it is absolutely impossible to persuade them to pull a cart.

The ancient vehicle approached slowly, not very fast. Beside the vehicle, followed by three attendants, each of them was covered by a black armored stomach, and even their heads and faces were covered, so they couldn't see their true faces clearly.

A servant lifted the curtain and stepped out with one foot, without any strong fluctuations or intimidating aura.

It was a young man with deep eyes and extraordinary handsomeness, but his complexion was unusually pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun all year round.

His appearance made many people tremble. With their amazing intuition, they knew that he was a peerless powerhouse and an existence that could not be ignored.

"My name is An Bodhisattva, everyone is polite." The young man said.

Everyone was surprised, such a peerless and powerful figure.How has the name never been heard before, where did it pop up out of the blue?

Even Jiang Yifei stood up at this time, obviously feeling that this person is extraordinary, with a special temperament, even though his performance is very ordinary, it cannot be ignored.

Princess Yueling, Prince Huai Zun, etc. all showed strange colors. This person must be a top expert, and it was entirely their instinct.

"May I ask your name, where does it come from?" Shi Zhongxuan asked.

"My name is Anbo, and I live in the Central Region." The young man said.

Everyone was surprised. Such a powerful person had never been heard of before. Why did he suddenly appear today? Is there such a person in Zhongyu?

In the distance, Ye Fan frowned slightly. This person was far from simple, which made his heart skip a beat, but he had never seen it before. Is he really a strong Beidou?

"Tigers and leopards are hidden deep in the mountains, and unicorns are buried in the fields. I thought that there are all the heroes of the Big Dipper here, but I never thought that there are such unborn characters as Xiongtai." Shi Zhongxuan said.

Beside, many people echoed, feeling that this person is extraordinary, most likely he is a hermit powerhouse, which makes people awe-inspiring.

"Where does Xiongtai live?" Jiang Yifei asked.

"Not far from the Dark City." An Bo said, taking a deep look at Cha Yifei.

Everyone was surprised and wondered, secretly sighing that this dark city is really extraordinary, and there is such a peerless person hiding nearby, which they had never even heard of before.People can only comfort themselves, the world is too

When he grows up, there are bound to be some unknown powerhouses, who will not even be discovered by the world until they die.

"Are all the Great Sages talking about the opening of the Road to Immortals? Why don't you listen to it, and I want to go and have a look." An Pu said, bowed his hands to everyone, and walked forward on foot.

Many people looked at his back, showing a thoughtful look. This person appeared too suddenly, and he didn't know the origin of his footsteps, which always made people feel a little special.

In front of the main hall, there were huge crowds of people and powerful monks everywhere. After An Bo came here, he listened quietly for a long time.

It wasn't until the great sage of the Ji family came out that his expression shook. At the same time, the ancient mirror in the body of the old sage of the Ji family moved slightly and made a clanking sound.

The old sage Huo turned his head and looked to this side suddenly, his eyes were extremely blazing. He saw this slightly sick young man and stared at him for a long time.

"It's their aura!" He took a deep look at this person, muttered to himself, but left without making a move.

"The feeling for the elders is still there, Shen Jing is too serious." An Bo whispered.He stood at this place for a while, then returned along the same road, and when passing by a gathering place of heroes, he was invited and sat down.

"It's really surprising that such an outstanding person like Xiongtai didn't have a good reputation before." Someone made a side note and wanted to ask him about his real background.

"In the past, the elders were very strict and there was no way to come out. Recently, I finally had the opportunity to take a good look at this land." An Bo said flatly.He has always been calm, as if nothing can make him fluctuate.

Everyone sat down and talked about some ancient things, which was quite pleasant, but An Bo was very knowledgeable and knew many ancient secrets, and when he told it, scholars from all over the world listened quietly.

"The road to immortality is about to open, and the existence of the seven forbidden areas of life will probably make a big move?" Someone brought up this topic.

"The Immortal Mountain is very close here. I don't know what kind of attitude the Supreme One will take after he is born." Someone showed a worried look.

"Speaking of which, the Enlightenment Immortal Tea in Immortal Mountain is almost ripe again. Unfortunately, most of this year, no one dares to go outside the mountain to guard it. In the past, we could get some leaves." Someone expressed deep regret.

An Bo smiled, and said: "Brother, I was lucky enough to get a few slices by chance. Today we are talking about speculation. Please enjoy some tea."

Let's just say, with a wave of his hand, a set of tea sets appeared on the stone table, glittering and translucent, and a few leaves flew out and fell into the pot.

One of them is shaped like a small tripod, with three legs and two ears, flowing and lustrous, intertwined with dao patterns.

Another piece of red clouds flickered, like a furnace rising and falling, spewing out bursts of fireworks, and strands of divine patterns formed the shape of this leaf.

This is the masterpiece of the gods, enlightening the gods of Taoism, the natural way of tea leaves, each piece has a different law, representing a certain unchanging truth between heaven and earth.

Among them, there is a piece of human form, which looks like a villain sitting cross-legged, with a clear color, surrounded by a trace of mist, like a fairy in the lower realm.

Everyone was extremely surprised, who is this person, just because he was chatting speculatively with everyone, he took out enlightenment tea to entertain? !
In the past, no matter who got it, they would carefully store it, and only take it out for entertainment when the most distinguished guests came.

This person's shot was too generous, and everyone immediately had a good impression of him.

Especially for the monks outside the territory, the tea tree is out of reach for them, it is something in legends, and they have never expected to see it in person.They never thought that they could taste this fairy tea today, and they were all surprised, and then overjoyed.

The clear spring water is like nectar, and it has a faint fragrance, which makes people very surprised. After being boiled, it slowly enters the main pot, and suddenly a fragrance wafts out, which surprises the people nearby.

The fragrance of this tea is so special, just smelling it makes me feel clear in my heart, how extraordinary it is.

A servant in black armor offered tea, and the dozen or so young people sitting at the stone table raised their cups of tea carefully and heavily, first sniffing it, and then marveling.

Huo Lin'er glanced at it, lowered his head to drink tea, said nothing, and looked thoughtful.In fact, she had noticed An Bo long ago and kept frowning.

After tasting the tea, everyone felt refreshed and felt like they were about to realize the Tao. They all silently comprehended for a long time in silence.

It wasn't until a long time later that each of them came back to their senses slowly and expressed their gratitude to An Pu. Although this slightly sick young man seemed indifferent, he was also very humble. He shook his head and didn't care.

When they talked about the past and the present, it was natural that they would inevitably mention the Undead Mountain, Emperor Void, and the Great Accomplishment Saint Physique, because both of them had attacked before.

"The road to immortality, everything is for the sake of becoming immortal! They don't know that the road to becoming immortal they entrusted to them is impossible for them to become immortals. From the moment they cut off the emperor's fruit, they have already lost The hope of becoming a fairy!"

Hearing the discussion of the people in the distance, Xu Yu also sighed.

"Fellow Daoist, it seems that you have a different understanding of the road to immortality!"

An Bodhisattva is powerful, with intelligent ears and eyes. He heard Xu Yu's muttering, and then asked.

"It is said that one can enter the realm of immortality through the Road to Immortality, so that people can become immortals, but who knows what kind of creatures immortals are?"

"In people's understanding, immortality and eternal youth are immortals, but these two simple sentences have turned many pairs of ancient emperors and the earth into immortals!"

"But even after paying a heavy price, no one has entered the Immortal Realm to become an immortal, so I don't know if the road to immortality opened in this life can go directly to the Immortal Realm!"

Xu Yu told An Pu in a circumstantial manner that the road to immortality in this life may be empty, leaving people with eternal hatred.

"The road to immortality opened in this life was jointly deduced by countless ancient supreme beings, so there is no mistake!"

An Bo heard Xu Yu's implication, shook his head and said in affirmation.

"However, no one can say for sure about this kind of thing. After all, no one has really entered, so it's hard to say that they will definitely be able to reach the fairyland?"

After shaking his head, An Bo laughed at himself again.

At this moment, a girl in purple clothes appeared, graceful and beautiful, with dimples on her fair and pretty face, her bright eyes were kind, and she looked agile and playful.

"This is the jewel of Donghuang Ji's family, a proud girl with amazing talent, who successfully returned from the Starry Sky Ancient Road." Someone said.

"It is rumored that she is not very diligent in her cultivation, but she is extremely powerful, and she is a genius for a day."

Someone stood up and said hello. They were the descendants of Emperor Void, and they were so amazing that they were naturally worthy of invitation.

However, An Bo sighed softly, and said: "So, I am a world feud with her. Although it is a grudge between the elders, I have no choice but to take action."

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect this man who had been calm all this time to say such a thing, he was going to attack Ji Ziyue!

"Brother, it's not good to do this." Jiang Yifei shook his head and said.

"I heard that he is very close to the human saint." Shi Zhongxuan reminded.

"Really?" An Bo smiled softly, it was very bright, and then returned to a sick look, saying: "It's all world enemies.

Beside him, the three servants in black armor walked straight forward, running towards Ji Ziyue, everyone's expressions froze, they didn't expect him to do it when he said he would do it.

Ji Ziyue was already approaching, she heard their words, but her expression remained unchanged, until the three servants approached, she also stopped pretty.


Suddenly, a galaxy-like light rushed over, directly blocking the way of the three servants, which was brilliant and dazzling.

Ye Fan, who was hidden here, poured out the wine in the cup, and it turned out to be as dazzling as a galaxy, with a feeling of boundlessness.

Even though it was just a glass of wine, it achieved such an astonishing effect, making the three servants in black armor stop in an instant, and it even surprised Shi Yingjie.

In this galaxy, they felt a vast and invincible will!

Ye Fan waved to Ji Ziyue and asked her to come over.

Puti sighed softly: "Crouching Tiger and Menglong here have a master right in front of them, but few people can realize that such a person deserves a cup of Enlightenment tea."

(End of this chapter)

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